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The Bloodbath Has Started, Elon knows this... 😶 | 10/06/24


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Sun, Oct 6, 2024 05:18 PM

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Bloomberg reports a surge in gold prices, a classic signal of economic distress. Banks are already p

Bloomberg reports a surge in gold prices, a classic signal of economic distress. Banks are already pulling back, and the housing market is starting to buckle under pressure. [image-GoldenGate] The storm has already begun. And it's not just any storm – it's a financial hurricane that will tear through the U.S. economy. [emergencybriefing]( Dylan Jovine, the man who predicted the Great Recession, is warning that this collapse could be even more destructive. - A 50% stock market crash. - A 40% drop in home values. - 30% of your savings – gone. Bloomberg reports a surge in gold prices, a classic signal of economic distress. Banks are already pulling back, and the housing market is starting to buckle under pressure. If you're not prepared, this storm could destroy everything you've worked for. But Dylan has a plan. A clear path to protect yourself and your loved ones. [Click here to see Dylan's emergency briefing]( and learn the exact steps you need to take now. [Click here before the storm sweeps everything away.]( The clock is ticking. Don't wait until it's too late. Sincerely, Victoria Tino Director, Behind the Markets The $11.5 Trillion “Miracle Sheet” 4X More Valuable Than Amazon, Google and Tesla… COMBINED See this tiny sheet in my hand? It’s stronger than steel… Lighter than paper… The best conductor of electricity on Earth… Woven into a T-shirt weighing ounces, it’s more bulletproof than the U.S. Army’s Kevlar vests. And it could make some investors very rich very soon. It will soon be found in every electronic device, automobile, and aircraft on the planet. Militaries and tech companies all over the globe will scramble to get this miracle material in stock. And one company on Earth holds the key to unlocking the enormous wealth potential of this fascinating new material. Today, I’m going to share exactly why it is so important to get in now… while the biggest gains are still possible from this historic moment. George Gilder My name is George Gilder, and I’ve made my fortune by being at the forefront of the greatest technological breakthroughs of our time… BEFORE most people even see them coming. That’s why some of the world’s smartest and most influential people trust me to provide the most profitable foresight in the world. People like Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO … Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft… The late Steve Jobs, founder of Apple… And even two former U.S. presidents. But what I have today is, by far, my most important prediction ever. In fact, it’s far stronger than a prediction; it is a reality that too many folks are going to miss until it’s too late. One capable of delivering the highest profit potential for any investor who listens to me now. In my mind, every major technological event to date pales in comparison to the size and impact of what this one company is working on today. Many of the biggest technological advances in the future will stem from a single breakthrough tied to THIS SHEET in my hand. It’s a breakthrough that will affect technology worldwide. Even bigger than Amazon, Google, and Apple! Investors just need to act fast… Because this incredible new material is about to revolutionize nearly every industry on the planet. That’s why Forbes predicts that it may be… “The Next Multibillion-Dollar Material” Insider says that “[This Material] Will Change the World.” The Guardian simply calls it a “Miracle Material.” Not only is this material 200x stronger than steel it’s also lighter than paper… But it can also create lightweight bulletproof T-shirts that are stronger than any body armor currently in use on Earth. While discussing this miracle material, my team came up with an interesting comparison. In Marvel Comic’s movies, the heroes rely on a special metal called “vibranium” for virtually all their needs. Black Panther’s suit is woven from it. Captain America’s indestructible shield is created from it. And a number of the superheroes’ bulletproof suits are made of it. They base nearly everything around “vibranium” their tech and weapons and protection— it’s the most valuable and sought-after material in the Marvel Universe. And now we’re looking at it in real life. Major Jamie Schwant of the U.S. Army claims: “This materials’ superior strength is what could make it the U.S. Army’s next prominent innovation in defense technology, changing how soldiers fight.” The heavy equipment, guns, and ammunition soldiers carry could soon be as light as a feather. Heavy, restrictive Kevlar vests could be replaced by paper-thin bulletproof “cloth.” This material can easily stop a bullet. It’s no wonder countries around the world are looking to this material for their defense technology. Right now, the U.S. military, set to spend over $770 billion this year, could use this material for everything from body armor to electronics. And it’s not just the U.S. military using this revolutionary material. The University of Michigan has developed special night-vision contact lenses using this material. The European Defence Agency, responsible