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Comments thread: [(3D"
Unsubscribe links are at the bottom of this message. =20 =20 ________________________ A message= from Drew Curtis:
________________________ Hey everyone hope your week's been well. I do a few m= orning radio shows every week, and I try to avoid politics in the material = I pull for the shows, but this week it was pretty much unavoidable. A= side from the fact that the weirdest stuff this week was found on the campa= ign trail, by yesterday I had a grand total of four articles not about poli= tics. And one of them was about a town in New Jersey putting its Chri= stmas lights up early. They should have used my neighbor's tactic of = never taking them down in the first place. Anyhow, that = means the Fark News Livestream this week will be Oops All Politics. T= he plan is 4pm Eastern today / Thursday - and if you can't make the stream,= you can find the recording at [ rewcurtis](=3D"). However this week will be a game time decision - both = Dill and Lucky might have conflicts and if they do I might just punt to nex= t week. So stay tuned. ________________________ End Drew transmission
_____________________= ___ Top Comments= >
Some of the top-voted smartest and funniest comments from the past wee= k.
If your post isn't here, assume that NotNewsletterMonkey = rong>couldn't think of a tagline.
(The [Smartest](3D" and [Funniest](3D" for the past month are found elsewher= e.) Funny:
- giantmeteor[knows on= e of the things that could endanger Kamala's bid for president.](3D")
-&nb= sp;Rage Against the Thorazine[: "This is the face of a guy = who knows how much Sudafed you can get for a catalytic converter."](3D"
-= markie_farkie[: "Mexico should pass a law that every = Tesla that's sold in-country has to be re-branded as a Pajero."](3D"
-&nb= sp;felching pen[spotted a palindrome.](=3D" Smar= t:
- Pocket Ninja[spotted a strap-based place= bo effect.](3D"
- Walker[: "[I] can tell which sid= e the ACAB cops are on"](3D"
- foo monkey[might con= sider an ADHD evaluation](3D") [Politics](3D"
Politics Funny:= em>
- RandomAxe[thinks this is the most heroic thi= ng TFG has ever done](3D"
- OldRod[: "Truly, he is = a master negotiator"](3D")
- pehvbot[: "My money is o= n the equipment itself just having enough of his shiat."](3D")
- foo monkey[wonders why someone prone to assassination attempts= would even consider preaching to a crowd that likes guns.](3D"https=) = Politics Smart:
- hubiestubert[suggests TFG c= ampaign in a prison.](3D")
- bdub77[has Opinions ab= out what voting for Trump means.](3D")
- The Homer Tax= g>[boiled down this take.](3D")
- durbnpoisn[bemoans= how the common clay's perception of FEMA was poisoned.](3D")
- Pocket Ninja[all these venn diagrams make a circle](3D"http=)
-&nbs= p;phoenix352[: "My flaming hot take: Social media needs to = be regulated like cigarettes."](3D=)
- Unobtanium[kn= ows how much of a problem being required to count votes by hand would be.= a> Monkey's Pick
I felt these post= s were exceptionally funny or smart, even though they didn't get many votes= .
Warning: Unsorted, may contain politics. Funny:
-&= nbsp;Farker Soze](3D"): "It's one of those language difference t= hings like washroom vs bathroom."
