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Fark NotNewsletter: You're not weird, I'M weird Wait


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Wed, Aug 7, 2024 09:38 PM

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This is a multi-part message in MIME format... ------------=_1723064286-50696-9752 Content-Type: text/html Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable [3D"The](3D")= > [3D"Totalfark"](3D") Having trouble reading thi= s email? View it online [here](3D". Comments thread: [(3D" Unsubscribe links are at the bottom of this message. =20 =20 ________________________ A message= from Drew Curtis: ________________________ Thanks to everyone who attended the Denver= Fark Party memorial for MissFeasance this past weekend.&n= bsp; It was great seeing some familiar faces for the first time in years, a= s well as some new ones. Great call on Wynkoop Brewing as the venue a= s well, it's rare that you can drop that many people into a place and have = space to yourselves. At the ev= ent I mentioned [what I had written = in an earlier newsletter](3D".=), about how we only have so many days left with= friends and family members. But on the Uber ride how I thought more = about it - how for example Bukharin who is an amazing individual I have met= through Fark - how many more days do he and I have together? I bet i= t's probably closer to hours. But I hope not. Turning 50 made me realize I'm closer to the end than= the beginning, and also since time is accelerating as I get older, the end= will seem to get here much faster. I'm at peace with this, I mean what els= e are we going to do about it. However, if I want more time with peop= le I've met on Fark, I need to carve it out. I really hate self promo= tion but - one way to make this work is to plan to spend more time with fol= ks I've met on Fark, and one way to do that is have more regular meetups.= span> And on that note, we have a big= one on deck [October 12th in Lexington KY.](3D"=) We'll have things to do the entire we= ekend, you'll have to pick and choose what you specifically want to do beca= use we'll have too many people to move all at once. Call your friends= and make sure they come too - especially those that aren't around as much = anymore. The party this past S= aturday made me think that perhaps regular get-togethers might work. = Let's talk about this when we're together on October 12th, maybe we can fig= ure something out. No Fark New= s Livestream this week - I lost a day and I'm scrambling to catch up on stu= ff. We'll be back next week. Definitely check out the [mayonnaise fusion po= wer](3D") article from today, that one's a keeper. ________________= ________ End Drew transmission _____= ___________________ Top Interac= tions Some of the best interactions from the past week. = Do note: this takes priority over being placed in "top comments." - [Farkers in](3D"=)This Thread[discussed why to not go to North Dakota. Of all= states, why go after that one?](3D" Top Comments Some of the top-voted smartest and fun= niest comments from the past week. If your post isn't here, assume that = NotNewsletterMonkey couldn't think of a tagline. (The Smartest and [Funniest](3D") for the p= ast month are found elsewhere.) Funny: - Boo_Guy[found an illustration of the 'long ass' effect.](3D"=) = - Megathumaencountered an odd sort of solidarity.= > - TofuTheAlmighty[: "It's the cybertruck of pia= nos."](3D" - The Devil's Bartender[is appalled by= the fact that this man didn't stop with sticking a live eel up there.](3D") Smart: - ajgeek[found a meme su= mmarizing contaminants over the years.](3D") - hubiestubert= [saw Aerosmith's integrity firsthand.](3D"=) - mong= biohazard[emphasized the humanity of unhoused people.](3D"=). -&= nbsp;schecter[spotted the reason this 'best cities' list= was created.](=3D" [Politics](=3D" Politics Funny: -&= nbsp;coffeetime[remembers how many sentences TFG's complet= ed.](=3D" - Squid_for_Brains[was bitten by a radio= active Black person (its a whole thread from TFG's "turning black" comment)= .](3D" - Shostie[cannot get over the length of AI= -generated arms.](3D" - scottydoesntknow[has a pu= n for checking in dead bears as luggage.](3D") Politics Smart:= m> - adamgreeney[would've preferred another VP p= ick.](3D" - Jesterling[knows the demographic VP= Walz brings in.](3D" - Walker[may have spotted = a tell for questions TFG doesn't like.](3D") - BenderZone= strong>["I was dumbfounded- like what historical precedent has suggested to= you that being a minority made things easier to be elected president?"](3D")= - Kubosuggests calling the GOP even more nam= es. Monkey's Pick I felt these= posts were exceptionally funny or smart, even though they didn't get many = votes. Warning: Unsorted, may contain politics. Funny: - HotWingConspiracy[: "It was like listening to a= n inner monologue of someone locked in battle with buyer's remorse." (Conte= xt in article.)](3D" Smart: - PvtStash= trong>[researched the role of tights in medieval times.](3D") - Sobekneferu[has a theory about those job listings that never = close.](3D"htt=) - [In response to rising portion sizes,](3D"https=)TWX= [turned to sharing.](3D"=) - Persnickety[c= hooses to use the Bechdel Test to see how the movie industry in general doe= s with representing women.](3D") - the girl with the prison= tattoo[shared how they define 'blackness.' Hint: it's not depende= nt on skin color.](3D".