for the defense development of 26 different countries, just concluded that it: “Stands to benefit substantially from [this material] and its potential future applications in the military domain.” Meaning 27 of the world’s largest militaries will all soon be fighting to get their hands on as much of this material as possible. There’s a lot of money up for grabs and once this company goes public there’s no telling how many millionaires may be created. And That Doesn’t Even Touch on Its Thousands of Other Applications! It’s also the ONLY known example of what’s called an “electrically conductive membrane,” giving it massive applications in the medical field. Have a look at this lab rat. Its spine was once completely severed. But then it was treated with a gel injection of this material… And it made a full recovery in a matter of weeks! Imagine breaking your back, but instead of having doctors tell you that you’ll never walk again, they give you a quick injection and have you back on your feet within weeks! This is why this miracle material is considered the most expensive material on the planet: It’s been priced at up to $450,000 per pound. And that’s why the pending patent I will share today is SO important for investors who want to get in before this company explodes. It positions one company to monopolize the wealth created from this historic material. And with one special investment, everyday folks can now tap into this entire megatrend. Time is a factor, and it’s important to move quickly because… We Are at the Doorstep of a Real-Life “Vibranium”… a Breakthrough Miracle Material Just Like Something from Make-Believe Except this is not make-believe. It’s very real. And it will be very, very profitable. What we are about to witness is very similar to the massive wealth created by aluminum, steel, and other materials, all in markets we take for granted today. For instance: Everybody today uses aluminum for everything from plane parts to soda cans. But 150 years ago, aluminum was the most valuable metal on Earth. It was so rare to most people that Napoleon III broke out his exotic aluminum utensils for his most-honored guests. Second-rate guests had to settle for the gold cutlery. Even though aluminum is more common than iron, because it was so difficult to process at the time that it was far more valuable than even gold and silver. But once a family named Mellon and their scientists figured out a way to quickly and efficiently produce aluminum, they patented it and kicked off what I call the world’s first “Aluminum Moment.” An Aluminum Moment is when a patent leads to total domination of a breakthrough market… Turning many investors who got there first into newly minted millionaires… Regular folks like Charles Martin Hall, who eventually left behind a fortune worth over $1.3 billion after adjusting for inflation… Or Arthur Vining Davis, another early mover, who, in 1957, was listed as the third-richest person on the planet. And it happens the same way every time a new miracle material or breakthrough arrives. Early investors can become extremely wealthy from these historic Aluminum Moments. We saw the exact same setup happen with the famous Rockefellers and oil. Oil was a scarce and hard-to-process resource that most companies couldn’t break into. Then Rockefeller patented a special process for quickly and efficiently refining oil and made it readily available to all of America. This ushered in oil’s Aluminum Moment. And that was how Rockefeller was able to monopolize the oil industry and make his fortune. And with oil, just like aluminum, investors didn’t have to be a Rockefeller to get in on the opportunity. They just had to be there first. Because Standard Oil went on to pay out more than 65% of its profits directly to investors to the tune of over $17 billion in today’s dollars. We saw the exact same pattern play out with the Carnegies, another of the world’s richest families. Carnegie Steel, their original company, pat ented the steel production process and made high-quality steel quickly and readily available all over America. Andrew Carnegie quickly became one of the richest men in the world when he sold his company for today’s equivalent of nearly $17 billion. And again, early investors reaped their share of the rewards. Historians estimate the deal created as many as 100 new millionaires, with a $1 million back then being equivalent to over $35 million today. All these fortunes were created by Aluminum Moments… Which happens when a company’s special patent offers it domination of an extremely valuable market. This could happen in any market; it doesn’t have to just be resources like oil, steel, or aluminum. How about a more recent example. Take a look at Apple… It was awarded a patent titled “Electronic Device” for its special design and took a stranglehold on a breakthrough market. Investors who got in just before that Aluminum Moment could have locked in peak returns of 5,783%… Enough to turn every $1,000 invested into over $58,000. Or take a look at Netflix… The company patented its technology and put streaming into the hands of ordinary people. Investors who got in first could have locked in peak returns of over 55,900%… Enough to turn every $1,000 invested into $560,000. Something very similar happened with Amazon… Investors who got in first, before everyone else knew what was happening, could have locked