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60X80: Bed Quilts


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Fri, Jun 30, 2023 02:49 PM

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Don't Miss The Roly Poly Teddy Bear Quilt! Â Please add to your address book to

Don't Miss The Roly Poly Teddy Bear Quilt! [- ](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D)  Please add to your address book to ensure inbox delivery. June 30, 2023 2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D 2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D 2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D  60X80: Bed Quilts - WOW! [Seeing Stars Quilt Pattern](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Piece O' Cake Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Purple Stars Quilt Pattern](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - FAVE! [Our Most Popular Printable PDF Quilt Pattern](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) 60x80! - [Classic and Neutral Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Freaky Fast Four Patch Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Marie Antoinette Triangle Twin Bed Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [The 65X80 Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) Featured! - [My Sunshine Log Cabin Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [In-n-Out Jelly Roll Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Sunny Log Cabin Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Easiest Ever Bed Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) QUEEN! - [Coquet Bed Quilt Pattern](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Easy Hawaiian Strip Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - Calling All Quilters—[The Charm Box Quilt Pattern is AMAZING!](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Trip Around the World Bed Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Salt Air Crossing Twin-Sized Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) Inspired by calm coastal waves - [Snowball Nine Patch Pattern](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [All Stars Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Charming Checkerboard Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Fizzy Fat Quarter Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) You'll need 20 fat quarters and some backing fabric! 2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D 2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D 2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D  Technique of the Week: [Fat Quarters](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) [Sugar Plum Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D)  - [Delectable Fat Quarter Stars](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Celtic Cross Fat Quarter Mini Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Framed Fat Quarter Squares](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Fat Quarter Princess Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) Fave - [Country Chic Fat Quarter Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Berry Bouquet Fat Quarter Table Topper](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Fat Quarter Star Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Sugar Plum Fat Quarter Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) Featured - [Our Most Fantastic Fat Quarter Quilts](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D) - [Fat Quarter Subway Tile Quilt](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D)  [Like being the first to know? 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If you have a small space, a great solution to clear the clutter is with a [Ruler Rack from Rita's Racques](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D)!  [Click Here To Win!](2FM0EzgnXWPgtAUPbJ4MkkJPYi9T%2F8cf6%2BcD7p8%3D)   This email was requested by: {EMAIL} Unsubscribe from this newsletter: [Click here](. Modify or Add Newsletters: [Click here](. Request information about advertising in this eNewsletter: [Click here](. Was this email forwarded to you? [Subscribe here](. To ensure delivery of this newsletter to your inbox and to enable images to load in future mailings, please add to your e-mail address book or safe senders list. Piecing It Together from FaveQuilts is published by Prime Publishing, LLC. This e-mail was sent by: Prime Publishing LLC 3400 Dundee Road Northbrook, IL 60062 United States of America Copyright © 2023 [Prime Publishing LLC](. All Rights Reserved. [Privacy Policy](. By using this site you agree to our [Terms of Service](. 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