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How much of your retirement will be left after America's Judgement Day on 12.13.23?


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Tue, Nov 14, 2023 11:03 PM

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From the man who warned about skyrocketing inflation months ahead of time? America?s Judgment Da

From the man who warned about skyrocketing inflation months ahead of time… America’s Judgment Day: December 13, 2023 The Former Trustee of a $42 billion Retirement Fund sounds the alarm for a looming retirement catastrophe… and what you must do right now to protect and grow your assets. [Seizing the Good Life](. This is Roger Michalski, publisher of Eagle Financial Publications. Look at the picture to the right. On December 13, 2023, this is where a devastating new policy will be mandated. It will trigger the most massive destruction of assets retirement investors have ever experienced. That’s because this policy change has the potential to collapse America’s financial system, and in the process, remake the retirement world as we know it. And it will happen fast. Make no mistake: The aftershocks of this meeting will cascade across America like a financial tsunami. Almost overnight, nothing will be the same. You will no longer recognize the country you grew up in. Financial mayhem will devastate the unprepared. First, it will overwhelm Wall Street, with massive selloffs of America’s most popular stocks. Then, the bond markets will be slammed, as too much “paper” turns worthless. Next, it will be the banks’ turn, with unprecedented loan defaults and client bankruptcies. And shortly after, this financial horror show could devastate every income-paying investment in the country. [Seizing the Good Life]( I call it America’s Judgment Day. The potential results: A new dark-age will descend upon retirees, and those hoping to retire. Their incomes could be slashed overnight. And their life savings could vanish. And hardly anyone will see it coming. Once this new policy is finalized, there is no way of stopping America’s Judgment Day… Even though the signs have been blatantly obvious: - Untold years of zero interest rates… and now, sudden spikes causing financial instability - More than a decade of stock rallies, fueled not by value but by lax money policies - An inverted yield curve for more than one year which demonstrates a lack of faith in the future of our government’s abilities to pay its debts, according to Forbes - The biggest bond crash in history, according to CNBC - The falling labor participation rate (the “great resignation” and “quiet quitting” sweeping across America) - An obscene amount of government debt (They’re not even considering paying it down, just slowing down how much deeper we sink) - Hundreds of billions in funding for a “proxy war” against Russia in the Ukraine - Even more billions pumped into the economy for “stimulus”, but the only thing it stimulated was inflation… to 40-year highs These all add up to one thing: America is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. And in a matter of weeks, we face Judgment Day: December 13, 2023. On this day, a radical new government policy will be the final death blow to what’s left of the economy. So why is this a surprise to so many people? [Seizing the Good Life]( simple: For more than a decade, the media has done everything in their power to prevent ordinary Americans from knowing what’s coming. We have been misled by a generation of media “stars” and politicians. They’ve distracted us with radical social experiments, trying to transform America into something it was never intended to be. Reckless spending on social engineering in schools and colleges… Even lax trade policies giving hostile states such as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea virtual free reign… Each of these has been touted by the media as something “good.” And I see nothing that could save the country this time. No, it won’t mean the “end of America.” Just the end of the America you recognize. The country will survive, but ordinary people will have a much harder time. That’s why I’m reaching out to you today. To help you [survive what’s coming]( The most devastating financial catastrophe of the decade. And to help you come through with your finances intact. Perhaps the above scenario sounds extreme to you. But this is no mere scary story. [Bob Carlson]( That’s why I want to introduce to you my friend and colleague Bob Carlson. Bob passed his CPA exam in 1993 and became a tax attorney a few short years later. But Bob wanted to make a bigger impact than what the courtroom could offer. So, instead of practicing law, he chose to be a trustee for some of the largest public retirement funds in America. One was worth $42 billion. Through decades of public fund management, Bob has met many high-powered politicians and Social Security officials. He understands their agenda. He’s even acquainted with the inner workings of the Federal Reserve Board. And he knows many hidden power brokers behind the scenes in D.C. In short: All this makes Bob one of the few people in America who understands the big money that’s behind the sneaky next move of Washington’s elites… And the financial destruction that many will face as a result. [He knows precisely how America’s Judgment Day will impact retirees.]