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Nitro Pulse is BACK! [discount inside]


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Tue, Jul 23, 2024 01:21 PM

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The long-awaited NEW BATCH of this breakthrough formula is finally here! Open to get your supply. {N

The long-awaited NEW BATCH of this breakthrough formula is finally here! Open to get your supply. {NAME} a few months ago, I shared a brand new innovation with subscribers…  Gundry MD® Nitro Pulse™ My advanced heart support blend, designed to skyrocket your nitric oxide levels... Helping you unlock a STRONGER, SHARPER, LEANER, FITTER, and YOUNGER-LOOKING body than you’ve experienced in decades. When I released this formula, we sold through nearly 100,000 jars… in a matter of days. And since Nitro Pulse is made with a rare blend of premium ingredients sourced from all over the world… I haven’t been able to produce a new batch… Until today. I’m happy to announce Nitro Pulse is officially BACK IN STOCK. And to celebrate its return, I’m giving you the same extraordinary introductory discount I offered when it launched.  [Click HERE to save up to 47% OFF Nitro Pulse (sale supplies extremely limited)]( {NAME}, I’d urge you to click the link above right away… Because Nitro Pulse has instantly become a fan-favorite — thanks to the extraordinary “age reversing” benefits it quickly provides. In fact, when I shared Nitro Pulse with a small group of early users…  🧠87% felt less “brain fog”* 💪 87% felt more strength and stamina* ⚡️ 93% felt more energy throughout the day* Keep in mind, they felt all that in a matter of weeks. And now that the Gundry MD family has had a chance to try this groundbreaking new formula long-term… My inbox has been flooded with success stories.  Stefania from Calgary “Clear Mind” ★★★★★ “Clarity of thought was the most important result for me. It [also] helped me improve and recover faster. Then, energy! After 8 hrs of work, Nitro Pulse always helped in getting that energy boost needed to complete the work I still needed to do or get out and do a short hike.”* ________________________________ Rebecca from Tennessee “Game Changer” ★★★★★ “This supplement is awesome!! Increased energy, enhanced mood, overall wellness must have!! Please restock.”* ________________________________ Laura from Los Angeles “Love Love Love” ★★★★★ “This stuff gives me energy. Plus it tastes so good and refreshing in the morning or during a workout. I notice that I had more stamina during my workout too. I'm buying another jar of it.”* If you want to know how Nitro Pulse gets such amazing results for people… And why I’m constantly getting messages asking to restock… I need to introduce you to the Nobel Prize-winning discovery that inspired this blend. You see, Nitro Pulse helps skyrocket your body’s production of a “miracle molecule” known as nitric oxide. I consider nitric oxide to be one of the most important compounds in your body. And I’m not the only one. As Louis J. Ignarro — who won the Nobel Prize for discovering how nitric oxide works — famously said:  “There may be no disease process where this miracle molecule does not have a protective role.”¹ That’s because nitric oxide helps your cells convert oxygen into ENERGY. It turns the oxygen you breathe every second into fuel for the cells in your brain, metabolism, muscles, joints, and more. In fact, your cells CAN’T absorb the oxygen they desperately need without nitric oxide.² When you have enough nitric oxide, your cells are brimming with energy… Which can make you look and feel decades younger than you actually are. Seriously, there’s almost no “anti-aging” process in the body that nitric oxide doesn’t play an important role in. Maintaining healthy nitric oxide levels can literally… - Help you slim down…³  - Give you a major energy boost…⁴  - Strengthen your gut lining and support smooth, regular bowel movements…⁵,⁶  - Relax your arteries to support a healthy blood flow…⁷  - Reinforce your immune system…⁸  - Support the health of your brain (and even help make it easier to learn new things)…⁹  - Boost your mood…¹⁰  - Help with your bone density…¹¹  - And even allow you to build and maintain muscle.¹² But when you don’t have enough? Well, imagine the opposite of all the benefits I just listed. Suddenly, you’re dealing with low energy, a foggy mind, excess weight gain, and awful digestion. All the things most people claim are “just part of getting older.” They all stem from a lack of nitric oxide. This discovery reveals the REAL reason we look and feel so much worse as we age. You see, your body produces LESS nitric oxide each year. By age 40, you’re producing HALF the nitric oxide you did in your 20s.¹³ By age 70, that production gets cut in half AGAIN.