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3 facts (re: Senator Brown)


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Wed, Sep 25, 2024 03:09 PM

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FACT: Sherrod Brown is up for re-election in Ohio, facing off against a far-right Republican who's g

FACT: Sherrod Brown is up for re-election in Ohio, facing off against a far-right Republican who's got Trump's backing. FACT: Mitch McConnell is throwing MILLIONS into Ohio trying to take down Sherrod Brown. FACT: What happens in Ohio could tip the scales for the Senate Majority. If we want to hold onto our Majority, keeping this seat is crucial. We're talking DIRE stakes here. Do you want to wake up after Election Day wishing we did more to save our Senate majority? Too much is at stake to take a day off, {NAME}. [Please, donate $10 today and join us in this critical fight. The future of Ohio hinges on our support.]( If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly: [Donate $10 ›››](4f4/bGd6K24rSkhWRGFxaW4weUQveVVGRE9teGhGT1NtK3RIMlowaTJNL3l0MVdRdGpYdG1BTlFOT1RSSFl5NFVKODBXb1RSZnRtdXhQUGRoUG5TMUtYN0NJNHpvV2MxcVhDR2xoV0gzY0h3bXhIV1NPcytqcFBZZz09S0/VC9DczNlRmlMS0MyT2diaGc3N0JrN3JnUWxONVJwNzgxVmprMXpSNzBJNnBiWUZydWJmaG8rQXJUSjNvdU5VdEp6bGNIczhzYWVUOTRkTjczMlg5K2ZwcW5LaE1LRStjV2RvYlRuVjdmdXRDQkJwU3k4RTR1dXAvQlcrUWhtR1k1SEIybnN1ajVwRy84cVZ6RmVjQnR3NmNmQXNXQVFYOGl5cmwyZXhnbkdTcnAvTk81SzVtaDZGTUFXUUt2eTJJS0) [Donate $24 ›››]( [Donate $50 ›››]( [Donate $100 ›››](yXGHqV3jWcK/bGd6K24rSkhWRGFxaW4weUQveVVGRE9teGhGT1NtK3RIMlowaTJNL3l0MVdRdGpYdG1BTlFOT1RSSFl5NFVKODBXb1RSZnRtdXhQUGRoUG5TMUtYN0NJNHpvV2MxcVhDR2xoV0gzY0h3bXhIV1NPcytqcFBZZz09S0/YmZTRzd4ZXJ5dUNSRTNrR3hNdmFSV1J2UXgzckpLWi93clo1Z2YwQzBpSmt1ZVphUHFEZFN0bXhZeDg2eFdDNVdNbld0L0ZSejkzMzRKNHV6SUUzTStiTlRCd1NBZHp0OFhCNmtiQmN4eTBqWEZKYW5xc3VDRGFlOVFOSmhlWjlGQ25kclNaQm1USnlGMDVhKzRlLzhTaStCQ3k2U0owclgrc1VHbmNOVk4xcWdSalUvRlByMk8vVVhGRVVmcmpyS0) [Donate $250 ›››](gkS9/bGd6K24rSkhWRGFxaW4weUQveVVGRE9teGhGT1NtK3RIMlowaTJNL3l0MVdRdGpYdG1BTlFOT1RSSFl5NFVKODBXb1RSZnRtdXhQUGRoUG5TMUtYN0NJNHpvV2MxcVhDR2xoV0gzY0h3bXhIV1NPcytqcFBZZz09S0/Tk1CZU5GNFE1aUVpTnJ0R3dvRjBZWTZhbm5rQVFyb3lwVlNTSUNQTm4yNzBkclVIRExuL2xWWDRUemZIbDZlbUtvYSttekVOUVVTcmdNSWZ3NVZXY0hrcHlJZWpHTHF5bDFJUEVkelBxaGxxRXBaM09uQUVRb2xoVFFJUVhnTCtvZDcwaXp6UUtaSE9wUDNLaWdPL0wzTm52UmcxNWk0eTFyYUVaTk54NkJNOXJUUStySWF0RDY3dTU4dVdlejROS0) [Other amount ›››]( Sherrod Brown has been a tireless advocate for Ohioans, fighting for affordable healthcare, quality education, and fair wages. He has consistently shown up for the people and worked towards creating a better future for all of us. But his GOP opponent is fierce. Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are sparing no expense to defeat Sherrod Brown and push their dangerous agenda. They're investing millions of dollars in Ohio, flooding the airwaves with misleading attack ads. [Donate $10 today and join us in our mission to keep true public servants like Sherrod Brown in office.]( If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly: [Donate $10 ›››](4f4/bGd6K24rSkhWRGFxaW4weUQveVVGRE9teGhGT1NtK3RIMlowaTJNL3l0MVdRdGpYdG1BTlFOT1RSSFl5NFVKODBXb1RSZnRtdXhQUGRoUG5TMUtYN0NJNHpvV2MxcVhDR2xoV0gzY0h3bXhIV1NPcytqcFBZZz09S0/VC9DczNlRmlMS0MyT2diaGc3N0JrN3JnUWxONVJwNzgxVmprMXpSNzBJNnBiWUZydWJmaG8rQXJUSjNvdU5VdEp6bGNIczhzYWVUOTRkTjczMlg5K2ZwcW5LaE1LRStjV2RvYlRuVjdmdXRDQkJwU3k4RTR1dXAvQlcrUWhtR1k1SEIybnN1ajVwRy84cVZ6RmVjQnR3NmNmQXNXQVFYOGl5cmwyZXhnbkdTcnAvTk81SzVtaDZGTUFXUUt2eTJJS0) [Donate $24 ›››]( [Donate $50 ›››]( [Donate $100 ›››](yXGHqV3jWcK/bGd6K24rSkhWRGFxaW4weUQveVVGRE9teGhGT1NtK3RIMlowaTJNL3l0MVdRdGpYdG1BTlFOT1RSSFl5NFVKODBXb1RSZnRtdXhQUGRoUG5TMUtYN0NJNHpvV2MxcVhDR2xoV0gzY0h3bXhIV1NPcytqcFBZZz09S0/YmZTRzd4ZXJ5dUNSRTNrR3hNdmFSV1J2UXgzckpLWi93clo1Z2YwQzBpSmt1ZVphUHFEZFN0bXhZeDg2eFdDNVdNbld0L0ZSejkzMzRKNHV6SUUzTStiTlRCd1NBZHp0OFhCNmtiQmN4eTBqWEZKYW5xc3VDRGFlOVFOSmhlWjlGQ25kclNaQm1USnlGMDVhKzRlLzhTaStCQ3k2U0owclgrc1VHbmNOVk4xcWdSalUvRlByMk8vVVhGRVVmcmpyS0) [Donate $250 ›››](gkS9/bGd6K24rSkhWRGFxaW4weUQveVVGRE9teGhGT1NtK3RIMlowaTJNL3l0MVdRdGpYdG1BTlFOT1RSSFl5NFVKODBXb1RSZnRtdXhQUGRoUG5TMUtYN0NJNHpvV2MxcVhDR2xoV0gzY0h3bXhIV1NPcytqcFBZZz09S0/Tk1CZU5GNFE1aUVpTnJ0R3dvRjBZWTZhbm5rQVFyb3lwVlNTSUNQTm4yNzBkclVIRExuL2xWWDRUemZIbDZlbUtvYSttekVOUVVTcmdNSWZ3NVZXY0hrcHlJZWpHTHF5bDFJUEVkelBxaGxxRXBaM09uQUVRb2xoVFFJUVhnTCtvZDcwaXp6UUtaSE9wUDNLaWdPL0wzTm52UmcxNWk0eTFyYUVaTk54NkJNOXJUUStySWF0RDY3dTU4dVdlejROS0) [Other amount ›››]( Together, we can defend our Senate majority and create a brighter future for Ohio. Thank you, Forward Blue​ We work tirelessly to ensure that every eligible voter has an opportunity to cast their ballot. As we build on our momentum toward Election Day, there is no room to slow down. We are full speed ahead to push for a progressive victory! [Donate Monthly ›››](arY_c8/bGd6K24rSkhWRGFxaW4weUQveVVGRE9teGhGT1NtK3RIMlowaTJNL3l0MVdRdGpYdG1BTlFOT1RSSFl5NFVKODBXb1RSZnRtdXhQUGRoUG5TMUtYN0NJNHpvV2MxcVhDR2xoV0gzY0h3bXhIV1NPcytqcFBZZz09S0/SkZKRE81S2c4bmtxTlZzVmpMMDFDcWFrNnRzVnd4WWNNeGNjTXIzSjd1V0N4d1RnMkN0aGNEZnlvRWx4NTNzanFVZmMySk1iSGdRSnBKVXQ1QWlpcVNkUEZMVkZNMGZDT0daMFM5UktOUFJnSE0rMjFaVWNrWHY5c3dGaVlXUmNsVm1oSlRNVWtMWC9ndlp1NGJqTFlWa1E5a01YSzhyaUd4QUVDRUFMWTNlZHA3TUsxRE5IeEE9PQS2) This email was sent to {EMAIL}. Email is the most important way we keep in touch with supporters like you. 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