Prepare to question everything.
If you'd like to make your home your temple, invest in [Remindful Art](.
The Simulation Argument.
What if we're living in a computer simulation? Something like the matrix?
What if future human beings simulate entire universes to study their past, and what if we're in one of them?
At first glance, this might seem like an absurd and highly unlikely proposition.
But then you read Nick Bostrom's famous simulation argument.
And it goes from laughable to frighteningly plausible in roughly 30 seconds.
The simulation argument is not for the faint of heart.
To question whether or not we are living in a simulation is to question literally everything about reality as we perceive it.
We won't fault you for closing this tab now and forgetting about this subject.
But, if your thirst for truth compels you, read on...
[The Simulation Argument: Why We Might Already Be Living in Virtual Reality](
“My advice is to go out and do really interesting things, so the simulators don’t shut you down.” — Max Tegmark
[Read More](
Carl Jung once observed,
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
We created [30 Challenges to Enlightenment]( to help you do this.
To become the strongest, wisest, and most honest expression of yourself.
As you know, taking action is hard and scary.
It’s much easier to cling to what you know, to what is stable and comfortable.
And yet, on some level, you realize that the treasure you seek cannot be found in your familiar routine.
You’re reading this because you want something more:
Adventure. Authenticity. Confidence. Purpose. Enlightenment.
Whatever it is you’re seeking, your well-worn patterns can’t get you there. They can only bring more of the same.
And that’s why we created this epic course: to break you out of your old patterns—to give you room to become a stronger, wiser, more heroic version of yourself.
One of the most powerful aspects of this course is that it is divided into six unique quests, which are based on the stages of enlightenment described in the Zen tradition.
The quests form a natural progression toward self-actualization and spiritual realization, providing meaningful direction to your journey.
This is just one element which sets it apart from everything else out there.
Each quest provides another stepping stone to increasingly liberating perspectives, greater awareness, and more enlightened states of being. Our aim was to create a kind of “PhD in self-development.”
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche understood the utility of temporary challenges as well as anyone, and he was one of our greatest inspirations in building this course.
Nietzsche recognized that in order to become stronger and wiser, it was necessary to overcome yourself—to leave behind your established ways and paradigms.
Nietzsche thought we should engage in perpetual self-conquering, regularly transcending our current conditioning to become something more.
In pursuit of this end, he developed the idea of a “gymnastics of the will”—a practice of undertaking temporary experiments of willpower, with the intention of strengthening, mastering, refining, and deepening our being.
Friedrich Nietzsche understood that our conditioning runs deep. Even if you admit that you want to change your life, it’s damn difficult to override your habitual programming.
The solution to this problem, for Nietzsche, was to regularly attempt a variety of life experiments—experiments that would push one to act contrary to one’s conditioning.
If we could just make a habit of attempting life-transforming challenges, Nietzsche thought we would unearth our own greatness, that which lies beneath our conditioning, and become resilient masters of life.
However, we’ll let you in on a sad secret:
Most of you won’t accept the challenge.
Even though you perceive this grand opportunity, most of you will find an excuse. And you will find reasons to believe this excuse.
As Nietzsche proclaimed, self-mastery and greatness are reserved for the very few.
Most are destined to spend their lives doing what is easy, procrastinating on what they truly desire.
Some of you are different.
Some embrace what is difficult.
The rarest of souls delight in challenging their limitations and becoming doers, not mere dreamers.
And they are rewarded. They unearth the hidden jewels of human existence.
Are you such a person?
Will you accept the challenge?
Copyright © 2017 HighExistence, All rights reserved.
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