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🔥 From $24 to $600K per month - My personal story...


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Mon, Aug 26, 2024 02:14 PM

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We were scrappy but happy ... [foundr-logo2 ] Hi {NAME}, I was 22 years old, working at a full-time

We were scrappy but happy (not quite)... [foundr-logo2 (1)] Hi {NAME}, I was 22 years old, working at a full-time corporate job and pretty much living paycheck-to-paycheck. I’ve never started a business before and I just had [$24 left in my bank account.](113/d2H9Nt04/VVVL7g7r33kPW3581N26jYwxLW74N_GZ5kbMvNN880g345nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3kZW5nTn6g48-qb3W1w312R7TsPKmW1npGl03TfN5_W3wY-1p32p0KYW8Q3z9h5C-wHnF36FPg0nzZ5W91CcSP4pfLV8W2WJJM46hzFRLW3m-26J7Xdx_dW6kLn6q6L4gv0W4pBfws6SL7YzW7RNpKd6zWxZLW5V7vNh6j4579W4CWzrQ7sHh2fW6RPYQ85_ZpJbN7YsDjC1pYd3W6XKQRd4MxWRmV9w3ys4rkl44N2M8H0qysgXBW1952Qd6ZCNQMW1Kdm1b7p33rlW3hR5n327rC4zW6hnQfP7ZHDdFW3YG0LF6nzC0mW8mGcKL2yNPN1W8-_b-f3nj1h9W2kfJTr6VWxtQW1ffQ_S728M98W2yQDbF8RRHR1W5SxStX2BTh-xN6pzsw1KHlhGW47z8Bz4tnTyBW86L8px4ljsKFW790Gqb5bR07jf3gMsfF04) I was working 40+ hours a week and not saving any money at all. It was soooooo stressful. How did I go from that to [making $600k per month](113/d2H9Nt04/VVVL7g7r33kPW3581N26jYwxLW74N_GZ5kbMvNN880g345nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3pdW1wDwqv4WvyQ3W4DBDXQ35PLPWN6YCm_4Y4JwcW3qz0Pc6pqhZZW6s2mzk36yW5dW23Tzrc4lCScSW76bl2l7FXgdRN1wnKjkHm-zvW1_7Yq615JFMqW3Zxt_682bhjXW8FT2n52yQBTbN93c82M28T8PW5-2dtp4n9RGPW7N6p-N92K7fsW3Z1J211bhy2MW6fpGKl7XZrsYW94zK7F7qm15PW4xXDjJ5ngrTBW1twjt_71n_qQW5zMplW8FfXJFW6mpTKw335D2zN7zlnmbsS6YPW297BlH3vpZHtW6lFvvZ3bgXpPW2f8fL85hYzldN4rBbM7HZKxRW22D3qT7k8MHFN2L7_ll6V06BW1jwPcy5zfmpPW8Xpw502FRtmfW7mfQ1h7cTZwqW6C9Qn26CdTyyW3rDf306D4XhJW2JWVqn4SFjKnf5Ng-4s04) within just 6 months? That’s what I’m showing you here in today’s video. [Check the whole thing out for FREE >>](113/d2H9Nt04/VVVL7g7r33kPW3581N26jYwxLW74N_GZ5kbMvNN880g345nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3pfW8BXT9h4NMpQPW5G8Jp_6jBVV0N2mR3gk152GWW7fqn7s4HGLQXW61VgPk1F5r4XW97Lnxb1DXp7RN7FKNF4kmj18VtbB6y6JZfVgW1QdyxM5HsQkyW3v4XFK8l9MLYVFxk5c7VjJDrW8p7YzJ4GycFDW6QRr8h6FfwLHW1WYLYR4ZzhgNW1b3YDj2b3YLqW6lBNZF5T-kfFW5QyqKc1Xp2wcW392hyr3N_2xZW7ZrBsp67vBL6W6GWVT65lr-ddN5B3zQfW7f-2W6Tt6LK8dSdNlW7psJgS85mRKrW3wT4dD6jhJw0W45zN0c87GD5TW2XBrSl596FtqW5wwPRQ4NZ7DMW7kG9y750yPh_VgFTBZ16jGy1W53x6gd53d05gW8xXqQn2yVJ6cW2LTJ6N4q70P7N38k3MKK03HfW2BP6MR5nxMrbf1PLFP-04) [AUG-2024-SAS](113/d2H9Nt04/VVVL7g7r33kPW3581N26jYwxLW74N_GZ5kbMvNN880g345nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3pJV8QCwJ4c6Wk6W6NCkXH47_6-QW7DP2mf2yfH-DW2c6cj994srrLW8Lk7686BXCPrN6jHHd1LrktmW29b6w65vpN29VFDz0B70KZZLW60_QtZ5Tlp2zVJWGzW2F0RJcW3gKxZW2M_V1KW3565NY1ffVLQW6jNQH51JBzXxN6rXwZ2S6pFvW3hR5WG2wFy0nVLyCzf2VVpH7VPlvyS5jNdhnW2b9NL07lLPsRW73Z4SK8dScfFW3V2-zN7FQjMMW1tmVSn7Dgj8_W7xpHTr4ZS4YlW2lX-5r8F-NVKW1MxBz67H8bmhW7VqPBW4w8cpDW4PhqwM87p0gwW8rKs4y6KCxGSN20v8KfzFVjnW6ZyFJF43LhhrW4BwpDg5TPN0TW93Wc3j25xc70W42r7QQ6VCPkfW53C3_j815YV8W8Np2cK8Z5hNtf7C29BF04) It