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The Deep Woods: Studio Life Is the Life for Me


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You are receiving this email because you signed up to receive our free e-letter The Deep Woods, or you purchased a product or service from its publisher, Eagle Financial Publications. [The Deep Woods] [Successful Investing]( [Bullseye Stock Trader]( [About Jim]( In This Issue: - Studio Life Is the Life for Me - ETF Talk: Labor Not for This Golden ETF - Evoking Teardrops of Wonderment - Embrace the Moment Studio Life Is the Life for Me by Jim Woods Editor, [Successful Investing]( and [Bullseye Stock Trader]( 08/28/2024 Sponsored Content [America's NEW #1 Income Opportunity - [12% YIELD]]( This is better than options, dividend aristocrats, AND social security. It's not a stock. But I believe Big-tech's secret dividend might be the NEW #1 income opportunity in America. Thanks to a brand new loophole... Tech titans like Apple, Microsoft, and Nvidia can now pay you huge dividend yields up to 12%! [To learn more, click HERE.]( Studio Life Is the Life for Me Roll me over and set me free The cowboy’s life is the life for me… --Thin Lizzy, “[Cowboy Song]( Over the past week, I’ve spent many hours engaged in what I call “studio life.” Now, by studio life, I am referring to both a TV studio on one side of the country, and a music recording studio on the opposite side of the country. Last Friday, I was in a Washington, D.C.-area TV studio to record a video for a project that I am extremely excited about. This project is designed to help individual investors simply and easily participate in two of the best “alternative asset” classes in the market today. Now, as much as I want to tell you all about this new venture right now, my publisher isn’t quite ready yet for me to reveal the details. However, over the next several weeks, I will be writing about these asset classes in The Deep Woods, so that you can get your mind wrapped around the topics in question, and why I think they’ll be the “next big thing” for investors looking for that alpha “force multiplier” we all seek. Your editor filming content for the soon-to-be released “force multiplier” investing service. After my TV studio session on Friday, the next day I flew back to Southern California. One day later, I found myself in another studio, this time for a 12-hour session of recording for my passion project -- an album of songs I’ve composed and performed. Interestingly, the whole whirlwind of filming a video one day, on one coast, and then recording for a full day on the opposite coast, got me thinking about just how much I love “studio life.” I read once that the affliction known as “glossophobia,” more commonly known as the fear of public speaking, is the most common phobia ahead of death, spiders or heights. Now, I am not a big fan of spiders, but death, heights and especially fear of public speaking aren’t things I’m worried about. First, we all know we are going to die, and knowing this shouldn’t produce fear. I mean, why be afraid of something you know is going to happen? As for heights, well, my stint as a U.S. Army paratrooper cured any queasiness on that front. Hey, there’s nothing like standing in the door of a C-130 transport plane and looking down at the ground some 1,200 feet up to make you shed any fear of heights. Now, when it comes to public speaking, well, it is here that I am most at home, as I love being on display while teaching people how to do what I know how to do best -- helping investors make money in the markets. The way I see it, being in front of a camera to teach investors, or being in front a microphone singing with a guitar or while playing piano, is just another aspect of doing what I love to do best -- i.e., sharing my knowledge and passions with others. Your editor at [4th Street Recording]( with violinist and vocalist [Jessy Greene](, who toured and/or recorded with artists such as the Foo Fighters, P!nk, Wilco, Ben Harper, Tom Freund and Glen Campbell. She is a featured player on my new project. You see, creating content of all sorts, from information to music, is one of my greatest pleasures and passions. I love it because it starts with an idea. Then, that idea is cultivated via thinking and researching and then writing -- either via prose such as you find in The Deep Woods or in my other advisory services, or via musical notes such as what you will be able to listen to on the new album. Of course, to make these things happen and to bring them to you in the best possible way, it all comes together with the “studio life.” So, while rockers Thin Lizzy told us that “The cowboy’s life is the life for me,” I have to alter that lyric a bit and say that “The studio life is the life for me.” In the very near future, you will be able to watch and listen to the byproducts of last weekend’s dual-coast studio sessions -- so stay tuned here each week for all the soon-to-be-unveiled details. [China’s Global Conspiracy to Destroy the American Dollar]( China is nearing the end of its 40-year plan to dominate the world’s economy. Only one obstacle remains: The U.S. dollar. But not for long... because China has enlisted many co-conspirators to sink the dollar: Russia, India, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, and even Canada. And – no surprise – the International Monetary Fund (IMF) wants to jump in to help China win. This means China now has the power to crush the dollar almost overnight... and bankrupt America. But there’s still time to protect the money and retirement of investors. [Click here now to find out how... before it’s too late.]