Alicia Scottâs inspiring story [fdrlogo] Hey {NAME}, Does it ever feel like your entrepreneurial dreams are just out of reach? Maybe you feel like the problem youâre solving is too niche. Or the market youâre entering is supersaturated. Donât worry. [These are exactly the kind of challenges we break down in the free Start Your Ecommerce Business Summit.](113/d2H9Nt04/VWzR487-NJQ5W7cX0gQ1_Zh_lW5QKV2t5kHvw4N3V8l905nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3m0W6CPnqs5VpK2dW8_pzRK94rvCrW4mkzPL3lc-PgW4db10f42-m12W1l0Mxg95G7KzN7Dk1LBHBncnW8T9ss289PW9yVGHRJC89RptZW3lqVxz3lmb2rV6g_7q8DGgBGW1HcbqK65VDVCW2j61qx3tJf_fW4pKbGs8CMn61N26ktZkRvFvGN5cxJFsmblz_W1-xhMh3YR_Q6N7LWPTLK6ZvRW4L_wWk9kMwfFVLPPNB7YZJVwN9bDzHzWCgLQW5tfys34NpfXhW6Z-T8-2vycX9W8z7W5k1BD5dWW8gvY8r7NVKfsW1bX_XG4fhwwZVJ3MzF2z33mbW64YBYc1Kgr0bW794W5Z72LZ1fW5qdlkR1h74tVVqvnzM7GPLjqW37LhXJ16RZb2W5h34dm66wBFLW8GwV1r5RrwVlW7cMR4S6wpTY9W4Xjvdl4hfGfHVSYHvr4j81yBW9kB_b1344Th4W6JsHr05kQQCbdZwTLq04) And one of our incredible expert speakers in the summit, Alicia Scott, is living PROOF that any challenge can actually be a prime opportunity in disguise. Aliciaâs story is one of resilience and innovation. As the CEO and founder of Range Beauty, Alicia knows a thing or two about developing products based on her own needs and the gaps she saw in the market. In her words: âIâve dealt with sensitive skin since I was a young girl⦠I just couldnât get with the makeup brands that were not only ignoring my skin tone but my skin conditions too. I wanted to create my âdreamâ makeup brandâone that didnât compromise the color, care, or condition of my skin.â And create it she did, {NAME}. All the way to a million-dollar, plant-powered, ultra-reactive-skin-centered, makeup brand. Thatâs why in the summit, youâll be learning Aliciaâs story as she [went from startup to Shark Tank to an offer from Emma Grede and Lori Greinerâand eventually becoming a powerful brand in the competitive beauty industry.](113/d2H9Nt04/VWzR487-NJQ5W7cX0gQ1_Zh_lW5QKV2t5kHvw4N3V8l905nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3mnW60__9g6S0DB_W4mCJZM4MFxhgVBD1-K5TLWF4W2NJ0pT4zyMqHW3KmFSk4rLBdyW2pwGxL1BCMD-N4sHTpzyXvPtW4cfJgw1pkkf1W1BvcSM7bDB0XW3jfdPk6LJ9vtW5X9ZhL46r7l7W5Vxkj25P-tyRW4Bn1n_8PMZm-W6f0ryp8BCNFfW3l0KM91LTfZgN4Y4lQw3DLMTW1Kf4rG3NQd8XW2sQQc51Wy_6FW7hBFYn7xXXxlVWj2zS5cX3lRW4wQdtd1Z9_tBW6rzKgl93klDQW3BZSLP4n1qT6W9m276w3dGMfdV1RXt_3mXVHsW7d5X-86Kcll1W59ccNV18nXdpW1WsDjM35ntJ8W6sqQcv5qL8CmW28WpSy7TmlmjW3JpbfR7-qgjdVNC02D1LCwCzW4Dky6R4kHksxN6kv9Xgnz4HsW7hKnJp8BsqywW3101YB8ChhBpW33Kf_S3_2R0gW1l4KK68kCXBxf8YHH6R04) Hereâs