I am asking for your support one last time before Election Day. [Vice President Kamala Harris]( Friend, we’ve gone through so much together these past few months. So I wanted to take a few minutes to tell you about my decision to run for president – and why your support for the DGA and my campaign is so critical to our success in these last few days. Before I continue, if you are short on time and you know what we are up against, will you split a donation between the DGA and my campaign at my personal link below? [www.democraticgovernors.org/donate/kamalaharris-demgovs]( [Donate $3]( The truth is: I am no stranger to unlikely journeys. Where I grew up in the Bay, you either live in the hills or the flatlands. We lived in the flats. It was a working-class neighborhood of firefighters, nurses, and construction workers. In this neighborhood, I grew up immersed in the ideals of the civil rights movement, and at a young age I decided I wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted to protect people because I believe everyone has a right to safety, dignity, and justice. Today, my decision to run for president is rooted in the same belief, offering a chance to move beyond the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles that have held us back in the past. We have the chance to chart a new way forward – not as members of any one party or faction, but as Americans. I want you to know that I will be a president who unites us around our highest aspirations. A president who leads and listens, who is realistic, practical, and has common sense. A president who always fights for the American people. A president for you, friend. I cannot do it alone. No one person could. It takes a team. It will take millions of people coming together to shape the outcome of this election and elect Democrats up and down the ballot. I cannot achieve that vision without having Democratic governors in states across the country fighting for us and defending our fundamental freedoms. So, if we are going to win this election and elect Democrats to governors' offices across the nation, I need you to step up and join this team in these final days. Millions of Americans have already voted, and millions more will vote before and on Election Day. We need to do everything we can – and I mean everything – to reach every last voter to win the White House and elect Democratic governors across the country. That’s why, with time running out to make an impact before Election Day, I am asking for your support one last time: [Friend, will you help us by splitting $3, or whatever you can afford, between the DGA and my campaign before our midnight deadline? Every dollar will help us reach more voters and elect Democratic governors.]( If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation between DGA and Kamala Harris for President will go through immediately. [Donate $3]( [Donate $6]( [Donate $12]( [Or donate other amount](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) From the bottom of my heart: Thank you for everything. I am so proud to be on this team with you. For The People, Kamala Kamala Harris
Vice President of the United States --------------------------------------------------------------- We’re relying on grassroots supporters to provide us with the urgent resources we need to win nationwide. To be one of the first people to receive critical updates about toss-up elections in battlegrounds and red-to-blue races, just text DEMGOVS to 30201 – [or click here if you’re on your cell phone]( – to join our team! [TEXT DEMGOVS TO 30201](/WEdWaVhnbnR1QzZQZ2dTRDFaL0k1dGZNVWVpZWMxRmcwUkhZSGh4TEl0U01GamU4a3JrSlh2YThnTXdHS0YrYXAxbFdTQTVDdCttOFpSNVoyQk9XV3hjZTh6dUN1V05ibkRFdzJKdkFJUFE9S0/) This email was sent to {EMAIL}.
To unsubscribe from the DGA email list, [click here](. Paid for by Democratic Governors Association. The Democratic Governors Association is only asking for donations of up to $5,000 per year from individuals and federal PACs. The Democratic Governors Association is not asking for donations in excess of these amounts or for donations from corporations, labor organizations, foreign nationals, federal contractors, or national banks, and will not accept such contributions here. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Governors Association are not tax deductible.