[Mary Trump]( Hi {NAME}, it’s Dr. Mary Trump, niece of convicted felon Donald J. Trump. We’re almost one month out from Election Day, and the stakes are higher than ever – not only because polling shows MAGA Republicans gaining traction in key races nationwide, but also because we’re currently in the middle of the last end-of-quarter fundraising push before the election. Democrats everywhere need your help right now to defeat my uncle’s brand of extremism once and for all. [Please, {NAME}, we need to give it all we’ve got. Will you donate $3 to the DGA before midnight tonight? All gifts will be triple-matched up to their $350,000 end-of-quarter goal – but only until midnight on Monday.]( [Donate $3 (becomes $9!)]( I am so proud to support Kamala Harris for president, {NAME}. At the Democratic National Convention last month and during campaign stops across the country, she made clear to the American people how unfit Donald really is. Perhaps more importantly, she has presented her case for how a Harris presidency will improve our lives: healthcare, childcare, stronger unions, a stronger middle class – a government, in short, that works for all people, not just for Donald and his rich cronies. But if Donald is afforded a second term, I cannot overstate the threat he and his MAGA allies across the country – including gubernatorial candidates in battleground states like North Carolina and New Hampshire – pose to American democracy. And despite having the most extreme far-right platform of any presidential candidate in modern history, overturning Roe v. Wade, and being an indicted criminal, he’s continuing to stand neck-and-neck with Vice President Harris in the polls. We, together as Democrats, need to stay energized around winning up and down the ballot – from today, to Monday when the DGA’s crucial end-of-quarter fundraising goal ends, all the way up to Election Day in almost one month. And there’s no better way to do that than making a donation today, {NAME}. [So I’m asking: will you donate $3 to help the DGA meet its $350,000 goal, stop Trumpism in the states, and protect their blue firewall? Electing Democratic governors is essential to the work to save our democracy. And thanks to a group of generous donors, your donation will be triple-matched dollar-for-dollar up to the DGA’s goal, but only until midnight Monday – so please, act now.]( Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue: [Donate $3 (becomes $9)]( [Donate $6 (becomes $18)]( [Donate $12 (becomes $36)]( [Or donate other amount (becomes TRIPLED!)](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) With everything we care about on the ballot, Democrats have a clear shot. Let’s make it happen. With gratitude, Dr. Mary Trump [Dr. Mary L. Trump is the niece of Donald Trump. She is a psychologist, author and podcaster best known and respected for her commentary and analysis on the Trump family and Donald. Now, she needs your help to stop GOP extremists and elect Democratic governors across the country. Can she count on you, {NAME}?]( [Donate $3 (becomes $9!)]( --------------------------------------------------------------- We’re relying on grassroots supporters to provide us with the urgent resources we need to win nationwide. To be one of the first people to receive critical updates about toss-up elections in battlegrounds and red-to-blue races, just text DEMGOVS to 30201 – [or click here if you’re on your cell phone](8Kvf0-pGZHk/OW1UenpIYlBvdDlVSmxRMzVQZ0NaOEZVdklINGVrcE9UVlB1a2Z1bmlmQVVyWk1CQ1l0TDIwSlJMSmZFT3ZJd3ZhenFLVzJqdE0zVnJtUEl2NDlxTVN1eGNlWDZBS1FxQWRBR3hQNXpObzQ9S0/) – to join our team! [TEXT DEMGOVS TO 30201](PLM9/OW1UenpIYlBvdDlVSmxRMzVQZ0NaOEZVdklINGVrcE9UVlB1a2Z1bmlmQVVyWk1CQ1l0TDIwSlJMSmZFT3ZJd3ZhenFLVzJqdE0zVnJtUEl2NDlxTVN1eGNlWDZBS1FxQWRBR3hQNXpObzQ9S0/) This email was sent to {EMAIL}.
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