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Oracle earnings 💪 Stocks advance 🎢 Watch: US Inflation 💼 Oil 🛢️ EUR & GBP 🔍


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Tue, Sep 13, 2022 05:47 AM

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FlowBank's hand-curated fresh financial news Trader's Corner In focus this week • US inflation

FlowBank's hand-curated fresh financial news [header_noDither] 13.09.2022 Good morning FlowBankers! Here's the latest market news, hand-curated by our research team. The Big Story [shutterstock_1505148707] The database software giant Oracle reported quarterly results that beat revenue, boosted by its cloud businesses and integration of health records provider Cerner, which it acquired last year. Cloud revenue -- the highly watched segment that Oracle has been trying to expand -- rose 45% in the period from a year ago. Nonetheless, it missed profit expectations due to currency fluctuations. [Start Trading](113/cXx8Z04/MX0Vr1ZyDcHW3jRJQx5sHT2VW61z83B4PVPz4MSn_nk2-MK5V1-WJV7CgS46W8QxMpc5l62lTW7KC-Z22Dx2n0W3dcSP51X3q4TW5rC1PW6vsd86W67PLBs1xw7tZW3_LjqV1bXzhGW5VKw4r8yWTrpW6zNRmG1KkjV-VmFz-S4kCRbKW4f0k8W2nX6rhW4Fpm_89l1PTdN18xZcWnv_1LW56JBrk13Dfn0W7NP6-t1pY2X9W1kh3SR7fBJg-W6PLv715P5phTW9dqdX81ZpRdyW1Q5tHD4Gs-CRW4WR1nB74x5T3W5sCl973FsbYW2sM1) Trader's Corner In focus this week • US inflation data due today is expected to show headline CPI cooled in August to an 8% YoY growth. There are some concerns that this could already be priced by markets whereby the release becomes a “sell-the-news” event. • Traders will also eye the recovery in oil prices. OPEC monthly report release is set for this afternoon. Oil has been benefiting from a decline in the dollar as it offsets concerns that demand is under pressure. • Lastly, the euro rally continued after Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel signalled support for further interest-rate hikes. Today, ECB McCaul and BoE governor Bailey too are expected to speak. Economic data • US CPI, Small business optimism, real earnings • Eurozone ZEW economic sentiment • German CPI, economic sentiment • UK unemployment, wage Earnings • No major earnings Crypto • Bitcoin extended a rally amid a brighter mood in global markets, climbing to a three-week high above $22,000. Trading volume has increased by more than 20% over the last few days. • Blockchain ETFs that provide exposure to crypto miners, digital asset exchanges, digital storage, and