( ETF Talk: Labor Not for This Golden ETF If, like me, you enjoy the classics (by which I mean the study of ancient Greece and Rome), then you may be familiar with the eleventh labor given to Hercules by Eurystheus: to steal the golden apples from the gardens of the Hesperides, daughters of the mighty titan Atlas and nymphs of the evening and the golden light of sunset. To accomplish this labor, Hercules had to adventure far and wide, eventually taking the literal weight of the world from Atlas onto his shoulders to get the golden apples. While gold is still as valuable today as it was in antiquity, thankfully, we don’t have to work as hard as Hercules to get it. Instead of stealing into the gardens of the Hesperides for our gold, we can invest in it by way of the market. As you likely already know, the price of gold has been pushing upward since March of this year. Between investors readying for Fed rate cuts in September, central bank buying to hedge against uncertainty and rising geopolitical tensions, the yellow metal continues to entice with promises of stability in this period of plural uncertainty. And in the market that is our garden, there is more than one tree from which to pluck golden apples for your basket. One of my favorites is this exchange-traded fund (ETF): abrdn Physical Gold Shares ETF (SGOL). SGOL is a physically backed gold trust that aims to reflect the performance price of gold bullion. The fund provides investors with an efficient and low-cost way of investing in gold without enduring the Herculean (and expensive) task of buying the yellow metal itself. So, while not exactly the equivalent of gold, SGOL gives investors an alternative that allows a level of participation in the gold market via the securities market. Notably, the fund is set up as a grantor trust, as it holds physical gold, which means that shareholders are treated as fractional owners and, therefore, taxed directly. This legal structure of the grantor trust also affords transparency regarding the physical asset: you can find a list of SGOL’s gold bars on its website. The fund has good liquidity with daily trading volume around three-and-a-half million shares. It has net assets of around $3.33 billion and a miniscule expense ratio of 0.17%. It is up 4.08% over the last month, up 5.13% over the last three months and up 16.62% for the year to date. As the chart above shows, the fund has been climbing since late last year and now trades near its 52-week high of $24.18. The price of gold is expected to go up in the latter part of the year as central banks continue to buy, stoked in part by geopolitical tensions, and continued economic concerns in the United States, including a weaker dollar and job market. Needless to say, you don’t have to be Hercules to obtain a golden apple of your own -- SGOL provides the perfect solution for adding that heavy bit of shine to your portfolio. Be aware, however, that all that glitters is not gold. Investors should always do their due diligence before adding any stock, fund or ETF to their portfolio. As always, I’m happy to answer any of your questions about ETFs, so do not hesitate to [email me]( You may see your question answered in a future ETF Talk. [Where are the record-setting stocks going?]( Wondering if you should be bullish or bearish on Nvidia for the remainder of the week? Don't worry about "buying the news" or getting scared into selling when the A.I. can guide your way. In other words, be rational. The same A.I. that predicted the banking crisis, housing market crash and Covid crash recently forecasted 2 massively bullish moves for Nvidia. [Join me LIVE to learn how we're trading this ticker and 3 more with this A.I. forecast](. In case you missed it… Evoking Teardrops of Wonderment Sublime moments. They may seem infrequent and evanescent, and many of the moments we categorize as “peak experiences” are, by their very nature, uncommon. Yet, it is my opinion that these sublime experiences don’t have to be as infrequent and uncommon as most people perceive them to be. I say that because all too often, we overlook, take for granted or otherwise fail to really notice the beautiful banality of sublime moments happening all around us. You see, the world of daily peak experiences, wonderment and awe of the sort that many of us experience only on rare occasions is open to us, if we know how to pay attention to each moment. For example, last week I flew to Washington, D.C. for some meetings with my publishers, and to do some work on an exciting new project that you will soon learn all about. During my flight, I looked out the window and essentially witnessed the curve of the earth. The curve of the earth as viewed from my window seat. Now, I suspect you have been on a commercial airliner and looked out the window. But when you did, did you really pause and notice that sublime curve? Did you drink in the wider notion that you were thousands of feet in the air, hurtling through the atmosphere at hundreds of miles per hour? I noticed this that day, and I did so with a glass of wine in my hand, and while also ironically