=) [CSB](3D" Sunday Morning theme - "[Th= at time the customer was definitely wrong](3D")" This wee= k, Farkers were challenged to share the times they've seen the truism "the = customer is always right," proven wrong. Bonus! We had a post from = this thread take Top Funniest this week, beating out all the posts in other= threads: Ambitwistor [didn't believe that $2 bill was r= eal.](3D" [Funny:](3D"=) - The Pope of M= anwich Village[proved that, no, the dryers were the exact same siz= e.](3D"https=) - neofonz[was asked for a rare steak with= no pink in it.](3D" - [A Major insisted that](=3D" [take the time to get into full uniform, during an emergency situa= tion.](3D"=) - aimtastic[watched someone try to s= hip something by air the day after 9/11.](3D" [Smart](3D")= >: - Miss Stein[: "How is she spelling 'Byrds'?" - catmandu](3D" expertise over appearance.=](3D" - Pestifer[remembers the original truism, a= nd laments the mistreatment of employees that resulted from it.](3D" -&= nbsp;benelane[saved an angry caller's business.](=3D" = Top Contest Entries = > Some of the top-voted [co= ntest](3D"h=) entries from last week, sorted by how likely they are to still be= open. Go send in your own submissions, they're fun even if you don't get t= he most votes! Photoshops: Since there's a lot of these= , everybody (and every thread) gets one and only one. - T= hoaar[amplified Snoop Dogg's vision.](3D"=) - Yamme= ring_Splat_Vector[countered a leaping attack.](3D"ht=) - Bumcheese[created a 'pick me' spread of 'good boyfriend/girlfr= iend' pills.](3D"https:=) - Large Marge sent me[devised a= n inventive tooth replacement.](3D") - EvaDewer[kn= ows how you can tell a photo was taken in Canada.](3D") - H= alfabee64[has a bridge to sell you.](3D"=) - RedZon= eTuba[encountered an overzealous outfielder.](3D"=) - TxRabbit[couldn't pass up the chance to be part of a Michelange= lo painting.](3D"https://=) - samsquatch[heard you don't s= peak English.](3D") - Archie Goodwin[can put this = fire out on his own. Totally.](3D") - clovercat[la= unched the surfer repellent.](3D") - nitropissering= >[knows how they get those ships into the bottles.](3D") - Stephen_Falken[visited an erupted volcano.](3D"http=) - Surly U. Jest[tried to escape Jaws.](3D"http=) - baro= nbloodbath[: "emotional support rattlesnek"](3D"https://w=) - bucket_pup[pulled the plug.](3D"https://=) - Mock26= g>[witnessed a Prisoner-furnished room.](3D") - Wrongo= ong>['s cat tried to get the ball too.](3D") - r[found a surfing imitation that's about as dangerous.](3D"=) = - Befuddledwonders why Bags of Holding absolutely ha= ve to open to the Astral Plane. - Sonic Yawn= [knew they wanted a Schoolhouse Rock decoration for their bike.](3D") [Captions](3D".=): "[Caption these proper picnickers](3D"=)" ([imag= e](3D")) - Creoena [thinks it needs more salt.](3D" = - Floki [sees this as a farewell to Mike Pence.](3D"htt=) "[Caption this feline fatale](3D")" ([imag= e](3D")) - rjd2 [is watching you.](3D" - Joj= o_TheDogFacedBoy [echoed the anthem of the angry cat.](3D"ht=) "= [Caption this heroic feat](3D")" ([image](3D" - skybird659= trong> [got her bottoms.](3D") - Marcus Aurelius [offered= a used dolphin condom.](3D") [Farktography theme:](3D" "[Blur 4= a>" This week, Farkers were challenged to intentionally include blur, of= ten a quality of sloppily-taken photos. This is my favorite Far= ktography thread so far! Good work, everyone! - NotNewsletterM= onkey - Elsinore](3D")[turned the world into= a trainset.](3D" - Lovesandwich[was assaulted b= y the Bird With Many Wings.](3D") - EvaDewer[was a= spectator to a speedster duel.](3D") - kittyhas1000legs= trong>[put the focus on this little mushroom.](3D") - beerr= un[moved the world around this racecar.](3D".