1 new thread and 1 reply from 2 authors in the "General Trading Discussion" community ... HI James, I am writing in to commend you on all the fine work you are doing with CCT. I have been a trader for two decades, have paid my dues in...
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Feb 26, 2018
started 14 hours ago, [William Jenkins]( (1 reply)
[Great Job]( [external link to thread view](
1. [HI James, I am writing in to commend you on...](#m0) William Jenkins
2. [Thanks William. It's always nice to get positive...](#m1) James Edward
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[William Jenkins](
Feb 26, 2018 9:58 AM
[William Jenkins](
HI James,
I am writing in to commend you on all the fine work you are doing with CCT. I have been a trader for two decades, have paid my dues in the market, but still have not spent what it would have cost me to get an MBA!
At any rate, I have been using just the plain CSI, set to the original settings you recommended, and have been taking profits every day for a long time now. I augment it with very little other "stuff" and just stay at it until I've hit my daily goal. Over all this time of trading, I had never seen your perspective of short term price movements. Although I had attempted many different strategies, I could never make them work over 100 trades. However, I am now calling it "My Daily Bread". Your system, coupled with my own longer term trading system, has created two wonderful streams of income for me.
Thanks again for the high quality of work on this project.
William Jenkins
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[James Edward](
Feb 26, 2018 1:01 PM
[James Edward](
Thanks William. It's always nice to get positive feedback and hear of people's success. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.
An interesting thing is that you've made it your own rather than simply copying my exact system. You've taken the points that work for you and combined them with other things to create a style and strategy that is yours and works for you. In my experience, the people who have the best success take a similar approach. First and foremost they learn the facts about the market and work in the realms of reality rather than hearsay, then create a system that is "theirs". It could be called taking ownership.
Really glad to hear it's all working out for you.
James Edward
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Original Message:
Sent: 02-26-2018 09:57
From: William Jenkins
Subject: Great Job
HI James,
I am writing in to commend you on all the fine work you are doing with CCT. I have been a trader for two decades, have paid my dues in the market, but still have not spent what it would have cost me to get an MBA!
At any rate, I have been using just the plain CSI, set to the original settings you recommended, and have been taking profits every day for a long time now. I augment it with very little other "stuff" and just stay at it until I've hit my daily goal. Over all this time of trading, I had never seen your perspective of short term price movements. Although I had attempted many different strategies, I could never make them work over 100 trades. However, I am now calling it "My Daily Bread". Your system, coupled with my own longer term trading system, has created two wonderful streams of income for me.
Thanks again for the high quality of work on this project.
William Jenkins
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