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Mon, Sep 16, 2024 02:22 PM

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R​eady to build the life you dream of? kicks off! If you’re ready to take control of your

R​eady to build the life you dream of? [fdrlogo] Hey {NAME}, The countdown is on—just 1 week to go until [the Start Your Ecommerce Business Summit](113/d2H9Nt04/VVM-q97tCCk7W64RW4c3PJyfrW9h8NV35l1NPFN5VHnTb5nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3nYW4VPNQz3VGGNvW4ygP6P8vw6xnVmbJ_Q3zwb2QW1ftZxT2pPyY6W1JRKnl7qFDZQW5G40y27Z0RqPN3XPpjQzr_CGW4P_1yX8-vk9hW27pPjl2hyMGJW6BCnQG4JztGXW9lBnQ13FHgmnW7t4KR61HXDz9W20FNPs5xxdfjW8wk-RM1v2fdwW3vBgxW4xPxKHVGngLK44LFBJW4_VT8y5klqN6W6tBPGF5dlB_nW4MFxNG1NBRFrW6dl0Mp3BzcFsW809rjK8w5klkW6h0Kpm5W4ND-W5TGBs25Fd8jpW6B_3jB6DGsyCW6LV1vP7r6tmsW3Y33q66cKmnZN66pqcb-sBk3W1K4fvw27jgZbW6w5qVz69mnmfW5CS9PN617YHXW5Px4n85D83mRW6Jh-9M5-_MbnVYkqTF14jmvnW8SDQ4P28LM95W2TdB9z417YKXW5glXN140K_SyW3DR7qX5TpDKFN5-X43mzMpHtf1sgstP04) kicks off! If you’re ready to take control of your future, create financial freedom, and build a business that lets you work from anywhere in the world, NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT. Grab your free spot today and start turning those dreams into reality! [▶️ Click here to save your seat now >>](113/d2H9Nt04/VVM-q97tCCk7W64RW4c3PJyfrW9h8NV35l1NPFN5VHnTb5nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3m8N15vckNyvBhsW54hwJJ359fHyDxB-KvcFnhW2XmjC77xLLc0N6qxhW9WDrMTW5qnP022nL3D6W5hN4hS4L6yVGW1xp3wP1Vhcz8W4VqDC94XgGxJW1t8yrs7jwK_lW7xp5Wv7TYhsyW8X8Jpn7WWDbSW2YS6g-4fFmsCW5-XMK168PdFLW65KJql8Q1V7qN1rV_rnWpRJnN9jwW1gTtGnqVQc59D12qdP0VHx0-32TFZYHW21X6LP4xXcWqW6R45JV2PJ26kW51vMCs31ctLCN1Cch_gNCgc3W2lG7RM4vlKs5N8dshz6KVZ30W5RqtpZ8M8LqdW6-yc3B5lBC0BW2gkx2g3N44NSW71hPZ51_1sCkW2hqym06mWbQGW6VBQ2s2wbBX-W8Rsy5W7l5xqQW8X6Kjz9jgg1XW4k474C5VJjG2W32symB9c5g_5W5vJcgl7SKtVgW2lqg6k57nqXCW7p_PFX4FK0dHf2_llsM04) [JOIN THE SUMMIT FREE](113/d2H9Nt04/VVM-q97tCCk7W64RW4c3PJyfrW9h8NV35l1NPFN5VHnTb5nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3l1W159YmF64wNP0V6x33t2Zz6LWW27xx5f1plb-NW4xhrFQ194hKGW7pcRmL5mv6dLW8vn7DJ4yT59_W2H32ZQ3JVTFlW8CWqXh4X0tYBW3PrL_G9c7wPqW4CKsYF77PDF4W4myyq72dpHndW8-mhvB96T7nkW31CvwK1YL9SZW7QP_QT8lPmwXW4F4Ly96VTcWwVD3Yn351JsJLW3H99KW6XnHQqW2Z49Mr60pjF6VqS5ZH7-KXSzW2GHGYF2xy9d6N6TWVbh6zkDVW5fNJB54dPXcwW92CZhD20g8r1W6bm4K17Xrdx_W5zwGM735kdvpW7RQYdF7k0SgGN1XdjVtzBv6_W1F250n6ltkzqW3wP-dr1Fgk14VrC-Br6KYpPXW46JGfs5ysx9MW8sjQfl74vJ3RW5KpWB288fXnHW5fb_y166q72FW8Knm_v8PyDWvW2qjfKM6dRGnzN5p3XbxhwskWW5X0c3q1hjdh2f6R6yQb04) [Summit_Lineup 