Proven tactics to grow ANY ecommerce brand [design-2-header-newsletter](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6v3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3ndW4lys0D6pW6qQW17DY6d67dpCTW33-cC_1SNcx6N4dSmNlm4xP1W2Tqqg72mR2vPW4N5MRW6wC610W2Ldq5h6WfmFbW31f-Pp2cGDZzW4YLqw07pMQYLW3DqQkB2CsjRRN3zsXhv5lLz_W5QZbPc4m0Mq5W87w6gK3ndcV6N7tkyrNtnQ0YN5nMF7VHrVfPW1MmmbQ7zKCHXN11RrQ-mjzczW7y2Hxq69yvqhW2KhDYP2SDGfLN2hG0vpyjnCYW7D-km39gDDYrW1blg7c8gmKR0N47Vvxsbkp6rW8Yxfjf67Tx8WW3-tHKH35GfThW2gwH_K2SYPqNf1TgrGl04) Hi {NAME}, Today, we're thrilled to share [the Foundr Podcast featuring Sabri Suby](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6v3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3mDW2NLz6c2bVJV8W87w15j3x3WrXVSP7-j8nM4ktVDRnNW1GwqgGW6J1MwG4HGcFBN7FcysQbPNPlW3grV4z8z2_XqW3VnTJ_7Fff44W5yJb0_6KQ_ynW5R8k-77Xz-HvW42yPF_1YM9hfW2gBKgw8yxN7kW6GL3283wdkt5W6t_S5Q2KNq3zN1KdghH9gZnYW7PSSql65mZm_W9m0c5P6vv2RRW8cx3sw3M7hYRW7Y80Q93kGlPNN29r6vvp3bcDW7MPzyw68n1Z7W2nZj_J7wqsZkW4kZfnp3L8MrHW87ZWh65JMJ2wW1Fg8PM3cPr9CW73GJTp3d2T0Jf4wqkVY04), the founder of King Kong, Australiaâs fastest-growing digital marketing agency. Sabri's story is wildâhe started King Kong with just $50 and a laptop, and now his agency has generated over $1.33 billion in sales for clients globally. Check out [his epic story in this week's episode](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6v3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3p7W6WSPQ47tkGWQVskxz61ds2BcW3Sqp2z83yYB3W12k64P3MrL4sW2dcqVY1JKjHjW3Nlqm38bgLwfVr-FMJ97s-SsW16Nd3b5lk67LW4_lBsQ2SN8YgW1LZk468ZFbd8W3DXCQ227SlBrN6w5db9PvZR5VbyGgc8Hv67fW7p-dsz21cXK7W6pvpx01DC_ssW1Chg4j1zsb9qF1x1vK9Z4n4W1Zl5gt4N-rWKW34LhCg9jK2HFW3ZZb3Y2JVFprW5CFSBd7sMR1VW1THqTS975tG3W7DK0W23lzbCnW52GDHd1PBvNlW4wkgqj86nlwNN4bJp3PtRMsnf7CL2rq04), where he shares how mastering storytelling can skyrocket your marketing gameâit's ð to business success! Trust me, you donât want to miss his strategies! ð§
[His PROVEN $7.8B Ecommerce Growth Strategy](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6v3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3kZW55-_0h8c3qvRW594yTv16fxQjW2VjS3K1kq968W1XrhtS57tpMlW7MSB9z6VxsPXW1t_bZZ4937j3W21tBYp239h-wVnhJsf8TMkC2W8QdZ4X7cV1CDW39jQyK74cwjtW7YSKLT59HzhzN66Gv7vfjh_cW2FB64B7VGR83F1k6YsVKlLqW51Kjl56bv-9RW8WHgxt46lRQbW99ShV_21TzsXW7pPkgt3MrfpGW3CvXxS6JYSBDW7KQkwW1cVYKQW5FptQQ1Dd7dCW121hQb6GxrWRW6SX3PS7YgDs9W34jgH568RYlZV8jZwK3pK1FXW5pprgg5FTLd-f1TV7Yj04) [Sabri-Suby-Podcast-Youtube_01](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6v3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3nRW7gyN3961qjHkN8rFGg-CbQx6W4bYQQh2kplJvW1qnsf12nsDyXVGMglV6mGL1KMp2TNDBSnXGW7fg9hM21ZP3-V8wyNC6116LKW5THW1Z3rMljtW6d6c9T4DyVJpW6q4Qv37ZQVhPW60Fqcb996P_SW8HsGtJ27yZdlVxjR1K1R4RkbMTPrsscYjwCW4xFwvH56zqsKW2_WL_C32HffXW1HwsrZ4ypTDXN39nc2NqkffJW9fGJCw1ntGhPN1Nwn_tGx-dPN6n0HkwYZJYXW7jRl1V5KqvLgW8svGBk8qtwvgW6tNnl42Pz_QgW1L7M547qWTXFdKG8hg04) Itâs not just about ads or funnels; if you can tell a great story, you can capture attention and keep it. Sabri even shares how this skill is crucial not just for startups but for scaling to massive Apple-like success! If you're looking to level up your marketing or Ecommerce strategy, [this episode with Sabri Suby is packed with shockingly great insights.](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6v3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3kxW7bW_sR2-dSYPW5mmTqL3F5n9nW1fqWWp60tv0zW7nc5jk1PbTL7W45tHgs274L0-N1hNJFzqKS8sW585rb_21w0spW41pKjQ1CSYl2W7jNq1r6SPD8lW3b7DbD3ZvfKTN3N0K_mrl4FpVnjQvZ1lXs9XW1WQ-Sz5SQ8C7W8-JHYX8bcVKVW8nqXy358bf3fW2yTRtW4wqzYkW5-5kHV4XBN38VPtv0W6l-RRWW97sh3S1y_6FmN1NqK0Q1fDDxW4KFl8b82ZddHW6JSJFr80DKl0W4mQp1k3bLVygW1XLRKq4yBrq7V3Gwny89JTwQW6qqb3X7Z4slvdgVNBP04) He also talks about TikTok's power for organic growth and how understanding storytelling can help businesses blow up in a matter of months. [Watch the full interview on Youtube here >>](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6v3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3lzW4JTD312z5725VChP0P28zhy-W19y32P92pXsvW9dkCVm9hsl7SW8kdTBy688mgWN8-MbXVtPp-DW7jhsZ98bKWGNW5S60TQ3wJ2PvN1sBGH5DYYQBW2R6d0H3bjZd5W92rwYX2QwMBMW2VsYHK67TH64W6YNYKC6dHh5tW6hq0wX8q3yc5W3n_CFb2FLHTQW1rVPyR6q12TYN1w70Mk26lbvW7cl_xZ3sJkGQW8Zqmdf3ZbCZcW5hb7WC7w8RkTW29rR_g439fp9W4QST6j3D0fQZN8CrZVxX5Fm-VfNZbL7Qr-CRN8Q-hJPwQNmTW7DFQrx6qVBnKf4j-c_K04) [Watch the episode FREE](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6v3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3nzW6Z0_JM6_DC22W10Tq5V1qrVffW1MTH-b46SYthN95TMpBY2J2nW11SHLZ1zlPt9VbDGZG8ChQVkW3phfJR24j1q1W4g-8Tx8wjN0SVss2YK1MJxmKW36z1cQ4r7n40W9kJQ6t2xk2WQW44TzGt6XcgQ2F5QW4QHKcqtW7PkMGl2b2vdZW4wsjnn2-M-n6W1Brbl06Xr8dLVVN64q31qLx8W7V2ZhY3-QwRnW3DBksv7Tbb_hW1_-5hV6lG6F_W1jN_Yj6kYDffW6yvYbn1Rmx6yW4Sr2qy6y_23yW71pcjn6z4kMLW2mKXR64MJDZVW5ryxt275fd1Cf8bC5Xq04) [icon-footer-white_title4] [icon-footer-white_read](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6b3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3mlW4Vxbt35Vd1phW3fpcGf3d7_YVW3ycbXp3McwxJVCTHpy3qNj0lW52rCVN6szkwdN34zWbX52T3PN39gpxlt4mFzN3Fw8MhTyNsSW2wRB2J9bbKd5W6Jdz0512zyr1W1LYH5H8xBtdKW1GKGZZ3m3-3KW5B5ry11DBBpbW2V591m4Wkq1zVPyK647H3kkJW3h_0Xd3rdfs-W5TGXfr55W4psVxMD5G7ZZxPlW2sL5KG63C1DYW6sv6N57-h7X9W2Z2cW-3cFGzkW53NX4t1192F0W8fSqsF1vj4DqN92KVsX9qX1-f6BJKMj04) [icon-footer-white_watch](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6b3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3mNW6VnFth3CTTLxW1gTyLD1-YhdbVTn6yq2HgzT0W7xzYbz4DJsH_W2D9dG718sZ6GW3fvQQf6f9YdFW7QFg4_2YMSh4W7-QxKk4JRXBVN7v52n5WfdKsW8LTSd21pJ9qxW904_QS65GDqYW7gRKgP2T6j6dW8QGyc73512J0W2lhGX551427FN17WGy9PHz9gW2JYJww6bb_-KW59ntgZ8hxfyLW9kRhLh5sWQ2fN1JTJ_8r4CtFW5l4NCL59Z3d3W5b6ztw7b9gYZW6QNT476sx73jW7z53KD3qJM-2W3TV9KV48PW37f49XRW804) [icon-footer-white_listen](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6b3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3p5DtyTDY4YJGW5sL1mf8Y_wkgW72hxnL4qtg4-W8xYlGk7K4tM5W8qwklf3_3Xd-W6YBJwk73P-GWVHtb8p1Tk9MJW81HT5-4rC8mcW107rwP7p6FLTW25064C7wP9bHW24SQkp3fGJsmW6CvCHz2LJc2fW1cJmKB1lYWtnW3TZczw1ztNQfW5S1NZ-16rCmlVSFPGb7C9lrqW2npSPk4rwnz9W5zMSH75qM9M5W7KvyBF7BsQ_hW6HqPb58cfX1YW4XnTfH59CNRPN1lV-tjhzn00W7TxTjs7wcg-JW80Swzy5t8nKjf8yxD3b04) [icon-footer-white_enroll](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6b3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3nDW27Wn2H31ZG8SW4qsP4m4mB2LQW8Ct0Bp58rkCCW28q-Wy4glh__W3Z0Wn17zHR_dW4fDR8H3YGc6mW3cqfsM6tLsTdVNrF-S6kBp1LW6gmHld3tc2z9N3Rc_vQDNcp7W960SLx2bNmxmW6QD61L7Q_b50W5617Db22f5D1W715Vqz7w6FQ-W3SwBzw4kxhfkW795DYb3vsPB6N1xjybnHvY-TW6f-b1Q3HV_6bW6ffc6335wvmmW4rstDd58MTc-VhQ1Xh9777YsW6f7L-g173WhwV2Xq-Z63PF7-N8qn1Rn5q96Qf1L1yZ204) Love entrepreneurship as much as we do? Join our community: [Facebook](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6b3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3mZW61ZyyR2pKmqMW2wtv4T7b5HpJN4zFnvKd2C7KW2NrTBp3nJYXrW1nHpHc50KmzxW6V_jtp86QNS1W6Kf-WK5HVDv_W73LKWz83MNZLW677w_G7Fk2y8W53v-rh77GvPfW2kXbBh7zQRcHW3WXR2x4l-mg4W7LHxLZ4SyKXtW6wN2mD4JwPtjW4x6tlK1P17XfW4zRyC31bxdvSVrlPMn6h52YDVCwYVN4bb1mkW1krXNJ3gQvZ0W4c21xy6Km8TlW1Gn14z49Jms8W7BLVtb7n8HdFN3TdKJMG8ZTLW5fkbyN6-f893d6ZTfF04)
[LinkedIn](113/d2H9Nt04/VX26L468Z-RVW1M8Jvb20nkCNV_gMC15lpN6zN8BHR6v3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3pgW1Pb39h7_0JhRW1sBtM_9bbQHgW5qlb5S1F7-WsW6N9Z7B23X3NRW3Rgn-C8MlR-GW3P7CGj7C5MfWVcM2CQ3vhzk7W4TbZ9Z49vB8pW1yttJv2_HxQmW8rDvVz3Gy_MXW97F_g-4FvqrLW1d4W2z3JrDMVW1S462t5L47q-W4rrYTZ7GVLWxW8S_Nb12mY1Q6N59mlgVDxLxyN50hJSFNLwsdW447FnF6HhssCVmhCdQ6dKkGcW2DbWsQ5gZ8bfW9f3vBD7YWGPsW794k4J8d3d2fW1zLr1X2fMqwhW3Jr7v05XLw10W4_xxY511gp3tW5lps4-2_-9X0f4XVVBF04) Note: If you're seeing this message, you're currently viewing our emails in plain-text format. This means that you're missing out on a richer, more engaging email experience. Unlike plain-text, HTML emails are capable of displaying vibrant images, clickable links, interactive elements, and a visually appealing design that's tailored to offer you a seamless reading experience. With responsive design techniques, HTML emails ensure that our content looks fantastic and is easily readable whether you're viewing it on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device. There