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[FREE] 5 day training + bonus day Hot Seat Coaching with Rachel


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Tue, Jul 18, 2023 11:03 PM

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If you are building and/or growing your business, perfecting your Million Dollar Offer should always

If you are building and/or growing your business, perfecting your Million Dollar Offer should always be on your mind to reach your 7-figure [multiply-webinars-1](113/d2M4P904/VVsz2h1FHt7QW4XtcT12W-jg4W35KrPN517v0TN824Dz53lSbNV1-WJV7CgYMSW7lvvf74NQwFxN6dLC4wc7pB9VqFzKS6K7Ns4W7lnscK61LWPcVGj2RR7FWxL2W85G9fW8Sr3_pN3qYG4p_JDkYW5Y3BYY2TkXnMW5H-zD-5L7WnCW1-ZPcJ8f0P9dW6D-9Yr3d4LpzW3RLDns5ttj4tW3MQstg58p-DrW7_H_Cr3nDgLqW5-Hyk11wpGDQW9gNGH_4zH5YbW19qNyL44jy-LW7Fc6B56pGPyBW2hj-Kn4tRr6SW2lMsJP5WN2lVW1t5RXg1hCvc2W5b6b419dxFzv33TG1) {NAME}, If you are building and/or growing your business, perfecting your Million Dollar Offer should always be on your mind to reach your 7-figure (& beyond) dream! This is where [MULTIPLY: Build a Bankable Offer in 5 days](113/d2M4P904/VVsz2h1FHt7QW4XtcT12W-jg4W35KrPN517v0TN824Dz53lSbNV1-WJV7CgK_wW4rjjhK4666J6N4_4QTmRkFQ4W6LHtpJ5mVjRfW87WzG13jBx-jW8S1mKt5XmZj0W3rVQhP5ZdRZqW2hvSmC4MKpdXW4_zXJy4CSgW9N4bjyC49dDC6W22Qv9H6ktNJCW5Tbng657cJLvW22Tymk4cSJRrN1-1mMwsHKQZW31DmQH7YbLXFW7P7Kpz1ncpfHMsxGLzKmjcFW7WR1gl5xBpc6W23LcJz4ywSQ_N5L7s0h2YW_-W4hp6rs44DwMtW92lnSX1m_KhZW74Xflg8D2Qng36xy1) enters the chat. What is MULTIPLY? 👉🏾 It’s a free FIVE day intensive around proven courses to building your million dollar offer. 👉🏾 Every day will consist of 60 minute sessions to teach you a core principle of building your offer 👉🏾 We will end every session with a Q&A to ensure that all of your questions are answered In this FREE training you will learn: 👉🏾 The process to creating an/or refining your Million Dollar Offer to generate over $1,000,000 in revenue. 👉🏾 How-To prime your audience so that they’re pinning for your offer and counting down the days until launch (this method works even if you have no audience yet, seriously!). 👉🏾 Rachel’s proven method for conquering procrastination that makes working on your offer (not a chore) and will keep you on track for an on-time delivery. 👉🏾 Hello Seven’s specific growth engine method for getting the best Lifetime Value (or LTV if we want to get technical) from every customer who buys your offer. Secret: this is how real bosses do it. 