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URGENTLY pleading with you!


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Thu, May 25, 2023 06:49 PM

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{NAME}, we?re fired up like never before. FIRST, Barack Obama broke his silence: THEN, Nancy Pelos

[{NAME}, please understand: This is the most important election of our lives. Just FIVE seats stand between us and a Democratic House Majority. And with extreme MAGA Republicans coming after the legacies of our beloved Democratic leaders like NEVER before, we need to act fast to crush their House Majority. So at this pivotal moment, we’re urgently calling on 22,000 of our best supporters to rise up and join our Democrats in the fight. Can we count on you to make Barack, Nancy, and Joe proud by rushing in $3 to the DCCC before midnight to help elect House Democrats? >>]( {NAME}, we’re fired up like never before. FIRST, Barack Obama broke his silence: [President Obama: "Democracy is under attack." CHIP IN NOW >>](/N0hBUlQ1M3NIa3VuYXc2cFYyOFpMWlFPdWVpVWRCME1oalZHdXpGWXk1Zzh3ZTJyeElLazRGYlZGU2k2V1lza0VoRmVBeHVwVUlhUTdLS2RERjZFSEpaMk55OVFsZU91aERWWUk3RVZoQ2JudnpaRmgwMXBjdz09S0/dkJTWjUvVXcwQkZucEJ3dzlzS29nbFl4U284VlF2ZWk4UkNzbjJCL3g5V1hCbVNNYUl0d2hKY2pxdnZaYVpleHdKZkRpbXI2L3dXamxwbUduU20zMERENXpRQUo1UmZYdEh3WDJFMkgxWG4vLzUyQyszSytIb1cxS3MvcEE4bzVsK3Vsc2IvWm93QTlmTllIb2k1UGYyVjM4eVp2Zlg4YWY3eHM3MmRWWmVXbUlnUHFzZnZDbUxXdmZjOU1jbHozSWw2eDlBV0xpdHpvNjdHSXZGeFc1QnIwc25mZGRHVk8S1) THEN, Nancy Pelosi sounded the alarm: [Speaker Pelosi: "I'm relying on your help." CHIP IN NOW >>]( NOW, Joe Biden is calling us to action: [President Biden: "It's time to finish the job." CHIP IN NOW >>]( [We’ve never seen ANYTHING like this, {NAME} -- so we’re rushing to join Barack, Nancy, and Joe in the fight to defend their legacies by flipping the House BLUE before it’s too late. Will you rush $3 to win back the House and make the GOP’s nasty schemes completely BACKFIRE?]( [GIFTS REQUESTED:](XZ9yQ4/N0hBUlQ1M3NIa3VuYXc2cFYyOFpMWlFPdWVpVWRCME1oalZHdXpGWXk1Zzh3ZTJyeElLazRGYlZGU2k2V1lza0VoRmVBeHVwVUlhUTdLS2RERjZFSEpaMk55OVFsZU91aERWWUk3RVZoQ2JudnpaRmgwMXBjdz09S0/dkJTWjUvVXcwQkZucEJ3dzlzS29nbFl4U284VlF2ZWk4UkNzbjJCL3g5V1hCbVNNYUl0d2hKY2pxdnZaYVpleHdKZkRpbXI2L3dXamxwbUduU20zMERENXpRQUo1UmZYdEh3WDJFMkgxWG4vLzUyQyszSytIb1cxS3MvcEE4bzVsK3Vsc2IvWm93QTlmTllIb2k1UGYyVjM4eVp2Zlg4YWY3eHM3MmRWWmVXbUlnUHFzZnZDbUxXdmZjOU1jbHozSWw2eDlBV0xpdHpvNjdHSXZGeFc1QnIwc25mZGRHVk8S1)[22,000](XZ9yQ4/N0hBUlQ1M3NIa3VuYXc2cFYyOFpMWlFPdWVpVWRCME1oalZHdXpGWXk1Zzh3ZTJyeElLazRGYlZGU2k2V1lza0VoRmVBeHVwVUlhUTdLS2RERjZFSEpaMk55OVFsZU91aERWWUk3RVZoQ2JudnpaRmgwMXBjdz09S0/dkJTWjUvVXcwQkZucEJ3dzlzS29nbFl4U284VlF2ZWk4UkNzbjJCL3g5V1hCbVNNYUl0d2hKY2pxdnZaYVpleHdKZkRpbXI2L3dXamxwbUduU20zMERENXpRQUo1UmZYdEh3WDJFMkgxWG4vLzUyQyszSytIb1cxS3MvcEE4bzVsK3Vsc2IvWm93QTlmTllIb2k1UGYyVjM4eVp2Zlg4YWY3eHM3MmRWWmVXbUlnUHFzZnZDbUxXdmZjOU1jbHozSWw2eDlBV0xpdHpvNjdHSXZGeFc1QnIwc25mZGRHVk8S1)[NAME: {NAME} Suggested Support: $3](XZ9yQ4/N0hBUlQ1M3NIa3VuYXc2cFYyOFpMWlFPdWVpVWRCME1oalZHdXpGWXk1Zzh3ZTJyeElLazRGYlZGU2k2V1lza0VoRmVBeHVwVUlhUTdLS2RERjZFSEpaMk55OVFsZU91aERWWUk3RVZoQ2JudnpaRmgwMXBjdz09S0/dkJTWjUvVXcwQkZucEJ3dzlzS29nbFl4U284VlF2ZWk4UkNzbjJCL3g5V1hCbVNNYUl0d2hKY2pxdnZaYVpleHdKZkRpbXI2L3dXamxwbUduU20zMERENXpRQUo1UmZYdEh3WDJFMkgxWG4vLzUyQyszSytIb1cxS3MvcEE4bzVsK3Vsc2IvWm93QTlmTllIb2k1UGYyVjM4eVp2Zlg4YWY3eHM3MmRWWmVXbUlnUHFzZnZDbUxXdmZjOU1jbHozSWw2eDlBV0xpdHpvNjdHSXZGeFc1QnIwc25mZGRHVk8S1) Voting