could be various reasons for you accessing emails in plain-text. It might be a personal preference or a decision influenced by security concerns, bandwidth limitations. In some cases, certain accessibility tools or assistive devices may default to rendering emails in plain-text for easier reading. While these are valid concerns, it's worth noting that modern HTML emails are designed with security and accessibility in mind, aiming to deliver a safe and inclusive experience for all users. If it's within your means and possible for you, we strongly encourage switching to HTML view. This isn't just about aesthetics; it's about delivering a more dynamic and interactive experience. Our team dedicates a significant amount of time to ensure that our emails are not only informative but also engaging and enjoyable to read. We strive to create content that resonates with our audience, incorporating elements that enhance understanding and retention. We're confident that the HTML version of our emails will provide you with an enhanced experience that's truly unparalleled. Adopting HTML view also means you'll gain access to features that are simply not possible in plain-text emails. This includes embedded videos, interactive surveys, and animations that can make the content more lively and engaging. Furthermore, HTML emails can be personalized to a greater extent, offering you content that's more relevant to your interests and needs. We understand that change can be daunting, especially when it comes to how you interact with your digital environment. However, we assure you that switching to HTML view is a step towards a more enriching digital experience. Our team is here to support you through this transition, ready to address any concerns or questions you might have about HTML emails. We are strongly committed to protecting your privacy and providing a safe & high-quality online experience for all of our visitors. We understand that you care about how the information you provide to us is used and shared. We have developed a Privacy Policy to inform you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of information we receive from users of our website. Our Privacy Policy, along with our Term & Conditions, governs your use of this site. By using our website, or by accepting the Terms of Use (via opt-in, checkbox, pop-up, or clicking an email link confirming the same), you agree to be bound by our Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy. If you have provided personal, billing, or other voluntarily provided information, you may access, review, and make changes to it via instructions found on the Website or by replying to this email. To manage your receipt of marketing and non-transactional communications, you may unsubscribe by clicking the âunsubscribeâ link located on the bottom of any marketing email. Emails related to the purchase or delivery of orders are provided automatically â Customers are not able to opt out of transactional emails. We will try to accommodate any requests related to the management of Personal Information in a timely manner. However, it is not always possible to completely remove or modify information in our databases (for example, if we have a legal obligation to keep it for certain timeframes, for example). If you have any questions, simply reply to this email or visit our website to view our official policies. Regardless of how you choose to view our content, we want to express our sincere appreciation for your time and engagement. Your support is what drives us to continue creating and improving our content. Thank you for being an integral part of our community and for joining us on this journey towards a more interactive and visually engaging digital experience. Foundr Media Pty Ltd, Level 1, 60 Wilson Street, South Yarra, VIC 3141, AU [Unsubscribe]( [Manage preferences]( Note: If you're seeing this message, you're currently viewing our emails in plain-text format. This means that you're missing out on a richer, more engaging email experience. Unlike plain-text, HTML emails are capable of