her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs: âThe best piece of advice Iâve heard was: your path is your own. Itâs very easy, especially in these times of over-sharing, to compare your progress to another founder or brand. âStaying true to your path and letting it work out the way itâs intended is much more effective than comparing or trying to align your path to someone else. âThe best thing you can do is start and work hard at it from there.â {NAME} - this is just the kind of advice and wisdom you only get from people whoâve been in your shoes. [JOIN THE SUMMIT FREE](113/d2H9Nt04/VWzR487-NJQ5W7cX0gQ1_Zh_lW5QKV2t5kHvw4N3V8l905nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3lcW4s_JJ94jC04dW83BGzb1-5x0NW972r3T2PV-SvW2kXph362jyw4W3fY9Rz4NhrKJW37-Ktl45tVq0W4jzYm_4QK-q-W80K4R27xyy2rW5K9ZHt6LGw3-N38nPkZJw68-W5bVmP773JvjrVHMHHd7C70gZW8V5fym15ydQNW77hv8R534pM5W2ZWM8871rH9bW3hPrQH6Rx7pLW4cS9756yWtfzW6nVj3t7zHpfbVsv6kT37fnG2W2C_XmB7Pgzn7N7zmjszvv3hBW5HRS-p8X4X28W2BHTxF1nZ2ZvN946nQzzx_rlW5kGHkB8Nn0KxW1vhzW_31LS59VSgRy98TMstWW6XznCk4HPp7FW8WGCKG4lYTCgVfwnyK1xg2-YW33_Ngk50f88TW3RJc768nXdnRVGPBM42GMmRPW61lvY94v9G1QW8FjNwT8rxVKdW3K6KP12g1S0LW30D7tr6fkzP_W5dgPHw6VXfLZf5SqFrz04) [image_20240816_summit_september_3authors_female_milliondollar_foundr 1x1](113/d2H9Nt04/VWzR487-NJQ5W7cX0gQ1_Zh_lW5QKV2t5kHvw4N3V8l905nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3p_W3MRMJZ3rX_GBVFB9SP2MxJJPW7tRPt36BVlSlW83h6HY8Jlv7CV72L4_2td2fTF2hKpwbzMCpW6bNY511D8z4-W32mb0y1KCJgqW3K3T5B8lV-WbW830ZxB9fVcT1W3wnrNv31XX7nW306XGZ1BjsKdW60YzMs3BTyddW8Ss1G372NygGW5fXLGX2Ng5_yVRMLq05JlyGNW3hRQQT2htpT8W3Ggr3M461dNFW4VwSsB6LD8yYW6bHFTC8DsPWZW5PKrJt1Y-y9MW8FxJLD2b57FxN4LcCHr9Z7v5VjqP9T5zbxDGW6DFGfy71JxqlW3zX_DX8K44njW3QrbDc4zc2G6VhpLxx7Vk0wbW3zdh005JwKCHN89Wpj3Fys5ZW994hRl62RsR9VzMHHv8KZT50W4GxS8K6mBK7rW7wGX3c3dGhD9W88w6-v8XtB41W6D7j2b2T-9yrW5yrclh7wTYLSW5K7lLz8Qhz53f3xDlVq04) Secure your spot for free and learn from Alicia Scott and 10+ other ecommerce trailblazers whoâve walked the path to success. Whether