¹⁴  The research is clear — age-related decline in nitric oxide production contributes to many of the worst signs of aging. I call this problem “Cell Starvation”… Because it literally “starves” the cells in your metabolism, joints, gut, brain, skin, and muscles of the oxygen they desperately need. But make no mistake — this is actually great news. Because it means…  GETTING older doesn’t have to mean FEELING older. Because when you boost your nitric oxide levels back to where they were decades ago… You can feel just as slim, strong, energetic, mobile, and vibrant as you did decades ago. So the million dollar question is… “HOW can you boost your nitric oxide levels?” Well, after poring through countless studies, the answer I found may not surprise you: Polyphenols — the “youth boosting” plant compounds I’ve spent my career researching. But not just any polyphenols. There are FIVE specific polyphenols that can help supercharge your body’s nitric oxide production¹⁵: Mangiferin, quercetin, catechins, protocatechuic acid, and resveratrol. And after researching every food under the sun… I only found ONE that contains these polyphenols in huge amounts. It’s a special type of mango found in the Tamil Nadu region of India. If you harvest it at just the right level of ripeness, this mango contains a TON of these five nitric oxide-supporting polyphenols. Now if you’ve followed my work for a while, you’ll know mangoes are right at the top of my “DO NOT EAT” list due to their high sugar content. So I worked with a team of German scientists to extract the polyphenols from this mango into a potent powder called Careflow. And let me tell you, this stuff is POWERFUL.  In a recent study, Careflow increased nitric oxide production by up to 60%... Within just FIVE minutes of taking it.¹⁶ That’s enough to effectively give you the nitric oxide levels you had ten years ago. But its effects go further than that. Careflow actually floods your body with the exact same enzymes that are produced when you fast for multiple days.¹⁷,¹⁸,¹⁹ That means an easier time staying lean (even while enjoying your favorite foods)… more energy… and of course, more youth-boosting nitric oxide… Without having to skip a single meal. Once I saw this extraordinary research, I knew Careflow alone could make a life changing difference in peoples’ bodies. But I didn’t stop there. I added FOUR more nitric oxide-supporting superfoods to accelerate and enhance Careflow’s rejuvenating abilities: - GIVOMAG — a premium-quality Gundry-approved form of magnesium… which helps improve your blood flow (to get MORE oxygen to your cells, even FASTER).²⁰  - Amla Fruit Extract — a rare Himalayan fruit containing polyphenols shown to help boost nitric oxide levels by an average of 55%.²¹  - L-Citrulline — an amino acid your body converts directly into nitric oxide (it’s also been shown to help keep your arteries relaxed to support healthy blood flow).²²  - Vitamins B6 & B12 — two vitamins that are central to the process of spreading oxygen throughout your body and fighting Cell Starvation. When combined with Careflow, these ingredients can help supercharge your body’s nitric oxide production like NOTHING else can. And the benefits extend to just about every area of your body. Like I said, when I shared Nitro Pulse with a small group of early users, almost every single person felt LESS brain fog, MORE strength & stamina, and MORE energy.* But that wasn’t all they experienced. After trying Nitro Pulse for just 12 weeks…  92% said their joints felt less stiff* 92% felt like they were sleeping better* 92% said their mood improved* 92% said their skin felt firmer* 92% said their boosted libido benefitted their relationship with their partner* {NAME}, I want YOU to experience the extraordinary whole-body benefits Nitro Pulse can provide. That’s why I’m giving you the biggest discount on multi-jar orders (which is the most reliable way to ensure you see the BEST results). [Try Nitro Pulse for up to 47% OFF — for an “anti-aging” effect that extends to your entire body.]( And of course, I’m protecting your order with my 90 day Gundry Guarantee. So you can try Nitro Pulse risk-free for just as long as the early users I just mentioned. And if you don’t feel like a brand new person — with boosted energy, a sharper mind, stronger-feeling joints, and a slimmer waist… I’ll refund every cent of your purchase price. But judging from the results most users have seen, it won’t take you anywhere near that long to experience more youthful vitality than you have in YEARS. So I strongly urge you to place your order NOW. This is the first time I’m offering Nitro Pulse to the entire Gundry MD family. And I know for a fact many people have been waiting months for an opportunity to stock up. Once our stock is gone (and I have a feeling it’ll go VERY fast) it could be many more months before you get another chance to try Nitro Pulse… And that may be at the full retail price — which costs nearly TWICE what I’m offering today. So if you’re ready to see how GOOD your body can feel…  [Click → HERE ← To Secure Your Discount Of Up To 47% OFF Nitro Pulse Before It’s Gone For Good]( Once you’ve done that, give yourself a big pat on the back… And take a moment to think about all the exciting things you’ll do with your newfound energy! Looking out for you, Steven Gundry, MD [Steven Gundry, MD]  Sources 1. Bryan, Nathan S.. Functional Nitric Oxide Nutrition: Dietary Strategies to Prevent and Treat Chronic Disease (p. 18). 