1 new thread and 10 replies from 6 authors in the "General Trading Discussion" community ... hope currency tool is back quickly... I feel lost without it... ------------------------------ Ron Tarchala ------------------------------
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Mar 13, 2018
started 15 hours ago, [Ron Tarchala]( (3 replies)
[currency tool]( [external link to thread view](
1. [hope currency tool is back quickly... I feel...](#m0) Ron Tarchala
2. [The free online strength tool is back online! ...](#m1) Brian Stickney
3. [It still shows The Currency Strength...](#m2) Lorkan
4. [Its now working, thank you sir james](#m3) Lorkan
started yesterday, [Ian]( (3 replies)
[anxiously awaiting CurrencyStrengthTool]( [external link to thread view](
5. [Working on it now Ian. Hopefully will be up in a...](#m4) James Edward
6. [Hope so, Im not confident enough to take trade...](#m5) Lorkan
7. [We have the free online tool up and running...](#m6) Brian Stickney
started 6 days ago, [Pedro]( (8 replies)
[Currency Strength Tool]( [external link to thread view](
8. [how long will it be before it is going to be up...](#m7) Ron Tarchala
started 19 days ago, [Ify Rafiq]( (9 replies)
[A rolling session liquidity average line on dashboard?]( [external link to thread view](
9. [Thanks for the graphic Ify. That makes more...](#m8) James Edward
10. [Thanks James. Hope it can help in some way --...](#m9) Ify Rafiq
started 4 months ago, [Michael Hall]( (6 replies)
[Breakout Box]( [external link to thread view](
11. [Hello everyone, I am totally new to the system...](#m10) Olghi Szaz
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1. [currency tool](
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[Ron Tarchala](
Mar 13, 2018 9:01 AM
[Ron Tarchala](
hope currency tool is back quickly... I feel lost without it...
Ron Tarchala
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2. [Re: currency tool](
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[Brian Stickney](
Mar 13, 2018 9:54 AM
[Brian Stickney](
The free online strength tool is back online!
[Currency Strength Indicator](
Brian Stickney
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Original Message:
Sent: 03-13-2018 09:00
From: Ron Tarchala
Subject: currency tool
hope currency tool is back quickly... I feel lost without it...
Ron Tarchala
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3. [Re: currency tool](
[Reply to Group](mailto:COMPLETECURRENCYTRADER_generaltradingdiscussion_d68d2b09-1257-4d93-8cce-7b6008567221@ConnectedCommunity.org?subject=Re: currency tool) [Reply to Sender](
Mar 13, 2018 10:05 AM
It still shows
The Currency Strength Indicator Is Currently Offline for Sever Maintenance
to me. . .
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Original Message:
Sent: 03-13-2018 09:53
From: Brian Stickney
Subject: currency tool
The free online strength tool is back online!
[Currency Strength Indicator](
Brian Stickney
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4. [Re: currency tool](
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Mar 13, 2018 10:07 AM
Its now working, thank you sir james!!!!
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Original Message:
Sent: 03-13-2018 10:05
From: Lorkan
Subject: currency tool
It still shows
The Currency Strength Indicator Is Currently Offline for Sever Maintenance
to me. . .
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5. [Re: anxiously awaiting CurrencyStrengthTool](
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[James Edward](
Mar 13, 2018 4:55 AM
[James Edward](
Working on it now Ian. Hopefully will be up in a couple of hours.
James Edward
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Original Message:
Sent: 03-12-2018 13:29
From: Ian
Subject: anxiously awaiting CurrencyStrengthTool
â - wont trade w/o it.
PLZ hurry - let us know ASAP !
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6. [Re: anxiously awaiting CurrencyStrengthTool](
[Reply to Group](mailto:COMPLETECURRENCYTRADER_generaltradingdiscussion_172bc6a4-e067-4e82-aa8a-49df4867f5ef@ConnectedCommunity.org?subject=Re: anxiously awaiting CurrencyStrengthTool) [Reply to Sender](
Mar 13, 2018 8:09 AM
Hope so, Im not confident enough to take trade position without it. . .
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Original Message:
Sent: 03-12-2018 13:29
From: Ian
Subject: anxiously awaiting CurrencyStrengthTool
â - wont trade w/o it.
PLZ hurry - let us know ASAP !
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7. [Re: anxiously awaiting CurrencyStrengthTool](
[Reply to Group](mailto:COMPLETECURRENCYTRADER_generaltradingdiscussion_896d9dde-e79b-4bbb-bc43-bbd4902cd924@ConnectedCommunity.org?subject=Re: anxiously awaiting CurrencyStrengthTool) [Reply to Sender](
[Brian Stickney](
Mar 13, 2018 9:55 AM
[Brian Stickney](
We have the free online tool up and running again.
Brian Stickney
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Original Message:
Sent: 03-13-2018 08:09
From: Lorkan
Subject: anxiously awaiting CurrencyStrengthTool
Hope so, Im not confident enough to take trade position without it. . .