in peak returns of over 206,000%… That kind of win turns a mere $500 into over $1 million dollars! And every $1,000 invested into over $2 MILLION. That’s the power of an Aluminum Moment. When a single company can monopolize a valuable market, early investors who move fast and get there first can tap into some of the largest wealth potential found on Earth. And today, we are staring the biggest Aluminum Moment in history directly in its face. But only the folks who get in position first will reap the greatest rewards. You just need to move fast because the breakout is coming very soon, perhaps as soon as this year. And it’s all thanks to… One Company’s “Secret” Ontario Production Plant A production plant that’s about to mass-produce one of the world’s most valuable resources and tap into a trillion dollars in future wealth. It’s all happening at one private location in Ontario, Canada. Much of this project is shrouded in secrecy. In fact, if you try to view this location on Google Maps, you’ll discover that even Google is blurring out the location! But some details have started to leak out. Forbes calls what is going on inside the plant “Modern-Day Alchemy.” I’ve personally confirmed that the scientific team heading up this plant includes some of the smartest people on the planet, with specific, deep experience in patenting new technologies. Among them, you’ll find one of the top 10 chemists in the world… A man who is one of the 50 most influential scientists… And another who’s been named “Scientist of the Year” and inducted into the National Academy of Inventors. Not to mention this team has a combined 132 patents as well as more than 180 research publications to their credit. And this “vibranium-like”, miracle material they are working with has proven to have otherworldly capabilities. Just take a look at this: What you’re looking at is the first prototype for a real-life invisibility cloak made of this miracle material. It’s already able to completely shield the wearer from certain types of cameras, rendering them functionally invisible. Even better, the developers confirmed that soon this invisibility technology could allow someone to completely blend into a forest… Or even have a plane land on a runway completely unseen. Just like Wonder Woman’s invisible plane—more superhero applications! But this isn’t a comic book; the company expects to have a functioning invisibility cloak ready for the public within a few short years. What’s even crazier… Scientists at the Stanford Chemical Engineering Lab are using this material to create super-strong, self-healing, artificial “muscles.” Imagine a soldier being shot through the arm, and then their muscle quickly reattaching and healing itself. We’re talking about a material that could make actual superhumans. Keep in mind, this isn’t just theory: all these technological advances are happening as we speak, thanks to this one material’s unique properties. Now Investors Can Use One Special Investment to Claim Their Stake How do I know all this? Simple! I’ve made my career predicting technological advances just like this, decades BEFORE anyone else sees them coming. The Economist calls me “America’s Foremost Tech Profit.” Others call me “America’s #1 Futurist.” And during the last tech bull run, I was dubbed by some as “The World’s Best Stock Picker.” I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of tech gurus talk about technology that may change the world, only for nothing to come of it. Other people often talk about possible technologies without understanding what it takes to make a technology viable. Where they go wrong, I’ve gotten it right over and over again. Like back in 2000, when I said Qualcomm would be the top company in the wireless telephone race. That was a bold prediction back then. At the time, most folks thought it was important for providers to apply more power to their processors. But in wireless communications, more power means more interference. It was self-defeating. Qualcomm, on the other hand, was focused on reducing the power. Critics said Qualcomm was ignoring the laws of physics. Today Qualcomm dominates wireless technology and is backed by thousands of patents that make even companies like Apple pay up for what they cannot duplicate. When I said Qualcomm would take over, its competitor AT&T publicly attacked me in the Wall Street Journal, claiming: “Mr. Gilder committed misstatements of fact, misunderstandings of technology, and made gratuitous, irrelevant, and ultimately mean-spirited ad hominem references.” Despite the public criticism from a behemoth like AT&T, I didn’t flinch. I had 100% conviction in my stance. I knew I was right. Sure enough, Qualcomm went on to dominate the market and soar by over 4,200%. I’ve been predicting world-changing technological advances just like this for the past 50 years. And one of the most predictable and powerful forces I’ve witnessed is the Aluminum Moments that have changed the world. And they start almost every time with a special patent—one that enables domination of an extremely valuable market. These patents usher in new technological eras never thought possible. For instance, during an early Aluminum Moment, the Wright brothers were finally able to build an engine light enough to take flight. Rumor has it that long before Steve Jobs invented the iPhone, he first read my article where I forecasted the new