[DGA Chair, Governor Laura Kelly]( Team, it’s DGA Chair Laura Kelly again – before I get into it, is there anything I can say to convince you to [donate $3]( – or any other amount – to the DGA before Election Day? With just 3 days left, we’re crunched for time – and money – when we need it most. [Donate $3 (and have it 4X MATCHED!)]( At a time when our country is desperate to restore reproductive rights, strengthen the middle class, safeguard democracy, and bring people together, we need the leadership of Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and Democratic governors across the country now more than ever. This election is going to be a major test. With 11 critical governors’ races on the ballot, including in battleground states like North Carolina and New Hampshire, reproductive freedom, democracy, and voting rights are on the line – and the stakes have never been higher. Listen, I understand what it takes to win really tough races. Some folks are still surprised to hear that I serve as the Democratic governor in a state Trump won twice! But it’s thanks to the DGA being at my side for two tough fights in 2018 and 2022, and I’m glad to serve as Chair this year as we sprint to the finish line. But we can’t do this without you. For the next 3 days we need to do everything we can: [Please, consider a gift today and chip in $3 or more right now to help propel us to victory. Your very generous gift will be 4X matched up to our $300,000 goal – but only until Monday night, so please don’t wait.]( Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue: [Donate $3 (and have it 4X MATCHED!)]( [Donate $6 (and have it 4X MATCHED!)](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) [Donate $12 (and have it 4X MATCHED!)]( [Or donate other amount (and have it 4X MATCHED!)]( Thank you – with just 3 days left, we couldn’t do this without you. Warm wishes, Laura Kelly
Governor of Kansas
Chair, Democratic Governors Association [After making history in her decisive second-term victory in a state Trump won by almost 15% in 2020, Gov. Kelly is building on her accomplishments and charting a bold agenda. Kelly brings together both parties to get things done. She has brought new jobs, businesses, opportunities, and record economic success to Kansas. During Kelly's first year as DGA Vice Chair in 2023, the DGA helped lead the charge to reelect Governor Andy Beshear in deep red Kentucky.]( [Now, Kelly is ready to serve as DGA Chair to break fundraising records and put Democratic candidates for governor in the best position to be competitive in tough races this year. And do everything to ensure success of the Harris-Walz ticket on Election Day.]( [Will you answer her call?]( [DONATE $3 (and have it 4X MATCHED!)]( --------------------------------------------------------------- We’re relying on grassroots supporters to provide us with the urgent resources we need to win nationwide. To be one of the first people to receive critical updates about toss-up elections in battlegrounds and red-to-blue races, just text DEMGOVS to 30201 – [or click here if you’re on your cell phone]( – to join our team! [TEXT DEMGOVS TO 30201]( This email was sent to {EMAIL}.
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