rights. Affordable health care. A fairer economy. They’re all possible -- but only if we have a STRONG House Majority ready to back Joe’s agenda, build on Barack and Nancy’s legacies, and move our country forward. [That’s why we must do everything in our power to win back control of the House. Please, {NAME}, rush anything you can to power our fight to PROTECT our House Democrats. >>]( If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: [Chip in $1 immediately >>]( [Chip in $35 immediately >>]( [Chip in $50 immediately >>]( [Chip in $100 immediately >>](cw/N0hBUlQ1M3NIa3VuYXc2cFYyOFpMWlFPdWVpVWRCME1oalZHdXpGWXk1Zzh3ZTJyeElLazRGYlZGU2k2V1lza0VoRmVBeHVwVUlhUTdLS2RERjZFSEpaMk55OVFsZU91aERWWUk3RVZoQ2JudnpaRmgwMXBjdz09S0/cngxRm0wUXkwWEV0VDhyWW9sRzloZndmMEMzeVNiekRHYkduSkFkeWI0TU9wZHpsVktEOFVlN3k1c3Y1OEtpUG42M2dlb1ZTL3p3NEVwMFEvS052c21rUGJ2a2E2OW1EMnBPUGZwUjNDZGxUUk1tWEFKRWx6VDZPam9PZnduRk1pWmZrU2pCZ0Exb0N1YVRYL3pEWlZDTXVycGZ5alRnT0Z4MkhqenVPWktJZU5SMTZCUTVxMlRndzhGd2FiUFEyS0) [Chip in $250 immediately >>]( [Or donate another amount >>](gfy/N0hBUlQ1M3NIa3VuYXc2cFYyOFpMWlFPdWVpVWRCME1oalZHdXpGWXk1Zzh3ZTJyeElLazRGYlZGU2k2V1lza0VoRmVBeHVwVUlhUTdLS2RERjZFSEpaMk55OVFsZU91aERWWUk3RVZoQ2JudnpaRmgwMXBjdz09S0/cngxRm0wUXkwWEV0VDhyWW9sRzloZndmMEMzeVNiekRHYkduSkFkeWI0TU9wZHpsVktEOFVlN3k1c3Y1OEtpUG42M2dlb1ZTL3p3NEVwMFEvS052c21rUGJ2a2E2OW1EMnBPUGZwUjNDZGxUUk1tWEFKRWx6VDZPam9PZnduRk1pWmZrU2pCZ0Exb0N1YVRYL3pEWlZDTXVycGZ5alRnT0Z4MkhqenVPWktJZU5SMTZCUTVxMlRndzhGd2FiUFEyS0) Thank you, DCCC [Chip in a monthly recurring $5 to elect House Democrats >>](j-Gs94ErvsE/N0hBUlQ1M3NIa3VuYXc2cFYyOFpMWlFPdWVpVWRCME1oalZHdXpGWXk1Zzh3ZTJyeElLazRGYlZGU2k2V1lza0VoRmVBeHVwVUlhUTdLS2RERjZFSEpaMk55OVFsZU91aERWWUk3RVZoQ2JudnpaRmgwMXBjdz09S0/cngxRm0wUXkwWEV0VDhyWW9sRzloZndmMEMzeVNiekRHYkduSkFkeWI0TU9wZHpsVktEOFVlN3k1c3Y1OEtpUG42M2dlb1ZTL3p3NEVwMFEvS052c21rUGJ2a2E2OW1EMnBPUGZwUjNDZGxUUk1tWEFKRWx6VDZPam9PZnduRk1pWmZrU2pCZ0Exb0N1YVRYL3pEWlZDTXVycGZ5alRnT0Z4MkhqenVPWktJZU5SMTZCUTVxMlRndzhGd2FiUFEyS0) Paid for by the DCCC | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 | [(202) 863-1500]( | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to: [{EMAIL}]( | If you'd like to sign up for emails in a different account, click [here](. We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. However, if you'd just like to receive fewer emails, you can click [here](. We’re working hard to elect House Democrats -- and put an end to Republicans' obstruction for good. President Biden can't do it all. We need all hands on deck if we’re going to fight back against Republicans and flip the House. Our success relies on grassroots supporters like you. 99% of our contributions come from grassroots donations, with an average gift of $18. If you'd like to unsubscribe from DCCC emails, click [here](. If you'd like to make an online donation, click [here](. Thanks for your support of Democrats! Contributions or gifts to the DCCC are not tax deductible. Derivative of Gage Skidmore [photo](/N0hBUlQ1M3NIa3VuYXc2cFYyOFpMWlFPdWVpVWRCME1oalZHdXpGWXk1Zzh3ZTJyeElLazRGYlZGU2k2V1lza0VoRmVBeHVwVUlhUTdLS2RERjZFSEpaMk55OVFsZU91aERWWUk3RVZoQ2JudnpaRmgwMXBjdz09S0/). [CC BY-SA 2.0.](

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