( And because of what he’s witnessed, firsthand, for more than 30 years… He has made it his mission to protect retirees and those preparing to retire. Right now, he and I are here to warn you: America’s Judgment Day is coming for you. More importantly, we’re here to tell you how to survive it. So let me start by anticipating a question you may have: Why Haven’t I Heard of America’s Judgment Day Yet? Actually, you likely have heard bits and pieces of the story. Despite nonstop propaganda from America’s media, they can’t cover up every news item. But few have put the pieces together and see the big picture. The problems mentioned above are only a few of the many harms we could face. Besides, the news media is not about to focus on big problems while their selected President is in office. With a new election coming, the corporate media wants their party to stay in power. But, hiding in plain sight, for those who are willing to face hard truths, this coming disaster looms large. Ready or not... America Faces a Reckoning You have very little time to prepare. Thankfully, the preparations you need are quite simple. These three simple steps can help you guard and grow your life’s savings. I’ll share them with you in a moment… because these three steps are the only way Bob knows to protect your family and retirement from this impending disaster. So please pay careful attention to this briefing. The events triggered by this closed-to-the-public meeting will unleash forces that will catch almost every Mom and Pop investor by surprise. This is unlike anything we have seen before. [America’s Judgment Day]( could unleash a cataclysm that cannot be stopped. This disaster cannot be slowed down or brushed aside. Once released, it can’t be legislated away. It can’t be stopped by some government “stimulus.” It can’t be reasoned or debated. It can’t be bargained away. Millions will see their wealth evaporate. Value stocks and bonds won’t help you. Social Security will be inadequate to help you, if it even survives at all. To be blunt, this financial reckoning may not stop until it has run its course, leaving financial ruin in its wake. Let me show you… The Cause of the Coming Catastrophe And Its “Poison-Pill” Solution The truth is, we’ve come close to this kind of calamity twice before. [Seizing the Good Life]( money policies during the Roaring 20s’ created an unsustainable boom… one that collapsed into the Great Depression when the Fed reigned in the money supply. Those policies did stop inflation… but the economy itself didn’t recover until World War II restarted industry and production. The same thing happened again in 1980, when inflation soared to an incredible 22%. The country was beginning to unravel. [Seizing the Good Life]( Once again, the Fed reigned in the money supply with soaring interest rate hikes. That created the worst economic downturn in the United States since the Great Depression. Now, the same thing’s happening today. We’ve had a massive increase in the money supply, caused by too many years of zero interest rates and trillions in government “stimulus” spending. The Fed now has no choice but to keep interest rates high to save the country from a complete inflationary meltdown… Even at the risk of severe economic consequences. I’m certain you don’t want to live through another Great Depression. Or even a 1981-like “scaled-down” depression. Yet as you’ve seen, higher interest rates and slashing the money supply are the only things that can stop runaway inflation. Even though they lead to painful recessions or even depressions. It’s like a poison pill. The cure can be as painful as the problem. Sure, the Fed can talk about a “soft landing” all they want. The truth is, there’s no such thing. The Fed has never been able to halt inflation without the deep economic pain that has hurt retirees the most. Unfortunately, there’s only so much I can give you in today’s briefing. So when the government acts on December 13, you can bet things are only going to get worse. Bob Carlson wants to help as many people as possible prepare, survive – and even make money – from this inevitable disaster. So, at no charge to you, he’s created a three-part financial survival guide revealing what you can do now, very quickly… with little to no effort. Yours FREE: [Bob Carlson’s “Judgment Day Three-Step Survival Pack”]( Bob is going to GIVE you everything you’ll need to survive and prosper in the coming months. Here’s a look at what you get, at no charge: First Step – Emergency Briefing #1: Survive the 2024 Squeeze: Protect Your Retirement Money Step one is this high-level intel briefing. In it you’ll discover: - [Seizing the Good Life]( this retirement crisis is different from any you’ve seen before - Big retirement law changes that aren’t widely known but that could damage your nest egg beyond repair - How legions of new forces are gathering to attack your retirement account - The blueprint for an iron-clad fortress around your money that still grows your wealth This high-level briefing has a value of $197. But given the sheer magnitude of what we’re up against for the rest of the year and beyond… Bob wants you to have it [FREE](. That’s just step one of his Survival Plan. You’ll also need… Second Step – Emergency Briefing #2: Protect Your Cash Flow: The 76% Income Boost Strategy This is Bob’s retirement growth strategy. [Seizing the Good Life]( to be blunt: [You’re going to need it.]