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8. [Re: Currency Strength Tool](
[Reply to Group](mailto:COMPLETECURRENCYTRADER_generaltradingdiscussion_dc6d0c9f-a1c1-4301-897c-e92566794c57@ConnectedCommunity.org?subject=Re: Currency Strength Tool) [Reply to Sender](
[Ron Tarchala](
Mar 13, 2018 5:26 PM
[Ron Tarchala](
how long will it be before it is going to be up and running again... I am also wanting to know if we can get pkgs that compare to ssl and mpds that I am used to using with MTI... would be nice to be with one company where I can get the charts I want and the tools I need to make my decisions on what trades to be involved in... I have only been trading for a year and I am finally starting to get it!!! I am seriously behind the 8 ball without the currency tool that's for sure!!!
Ron Tarchala
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Original Message:
Sent: 03-08-2018 10:20
From: James Edward
Subject: Currency Strength Tool
Not sure what you mean Ron. We're just moving it to a new server so it runs more reliably. Same tool, and it's still free.
James Edward
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9. [Re: A rolling session liquidity average line on dashboard?](
[Reply to Group](mailto:COMPLETECURRENCYTRADER_generaltradingdiscussion_51826f9c-a3bd-48e1-bd41-420d4cd89235@ConnectedCommunity.org?subject=Re: A rolling session liquidity average line on dashboard) [Reply to Sender](
[James Edward](
Mar 13, 2018 5:00 AM
[James Edward](
Thanks for the graphic Ify. That makes more sense to me now.
The concept is something I look at anyway and have tried to describe the relevance and importance of it occasionally in videos. But it's something I "eyeball" rather than a clearly defined average line. I just tend to ask if the liquidity has mostly been above or below the monthly average.
I will ask the programmer what if any impact this might have on server speeds if we implement it. If it's ok, we'll add it, so thanks for the ongoing suggestions.
James Edward
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Original Message:
Sent: 03-02-2018 05:40
From: Peter Skinner
Subject: A rolling session liquidity average line on dashboard?
Hi James and Rafiq
I think this is a good idea. It would provide some reference to a longer time scale to assess how the liquidity measures today to give a better overview.
Peter Skinner
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10. [Re: A rolling session liquidity average line on dashboard?](
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[Ify Rafiq](
Mar 13, 2018 6:14 AM
[Ify Rafiq](
Thanks James. Hope it can help in some way
Ify Rafiq
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Original Message:
Sent: 03-13-2018 04:59
From: James Edward
Subject: A rolling session liquidity average line on dashboard?
Thanks for the graphic Ify. That makes more sense to me now.
The concept is something I look at anyway and have tried to describe the relevance and importance of it occasionally in videos. But it's something I "eyeball" rather than a clearly defined average line. I just tend to ask if the liquidity has mostly been above or below the monthly average.
I will ask the programmer what if any impact this might have on server speeds if we implement it. If it's ok, we'll add it, so thanks for the ongoing suggestions.
James Edward
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11. [Re: Breakout Box](
[Reply to Group](mailto:COMPLETECURRENCYTRADER_generaltradingdiscussion_8c42224c-a549-4ea1-b393-f7e09284d050@ConnectedCommunity.org?subject=Re: Breakout Box) [Reply to Sender](
[Olghi Szaz](
Mar 13, 2018 4:50 AM
[Olghi Szaz](
Hello everyone, I am totally new to the system and trying to use BOB v.3.1. I have applied to my MT4 and reading carefully the insturctions on the tutorial video and in this tread adjusted the settings.
However it doesn't work. I notice that the smiley on the top right corner is NOT smiling?? This I think it means that something is wrong with the EA.
Can someone please tell me how to make it smile?? What I am doing wrong?
Many thanks
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Original Message:
Sent: 11-08-2017 14:11
From: Michael Hall
Subject: Breakout Box
Good morning from California,
   I am having some issues with the CCT-Breakout-EA-Version-2.ex4. Been setting it up for the London open so far. (GBP JPY and EUR USD). After dragging the indicator onto the chart, I check the little box to allow live trading and then set only the time and leave the rest the way it is. Next I click on top of the MT4 screen to allow Auto Trading (symbol turns green), then the box comes up in the upper left corner and says " running". When the London opens my green breakout box appears like it is supposed to also.
   Here is the issue, there are no pending orders showing below the chart and when the candles break out of the green breakout box nothing happens, the trade does not execute either direction. Either my Breakout EA is messed up somewhere or I am not putting in the proper time for it to start. The broker's time on Market Watch is what I entered to correspond with London open.
   So the London opens at 8:00 AM GMT and the brokers time on Market Watch is 10:00 AM. This is what I enter in the Breakout EA, 10:00 to correspond to the 8:00 open. It is 12:00 midnight here in California for the London open. My new broker presently is Traders Way from Roseau, Dominica, Atlantic Standard Time and should be -4 GMT, yet their server should be the Market Watch time. Can you help me get the proper time setting to enter for this London open?
                                                                                            Thank you, Michael J Hall.
Michael Hall
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