feels like only yesterday that armed with an Instagram account and a Shopify store I started my first company, SkinnyMe Tea, from my mum’s kitchen table. Blending the tea by hand, packaging it into zip lock bags from the supermarket with stickers from our local newsagent and then lugging hundreds of envelopes down to our local post office… I made our first logo on Microsoft Word ‘98. We were scrappy (and I’d love to say “but we were happy” but to be honest we were pretty far from most of the time). Again, it was a stressful time—more lows than highs and exhausted from learning after learning. I didn’t study business, I didn’t come from a home that discussed business (thank god haha, that would be a bit much in hindsight really). I graduated uni late 2011, went straight into my first full time job and started SMT a couple of months into that. As I said, when I started, I was 22 and had only $24 in the bank. I didn’t even know what the word ecommerce was. I was still working full time so I’d take the orders during the week and then pack and send them on weekends (which meant we were in a constant ‘pre-sale’, not that I knew that term, as I didn’t buy the ingredients or packaging until we’d made a sale). After our first $1000 day I quit my job (that was almost my weekly wage anyway) without telling anyone because they’d all told me not to. I remember thinking, I hope I have enough to do in a whole day…(I did). We grew quickly from there, to be doing $600k / month, within 6 months. I had never, ever seen money like that in my life. [I WANT YOU TO EXPERIENCE THE SAME THIS YEAR!](113/d2H9Nt04/VVVL7g7r33kPW3581N26jYwxLW74N_GZ5kbMvNN880g345nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3lkW81hJkS7yKkSFW2bS-gG8qkJSlW8QJcDJ35c1rtW6VkWLl6zhcVtW1M3HTg5WZtnsVFRsrv6MsjdgW3gzfDG4n8f5vW1T7f3M4gw-fXW8wyD_c4yN4MzW1dPLWF3Clnc0W32lzwQ2w7qlWW6v2lSB8dSZL1W7zbvh_7st-K8W6kyzJQ1lCczdN2JPBBqjv-FYVC0k4c4xmD_xVBj2y55sb78LW46JSZ42vBcBqW51qtvF5RM0sVV5l-JS8wfSnxW4mBn_N6sBWBQW6RKQzZ8cwFf6W8q4Vss5_ql8pMZ5P8tpdt-FN2xbW8dHLh2BW1Rpdg365Ng06W30H2391cdXBWW8-C_7g3T91VtW4K-n-b5GjvT0MHLp0wSzjTXV15cZf1mvDNkW5F9VGY8gnfNGW7kNn618yxS6mN4d_Y-7VKDgWd1Kbpb04) Honestly, I’m really excited for you…you don’t have to make my mistakes. You don’t have to be afraid anymore. Today…we’re bringing back the BIGGEST SALE ever for Start & Scale. You'll be able to get the entire Start & Scale program worth $1,997… More than 50 in-depth training videos containing my step-by-step advice for quickly building your own profitable online store… Plus all of the exclusive e-commerce extra bonuses, the private community with 20k+ members… That’s helped people escape soul-sucking 9-5 jobs and predictably create multi-million dollar e-commerce businesses from anywhere in the world… For 85% less than what you’d