2. Adding Nitric Oxide to Hemoglobin Found to Enhance Oxygenation. Oncology Times 27(12):p 17, July 10, 2005. | DOI: 10.1097/01.COT.0000302898.46679.6d 3. Wu Z, Satterfield MC, Bazer FW, Wu G. Regulation of brown adipose tissue development and white fat reduction by L-arginine. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2012 Nov;15(6):529-38. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0b013e3283595cff. PMID: 23075933. 4. Dyakova EY, Kapilevich LV, Shylko VG, Popov SV, Anfinogenova Y. Physical exercise associated with NO production: signaling pathways and significance in health and disease. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2015 Apr 2;3:19. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2015.00019. PMID: 25883934; PMCID: PMC4382985. 5. Lanas A. Role of nitric oxide in the gastrointestinal tract. Arthritis Res Ther. 2008;10 Suppl 2(Suppl 2):S4. doi: 10.1186/ar2465. Epub 2008 Oct 17. PMID: 19007429; PMCID: PMC2582807. 6. Idrizaj E, Traini C, Vannucchi MG, Baccari MC. Nitric Oxide: From Gastric Motility to Gastric Dysmotility. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021; 22(18):9990. 7. Exercise and your arteries (2023) Harvard Health. Available at: . 8. Bogdan C. Nitric oxide and the immune response. Nat Immunol. 2001 Oct;2(10):907-16. doi: 10.1038/ni1001-907. PMID: 11577346. 9. University of Leicester. (2008, November 27). Nitric Oxide Can Alter Brain Function. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 18, 2024 from 10. Bryan, N.S., Zund, J. and Gottlieb, B. (2010) The nitric oxide (NO) solution: How to boost the body’s miracle molecule to prevent and reverse chronic disease. Austin, TX: Neogenis. 11. van't Hof RJ, Ralston SH. Nitric oxide and bone. Immunology. 2001 Jul;103(3):255-61. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2567.2001.01261.x. PMID: 11454054; PMCID: PMC1783253. 12. Gonzalez AM, Townsend JR, Pinzone AG, Hoffman JR. Supplementation with Nitric Oxide Precursors for Strength Performance: A Review of the Current Literature. Nutrients. 2023 Jan 28;15(3):660. doi: 10.3390/nu15030660. PMID: 36771366; PMCID: PMC9921013. 13. Torregrossa AC, Aranke M, Bryan NS. Nitric oxide and geriatrics: Implications in diagnostics and treatment of the elderly. J Geriatr Cardiol. 2011;8(4):230-242. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1263.2011.00230. 14. Official Journal of the Japanese Circulation Society. Circulation Journal. . 15. Serreli G, Deiana M. Role of Dietary Polyphenols in the Activity and Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthases: A Review. Antioxidants. 2023; 12(1):147. 16. 2015 Planta Medica In Vitro activation of eNOS and acute RDBPC human pilot study on microcirculation 17. 2015 Agrofoods Benefits of Careflow on Mangifera Indica powder or well aging SIRT1 18. Mattagajasingh I, Kim CS, Naqvi A, Yamamori T, Hoffman TA, Jung SB, DeRicco J, Kasuno K, Irani K. SIRT1 promotes endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation by activating endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Sep 11;104(37):14855-60. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0704329104. Epub 2007 Sep 4. PMID: 17785417; PMCID: PMC1976244. 19. Elibol B, Kilic U. High Levels of SIRT1 Expression as a Protective Mechanism Against Disease-Related Conditions. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2018 Oct 15;9:614. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2018.00614. PMID: 30374331; PMCID: PMC6196295. 20. Murata T, Dietrich HH, Horiuchi T, Hongo K, Dacey RG Jr. Mechanisms of magnesium-induced vasodilation in cerebral penetrating arterioles. Neurosci Res. 2016 Jun;107:57-62. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2015.12.005. Epub 2015 Dec 19. PMID: 26712324; PMCID: PMC4884497. 21. Usharani P, Fatima N, Muralidhar N. Effects of Phyllanthus emblica extract on endothelial dysfunction and biomarkers of oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized, double-blind, controlled study. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2013;6:275-284. Published 2013 Jul 26. doi:10.2147/DMSO.S46341. 22. Theodorou AA, Zinelis PT, Malliou VJ, Chatzinikolaou PN, Margaritelis NV, Mandalidis D, Geladas ND, Paschalis V. Acute L-Citrulline Supplementation Increases Nitric Oxide Bioavailability but Not Inspiratory Muscle Oxygenation and Respiratory Performance. Nutrients. 2021 Sep 22;13(10):3311. doi: 10.3390/nu13103311. PMID: 34684312; PMCID: PMC8537281. *Not a scientific study. Results can and will vary.   This email was sent to {EMAIL} by [Edit Profile]( | [Manage Subscriptions]( | [VIP Discounts]( | [Join Text Club]( 145 S. 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