👉🏾 How Rachel made $25k on a new offer in 24 hours, using only two emails, before the full offer even existed. It’s literally voodoo!! But that’s not all… At the end of our 5-day course, there will be LIVE extended 🔥[Hot Seat Coaching with Rachel Rodgers](113/d2M4P904/VVsz2h1FHt7QW4XtcT12W-jg4W35KrPN517v0TN824Dz53lSbNV1-WJV7CgBx6W5gpRr57f6WfVN2hDWXPr9nzgW8gk3Ck6Z77f4W8ddss38Q4hwtW1jGZFg4f2FjrW6pSxRV2M55RdW17xdMk6TwTk3N6NQKgwVXjXtW1865p_1rXL46W3nfRzH4mHR7xW41NFw27mPnwZW7NvWYQ8hSSd2W8FwtZd2hdY7mW3kG6WD8ShMsQW8sk0lt2gncTzW6fnvBq10K2BYW2DQ0431JdvCnW4pLTk-6QHZTJW297TTw3PSNf1W149XBs6M8wDZW8DVmgN4JQ-HrW1r6Cz16K4K3335QJ1). In the hot seat coaching portion of Multiply, Rachel will be answering any and all questions about building an offer that generates millions of dollars. To commemorate this course… The grand finale will be something extra special that you don’t want to miss! Let’s face it—you can’t build wealth on a salary alone. And if you have a Million Dollar Offer #DoNotSleep on it! Here’s the course schedule: July 31st - Start Time: 3pm ET - Topic: Building Your Vision August 1st - Start Time: 3pm ET - Topic: Defining Your Goals August 2nd - Start Time: 3pm ET - Topic: Knowing Your Audience August 3rd - Start Time: 3pm ET - Topic: Finding Diamonds in The Rough August 4th - Start Time: 3pm ET - Topic: Turning Ideas into Profits August 7th - Start Time: Coming Soon… - Topic: Hot Seat Coaching with Rachel Rodgers MULTIPLY starts July 31st. Do not sleep on this FREE opportunity to build your Million Dollar Offer from inception to execution. [SIGN UP FOR FREE](113/d2M4P904/VVsz2h1FHt7QW4XtcT12W-jg4W35KrPN517v0TN824Dz53lSbNV1-WJV7Cgz-nMbQ0nz6lhJYW3hHwv_6L8X2GVKTG1p5pWp7yW7VG6c-2L5RVfN3jVZhrrzGyWW4k0l3R7lvNgYW37_bNg7XxXGHN33yzycxn0BPV2zryN5GT52DV2f3yM8hBxnxW1PzlsG4j15r1W49yYZ03sy_HvN72Y7LpKktstW47zYqr8N64hMW8LJglF7zlkPjW8s1gMJ1mjhv9W2Vs5W712mGPRN3TsDlC2FT-7W5YdvhT40QYKcW3X2RT81snLhbN26pzsh529GPW5G8FT17v4DhK33Q01) xo, The Hello Seven Team PS. Know someone that could benefit from this FREE training? Share the love: [USE THIS LINK](113/d2M4P904/VVsz2h1FHt7QW4XtcT12W-jg4W35KrPN517v0TN824Dz53lSbNV1-WJV7CgGT6W2LG-pZ1fhbrzW3jM1JG8V1y1VW84DC9f6P9XT_W3GrD7G7sL74gW456BbH8j663tW6StjF74nwgyvW5g9P7S4MwdkxVhjG1B57fRzXW7wYy3g2CcxQQW3-7tln4_P2S9W5gq5lz2b1KGVW3PKBF03bHqDBW8xYvcq5l5gr5W2sbMWT2Vrl0PW40R5-v2S36pgW6gX80c3ZMJNsW7m7JtT3-4J9pW2s1kQJ8QRhW4N5R0jdvNDbTvW10-qtw8xdjLZVGcCXY1_bbJnW6cWMMd6s9_w13bFl1) [Group 