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A Decade of Crypto Evolution with CoinMarketCap 🚀🎉


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Wed, Aug 23, 2023 01:50 PM

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Join the Celebration of a Decade: Reflecting on 10 Years of Milestones Together! ͏ ‌

Join the Celebration of a Decade: Reflecting on 10 Years of Milestones Together! ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     [CoinMarketCap]   [Celebrating a decade in crypto](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0SJaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9ldmVudHMvY21jLTEweS1hbm4_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09ZW1haWwmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXVwZGF0ZSZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1lbiZ1dG1fdGVybT0xMHlhbm5XA3NwY0IKZNucDeZkxfY4V1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) CoinMarketCap celebrates a decade in crypto and you are invited to join our [10th-Year Anniversary](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0SJaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9ldmVudHMvY21jLTEweS1hbm4_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09ZW1haWwmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXVwZGF0ZSZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1lbiZ1dG1fdGVybT0xMHlhbm5XA3NwY0IKZNucDeZkxfY4V1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) celebrations! 🎉 🥳🍾 So, get ready to hop aboard the nostalgia train as we gear up to toast our achievements and cheer for countless more victorious years on this wild ride of thrills and spills! CoinMarketCap has been right there in the trenches with the crypto-industry, evolving alongside its every twist and turn. Remember the good ol' days of 2013 when it was all about Bitcoin and its crypto buddies? Fast forward a bit to 2015-16, and bam, a whole new gang of coins strutted onto the scene, all about smart contracts and apps. Talk about a glow-up, right? [CMC 2013](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0SJaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9ldmVudHMvY21jLTEweS1hbm4_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09ZW1haWwmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXVwZGF0ZSZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1lbiZ1dG1fdGVybT0xMHlhbm5XA3NwY0IKZNucDeZkxfY4V1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) [CMC 2023](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0SJaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9ldmVudHMvY21jLTEweS1hbm4_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09ZW1haWwmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXVwZGF0ZSZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1lbiZ1dG1fdGVybT0xMHlhbm5XA3NwY0IKZNucDeZkxfY4V1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) 2013 to 2023: Crypto and CoinMarketCap Evolve Through the Years Every year since has been like a new episode of a show you just can't stop binge-watching, with stats and events making surprise appearances left and right. But through all these crypto shenanigans, there's been one constant rock - CMC! It's been like the crypto town crier, your trusty guide through the crypto jungle, the ultimate trend spotter, and a bona fide crypto researcher, all rolled into one! 🥂 So here's to CMC and the crazy journey we've had so far - may the crypto festivities continue! [CHECK OUT THE PAST 10 YEARS](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0SJaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9ldmVudHMvY21jLTEweS1hbm4_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09ZW1haWwmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXVwZGF0ZSZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1lbiZ1dG1fdGVybT0xMHlhbm5XA3NwY0IKZNucDeZkxfY4V1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) No matter how frustrating or confusing crypto sometimes seems, we all have come a long way! Discuss and share your crypto