other crypto-related fields are gaining momentum. ProShares Bitcoin Strategy (BITO), Valkyrie Bitcoin Strategy (BTF), and VanEck Bitcoin Strategy (XBTF) are all up 10% month-to-date. [Screenshot 2022-09-13 at 07.31.23] [Start Trading](113/cXx8Z04/MX0Vr1ZyDcHW3jRJQx5sHT2VW61z83B4PVPz4MSn_nk2-MK5V1-WJV7CgXG3W78vYt81t-PW3W5wpW9C248NBqV4KkPm5C2jRnW4tmw7h6zDRb3W3jSJPp6C0TxvVC4Wqw7Z09kfW1HsFW0705QqxW33SY6l5xT5JRW8MsmWD76YLynW3ZYVCL6sK702W7DV0_B5Wvn1VW8YBMxF6HhLcwN6qh-JZ7nlBCW6PdSD962BWt3W6spbtP6QZYyjVylPXZ7hbD4KW8rf72L6mym-6W5lHWNx3Tt6l2W9j3J4232dX24V3nrgt8Bzkqf350H1) Market Recap US stocks rose, extending last week’s gains, amid speculation inflation is near peaking. All 11 major industry groups ended in the green, with energy and consumer stocks among the top performers. The dollar fell for the fourth consecutive day. Treasury yields edged up. EUR was bolstered by hawkish ECB headlines. And Crude oil and industrial metals advanced as the greenback’s descent countered demand concerns. This morning, stocks are steady ahead of the US CPI. Gold and oil prices are slightly lower in anticipation of the data. Chart Of The Day The euro-dollar continued its advance ahead of tomorrow's US CPI release. Markets are anticipating a softer print which in turn is boosting risk assets. [Screenshot 2022-09-12 at 17.08.17](113/cXx8Z04/MX0Vr1ZyDcHW3jRJQx5sHT2VW61z83B4PVPz4MSn_n12-MJQV1-WJV7CgWkjM7vx50YWCbKW7XVRNr8PsZVDW3-MLtn5HqdqZN3vyNFDNJrQ2W2GL3rc2wDwD3W2Gsd6P6l8xP5W6_Wn_T7dYvCSW3ZlCH399l13KW2krXZS6zdmNXW85DRk66Y0fgYW5gZrJY1SK1gRW8wkJlg1Rltz5W1NYxZ25sN6qxW2gwp6D3TBgrBW4NJBVN8QrPlxVTMF8Q8hdtHpVr8L3043DSLQW6XgWF643W6sj382H1) FlowBank Blog Is the US dollar (finally) peaking? [shutterstock_2136768693](113/cXx8Z04/MX0Vr1ZyDcHW3jRJQx5sHT2VW61z83B4PVPz4MSn_nk2-MK5V1-WJV7CgNXKW5QZJcT4G21QpW2Dhf4j8xy9S0W8CvkHN5bvZJsW456yfW7G6Ft7W91TMvq8X2Mw7V2jjJR7flpLSW3Tpy6P8brbQ9W8FfjzH7nMnHPW7nnrF13R4GbNW7vsHQ757-qGtW1rQWvv8KG46cW2Y_fXw7xdwV5W37LVzZ4C5d3RW8lDCqx68C500W6WVhzY7j3VnJW3zJLCc8fk8Z6W4mpgr_1d83l4W8NJ8vl91jwWyW5tlMnN33Mxm4W8cfKbx1KcVgq3czP1) The US dollar turned weaker across the board last week on the back of expectations that we are past peak Fed hawkishness. Have we seen the USD peak, and could it drift lower from here? Read More [Stay on top of market moves with our LiveWires](113/cXx8Z04/MX0Vr1ZyDcHW3jRJQx5sHT2VW61z83B4PVPz4MSn_mL2-MJwV1-WJV7CgY6bW6ftbMy8yzl1XW2tQvFK8nnDphW7bwDkF8rb078W3lcVx85cNkJCW5W4xtS6-nn7WW6jCWTS65gjkrVKt0ns7mDTRhW5pf3Cr10WfS4W7j7lxD8QtVVdW7HFT0k59jBRzW8xhsZ92bLdStW7MTwjt80x9-CW5y7pFx26rmB9W5Gv7Hh2ptd0lW6Y2JxD6MX7rHW32H7jV2Rm8hp32zx1) [Don't