listening to the song “[Curve of the Earth]( by the great Matt Nathanson. Check out the chorus here from the song, and I suspect you’ll understand why it made such an impression on me at that moment: Tell me does the world revolve the same? Tell me do the people all take care of you? Did you doubt the curve of the earth? And every word, every word… The serendipity of this confluence of circumstances was not lost to me. In fact, I had to pause and make sure I really noticed everything about this moment. The feeling of wonderment at the technological achievements of the human mind that allowed me to fly across the country in about five hours while listening to music recorded, digitally reproduced and then pumped into my aural canal from little white pods wirelessly broadcasting the sound directly into my brain. Yes, these things happen to millions of people every day, but most people don’t really notice how truly sublime an achievement it is. Instead, many people lament the fact that things aren’t even better, or more convenient, or less expensive than they are. Hey, I understand this. We all get used to modern life and the convenience of our wondrous world, and we all often take for granted that the luxuries produced by capitalism are here, on demand, for us to enjoy. And when things don’t go as planned, or when there is a glitch in our desire fulfillment chain, people take the opposite tack of noticing peak experience and focus on the distressed experience. But in my opinion, this is a huge mistake. Now, I am not saying we should accept things that are broken, damaged or that don’t work. And if there is a problem to be solved, a need to be fulfilled or a fix that needs implementing, we should do that. Yet, in a world surrounded by brilliant achievement, wondrous technology and tremendous bounty -- I think each day demands a bit more sublime notice. So, right now, pause and notice the sublime nature of the wondrous things in your life. Look around the room, look at the computer, tablet or phone you are reading this on, and let that sense of awe at the achievement wash over you as if you were seeing the curve of the earth for the first time. Then, I want you to reach for the tissue to blot your eyes, because when you stop to truly notice the beautiful banality of sublime moments, the swelling of your spirit might just evoke a few teardrops of wonderment. Embrace the Moment  “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.” --Omar Khayyam It might seem a bit obvious to say that this moment is your life; however, upon reflection, it’s not that intuitive. In fact, most of us spend our moments “lost in thought” worried about things we’ve done in the past and even more worried about things that might happen in the future. But as Persian polymath Omar Khayyam reminds us, this moment is your life. And realizing that this moment is your life is reason enough to be happy. So, embrace each moment, painful or joyful, chaotic or serene, mundane or sublime. It is each moment that is your life, so embrace the now. Wisdom about money, investing and life can be found anywhere. If you have a good quote that you’d like me to share with your fellow readers, send it to me, along with any comments, questions and suggestions you have about my newsletters, seminars or anything else. [Click here]( to ask Jim. In the name of the best within us, [Jim Woods] Jim Woods Editor, Successful Investing & Bullseye Stock Trader About Jim Woods: [Jim Woods]Jim Woods has more than 25 years experience in the markets, as a stock broker, hedge fund money manager, author, speaker and independent analyst. Today Jim serves as editor and investment director of the long-running newsletters [Successful Investing](, [Bullseye Stock Trader]( and a new Live Coaching service offered exclusively to his readers. His articles have appeared on many leading financial websites, including,, Main Street Investor, MarketWatch, Street Authority, and many others. About Us: Eagle Financial Publications is located in Rosslyn, VA. – Blocks from the Capitol. Our products have been helping investors build their wealth for several decades. Whether you’re a long-term investor or short-term trader, you’ll find the right strategy for you, including how to earn more steady income to spend now, preserve and grow your capital to enjoy later, and whatever other investment goals you have. Visit Our Websites: - []( - []( - []( - [CoveredCall]( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - []( - [[YouTube] Visit our YouTube Channel - Eagle Investing Network]( To ensure future delivery of Eagle Financial Publications emails please add to your address book or contact list. This email was sent to {EMAIL} because you are subscribed to The Deep Woods. To unsubscribe from this list please click [here](. To stop receiving emails simply click [here](. If you have questions, please send them to [Customer Service]( View this email in your [web browser](. Legal Disclaimer: Any and all communications from Eagle Products, LLC. employees should not be considered advice on finances. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees to you should be deemed as personalized advice on finances. Salem Media Group - Eagle Financial Publications | 1735 N Lynn St, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22209-2016 [Link](

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