otherwise pay! On top of that…Foundr has decided to give you their full 9+ hour E-commerce Masters program (normally $2,997)…FOR FREE! [See the Big Summer Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale!](113/d2H9Nt04/VVVL7g7r33kPW3581N26jYwxLW74N_GZ5kbMvNN880g345nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3lPN6xXcYQBQ1fGW3Kfbg817B24DW2cTpjp6PmN6dW59f7H-9fMpP0W4GJf_J95JtYfW2mhlc62279s7W8HvfbQ7PDHW-VBNp7B6JbDQmW42QN5r3V21KVW97qtL91ZGLf_N8WKX0SZDL9zW6_6QpK44pZ4yW5X2MYY2Q9Zj9W7Kc8c_8qLbt4W65ct9N9bky9sVnclTd7NC94rVLR6C63tnB_QW9kmxkB4x2H3wVx5twl7GfcGVW1J0CNv6nyT3FM64M-tZNsmQW7DV86p8kl1ZfW28vQJ06db0MVW12ZJsW7D_jC7W1ljb2C76StPQW4JQBj17m47YqW6hWKqf2VnVYXW5QCFkc5Wg_75N7mGDtS2_c1TW5fq2F64gYhZKW1GSb508j3QXbW3fSybY8hKFVzW45W8CT3TsgGVW8qYxCZ3B6Tbwf5g483z04) [SAS-ECM](113/d2H9Nt04/VVVL7g7r33kPW3581N26jYwxLW74N_GZ5kbMvNN880g345nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3m3W7k7pRg6RhN3ZW2nz5SH1BrsgvW7Qwy0p6CYJvKW2y-VNg42DGqTW5q8RDW1smLK7W8clxg664f5TJW4PKfgY3T05KWW2ycH5W4rrgDNW4BnQf62yZjGZW5xHQlH7wJlN9W3lYMB-924-WxW7smlNM13wVx1W7TH2HM1tvgx5W59L_Hh4cFWbgN64JZ2Gc9MWXW1sq3bf7FWdfKW3dkxSR4pslXZW2ChPY2422WfjW5pVW047VlKvkW8gGlpk51h1vKVyyTVR4ZD1cTW8hPp4K7g7RXRW8Q_94g6dhlyYW7J-L8C1XN1Q9W3my80M4Rz5H_W4jlJLR7qrxsvW8LRh4h4WznHJW95sNMb1g8W_xW5Xws7K614qFyW40YZyP98b9dwW3cnhxP70QZzxW8S6jdp57JlRnW3lm1SV893-12W6gRD-d47lYlff4z9whl04) Start & scale, Gretta van Riel P.S. Don’t wait. Join the Start & Scale tribe to learn and build [at the lowest price ever!](113/d2H9Nt04/VVVL7g7r33kPW3581N26jYwxLW74N_GZ5kbMvNN880g345nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3m9W8SSB2M62SfxdN24C4BvYmq0XW24LY0d6170BMW11kdrt7LKkN3N8kwSBxrDWyrV7K8498WX-VkW72xwkS3P_bgcN1JdcjlVbDwnW44KZnW5l0YBJW4QlYTB6RChj8W1Dcb7W40Ht9mW1G15PW3ZMP7vW3DWVZ77x00xjW5QCTHr19J1qNVS6fBv4BJ9pCN43Wc1Yrd0cxW9gMFVb3TV-8KW7G0P9L6KjK4yW4NYr-t4gkzbJW2sKJTD4jyHGGW5FRnL73H6FzRW7TppLG5BwRc9N8HNqV7PNPN1W4Cq6qj63NJDKW397HdJ4wDGdCN1PvVHjp4dVtW4mg_4s8rKJjyW32NWbN7z4nNWW4cClyG767c7TW4Ym6KF6cl53JW7p71Qq1JXwJlW1pM3Jt7MH8bkW86Zmz42pwp0jW5Kfv--2zYKSxf7_TQZY04) We’ll never repeat this ever again. [Check out the Biggest Summer Sale today!](113/d2H9Nt04/VVVL7g7r33kPW3581N26jYwxLW74N_GZ5kbMvNN880g345nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3nkVFqrXh7nQD4SN6GmqhjS1sRfW2GfJcr4J78zfMx7TVXfzP7zW32sCrV2mNyHDW2sGFGy4bjw83W50Sn225NWR1lN1zswGP-hl0fW87bm7N5fqfjqW5-tLLP4zP9mwW1PlYkP5j-qSMVm2Nvk7PH1LxW50Rr0N2HMk9PN8D3G7rtHJqDW84P3kZ32j-kTW5xggrz10KyW5W1TVpPg4zSmw3W5Kd9YX8H6tLQW8-vK3H5q5gG0W7XVtY66J6FgLVLrM627fl-NrW3gPj0R665Fw-W6qxdm397MxNgW4h-Zpm7YlZJTN68_sSJqYtwBW5wRStT7dnM0NN2GgmbxZpvG-W4sm-yw2RCy_MW9gjZk27jSbK9Mb8glMlT-ZdW7JFY-Q66qS2jW2K2fc_8fnX43W7LCH234YffnqVKqRK87ZPyYJf6Prvwz04) This email was sent to {EMAIL} by . You opted in by signing up or receiving an epic gift from us. Foundr Media Pty Ltd Level 1, South Yarra, VIC, 3141, AU [Unsubscribe from All Emails]( | Edit Profile | [Manage Subscriptions]( | Report Spam

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