- AAAAGGGGHHHH= g>[: "/not a typo"](3D")
- gonegirl[shared an inter= esting theory about the pigpen scene in The Wizard of Oz.](3D") S= mart:
- yakmans_dad[: "In short, criminals st= eal from their neighbors first."](3D"
- ArcadianRefugee= ong>[: "If I can go with my final utterance being 'Wheee!' then I've done th= ings right."](3D")
- HighOnCraic[remembered an anc= ient Internet conspiracy theory.](3D")
- Saiga410[re= members the days when we could have a political thermometer on Fark](3D")
= [CSB](3D"https:/=)= Sunday Morning theme - "[Where's the most interestin= g place you've ever visited?](3D")"
Last week, Farkers we= re challenged to share the most interesting place(s) they've ever visited.[Funny](3D"):
- dstan= ley[visited the World's Largest Ball of Twine.](3D"=)
- Sporkabob[wandered into the Fark25 show.](3D"https:/=)
- = Streetwise Hercules[visited Excalibur Hotel and Casino.](3D"=)
-&n= bsp;Nesher[rented a car on Easter Island.](3D"h=) [Smart](3D"):
- Groupon boob= job[: "I go back and forth on this all the time-- it is either one= of two places: Antarctica or the Galapagos Islands."](3D"=)
- Claude Ballse[has fond memories of Washington DC.](3D"https=)
- The Ghost with the Most[visited THE test site.](3D"
-&nbs= p;neofonz[wishes they'd been able to see a play staged on = this ancient ampitheater.](3D"ht=)
- ms_lara_croft[visi= ted the Stanley Hotel for a horror writers convention.](3D")
- phimuskapsi[: "I came back to the US a completely different perso= n from when I left, and it ended up giving me friends that I still have, fo= r a lifetime."](3D"https:=) Top Con= test Entries
Some of the top-voted [contest](3D" entries from last week, sorted by how like= ly they are to still be open. Go send in your own submissions, they're fun = even if you don't get the most votes! [Photoshops](3D"
Sinc= e there's a lot of these, everybody (and every thread) gets one and only on= e.
- Thoaar[found a new building for The Muppet Sh= ow.](3D"
- Surly U. Jest[captured this photo seco= nds before the beginning of Gilligan's Island.](3D"
- RedZon= eTuba[spotted a Scotty about to electrocute himself.](3D"=)
- = ;Stephen_Falken[put a face on every one of these berries. = Every single one.](=3D"
- TxRabbit[wants to be-lab= e.](3D")
- Professor Horatio Hufnagel[- well, you kn= ow what they say. "Every confession is an accusation," or is it the reverse= ?](3D")
- asstamassta[consigned the soccer player to= the Pit.](3D"
- no icon tact[fought a Gorignak.](3D" >
- SubsequentDamage[began pepper spray training o= n the local sports team](3D"
- Yammering_Splat_Vector= g>[adds an apple-picking scene to the creepiest Twilight Zone episode](3D")- nitropissering[gave the museum a face.](3D"
-&n= bsp; an otter.
- Abe Vigoda's Ghost[found a wormhole in this random flower.](=3D" >
- flamingboard[showed us the current state of th= e stairway to heaven.](3D"
- samsquatch[found the p= ainter.](3D")
- Clyster Broca[fled from the rain.= a>
- opalakea](3D" who's levitating your magnet.
- whatsupchuck](3D" the organ monopoly.](3D" Terrapin Bound[figured out when Nessie shows up.=](3D"
- Tom G[knows how to keep their dogs containe= d.](3D"
- GoodDoctorB[knocked all the snow off.](3D" [Cap= tions](3D"=):
"[Caption these breakfast buddies](3D=)"
-= Dave and the Mission[: "Mice Krispies! My favourite!!!"](3D" >
- Porous Horace: ["Rice for breakfast, cats for dinner= Makes fat men fat and thin girls thinner."](3D" "[Caption this visit to the DMV](3D")"
-= Walker: ["Says here you're an 80-year-old black woman name= d Florence"](3D"ht=)
- RedZoneTuba: ["Sorry, sir. You can = select whether or not to be an organ donor, but there's no place to specify= that you want to be a sperm donor."](3D" "[Caption this couple of koalas](3D")"
- orneryredguy= trong> [wonders why they're called an evolutionary dead-end.](3D")
- Cache: ["Mom, do you have to pose for every dork with a camera?"
- Petey4335:](3D"=)["No. We are not (hick) perpetually dru= nk on fermented (hick) eucalyptus leaves."](3D"
- Fara Clark= ong>: ["Yes, I have a STD. Follow me for ways to not spread it to your young= un's"](3D") "[Caption this lunch break during the Japanese super= natural cat festival](3D"https://w=)"
- RedZoneTuba [wonders who wea= rs a pith helmet to a restaurant.](3D")
- Gentlequiet [won= ders where MattytheMouse went.](3D") "[Caption this forest= man](3D")"
- common sense is an oxymoron: ["Dr. Zaius beg= ins his pole-dancing routine"](3D")
- SBinRR: ["Right turn= , Clyde."](3D") "[Caption this rodeo star](3D"http=)"
- Clas= h City Farker: ["This is not my first rodeo."](3D"http=)
- SBin= RR: ["I make guys that last 7 seconds look like total studs."](3D"=) [Farktography theme:](3D"https://=) "[Flat Out](3D")"
This week, F= arkers were challenged to "show us subjects that are flat, by any definitio= n of the word."