1_1x1](113/d2H9Nt04/VVM-q97tCCk7W64RW4c3PJyfrW9h8NV35l1NPFN5VHnTb5nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3p-VStgFL3lr4nCW3bWwdn6s3y2kW6lkTd12Q2F-7W27PBPJ3YTb93W75Vc1y5ggG-vW3V0r3t83JCnYW2g9ppT5C6X33W1qBkKT60zwBTW7tD1pc74RTQ4VjQLff6QXQl2W3kv9JP2PGvBmW4BgcZW3-_cPlW1FGLr74vM559W2dfp_63c1SX1W3Lcvnm7mrjb5W4CzZbx18-DCkW3hhMyT7vqv8tW3T_VHw1t7fKbW6tztNz2NdhstW7Kbfh-16zXylW5FbpNL6ZqhVHW4kKy3015GjD0Vq_ZqH8qVR7FW99QCYb8JCwjLW2hS5DP8gY79pW5JfVs_4hFSSMN4VPdmyk1QsBW1pdfW63WNMY6W6Qlrh_94PnzXVHT9M75pKxv3W5csHjH3MhVdWW8Hy59N5y5D53W4sXRWV2tySXkW1F3D1x7bTzyCW7JXgbC4Fr6fcW1rKkPX178VKsW1W6-lr7dXcPwW5nWXS-9kp2zbf1ClFYx04) We get it—it’s not easy or simple to start a business. We know that there are a ton of “gurus” out there who give the impression that it is. But the truth is, it takes a lot of hard “smart work” which is a result of studying proven strategies and modeling successful founders. That’s what [this Start Your Ecommerce Business Summit](113/d2H9Nt04/VVM-q97tCCk7W64RW4c3PJyfrW9h8NV35l1NPFN5VHnTb5nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3pnN6MZwxbY0FQ3W1p4LVv2zHfYtW3dSz1S8jqPPwW2NJ2nZ6RfLfcW5GYlYT757LG5W2sftRZ8yvthvW3d1cTb118ZGPW7rvY0K3jkCJVVG7Rsh2d5mjHW6kdJdz7sf44yW7CgXhW3yzpy-W97j_Nm8PBp0VW1_RTw291w1mJW8DlXpf2FTZx5W2Q2LPC45_QKvW1M71NX4SyydmW2Wcw_s2F4vK4W3x_Sm16xJWYXW5mLzcZ8yzSJcW24f8Q09790FVW8LpSqK1pfKbbW17MXzN8tK-WBN1K54yYmmdLjW3jTQ1b6J0SLyN9dlw-bgvQz-W8GpmSR6Q6_nhW6v4D_D5LQ1GkN634ZPJSV59QV42JsN9g9-CgW77ZGF-8v0JbVN8PT2BZ9HGcJW7Ln-K964wxzcW5Q7rfP89g8YSW3P_Zdn5j0Fy5W8gvPwS66gCnjW5D-NSq4PpgJbW7hvHH34LSVq0W5GFPl66_qnNgf8jQ-7T04) is all about. You’re going to see how it’s done without sugar-coating. All from passionate, self-made entrepreneurs who’ve built 6, 7, and even 8-figure businesses—never gurus. They’ll share the exact tools, mindset shifts, and strategies they used to get there. Whether you're driven by financial freedom, the desire to quit your current position, or the dream of working from anywhere in the world, [this 3-day Summit is a must-attend for you.](113/d2H9Nt04/VVM-q97tCCk7W64RW4c3PJyfrW9h8NV35l1NPFN5VHnTb5nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3mBW5nBRDF1dgqyrW5BG1l62m11qdW9fH_b_6kBt6fW4q1B778QrkPlMR5TGsLySPxVXbMGp9c6QTDW6HWPjY4nj9tPW7wWbPr6mk1QsN2sXNP3c4JynW3djLlX7bKKwyW95TRtF2MHCqmVgKLzF4K--2MVzKr--67nyCsW61rvjk65TyHdW7xfqZv1QT6JWTKzNS1zmRzgW8RsgL378s3t3Vt6_lz2PngW6N1Cp7cWK_b8CW48KWsf3YnBl7W61_1nn58DNC9W2ks4Xl3GYDKLW4-ZMTB1Qhj5yW4PYPGQ8GCWYtVrM-CL2S62YFW17kTT58qQBvHW2Vk_nY4pM9HGW2t4myX3q1X6sW4N-lqN8yzwWlW5cPcF07-y-kbMhlxmwDnt4mW2vLC9n6l5Wy9W1GvkMh5kctB6W4zShbB8qHb9nW7cgrHD3sp1m7W1Lsm8N8z2-zyW5t_4Bj5cSDj9My2slw_RXdPf2qk5FM04) This