era of the smartphone in the Harvard Business Review back in 1991. I predicted that “telephones will become powerful, pocket-sized, wireless audio computers.” I forecasted the era of streaming and the rise of Netflix back in 1994, a full decade before Netflix’s IPO. And I forecasted the era of e-commerce and the rise of Amazon in 1996. Jeff Bezos himself set up my Amazon account for me. What I’m getting at is that each of these technologies made many of their earliest, first investors wildly rich right after their Aluminum Moment happened. It always plays out the same way, with the same setup… The Biggest Gains Always Happen Right at the Aluminum Moment Usually, the biggest gains are reserved for the first investors who get in before the Aluminum Moment spreads like wildfire. Whoever is investing before or closest to an Aluminum Moment wins. And this is a brand-new moment investors absolutely cannot afford to miss. Think about this… Once this material has its Aluminum Moment and becomes available to the world, it could: Replace silicon chips used in nearly every electronic device on the planet —a $1.1 trillion market. Replace every basic battery with superfast-charging, long-lasting batteries —a $104 billion market. Revolutionize the medical field with sci-fi-level prosthetics —a $4.3 trillion market. Put an end to global water scarcity by creating cheap, foolproof water filters —a $3.2 billion market. Revolutionize the auto industry by creating hyper-efficient fuel cells and near-weightless car parts —a $2.8 trillion market. In total, that’s over $11 trillion in opportunity —all that and more— from just one miracle material. And the funny thing is… Even though this material is set to revolutionize nearly every market on the planet… Most people will have no idea until it’s far too late to profit from it. I’d bet not one of your friends or family members has heard of the secret Ontario production plant or the groundbreaking technology happening inside it. But in just a few minutes, I’ll reveal what you need to know to tap into the massive profits this material is about to unleash… All that’s needed is the name of my special investment to claim a stake now, before the floodgates open. After looking at how this material could be used to revolutionize nearly every industry on the planet… This Miracle Material Could Solve Multitrillion-Dollar Problems Overnight Back in 2010, an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig took the lives of 11 men and spewed nearly 5 million barrels of oil into the ocean. It took 9,700 ships, 127 aircraft, over 47,000 people, nearly 2 million gallons of special chemicals, and 89 days just to stop the oil spill… And it took another $71 billion for BP Oil to fully clean it up. But the crisis might have been completely avoided if BP had access to this miracle material. Just recently, scientists discovered you could use this material to clean up an oil spill. But what’s even crazier is that this material allows you to collect and reuse wasted oil too. It could have negated many of the effects of one of America’s worst natural disasters. Reports claim one company, DirectaPlus, has already recovered “400 tons of crude oil that was sent back to the refinery” from an oil spill in Romania. That’s over $250,000 worth of oil that would have gone to waste otherwise. Since Deepwater Horizon’s $71 billion disaster, we’ve seen 87 similar oil spills around the world. Doing the math quickly — that adds up to roughly $6.1 TRILLION that could have been saved had this material been used. And that’s for only a single application. Not only can it easily filter oil from water, but it can also be used to filter out deadly pollutants like uranium, lead, and arsenic. With this material, it only took mere minutes to transform disgusting, poisonous water into clean drinking water — even in one of the most polluted cities in the world: Lanzhou, China. Water polluted with radioactive waste could be turned into useful drinking water in seconds. Back in 2005, Hurricane Katrina tore through New Orleans, spilling an estimated 7 million gallons of oil and causing over $125 billion in damages. Had this material been around, nearly every drop of oil could have been cleaned up, purified, and reused in just days. And Americans suffering the storm’s devastation would have had easy access to clean, safe drinking water. Imagine never having to worry about a natural or economic disaster like that again, knowing we have the miracle technologies to negate it? It’s not just companies that need this material; governments worldwide could use it to improve the lives of billions of citizens and save trillions of dollars. America’s and Canada’s Clean Water Acts… Europe’s Water Framework Directive… India’s massive river pollution initiative… And countless other countries’ clean water programs virtually guarantee they will all be fighting to secure as much of this material as possible. That’s why I’m convinced that… This Miracle Material Is About to Make a Lot of People Very Rich The miracle material itself is called graphene. Back in 2004, two scientists discovered you could take graphite, the same material we use for pencils, and turn it into graphene. However, the process takes hours to produce only a tiny flake of graphene. That’s been the crux of graphene’s biggest hurdle. Even though this will shape the future of technology and be used