( In this report, not only do you get a strategy to boost your retirement income by as much as 76%… You’ll also get a way to create a tax-free, monthly income stream, designed to last a lifetime. Plus, you’ll see how to sidestep the one simple mistake that too many make when it comes to Medicare – and end up paying through the nose. Chances are, you’re going to need more money in the coming months than you ever thought. And this briefing gives you ways most people never dreamed of to boost your income by up to 76%.. Also, valued at $197… this second special report is yours FREE as a part of your [Judgment Day Survival Pack](. Third Step – Emergency Briefing #3: Solving the Key Retirement Problem Everyone faces this financial problem. For many, it’s a full-blown crisis. [Seizing the Good Life]( even during the coming calamity, you have an opportunity to defeat this particular problem… permanently. And deal with it you must, because if you don’t prepare for this one specific financial problem… It can hit you like a freight train unexpectedly roaring out of a dark tunnel. Nearly one in every four retirees or pre-retirees (23%) say the problem is “terrifying.” And nearly half of all retirees (49%) admit they are helpless to deal with it. Bottom line: You must know what to do, or the problem can quickly strip you of everything you own. Most people, when ultimately faced with this horrifying threat, panic. Then, they scramble to tap into some combination of precious assets for fast cash. Here are the top places people look to for emergency money: - Non-employer plan savings (58%) - Employer retirement plan (53%) - Other investment income (40%) However, if you don’t have emergency money if and when this crisis hits you, you shouldn’t have to decide which assets you can do without. That’s why Bob created a unique video presentation that reveals the four simple strategies to shelter your assets and income from this almost inevitable pitfall of retirement. This emergency briefing takes you by the hand and walks you through each strategy. I promise you, after viewing Bob’s presentation, you will be armed with more information than almost every other American on how to handle this nerve-wracking financial challenge. Bob’s poured 30 years of retirement planning experience into creating this crucial third part of his Survival Guide. This invaluable resource is titled, [Solve the Key Retirement Problem](. Some of Bob’s readers think it should be called “required reading for every American Retiree.” That’s why this time-sensitive resource (retail value $47) is the final piece of Bob Carlson’s three-part [Judgment Day Survival Pack](. In fact, each of the three parts of this survival pack gives you a much-needed resource for avoiding the effects of America’s Judgement Day. However, Bob’s expertise and resources go far beyond what you’ll find in your Survival Pack. In fact, every month, Bob spotlights the latest changes affecting retirees – along with the most pressing retirement issues of the day – and breaks them all down into a plain-English, easy-to-understand video presentation. These monthly videos cover everything from the basics of retirement protection to help get you started… to more sophisticated topics, like specializing in estate planning, future-proofing your wealth, maximizing Social Security and Medicare, and tax reduction strategies. When it comes to your retirement, Bob Carlson delivers what you need to know every month of every year. [Seizing the Good Life]( We call his growing library of valuable video presentations, [Retirement Watch Spotlight Series](. It’s not just education. At the end of each presentation, you get helpful action steps for each crucial point. Think of it as 60 Minutes for retirees. I can’t imagine anyone retiring today without this kind of protection for their income and their wealth. Topics Bob covers in his Retirement Watch Spotlight Series include how you can: - Avoid costly traps in your IRAs and 401(k) before they cost you HUGE amounts of hard-earned money - Minimize your taxes with little-known, yet valid exemptions, deductions, credits and strategies - Protect and buildyour retirement portfolio with conservative investments that pay generous returns - Maximize getting your fair share, and giving less to the IRS - Get the best long-term medical care (LTC) options available today - And much, much MORE! - Each month you get usable information that will save you from the coming retirement catastrophe, as well as fatten your nest egg. It’s like having a top financial retirement advisor 24/7, who keeps up on all the breaking news and changes in retirement rules and regulations… yet gives it to you in a simple, straight-forward, even entertaining briefing. Just like you’ll get in your free, three-part Judgment Day Survival Pack (a $441 value) Bob’s readers are thrilled with his practical, hands-on advice. Like Warren W., from San Jose who happily wrote to Bob, saying: “…Thanks for the clear and concise estate and retirement information. Again, my heirs and I have greatly benefited from your vast well of knowledge.” He also said: “[Your] suggestion struck a chord… and that represents a potential $100,000 in avoided estate