is about investing in yourself, building a legacy, and creating a life that provides opportunity and flexibility for you and your family. The question is…are you going to acknowledge the situation you’re in, embrace the challenge to get out of it, soak up all the knowledge you can get, and take massive action NOW, so you can be the next ecommerce success story? [Join us for the Start Your Ecommerce Business Summit](113/d2H9Nt04/VVM-q97tCCk7W64RW4c3PJyfrW9h8NV35l1NPFN5VHnTb5nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3l5W54GKgc3YPBnYW210yFY30cTK0W8f_Vxn6HH7YKW2_66Ct32n2dgW457JBB6WkbhsV2xQH820xXrRW7wYJbQ1pyP7PW1lXLfV3L-mYGW87fVZn6sSB38W6W1rg686W491W5n-yJX50kGGKW7LpGTt79dQDnW38B-Hl8181S3W7-dLQS291PYCW49ssPR6Tt9b3W8SXzD33wHb3yW95GHQS1VB-KXW49swxW5RZDSyN4NSyp6fmqtrW8Gqw2x6gZY4kW5p4fkq6tJzW5VVqBxz3_glqfVTx1qd8NfsZSW6678JC1934PXW7MWybq5VDRGBW81GdT8678dnlW6cfmqj191yT7W4jGDTP4LKHlBW89qFHx4g9cGDW2PdqNW3K5F8RW36VpDf5J8STBW5kbGbV36N7BZW6HGHw61-FykvW6vNHx-7zmJK_W548kQ17Kp_l9W77xykw6tkQCfN74MrXWMv-dBVq6t1m2GVBdyf6DfV5g04) and let’s build, shall we? We go live on September 22-24 at 6pm ET (US) / September 23-25 at 8am AEST (Australia). Let's go! 🚀 - Nathan ChanCEO & Founder [nathan-banner-img](113/d2H9Nt04/VVM-q97tCCk7W64RW4c3PJyfrW9h8NV35l1NPFN5VHnTb5nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3mJW5JhHTj357B1kW6KYf3z6_zfK8N8gvCH5NMdN6W6PgmVx8PMLZxW83Xs1C82g2c3W7lSyQ-49K83hW3J3Hxh5xFSZwW8hHnJP8MPq6FW3YQGp452sWjFW332WT74fmg-GW98Tbc35MSNHXW5_R_6h32VLQ2VZhg8m1-1lThW3pdDV78RqB53VHRK8B6-PV6hW5dPk4K1V6rlvN1H7hZSwD3cDW6z1-3096FHYmW4m2Jg017tvc6W5XJMZQ2DdJwWW4kf-_L2_MpHHW78JRrD8J8BRNW5WhTV12ZJ5QMW5P7cP83kvzCqW3n7KTv6388_8W1tSHH78H-m3NN98dCgG8T4dmW7n23_R7yQxl7W2Pmh1P5RmzRhW39f8Df1WfybhN5_yBZgG6VQ-N7Z8bDC-R7lqW3zrJ6G8mGVXYW5l-XFd8pJnb9W42VYvx38vKRDW3KTqdG56K4BdW1SPv365bGnKmW1W5jl02BcPxGf6V6WcT04) [nathan-sig__1_-1](113/d2H9Nt04/VVM-q97tCCk7W64RW4c3PJyfrW9h8NV35l1NPFN5VHnTb5nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3mrVNY0G-3mH4ThW7KxmJh1t-7fcVZdm4B6-7srhW3-SZjG7LzLt_W8kTR862M9r-nW5Zhv1Q1QJDCwW6t1XgM4r0y7wN7xf38hYFwYTW3Z3f8s93G4MWW6nJP-J1JVpvJW3n-0GR4xgnLnW5fCfD65WQXTgW3D5CcP5TccxyW5J1kJ85rT243N20K1l4Kj4BqW5ZpDT253_bW5W5dNH4Q7BcJM8W1s23z173g84tW3hCc908382BMW1DXmC05slZ01W8Dk-K37Njs--Vv5kPq2mVQsZW6srMPX6jkcJ-W2HVB0d7DQX-4W3LTWKx76lQrQW69g4s28SZ8ZMW6ZrY8q8Bt7vmW24Cd_B1ZhzmNW4Y-rH_5_9MVsVMbXwB8SYqjGW3d5Pky6GHVxTW6XGZbS26nRcxW2rLtzD61sK5NVsw8JK6g2KzbN8y6973kRr9fN1Y957S9bnKcW7Lljng1YBL_mW8ZNNxq6Rs_Tbf5D-D6804) P.S. Did