for everything from car batteries to hoverboards… It’s been impossible to produce on any large scale. But now, thanks to the tech at the secret Ontario production plant… One company will be able to create graphene out of one of the most common resources on the planet: garbage. I’m serious—its technology allows it to take food waste, old computer parts, and almost anything we throw away… And turn it into the most valuable material on Earth. Imagine that instead of throwing away your household trash, you sell it to a company using it to build miracle-grade aircraft and light-as-a-feather body armor. What’s even crazier is that this patent-pending process speeds up graphene production by over 350,000%. I’m talking about taking a process that normally takes days… And doing it in seconds. Running the math quickly… if a single pound of high-quality graphene can go for as high as $450,000 a pound… Just imagine the wealth unlocked when one company can produce hundreds of pounds of graphene in seconds. Even better, the process produces the highest-quality graphene on the planet. Graphene sourced from other processes is not only painfully slow to produce… It’s low quality—so low that you can’t use it for any medical applications. But this company’s patent solves both problems. The graphene it produces is of such high quality that it can be used for anything, from water filters to full-on disease treatment. And the process to create this high-quality graphene takes seconds… So not only will it be the one company on Earth able to quickly produce graphene… but it’ll also have the highest-quality product. In fact, it’ll have the only product that could revolutionize the entire medical industry. And as we speak… Expansion Has Already Begun Have you ever heard of Moore’s Law? It’s the law that made the silicon microchip the dominant technology in the world and changed our world forever. Moore’s Law, which has held up for 70 years, said that the power of the microchip would double every two years—without increasing in cost. Since Moore’s Law was discovered by Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel, let’s take Intel as an example… For decades, Intel doubled the number of transistors on its chips every two years and essentially doubled the processing power. It has followed this law since the 1970s; just take a look at this chart representing Intel’s computer progress: Moore’s Law is a special case of something called the learning curve, which says that when we discover a new technology, the cost drops 20%-30% with every doubling of accumulated volume. Well, the secret Ontario plant has been increasing cumulative production so fast that so far, graphene production using this new process has been doubling its output every nine weeks! This process is so amazing that within a few years the Ontario plant and others already on the drawing boards could be producing millions of tons of graphene a year. And it will be bought up as quickly as it can be produced. Almost every construction project in the world will want the strength, light weight, and dramatic reduction of environmental hazards graphene can provide. But by the time that happens, by the time these plants are pumping out millions of tons of the most valuable material on Earth, everyone will know about it—and the Aluminum Moment will have passed. That’s why I’m trying to convince as many folks as possible… that if they want to cash in on this technology, they need to act NOW! The production plant is already built. And production is scheduled to start any day now. The moment that happens, it will be too late for any other company to catch up. This Company Is the ONLY Company Today That Can Spark Graphene’s Aluminum Moment Thanks to a pending patent, the world’s only fast-graphene process is completely locked up by just one company. A company that offers a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cash in BIG for investors… And supply every industry, from automotive to military to microchips, with a world-changing material. This company has already tested and proven its process. Its production plant is online. Its team of world-leading scientists stands at the ready. And in two years’ time, this could be recognized as the most valuable company in the world, ready to create an $11.5 trillion combined market. Even surpassing the likes of Amazon. The Time to Profit… Is NOW! I say it “could be recognized” because the truth is, it already is the most valuable company in the world—that no one knows about. The demand for graphene is already overwhelming the market. In fact, with how important and powerful this advancement is, a ravenous fight for the entire supply of this company’s graphene could break out very soon. Just look at Tesla. Tesla wants to produce 4 million new electric vehicles every year. It needs to pump out millions of batteries for these new vehicles. And graphene batteries are the clear-cut replacement for the lithium batteries it currently uses. Graphene batteries store five times more energy and charge up to 60 times faster than the best lithium batteries on the market. A giant like Tesla switching to graphene batteries would absorb the entire supply of graphene—overnight. Don’t think other corporations will take this lying down and let Tesla dominate the market. It’s going to ignite a bidding war unlike anything we’ve ever seen. According to the head of the Ontario production plant, Ford is already grabbing “as much as it can get.” And Ford confirms that graphene is going into every single one of the 4.2 million vehicles it produces every year. That’s not even counting major players like the U.S. Army that could use graphene in everything from body armor to personal water filters. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg, because as we speak… There Are Literally Millions of Lives at Stake Every year over 1.9 million people in America are diagnosed with some form of cancer with no lasting way to treat it. Most of those people will have to undergo chemotherapy, a horrible, painfully destructive treatment, which is still the best treatment we have currently. But the outlook is grim; the average chemotherapy patient will only survive an extra 2.1 months. Cancer doesn’t need to remain a death sentence though… In fact, graphene has already been proven to be effective for targeting cancer cells at the molecular level. Imagine this… In the near future, when someone gets diagnosed with cancer, instead of it being a death sentence, they could be treated right in their own doctors office without any worry at all. Soon, doctors will be able to treat their patients with a simple injection of graphene nanobots that target the cancer cells directly. After a short recovery time, the cancer could be completely gone, with no balding, fatigue, or nausea like what patients experience from chemotherapy drugs today. Imagine a world where cancer doesn’t even exist. Is it here now? Not quite… But graphene’s possibilities go far beyond cancer. It could be used to treat bacterial and viral infections… It could be used to sequence DNA… It could be used for disease detection and drug development… The possibilities with graphene are truly endless. And the kicker? This one company’s process produces the only type of graphene usable for medical applications. Other companies will not be able to compete. See what I mean when I say that this single company could bring about an Aluminum Moment like we’ve never seen before? And why many future technological advances with huge wealth-creating potential will stem from this single moment? That’s Why Investors Need to Position Themselves Now… BEFORE Graphene’s Aluminum Moment There is no market or human life that this company and its graphene tech won’t affect. This small private company is set to revolutionize multiple billion- and even trillion-dollar industries, totaling over $11.5 trillion. Unfortunately for most people, many everyday Americans will be totally locked out. They will not know about this life-changing opportunity until it is too late. But since you’re here right now, that won’t be you. You’ll have the chance to use my special investment to claim your stake in the graphene Aluminum Moment before it even happens. But I recommend you act fast. Remember, this company’s secret Ontario plant is set to kick off production any day now. But there is still time for investors who take action immediately. Everything they’ll need to know is inside my brand-new special report: Your Way In: Graphene’s Trillion-Dollar Takeover And the best part? I want to give it to you as a gift! The info you’ll find inside is NOT public knowledge, and most folks will be completely locked out of the biggest gains from this opportunity. Because the one company about to kick off a trillion-dollar graphene surge is currently unavailable to the everyday investor. Luckily, the investment I reveal in this special report is the ONLY way right now for everyday folks to profit from this graphene megatrend through a public company. And with this special investment, anyone can get started today with as little as a few dollars. Most folks have no idea this special investment even exists, never mind how to access it. But in just a few minutes, you can have access to my report. In it I share the details on how to profit from this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In fact, I’m convinced that investing in this specific company as fast as possible is the #1 way to tap into the graphene production surge before it happens. Because this company has used graphene’s miracle properties to develop state-of-the-art graphene nanobots. These incredibly small, incredibly versatile pieces of technology are 100 times smaller than a human hair and have an almost endless variety of applications. From tracing and detecting cancer cells in the human body with pinpoint accuracy… To detecting fraud in the oil industry… And even preventing counterfeiting… On top of hundreds of other potential applications. Now if this company’s graphene tech solved only the country’s counterfeiting issue… And it didn’t do a single other thing… Just that one solution is worth nearly $3 trillion globally. This company’s graphene nanobots are so pinpoint accurate at detecting fraud and counterfeits… Multiple billion-dollar industries are already clamoring for its technology. In fact, the company just signed a multimillion-dollar deal to track cancer cells in medical patients. And it is already on the cusp of signing more deals with the $7.2 billion gene therapy industry… The $25.9 billion bioprocessing industry… AND the $818 billion diagnostics industry. But what’s most exciting… It has a massive competitive moat, locking in its value for investors who get in right away. To my knowledge, there isn’t a single