=) [= Upcoming Fark Parties](3D" It's easy to plan for a Fark Part= y - you're effectively saying that "I'm going to be here at this time, come= hang out." [Submit one!](3D"=) [OCT. 12TH 7pm= , 25th Anniversary Fark Party @ The Lyric Theatre in Lexington KY - but wai= t there's more (TBA)](3D") Fark Headlines of the Week A selection of some of the= top headlines from last week. [I'm stuck to my = chair. I'm so very scared. Help. (Details In thread) Difficulty: What does = the fox say?](3D") [Yemen's Hodeidah port threatened by Israel. Ca= b Calloway inconsolable](3D"htt=) ['El Mayo' pleads not guilty in co= urt. Witnesses report he remained stoic and showed no emulsion](3D") [This is KBTX, and in our top stor= y: an altercation at the College Station bar has led to an arrest for domes= tic violence. Let's go to our anchor on the scene, Heather Kovar *taps earp= iece*....oh](3D") [Russian army continues to train in the use of = tactical nuclear weapons, which pretty much involves Ivan Conscriptovitch l= ugging a giant bomb out somewhere and hitting it with a hammer](3D"http=) = [Granny with a broomstick, uncle with a steak knife, cousin with a 9mm = fired into the ceiling, a can of Raid, and unseasoned chicken brawl leads t= o arrest of two](3D") [People who contracted severe Covid-19 lost= an average of 10 IQ points, bringing anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers dangero= usly close to 0](3D"=) [Topless man who fights other topless men f= or a living threatens to get rid of his Harley Davidson after recent 'woke'= initiatives in case it makes him look a bit gay](3D"=) [Yogurt s= aves people's lives from house fire. No word if the fire was started by Dar= k Helmet](3D") Fark Weird News Qu= iz (brought to you by ox45tallboy) Another = fun time on the Quiz last week, where we failed to locate the country of De= mark(sic), although I was informed you could tell from the smell. On the Qu= iz itself, WoolyManwich came out on top with 1037, followe= d by HFK in second with 947 and MinorThr= eat1 in third with 943, all beating out our resident admin Two Dogs Farking and his score of 936. Stardate= 4040.7 made fourth with 930, and HighwayBill= > made it into the top five with 915. The hardest question on last = week's Hard Quiz was about the new owners of the "[](3D")" domain. Only 40% of quiztakers knew that we are now living in a Black= Mirror episode, as the domain is owned by an AI startup that wants to sell= you a wearable pendant you can converse with because that is totally = a sign of a healthy personality. No word on what they're planning to do wit= h all the recordings of these conversations or how much they'll be asking t= o have the AI plug a particular product or political candidate. The easiest question on last week's Hard Quiz was about yoga pants, beca= use this is Fark and yoga pants are a thing, 92% of quiztakers knew that Lu= lulemon has pulled their $98 "Breezethrough" leggings, which weren't mens p= ants with a ventilated crotch but women's pants with a Y-shaped seam throug= h the buttcrack that many complained shaped their posterior into "long butt= ". Even Sir Mixalot didn't quite know how he felt about that one. T= he hardest question on last week's Easy Quiz was about 80s Young Adult lite= rature. Only 59% of quiztakers recognized Francine Pascal as the creator an= d principal author behind the wildly popular Sweet Valley High series about= the continuing adventures of twins Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield. With a= ll that happened to those girls through high school, you have to wonder why= their parents didn't move to a safer and more normal city where their girl= s weren't in mortal peril every other week. I can't imagine what their ther= apy bills are like today. The easiest question on last week's Easy = Quiz was about reigning World Hide and Seek Champion Jimmy Hoffa. 99% of qu= iztakers knew that he was most well-known as the head of the Teamsters Unio= n, a job that gets you disliked by politicians, businessmen, and most impor= tantly, used furniture dealers who like to meet in diners just outside of t= own. Turns out those guys don't like it very much when you muscle in on the= ir turf and bring scrutiny to their dealings, and making those guys angry c= an result in things like the investigators looking into their business deal= ings spending all their time looking for your body instead. If you = missed out last week, now's a great time to [catch up on the Fark Weird News Quiz](3D" now that = you know a few of the answers. Congratulations once again to the winners, a= nd we'll do it all again on Friday. --------------------------------------------------------------- ([](3D"") sent this newsletter emai= l to: {EMAIL}) To stop these emails, go to the Notifications tab of your [MyFark profile](3D"https:=) to change your subscription preferences. Or, [click here to unsubscribe](3D") f= rom newsletter emails, even if your Fark login isn't '{NAME}'. [Click here to unsubscribe from ALL Fark emails](3D"). Fark, Inc. PO Box 1291, Versailles KY 40383 = ------------=_1723064286-50696-9752--

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