you know, {NAME}, that when you [save your spot free for this summit](113/d2H9Nt04/VVM-q97tCCk7W64RW4c3PJyfrW9h8NV35l1NPFN5VHnTb5nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3lCW3njN3g5Ln5CPW3HF3fn5tm_5mW6WS8gR8Q3k7WW7rRxby5sC7bRW6qsdN_4tjmfMW95J1Wq7hz-rCV35bYV3lPhw7W4BHD9Q7lvCC2N2c9j3vMjlWFW84ndDz1BFRkBW70nCdY8JSgWqW4_MHBf3rKc6MW2-M2jF4NmDqnW979mpL4qvnY_Myk1p_gpwDdW3n4tCy3k8lKHW8G2Xr831f0glVMG_3n1TCfL3W5WvPsw9kR2-6Vf83YR6ZzKF_N3TSnNHkb25LN428QgcN3QcbW69gZ465dm7CHW7cLzvH92k_kjW6fKLJW4B7S7SVxNBc06b3n_KV2WjFV2vsYy_W3w-WCs3hfTHsW8St5m37-0gdlV_QFXb10DkBmN6WBqMDWHsHSN9jwLy9rdXtjW1jtssb3QqnMMW2d_4Sz9lFQ8QW99ylg-861KRpW8MMwQ470RnnwW1MQjhv1HQVGzW81DRVy77kQX9f5f74Kn04), you also get FREE instant access to thousands of dollars of BONUSES? Yes, you heard that right. 🎁 BONUS 1: Instant Access to over 250K in savings with Foundr Startup ToolsFoundr startup tools help you save over $250,000 on the top 100+ software and services for ecomm businesses like Stripe, Canva, Slack and Quickbooks. It’s free for you when you register for this free event. 🎁 BONUS 2: Free access to the Foundr Magazine SubscriptionWe interviewed the world’s top ecomm founders and distilled their insights into hundreds of pages of countless actionable strategies. Every one of these issues were exclusive for subscribers – until now. [Go here to join and access your free bonuses now ](113/d2H9Nt04/VVM-q97tCCk7W64RW4c3PJyfrW9h8NV35l1NPFN5VHnTb5nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3nKW69yPZK55B9lSN1syDVcVwb2bW4J__GV6-C27dW2wkylG7FQ0cnW4Tr3Jh7RDN1BW8YT-Nq6S2rgRW7c86Lt7y6kVGW6L19Rr4NBrpYVkJ1vn9g8bxFW5yCVh27Y83T0W5JcdtC5nxfS1W7fNL8x5-zdf4Vpmct95D_8P3W1wKk5-59JMg5W5VcK1B2cjg_LW6hkCkd5W2PScW6gSTNG165LtxW4Tg4GC4cbmG9W11Rlg44B6mGzW5RpDyJ98dq0MW3NGP9t7lfY28W1r0Lfb5JN1zVW8wMgdG2LZkJRW7WF8Jy49dl1NW5tZm2n4XTk3wW3clcll3JzzTqV3v_V_2bB-TBVchJHL3FRbhQSZQ01R41PbVhYKgv7S4zXqW7GPR_N7MWJCYW4LWfhj8XjFyJVfRtvF3F-_vfN2hqTh5rPxFGW8L5LW51_-plDW5-RXzh78BmC0N87YTBhR0k5qW1LyWgr6zzByHf14rqvH04) This email was sent to {EMAIL} by You're receiving this email because you signed up for our content, insights, and exclusive offers from Foundr. If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of this email. 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