company on Earth that can replicate its unique graphene nanobot technology. Not a single one. And with the mass production of graphene being just around the corner… This small company could be moments away from being able to mass-produce its world-changing graphene nanobots. Unlocking billions of dollars of value for fast investors… And at insanely low costs. Thanks to the power of graphene tech, the company can create these assets literally from cheap, abundant household waste! We’re talking about the most unique and valuable tech on Earth, with virtually zero overhead costs. That’s as close to a pure profit as any investment could ever offer! The company has already signed deals with a major medical company AND a major oil company. And once graphene mass production kicks off… Other deals just like those are going to happen in other industries extremely quickly. Massive clothing producers, chemical plants, pharmaceutical companies, textile manufacturers. The opportunities for this company are almost endless. Which is why I’m convinced that this small company’s explosive growth is capable of turning smart investors into millionaires in the process. But like I said earlier… for the biggest profits investors need to get in NOW. Graphene’s mass production could start any day! Once that happens, there’s probably only a small window before the biggest gains are gone for good. This will be one of the only chances for everyday investors to get in on the ground floor of such an amazing opportunity. And Anyone Can Get Started Today With My Special Report: Your Way In: Graphene’s Trillion-Dollar Takeover The special investment in my report is the only way for regular investors to claim their piece of the biggest tech money surge I’ve seen in the past 50 years. But this isn’t the only opportunity I follow. GTR logo In fact, every single month I publish a breakthrough technology research service called Gilder’s Technology Report. I decided to launch Gilder’s Technology Report because I understand that average Americans can’t possibly predict the money flow created by these tech phenomena in the same way I can. And the truth is, investors who don’t position themselves properly NOW… Will be left behind while all the first movers cash in on graphene’s trillion-dollar takeover. To stay on top of breaking changes and opportunities, you need someone with a skilled team and research capabilities who can alert you to imminent changes in the market. These are the kinds of changes that normal folks can’t possibly predict. Without this kind of exclusive research, investors will be a step behind. Gilder’s Technology Report is the only place where you can gain access to my exclusive research and information. More importantly, I’m able to identify the greatest windows of opportunity for investors to make the biggest gains. It could be through an exciting new technology… Or an urgent investment opportunity in an explosive new company, like the one found inside Your Way In: Graphene’s Trillion-Dollar Takeover. Whenever opportunities like these arise, I’ll tell you when to buy…and exactly when you should sell. Just leave all the thinking to me. To get started, claim your copy of my report: Your Way In: Graphene’s Trillion-Dollar Takeover. You’ll get access to it as soon as you agree to a trial run of my flagship service:Gilder’s Technology Report With your trial subscription, you’ll have a tech insider right at your disposal who can reveal massive investment opportunities at the moment they hold the most potential for profit. But don’t take my word for it. Here’s What Others Are Saying About My Work: Now you have the opportunity to write your own success story. Starting with the special investment found inside Your Way In: Graphene’s Trillion-Dollar Takeover. And it can be yours today when you take a 30-day test drive of Gilder’s Technology Report. If you agree to the trial today, I’ll also give you three more special bonuses: Bonus #1: The Trillion-Dollar Ripple Watchlist The Mellons monopolized the aluminum market with a single patent, making hundreds of their earliest investors millionaires… And the same is happening RIGHT NOW with graphene. Graphene is going to open up many more opportunities for first-in investors to take action. It will send a ripple effect throughout the tech world like we’ve never seen before, and certain companies are in the perfect position to skyrocket. Inside The Trillion-Dollar Ripple Watchlist, you’ll get a look at these companies on my radar before anyone else. Any one of these could become a massive win as the trillion-dollar graphene floodgate bursts open. Some of my past predictions just like these have delivered gains of: 4,234% 4,132% 3,781% 3,453% 2,415% 1,969% 1,807% 1,074% In fact, just $1,000 invested into each of these plays would have returned more than $228,000! Do they all hit that big? Of course not. But these oversized gains are a good example of the massive potential that exists in technology investing. More importantly, the details to get started right away are inside: The Trillion-Dollar Ripple Watchlist. I want to make it as easy as possible for anyone to profit from the sweeping megatrend coming in the very near future. That’s why I’m giving you yet another bonus report when you agree to give Gilder’s Technology Report a test drive… Bonus #2: Gilder’s Technology Report Quick Start Guide This simple guide