miss our Popular Themes](113/cXx8Z04/MX0Vr1ZyDcHW3jRJQx5sHT2VW61z83B4PVPz4MSn_n12-MJQV1-WJV7CgVTvW1xXhjz28zFFVW8wXWSq4nP_S-W1nfCjL1D2xzpV1z8n-27vvmnW5cqs_71tJvjGN68xzjkzbbQXW71TpFd6N60tGW720J4j4Lz_MbW5H4wvg3dHvY4Mff310NbS4PW7Fqn3V2NwB3CW1VdHhx6MPCW8W19B5wK7htlybV3GrD19g08-JW5Dg_SV1thPQ8W8mPNPr96Qnn1W4k-_p65njqfYVChdr95pYRfv339X1) [Read our latest Research](113/cXx8Z04/MX0Vr1ZyDcHW3jRJQx5sHT2VW61z83B4PVPz4MSn_n12-MJQV1-WJV7CgSB6W5N_fZp5nhWBKW16hXt110bl4DW3h8NhM41Gcz6W6D9b577Rz-SbW8X7n6Q8M_QttW5W-wy341lJRvN6cnXysTHPdxW30brBm4NmzSTW3MvQ6F64P2S2W3nNFpn8sTJB2W1xMKj58LdtbPW57c2tN3rPbXnW2RFRHH670sbPW1gfvmt6054szW2DVFyD3x18RXW25QRdK7B-l6JW8Nd9c487zntQW7ZT_KR8Zfxw-3mRK1) [Follow us on Flow TV](113/cXx8Z04/MX0Vr1ZyDcHW3jRJQx5sHT2VW61z83B4PVPz4MSn_mL2-MJwV1-WJV7CgSwjV4K8_G9gsFqgN44NjWJ_S1PDW5Htg2f630fNrW5x-1DF9jpTd0W3s8hzQ7cVRmHW3nd9TL4w6YLMW5ZJSb523rDcxW974-HH6n-0VsW90BLRR6l2j9LW99FDpp11ccq-W3PHsrL936v6RW7Ywm3G2FswQWW4lS-Qq4hFMWXVJJsmw7tfQmvW3S02Zk2W46k1W3Cmr7N3kGbdW3g1s1) [flowbank-logo-2022-green-3] Facebook [LinkedIn](113/cXx8Z04/MX0Vr1ZyDcHW3jRJQx5sHT2VW61z83B4PVPz4MSn_n12-MJQV1-WJV7CgM5CW7NznDz55hrqrW3GJ3S936DnrTN4n-L6hP5CSyW2fnGnD2-3kNkW1Y53bR35NdVFVw_yyT8KrNc-W7mQg-d5nWJlLW13Pwhg4Y-2NDW5LVrcr2tQWF4W3t8wvC1KH0ZSW2nnt9M2tm52MW1ChYNb77dwgCW7ZKPJ-1L-wrzW5RJgm5767wpKW3tvZPG92bdn3W1lPjFQ7kVBydW7GM61y65fTWvW4QrT6p2zY8zs3hCr1) [Twitter](113/cXx8Z04/MX0Vr1ZyDcHW3jRJQx5sHT2VW61z83B4PVPz4MSn_mL2-MJwV1-WJV7CgN4yW6Wr_Sy9kkdXBW57d66t4cytBrW3npk7V3vXFDQW7F3BhK8Vn44GVpGQ0Y7N7MBWW51SL2249x8dcVklB1C6MLt76W3MP5Wf33sBThW3YWjWs14SdtwW27Pgxh1jkLn8W2W4qxn14tGhGW6c6D2X3dQ0V5W8-KXC47_fL6xW3nhbfG69g-6bW4-b3Gs2Cp5fyW1SbX6V17FWWg3bH01) [Instagram](113/cXx8Z04/MX0Vr1ZyDcHW3jRJQx5sHT2VW61z83B4PVPz4MSn_mL2-MJwV1-WJV7CgHvQW1XnqwY4jvs3JW8Mv4Yh49YKMhW3f54F1311hllW2GhTpP9c-c4hW8rk7cN4j-dBcW9hhtHx457-CWW3M2H-_6sDw-WW4HfCmW7Sx2rNW6ctMpJ2pVb0xVmK2TG4bQgkVW7t57FG3xDTF5W3VDrnH7_R4V4W1xw8_x6L58tmW8qgBC38NYgJ2W1PP5z45Wc0VhW3xHcf25djV5B23b1) [YouTube](113/cXx8Z04/MX0Vr1ZyDcHW3jRJQx5sHT2VW61z83B4PVPz4MSn_nk2-MK5V1-WJV7CgKCTW7TFH5z5c48P4W6sNWcR4l6NxDW8QMBdG2yK9zrW968D605H1kxtW5Y2FHV3BMxgtW6FnQSW6BWGcqW1rB-Px6N0gxkN8wWzmkrmYh_VhtYQ71KSS9nW8Y_scc3JRy76W4WYb0p3YgM32W1cv-3995K06GW5Cnz9p42gCbtVGXCwq5Wrps2W3b1P5p1vqdsDN7znkx5c0kMfV3p01r4ndF42Vc23X54z4PcsW18sBGv5-gtwSN8r_hNWw3MmN34511) FlowBank SA, Esplanade de Pont-Rouge 6, P.O. 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