taxes.” And Johnny G. who wrote us to say… “I lost a lot of money by not paying attention to Bob. My financial advisor had me deep in the NASDAQ, so I finally fired him. I’m now paying much more attention.” And Marvin O., who emailed us and said… “It’s very hard to make money in this market. [You] helped me make some money and protect my principal. Thank you!” But you may be wondering… how much does Retirement Watch Spotlight Series cost? Well, as Bob’s Publisher, I have great news on that front. Because of the coming crisis, we’ve made dramatic price cuts to make this crucial intel available to as many investors like you as possible. In the past, we’ve asked $47 for each of these high-impact video presentations. But today, we wouldn’t dream of asking you for that much, because a full year would cost $564. Yet even at that price, many of his readers thank Bob. They’re grateful for how these presentations paid for themselves many times over… saving them from costly mistakes and giving them a safer retirement than they ever could have imagined. But for the next 24 hours, you can [get a full year of high-value Retirement Watch Spotlight Series presentations for just $139]( — a $425 savings off the regular price of a full year of video briefings. And you get immediate, 24/7 access to each Spotlight deep dive – and ALL Bob’s archives – on our secure site, Yes, you heard that right. It works out to be a trivial 39 cents a day. I find more than that when I wash my clothes. For 39 cents a day, you get an entire year of retirement advice that can [save your nest egg from the disaster that’s coming…]( and even grow it into the lifestyle of your dreams. But we want you to have even more. So, for the next 30 people who accept this special invite today, you get another exclusive bonus briefing: The SECURE Act 2.0: Retirement Goldmine… or Minefield? [Seizing the Good Life]( the beating many retirees took from the Secure Act of 2019… In 2022, investors wanted to find out what Congress hid in the fine print of the Secure Act 2.0. Many worried about the bill’s hidden pitfalls for their income. Forbes says, “SECURE Act 2.0 … still leaves America with a retirement crisis.” I couldn’t agree more. After going through the legalese with a fine-tooth comb, I have this warning for you: The SECURE Act 2.0’s rules, all together, will have an even greater impact over the course of retirement than the first SECURE ACT of 2019. Therefore, you must have an advance warning on how to deal with each provision, and that’s what you’ll find in this easy-to-understand bonus report. So as a special gift for the next 30 retirement investors who accept this invitation today, we’ll make sure you have immediate access to this important intel by giving you a copy of [The SECURE Act 2.0: Retirement Goldmine… or Minefield.]( Regularly, we get up to $197 for this report, too. But, if you act today to become a Retirement Watch Spotlight Series member, [it’s yours FREE](. Now, I’m sure we can agree… just one money-saving tip, or income generating idea can pay your membership fee many times over. And today, with as many dangers as we face on the road to retirement… Bot Carlson’s expertise has never been more important. That’s why he’s warning you about America’s Judgment Day… And giving you a Survival Pack to get through it… And why he created his Spotlight Series in the first place. It’s saved more retirements than we’ll ever probably ever know. But we have heard from these people, who all praise Bob’s retirement advice… Like Malcolm W. B. who wrote: “Bob Carlson taught me the breadth and depth of what I don’t know. That’s why I recently renewed my subscription.” Or William M. G. who says: “I wish I had followed your advice more closely. I would not have lost so much during the last 2 1/2 years.” And to be blunt… You can’t really put a price on your security, happiness, and prosperity. Bottom line: The faster you join Retirement Watch Spotlight Series, the faster you can reap the money-saving (and money-making) benefits. Save Your Retirement Now with Bob Carlson’s Judgment Day Survival Pack And 12 Months of Retirement Watch Spotlight Series To get going — to claim your Judgment Day Survival Pack and get immediate access to Bob Carlson’s entire Spotlight Series of presentations — simply click the button below right now. Bob is looking forward to helping you survive America’s Judgement Day, minimize your retirement risks… and maximize your wealth. Yours for a safer, more secure retirement, Roger Michalski Publisher, Eagle Financial Publications --------------------------------------------------------------- To ensure future delivery of Eagle Financial Publication's emails please add the domain to your address book or contact list. This email was sent to [{EMAIL}](MAILTO:{EMAIL}) because you are subscribed to the Information about Financial Newsletters from Eagle Financial Publications List. To unsubscribe please click [here](. View this email in your [web browser](. If you have questions, please send them to [Customer Service]( about _MARKETING FinPubs Promos). Eagle Financial Publications - Eagle Products, LLC. - a Salem Communications Holding Company 122 C Street NW, Suite 515 | Washington, D.C. 20001 © Eagle Financial Publications. All rights reserved. [Link](

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