journey with our CMC-Community or on Twitter/X with the hashtag: [#CMC10Y](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0SSaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jb21tdW5pdHkvdG9waWNzL0NNQzEwWS90b3A_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09ZW1haWwmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXVwZGF0ZSZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1lbiZ1dG1fdGVybT0xMHlhbm5XA3NwY0IKZNucDeZkxfY4V1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) We also have a special sharing event where you can be a part of the $1,000 prize pool! Make sure to scroll down the [10Y-Anniversary page](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0SJaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9ldmVudHMvY21jLTEweS1hbm4_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09ZW1haWwmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXVwZGF0ZSZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1lbiZ1dG1fdGVybT0xMHlhbm5XA3NwY0IKZNucDeZkxfY4V1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) and participate in our CMC-Community event!   [Apple Store](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0Q6aHR0cHM6Ly9hcHBzLmFwcGxlLmNvbS9hcHAvY29pbm1hcmtldGNhcC9pZDEyODIxMDcwOTg_bHM9MVcDc3BjQgpk25wN5mTF9jhXUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) [Google Play](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0RQaHR0cHM6Ly9wbGF5Lmdvb2dsZS5jb20vc3RvcmUvYXBwcy9kZXRhaWxzP2lkPWNvbS5jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmFuZHJvaWQmaGw9ZW5fVVNXA3NwY0IKZNucDeZkxfY4V1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) [Twitter](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0QhaHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Db2luTWFya2V0Q2FwVwNzcGNCCmTbnA3mZMX2OFdSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~) [Telegram](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0QaaHR0cHM6Ly90Lm1lL0NvaW5NYXJrZXRDYXBXA3NwY0IKZNucDeZkxfY4V1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) [Facebook](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0QmaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZmFjZWJvb2suY29tL0NvaW5NYXJrZXRDYXBXA3NwY0IKZNucDeZkxfY4V1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) [Instagram](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0QoaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwL1cDc3BjQgpk25wN5mTF9jhXUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) [LinkedIn](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP0QvaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGlua2VkaW4uY29tL2NvbXBhbnkvY29pbm1hcmtldGNhcC9XA3NwY0IKZNucDeZkxfY4V1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) © 2023 CoinMarketCap [Update Preferences | Unsubscribe](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRmyJKcP4TWAmh0dHBzOi8vMDUuZW1haWxpbmJvdW5kcHJvY2Vzc2luZy5jb20vcHJlZmVyZW5jZV9jZW50ZXIvdjEvZXlKaGJHY2lPaUpTVXpJMU5pSjkvZXlKemRXSWlPaUp3WTNZeElpd2lhV0YwSWpveE5qa3lOems0TXpZeExDSmxlSEFpT2pFM01qUXpNelF6TmpFc0ltUWlPaUlrTUNSNEt6UlROVTVxU0VWUkszQXhUMk5VTkZObmRqVkJQVDBrSzJGc2FrdDJUWGx4WlZndmVrRXdiRnB4TlVWNmJVTllVVWRrVUVzdlpEaFBORzFNUlVrNFRVcHhZbUpZY0ROUVIxRlhVVmhIVUV0R1RtNHZYRzQwY1RscUlpd2lhQ0k2SWpBMUxtVnRZV2xzYVc1aWIzVnVaSEJ5YjJObGMzTnBibWN1WTI5dElpd2lZeUk2SWpFMk1Ea2lMQ0p0SWpvaU5qUmxOVGt3TnprMU0yVTRNR1V3TURVd1kyUmlaV0pqSW4wL0ZJd0JJcmJRcENXZERXMzRLeVZISVJMWjBOQ1RST2czaFFwTi1lcHlQXzdHLVFDcnRNVEV5dHplZV9UeS1fbzZkX0RjNHFJbFctdFBNU3hDQkU2YThSRGlLaHF2ejNlcU9kbWRZUDlhVTNEaUI1NnMzOWpSdklSQ0tDX3Q1dHlyMzRlYnV3LXBTNXAwTXEwbWtVV2UxTnZCc18yUTA3bFVxbXlXMnI0VVQ4NEF3anI1TXljT3REaERUb280bXpEUENTLU1HVVFiak82Q1dueUduei1McUtvcENkMGgyc3FXVE44MXpoM001WWQ4N043UEpuMk5uM0Vld25TZWdBQmlzMWEwaXgxSlN0MEFPVHBOTFJEWEF3Nks1RjFQMW1mdFRjeFlLVjVOR1N6RTdIbl9KSjNzOWtDR3ptZlNfLU5iUnZ5OU5LbFl3VGYwTklwcEh4N2ZaQVcDc3BjQgpk25wN5mTF9jhXUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) CoinMarketCap OpCo LLC, 8 The Green, STE 6703, Dover, Delaware 19901, United States

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