will allow you to hit the ground running with Gilder’s Technology Report. Inside I show new members how to maximize the value they get from our service… And how to get started immediately. This Quick Start Guide means some investors can be well on their way to making money in as little as five minutes. And it’s all yours, with my compliments, when you take a 30-day trial of Gilder’s Technology Report. But that’s not all. I also have another HUGE bonus I want to give you when you sign up today. Bonus #3: Gilder’s VIP Access With this exciting bonus, I’m opening up an exclusive opportunity to communicate with my team and me DIRECTLY. I don’t think you’ll find this level of service anywhere else today. As a member of Gilder’s VIP Access, every month, I will be personally sending special alerts directly to your email inbox. You’ll get buy and sell alerts, including “special situations” that I think you should jump into immediately, and at least one email per week keeping you up-to-date. You’re also going to have access to my private teleconferences, where my team and I will walk you through every lucrative opportunity we come across. Legally, I cannot offer private or personalized investment advice person to person… But anytime you think of a question you want answered… Simply send it in, and we’ll try to answer it for all Gilder’s VIP Access members. Members also receive a special hotline number that you can call anytime to ask a question. If you respond today to this offer, you’ll get immediate access to this elite level of service plus all your special bonuses — on me. That’s how strongly I believe in what I’m telling you today… and how important it is to become a member soon. So Just to Recap, Here’s Everything You’ll Get: A full year of Gilder’s Technology Report Special Report: Your Way In: Graphene’s Trillion-Dollar Takeover Bonus #1: The Trillion-Dollar Ripple Watchlist Bonus #2:Gilder’s Technology Report Quick Start Guide Bonus #3: Gilder’s VIP Access Access to my entire library of special reports, educational videos, conference calls, and more Benefits All of these combined I’m sure are worth thousands of dollars, but you won’t pay even close to that! In fact, you won’t even pay the usual retail price of $249. Because with today’s special offer, you can come away with ALL the value shown above for a fraction of that amount. I’m so confident that you’ll benefit from my findings… That I don’t want the price to get in the way of anyone giving Gilder’s Technology Report a try. Once you’ve seen the benefits, like many of my readers before, I’m confident you’ll become a reader for life. It all starts today, when you agree to… Try Gilder’s Technology Report for 30 Days and Get Every Bonus I Mentioned Above on Me If you try out Gilder’s Technology Report and decide it’s not for you, simply call and cancel before the 30 days are up, and you’ll be refunded the full amount of your membership — NO QUESTIONS ASKED. You can even keep the bonus reports as a thank-you for taking the time to look at Gilder’s Technology Report. I would act fast though. History is repeating itself, just like when the Mellons monopolized aluminum… Or when Amazon monopolized home delivery. Many of those who knew about the potential of these opportunities before they happened, became millionaires. And this is exactly the kind of opportunity we have today. The way I see it, you have two options: Sit and watch as the world’s next great “Aluminum Moment” passes by and miss one of the biggest money-making opportunities we may ever see. (Imagine missing out on opportunities like Apple, Meta, Amazon, Google, and Bitcoin all over again). OR Use my research as so many readers have done in the past, and tap into graphene’s “Aluminum Moment” before it begins to change the world of technology as we know it. The choice is yours. Regards, George Gilder George Gilder Author, Gilder’s Technology Report P.S. Remember, I’ve already identified this special investment opportunity as the best way to capitalize on this first graphene opportunity. This special investment is the ONLY way I know of to get in on a trillion-dollar revolution that could be at the center of almost every industry on Earth! Regular investors don’t know how to get in! But if you read Your Way In: Graphene’s Trillion-Dollar Takeover, you’ll have the chance to profit from this company’s growth. Click the button below to get started.   [mini logotype]   Note: Sometimes, colleagues of Golden Gate Marketers share special offers with us that we think our readers should be made aware of. This is one such special opportunity that we believe deserves your attention. Michael Brown, editor of Golden Gate Marketers | GGM, wanted to share this exclusive offer with you. If you're not interested in receiving any more offers from us, please [click here to unsubscribe](. 221 W 9th St # Wilmington, DE 19801. Take a moment to peruse our [Privacy Policy]( and carefully review our [Terms & Conditions]( for your comprehensive understanding[.]( You can ensure uninterrupted communication with us by adding our email address to your [whitelist](. For any inquiries or concerns, please feel free to [contact us](   Email courtesy of Finance and Investing Traffic, LLC, owner and operator of [Golden Gate Marketers](. © 2021-2024 All Rights Reserved. [View Online]( | [Unsubscribe](

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