[Governor Josh Shapiro: Hey, this is important!]( Hey, it's Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro here. I want to get straight to it: now is the time for all of us to get off the sidelines, and get in the game. So with 8 days left till Election Day, ââ[will you chip in $3, $6, or whatever you can right now to help support Kamala Harris and Tim Walz by electing Democratic governors?](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) [Rush $3]( Team, it’s no secret that many extremists across the country like to talk a big game about freedom. But it’s not freedom when they try to gut Social Security and Medicaid. It’s not freedom when they threaten access to IVF treatment and contraception. And it’s certainly not freedom when extremists say you can cast your ballot, but they get to choose the winner. But Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, my fellow Democratic governors, and Democratic candidates across the country? They’re for real freedom. It’s the freedom to send your children and grandchildren to a safe, fully-funded public school. The freedom to make your voice heard in our democracy, and to have that vote counted. And it’s the freedom to live your life openly with pride, and love who you love. But this freedom is in jeopardy. In 8 days, if we all don’t do everything we can, this freedom will be threatened. That’s why Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, and I, and many of my fellow Democratic governors have been hitting the campaign trail to remind everyone that the critical decision of our future falls on each and every one of us – and we’re running out of time. [So please, can I count on you to step up and make a donation of $3 today to turn out voters in key battleground states, power Democrats to victory across the country, and stop GOP attacks on our most fundamental rights?]( If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: [Donate $3]( [Donate $6]( [Donate $12](sE/eFFIVjdzK3BvYWo5VGUvQ0c3b0czZUNsK2MvbkROdWdFVkJQVlozMnBMaHhnMFBlNEwxNisxeE1BMUF6YmpCeXlHUUNVTEJqem9YOGY4dVN6OVFPR1lHSllUODlkTXA0TmNOd1ZtNDBoVHM9S0/QkFickhDSnQya2FvZVNzejZhcjF2cVJ6cEt2dk9qSjZrTnJ4N0tmbGFoYm9Fc2R5cUd1UGliTDIvblAvcTNjRlpmYjJGWUY3Vm02QkNUSjRGZTN6SGhESXRnM1p0S1E1N1NiT1dBOVhBV3ZoSStDVzFuN2xSbmwyY0MwSUlhUDBNYnpMODIrem5hYVVFOE9Kd1pKd25vNWszb3RVdGNBeGxkVkZsNTRzZWVueGVxeTg3Zzlhcmlod3N5S2Zoek9Pdmw4Vzh6RU96am1YUmNFeStnamUxQkNrNW9XK1ZuQlIzY2tLTEVwV05ObU44aVJ2T2dzYUkySmdvVkVpRVltYVlsSHZhWTNCejc3Uml5YXppRWNONy9XdlZyRVBCYWtYaWhUZkhVSVF0bUgvNWprbnRMRUZiVW1LSTY3cjdnRzArYjRtMWhtQTBkZ0c5ZW9nMHZVMkFnPT0S1) [Or donate other amount]( Let’s get to work. Josh Shapiro
Governor of Pennsylvania [Josh Shapiro is the Governor of Pennsylvania – and despite working with the only politically divided legislature in the country, he’s brought people together to get stuff done and defend our fundamental freedoms.]( [Now, he’s calling on top DGA supporters to take action. Will you chip in $3 to our $75,000 goal now?]( [DONATE NOW]( --------------------------------------------------------------- We’re relying on grassroots supporters to provide us with the urgent resources we need to win nationwide. To be one of the first people to receive critical updates about toss-up elections in battlegrounds and red-to-blue races, just text DEMGOVS to 30201 – [or click here if you’re on your cell phone]( – to join our team! [TEXT DEMGOVS TO 30201]( This email was sent to {EMAIL}.
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