936] [01.HelloSeven-Branding-Logo-RGB-Main 1] [Instagram](113/d2M4P904/VVsz2h1FHt7QW4XtcT12W-jg4W35KrPN517v0TN824Dz53lSbNV1-WJV7CgYHHV4MBz73GwbtQW5ng8XR2HmGs4W58p1CJ2xmpQXN6Q1N4TQMJ-mW8WrKzq5HXl7tW2DzfJd2qW7KcVKl4X08FZrCTN3zrlQMx0S_DW7-9Gp85GmyrQW8p5szX2G1fqxW2VYVBp3fXMKWN4v4DGJTmdynW4mKrPX4NPTfcW657_KD4_FjjtW5BJW1S1MS8v_W5ddz8p4417whW8F_jhm7DV9X6W91_FQj8VMCBYW7PHl9f7_JYTGW3kQxWz3kG9VzW2L-t1x2z5BdjW7RWjfg25r2GM3hMf1) [Facebook](113/d2M4P904/VVsz2h1FHt7QW4XtcT12W-jg4W35KrPN517v0TN824Dz53lSbNV1-WJV7CgTz5W70Hn1Z7KC65dW2HJ8gh6LZYmvW6grRFD1hsRHvW3W2s2m2snPzNW6pC_bN1pBynWW1VZQZB5cS7-TW2Q2g3h3zr7Q8W6JFd2B670SqXW70Q3vP858VXmW4wwKN05kJ6xYW5v8tlL8ZZh0QW4Myhc23NK-J-VG0KkZ1yBVgtVjJwq370Qt6xW1WZm3n7hwPNmW3D1HzW3-hJHPW5KMSGd5y_PJKW7rVbVx3RZ4VgW21dLTr5PqqpBW6vFYRW31sFpQW12_zRd682ZTYVq5LQ93CjTNQ31831) [Twitter](113/d2M4P904/VVsz2h1FHt7QW4XtcT12W-jg4W35KrPN517v0TN824Dz53lSbNV1-WJV7CgN6TW3XFrcX36JfT6W7kxlbV8THT48W3-M1F71z1hvjW3GRZkh6Cc2NXW3pnpzk7dl-SrW15P79y7_h-hzW24pSBW3cXn5GW8Sbx3B5H7xk5W664vQM8RGy31W870TRz5__9ySW1HnyPw1mhtZKW35ZWnq8W0sm3W1jxd6s7pc-LNW7Xj6HL6VD5qQW93cK8r1zj14HW4pxWwv7vrbtnW86SFSb3xmK_jW9020MV2mtd6QW5dj9CQ52w9fcW8jC00_68yY2wW6GcXxt96P5sBW77P33J8W2lwf3mbc1) [LinkedIn](113/d2M4P904/VVsz2h1FHt7QW4XtcT12W-jg4W35KrPN517v0TN824Dz53lSbNV1-WJV7CgRSCV8TfWp82qkfsW7QdzWH1SlDpqW6wPbW561fKK7W2hWgLR6LHg1BW4QrvsS7Fm8N8W3RgGvM39HMwPW7gpTPb7T8kq2W7Z1jr85XMdCRW5Yqm9Q7cLCNQW7C-k2H1yWwnSW22GhY13lJwnkW9f-Z706Mfb16W7ZVgJ-1K5gY4N61tP5wfCQJlW7x6HV-855NvJW4zmGhl6vg9L0W1B1pqD62DXgCW98-DFQ4tlBKkW4LNBKw953Yn9W7lGnLy3r3vhcW2pp4584pNf5kN6NnrFsCGCXv349p1) [Website](113/d2M4P904/VVsz2h1FHt7QW4XtcT12W-jg4W35KrPN517v0TN824DyQ3lSbtV1-WJV7CgMtJW4f1w546SpjcvW5bDDwN8w11GWVfNxy46rc8tqW3GtgCK5W87NNW5wRFGD8qy6qfW1rgP8T8s7fkhW88tBsX1RYggrW7Q6pbx4KzPZLW630wyy8hM2_2Vy1F791wqb2_W4Hggkr5yl-YzW1lBhKp4BLCmZW58JJP51dkG7JW5XNJYK7kNWr8W6Hc-rd42-DygN82_RDSlWnVCN1Hwq9s3zFctW1MZkF61ZXschN2YcPCKGSjf_W8BQZ_Z8vsWyw3fnK1) | [About Us](113/d2M4P904/VVsz2h1FHt7QW4XtcT12W-jg4W35KrPN517v0TN824DyQ3lSbtV1-WJV7CgBDZW2_tYdd5drP5dW8q9Fvz67HsSjN10YZTmFn38pW30gHRx3rHzY7W3ld8843_1jzyW3dMC3c7mfJwjVwShkT17xPytW1mMfcY767FhzW89PDfP6m94g8W1tW6ln1RmyzcW5-7HZh3zCMhtW902lX82G9RbKW7W90Ns4xT9HQW25Yrzn543PBxN2vWncXbZvY7W23HJ5C9k00WDVyyhCp4NRbc1V3c7-q3FJl65W1P4MM_7rw-bzW5fHhcV6vBgYW3jY01) | [Contact Us]( You received this because you subscribed to the Hello Seven Newsletter. 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