- Lovesandwich[drove across flat= prairies.](3D")
- Elsinore[encountered a smooth sea= .](3D"
- MorningBreath[discovered a weathered paint= ing.](3D"
- afghanwhiggle[visited the salt flats.](3D" Fark Parties](3D"=)
It's e= asy to plan for a Fark Party - you're effectively saying that "I'm going to= be here at this time, come hang out." [Submit one!](3D" We're wor= king on t-shirts to commemorate Fark25! Stay tuned! Fark Headlines of the Week
A= selection of some of the top headlines from last week. [Liam Payne fell out from ho= tel window in Argentina to his death. Argentinian authorities say when he f= ell out, he traveled in one direction](3D") [Lily Ledbetter, who fought for equal pay for me= n and women, dies at 72.24 years old](3D") [You know how there's never really one last art= icle about the oldest person in the world dying because the next oldest jus= t steps up? Well, it's sort of like that with articles about the Catholic C= hurch's "largest single child sex abuse settlement"](3D") Fark Weird News Quiz (brought to = you by ox45tallboy)
Another fun time on the Fark Weird = News Quiz last week, where we learned Gucci has a certain fetish for bowlin= g. On the Quiz itself, runwiz came out on top with 993, fo= llowed by JasonOfOrillia in second with 910 and = Rattrap007 in third with 881. dionysusaur= made fourth with 874, and WoolyManwich made it into = the top five with 843. The hardest question on last week's Hard Qui= z was about this year's offerings in the Neiman-Marcus Christmas catalog, a= yearly publication I'm having a hard time believing recoups its printing c= osts because there simply cannot be that many people willing to spend $20,0= 00 on a mahjong tile set, Only 26% of quiztakers knew that this year's most= expensive item, an 18th Century Royal Calèche, was a horse-drawn ca= rriage made for the family of King Charles III of Spain, It can be yours fo= r a mere $1.8 million, but you're gonna need some horses, which means you'l= l need a barn and a field for them to run around in, and a stable master, a= nd this thing is going to turn into a giant money sink to cover the one tim= e you actually ride in it before realizing they didn't understand suspensio= ns in 18th century Spain. The easiest question on last week's Hard = Quiz was about weird British sports. 70% of quiztakers knew that Conkers wa= s the name of the game when it came to smashing chestnuts, and the new worl= d champion was a 34-year-old American expat who had just taken up the sport= a year ago. No word on if they're going to show her "What's the Time= Mr. Wolf" next. The hardest question on last week's Easy Quiz was = about nurdles, which are lately turning up on San Diego beaches in large am= ounts. 64% of quiztakers knew that a "nurdle" is a plastic pellet meant for= injection molding, where it is melted and forced into a mold and then cool= ed to make stuff archaeologists will be digging out of landfills in a few m= illennia. The nurdles are not required to be shipped in an enclosed contain= er, so when a ship carrying a load of them sank recently, they all came in = with the tide and will likely really confuse those same future archaeologis= ts as to why we put artificial plastic rocks on our beaches. The ea= siest question on last week's Easy Quiz was about which director got his ow= n street in New York City last week. 91% of quiztakers knew that the brilli= ant satire of consumerism "Night of the Living Dead" was made by NYC native= George A. Romero. George Miller is the also brilliant Australian= guy who made the Mad Max series. If you missed out last week, now'= s a great time to [cat= ch up on the Fark Weird News Quiz](3D"=) now that you know a few of the answer= s. Congratulations once again to the winners, and we'll do it all again on = Friday. --------------------------------------------------------------- ([](3D"") sent this newsletter emai= l to: {EMAIL}) To stop these emails, go to the Notifications tab of your [MyFark profile](3D"https:=) to change your subscription preferences. Or, [click here to unsubscribe](3D") f= rom newsletter emails, even if your Fark login isn't '{NAME}'. [Click here to unsubscribe from ALL Fark emails](3D"). Fark, Inc. PO Box 1291, Versailles KY 40383 ------------=_1729790937-40374-7454--