Training the trainer The Quest For Excellence By Clint Smith [1104-RS-LEAD image]( All Fire Should Be Precision Fire Since there will be no do-over in a gunfight — or even in simple target practice — the shots we fire must simply be the best they can be. [READ NOW]( Carbon Compact The Carbon Compact from Kimber is the latest addition to the R7 family. Featuring a completely redesigned frame made with Carbon Fiber infused matrix that delivers superior durability featuring up to a 60,000lb psi tensile strength. It's a pistol built to deliver all the features for the modern day EDC firearms owner. Available in 4 models, optics ready, and threaded for suppression. [LEARN MORE NOW]( Hot August Deals — Surprise Savings All Month! Customer Favorite Rifle And Pistol Rounds On SALE! Hurry, Sale Ends 8/18 Freedom Munitions manufactures many calibers of quality ammunition. We develop, produce, load and test our ammo in Lewiston, Idaho where facilities include our custom machinery, an underground ballistics lab and proprietary quality processes. We created our own lines of defense, match and subsonic with X-DEF, ProMatch and HUSH for utmost performance. [SHOP NOW]( When Master Instructors Cross Pollinate By Massad Ayoob [AHMJ24-cop-556 image]( In late 2023, I attended a “train the trainer” brainstorming session. Only veteran instructors were invited, about three dozen of us, and the format was that a handful would address topics in firearms/deadly force/threat management training and then lead a roundtable discussion of the given matter by all in attendance. Here are som highlights ... [READ NOW]( JUST PUBLISHED — Shooting Iron Thumb Bustin' Musings From The Duke A complete collection of “Duke” Venturino’s Shooting Iron column originally published in American Handgunner magazine from 2005 through 2024. His hometown and friendly style won the hearts of tens of thousands, and he always had a kind word or short note for everyone who reached out to him. In life, Duke was the same as he was in print — honest, capable, a friend to all, decent, quick to shake a hand — and even faster to grin at you. You always felt better after being with Mike. Enjoy this collection and think about the kind man who wrote it all. [BUY NOW FROM FMG STORE]( Also available from Amazon! #1 New Release [BUY NOW FROM AMAZON]( Concealed Carry On The Last Frontier By Will Dabbs, MD [CC22-2-Smith-and-wesson-model-66-desantis-scabbard-holster-16 image]( Packing Heat In The Frozen North I carry a gun whenever I walk up the hill to check my mail. I’m sure not wandering about the last frontier unarmed. As concealed carry challenges go, though, this one was particularly sticky. [READ NOW]( Big Man's Concealed Carry By Mike "Duke" Venturino [AHJA07-BIG-050-1 image]( What are all the traditional options for carrying concealed? There’s normal butt to the rear carry, cross draw, or middle of the back carry; all of which can be done using either inside- or outside-the-pants holsters. Then there are shoulder holsters and ankle holsters, and unorthodox ways I’m probably not even aware of. I’ve tried many of them and can tell you right off why most don’t work for us heavyweights. [READ NOW]( Plenty Of Personal Defense Options Here: Special 354-Page Volume! Best Of Smith & Wesson 2010–2019 Both American Handgunner and GUNS Magazine have showcased S&W products on their covers and in their pages literally thousands of times over the decades. This book includes all the guns featured between 2010 and 2019. "I’m proud to have helped assemble this remarkable line-up of articles, features and stories during my tenure at the magazines and confess, seeing them all together like this is satisfying and heartwarming. I think you’ll enjoy this romp down memory lane as you read — and re-read — some of your favorite writers as they tell the stories behind these historical guns of Smith & Wesson." ~ Roy Huntington, Publisher Emeritus Loaded with revolver, pistol and rifle content — all in full color. From FMG favorite authors: Will Dabbs, MD, Roy Huntington, John Taffin, Mike “Duke” Venturino, Dave Anderson, John Connor and more! [BUY NOW FROM AMAZON]( Watch For More Personal Defense Tips! Thank you for reading American Handgunner and GUNS Magazine content. Ashley McGee Digital Content Editor Copyright © 2024 FMG Publications. All Rights Reserved. []( [Facebook]( [Instagram]( []( [Facebook]( [Instagram]( FMG Publications | 225 W Valley Parkway, Suite 100 | Escondido, CA 92025 US [Unsubscribe]( | [Update Profile]( | [Constant Contact Data Notice]( [Constant Contact](