displaying vibrant images, clickable links, interactive elements, and a visually appealing design that's tailored to offer you a seamless reading experience. With responsive design techniques, HTML emails ensure that our content looks fantastic and is easily readable whether you're viewing it on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device. There could be various reasons for you accessing emails in plain-text. It might be a personal preference or a decision influenced by security concerns, bandwidth limitations. In some cases, certain accessibility tools or assistive devices may default to rendering emails in plain-text for easier reading. While these are valid concerns, it's worth noting that modern HTML emails are designed with security and accessibility in mind, aiming to deliver a safe and inclusive experience for all users. If it's within your means and possible for you, we strongly encourage switching to HTML view. This isn't just about aesthetics; it's about delivering a more dynamic and interactive experience. Our team dedicates a significant amount of time to ensure that our emails are not only informative but also engaging and enjoyable to read. We strive to create content that resonates with our audience, incorporating elements that enhance understanding and retention. We're confident that the HTML version of our emails will provide you with an enhanced experience that's truly unparalleled. Adopting HTML view also means you'll gain access to features that are simply not possible in plain-text emails. This includes embedded videos, interactive surveys, and animations that can make the content more lively and engaging. Furthermore, HTML emails can be personalized to a greater extent, offering you content that's more relevant to your interests and needs. We understand that change can be daunting, especially when it comes to how you interact with your digital environment. However, we assure you that switching to HTML view is a step towards a more enriching digital experience. Our team is here to support you through this transition, ready to address any concerns or questions you might have about HTML emails. We are strongly committed to protecting your privacy and providing a safe & high-quality online experience for all of our visitors. We understand that you care about how the information you provide to us is used and shared. We have developed a Privacy Policy to inform you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of information we receive from users of our website. Our Privacy Policy, along with our Term & Conditions, governs your use of this site. By using our website, or by accepting the Terms of Use (via opt-in, checkbox, pop-up, or clicking an email link confirming the same), you agree to be bound by our Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy. If you have provided personal, billing, or other voluntarily provided information, you may access, review, and make changes to it via instructions found on the Website or by replying to this email. To manage your receipt of marketing and non-transactional communications, you may unsubscribe by clicking the âunsubscribeâ link located on the bottom of any marketing email. Emails related to the purchase or delivery of orders are provided automatically â Customers are not able to opt out of transactional emails. We will try to accommodate any requests related to the management of Personal Information in a timely manner. However, it is not always possible to completely remove or modify information in our databases (for example, if we have a legal obligation to keep it for certain timeframes, for example). If you have any questions, simply reply to this email or visit our website to view our official policies. Regardless of how you choose to view our content, we want to express our sincere appreciation for your time and engagement. Your support is what drives us to continue creating and improving our content. Thank you for being an integral part of our community and for joining us on this journey towards a more interactive and visually engaging digital experience.