youâre launching your first product or scaling your business, [this summit will give you the roadmap to make it happen.](113/d2H9Nt04/VWzR487-NJQ5W7cX0gQ1_Zh_lW5QKV2t5kHvw4N3V8l905nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3nHW90M49119MCs8W51Z8wN5KHnLwVjMBvw47FKtmW6c9Znx99BtWCW7Bwcm49bKsrTW7Zb-gH2M6BvcW1Y5D9N2n2MlmW5HhjCk2MmmlKW77gKTG82jYbRW86JvK1199wnZW9fR_JQ4B2zT-W2wKtMN91d-v5W5PlbmN5JFG9MW5XrnSX3ZVQv6VjzCXt70J_LNW32WRMg8bXGKFW1Yw0gZ8yrzgjW58G_z57n9fMwW562Cfg3zGR-9W8t0_TM322CnmW2GkBR01tpJZhW62MN_f10-1MYVMMgFL4ZXZy6W5MDn788LDSXvN2vc6XXHyLMbW8TjRQh60QqXjN3HxL6vcnH71W6Z8jd732X6nVW1GQkP27nSHXlW1PY6_991dt3nW6R1wf_18qCx2W1xNSB59k9NJ-W3ndH4F1MbcGPN7dcmtlcQrdhVtBTcw4F00QSVhbg0K1jrbgzW1LFvFz4d094LW1sbDkC7DhJG_dWyWz-04) We go LIVE on Sep 22-24, EST ðºð¸ | Sep 23-25 AEST ð¦ðº Join and learn, - Nathan ChanCEO & Founder [nathan-banner-img](113/d2H9Nt04/VWzR487-NJQ5W7cX0gQ1_Zh_lW5QKV2t5kHvw4N3V8l905nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3mPW3Tnr4y3Pf-JlW3GK67-7ylHprW5GpwpS4fl8kgVQZhZR8hjjVKW4vRv7j6cygWJW2HPDsx4NRSWRW6sx3h05j7-C8W8j16d65WSchjW6kHlpw2jr892W2jm6pR1WSXvbW96QD_w599HWdW67cP1g3TjMCDW1svdxg5j2YsTW89cC4K1MTfdMW2TWx0M3R5dLsW5nqVMt18Dpx9Mm7fz_JLhtRW2JmrjB3tH94bVDfSfN7W2jq1W66X3bz6qBBHxW2MJ-gD5h_n64W5H1FqB1_tS_FW1W-SZK9j9KTRW7J7NWh5VNfyQW9kpmMt287VSCW1sNwSP7nHngzW21dlJs2r8rHRW2w4HHB5BVTL6W1tQnz02C4RGCW67mJNY8Vp71RW1XvgkP5Zwf4SW4WDXnB8zj4DPN8fbXltC2HnmW4H2v4S1Cvw3MN4_Wt5T8qtbSW29VBbX8ydNRsW95qSmz3jc94wW5knWXB8GJHYDf1lghtg04) [nathan-sig__1_-1](113/d2H9Nt04/VWzR487-NJQ5W7cX0gQ1_Zh_lW5QKV2t5kHvw4N3V8l905nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3l0W4ZlCZV8SQ3ssVHq1Tj2FlBdXVmnyF45QQKSNW4m2Dr35DdDGPW3mHj4V4TNbTPW74rygN7zt7T4W91v1VZ4Dd7DPW7_FS2K5-J0jfW2L9Wbv21rTzhVJ85by75SvPrVh2NFr35rRVQW3mmBLG89GQwHW5ynzCR1QXDfzW5ZmfSG8mzCx8W3vC4CF4KndNwN5sDdzQPbCnKW7Qd4dw7MxrWHVYNCKW4w0m7rW1zwM106tvNpjW8R2xvw36XbMBW6VZ1x-5DK_fdW3rX_9C6KVK88W5sWyJR1XnmCWW66mntm1260ZtW8B9mTY8Cm3FyW1R_fYG5_2nnBW3zpy019hdkjkW5pgH1s2-W3MQW2pM78x1TkMjZW7JCc6L5G9zdmVqJS711Vhm_3W3Rt8d96PCwY0W3zpT9D96xM50W44bwtT3S591TN5z9xsWrPPCBVdMYqt6DBQDCW3-Ld0C50pLGbW62wCQD3JT5dkf7nGTP404) This email was sent to {EMAIL} by You're receiving this email because you signed up for our content, insights, and exclusive offers from Foundr. 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