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Mine ETH With Your Smartwatch?


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Thu, Oct 24, 2024 11:33 AM

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Explore the latest industry news, insightful data, and exciting updates from CoinMarketCap. ͏ ?

Explore the latest industry news, insightful data, and exciting updates from CoinMarketCap. ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌     ͏ ‌       [CoinMarketCap Logo](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0QraHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS8_bGlkPWRkMHlqcXliOWtqOFcDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) Data as of: 24 Oct 2024 11:30 UTC It's a beautiful day in crypto - or is it? The OG crypto is taking some rest at $66K, down from its recent flirt with $69K. Sure, it's not the dip we were hoping to avoid, but here's an interesting twist: the Fear and Greed Index just slid into neutral territory. And you know what they say - when others are uncertain, some traders see dollar signs. So what’s going on? Let’s make sense of it all! Here is a quick rundown of the top headlines from the past 24 hours: - Vitalik drops "The Verge" bomb - an upgrade that could turn your smartwatch into an ETH node. But [can you](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0SYaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvdml0YWxpay1idXRlcmluLXVudmVpbHMtZXRoZXJldW1zLXZlcmdlLXVwZ3JhZGUtYWltaW5nLXRvLWRlbW9jcmF0aXplLWJsb2NrY2hhaW4tdmVyaWZpY2F0aW9uP2xpZD1jeDA4eTc3eGNoM3FXA3NwY0IKZxJrMBpnZNskZ1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) really mine ETH using your smartwatch? 🤔 - Hong Kong gives thumbs up to its third crypto exchange. [Why](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0SKaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvaG9uZy1rb25nLWRvdWJsZXMtZG93bi1vbi1nbG9iYWwtZmludGVjaC1odWItZ29hbC13aXRoLW5ldy1kaWdpdGFsLWFzc2V0cy1wbGFucz9saWQ9NnlxdXZ3ZnM1NXRyVwNzcGNCCmcSazAaZ2TbJGdSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~) is it important for you? 🚀 - A mysterious whale invested $2.4M into a meme coin called GOAT. A new viral meme coin [in making](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0SFaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvd2hhbGUtYnV5cy1kb2xsYXIyNDFtLXdvcnRoLW9mLWdvYXQtYXMtbWVtZS1jb2luLWNhcHR1cmVzLW1hcmtldC1hdHRlbnRpb24_bGlkPWo3cXJuajZwMGo3NVcDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~)? 🐳 - Vietnam reveals an ambitious blockchain strategy for 2030. [Can](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0SWaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvdmlldG5hbS11bnZlaWxzLWFtYml0aW91cy1uYXRpb25hbC1ibG9ja2NoYWluLXN0cmF0ZWd5LWFpbWVkLWF0LXJlZ2lvbmFsLWxlYWRlcnNoaXAtYnktMjAzMD9saWQ9MTFoZzI1cTlheWQ2VwNzcGNCCmcSazAaZ2TbJGdSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~) a government-backed plan actually accelerate crypto adoption? 🌏 - Chinese trader exposed for alleged ties to North Korean hackers. [Why](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0SBaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvemFjaHhidC11bmNvdmVycy1jaGluZXNlLW90Yy10cmFkZXItcm9sZS1pbi1ub3J0aC1rb3JlYW4tbGF6YXJ1cy1ncm91cD9saWQ9d3l2eWNnMTJzaWNwVwNzcGNCCmcSazAaZ2TbJGdSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~) the authorities haven’t arrested him yet? 🕵️ Let’s dive in after the market overview! MARKET OVERVIEW GLOBAL MARKET CAP $2.3T ▲0.35% (24h) 24H MARKET VOLUME $82.15B ▲18.79% (24h) BITCOIN’S DOMINANCE 57.6% ▲0.28% (24h) FEAR & GREED INDEX 52 Neutral [Bitcoin] Bitcoin $67,046.43 ▲0.87% (24h) [Ethereum] Ethereum $2,524.36 ▼2.3% (24h) [BNB] BNB $589.31 ▲1.05% (24h) [ALL CRYPTO PRICES/DATA »](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0QraHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS8_bGlkPWZpdDg3ZXBxMDVuM1cDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) [TRENDING CRYPTO »](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0RFaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS90cmVuZGluZy1jcnlwdG9jdXJyZW5jaWVzLz9saWQ9MTU5NGkzcWR1a3kxVwNzcGNCCmcSazAaZ2TbJGdSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~) [NEW LISTINGS ON CMC »](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0QvaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9uZXcvP2xpZD03bDBvNWxlazFyOHRXA3NwY0IKZxJrMBpnZNskZ1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) [TRENDING DEX PAIRS »](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0RAaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9kZXhzY2FuL3RyZW5kaW5nL2FsbC8_bGlkPWh5Z2dydDJqY3E1YVcDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) TOP GAINERS 24H% [World Of Trump] [World Of Trump](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0Q0aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL3dvcmxkLW9mLXRydW1wL1cDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) ▲1228.5% [TSLA6900] [TSLA6900](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0QuaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL3RzbGE2OTAwL1cDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) ▲373.16% [DOGO] [DOGO](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0QqaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL2RvZ28vVwNzcGNCCmcSazAaZ2TbJGdSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~) ▲301.16% TOP LOSERS 24H% [Book of Meme 3.0] [Book of Meme 3.0](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0Q0aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL2Jvb2stb2YtbWVtZS0zL1cDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) ▼99.97% [Doge-PEPE] [Doge-PEPE](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0QvaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL2RvZ2UtcGVwZS9XA3NwY0IKZxJrMBpnZNskZ1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) ▼86.02% [TRUMP AI] [TRUMP AI](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0Q1aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL3RydW1wLWFpLXNvbGFuYS9XA3NwY0IKZxJrMBpnZNskZ1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) ▼85.57%   Your Smartwatch Could Soon Run an Ethereum Node The days of needing expensive hardware to participate in Ethereum's network might be numbered. Our boy, Vitalik, just announced plans for "The Verge" - an upgrade that could turn your everyday devices into blockchain validators. Right now, running an Ethereum node is like trying to fit an elephant in your pocket. You need hundreds of gigabytes of storage space, and it keeps growing by 30GB every year. Not exactly practical for most people. But The Verge wants to flip this script completely. Instead of storing the entire blockchain, it introduces something called "stateless client verification." Think of it as a super-efficient way to verify transactions without carrying around the whole blockchain history. The upgrade brings in some fancy tech called SNARKs (yes, that's actually what they're called). They are the secret that could make it possible to verify Ethereum transactions on something as small as your smartwatch. So how long will it take to implement it? Is it really possible? Read the [full story](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0SYaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvdml0YWxpay1idXRlcmluLXVudmVpbHMtZXRoZXJldW1zLXZlcmdlLXVwZ3JhZGUtYWltaW5nLXRvLWRlbW9jcmF0aXplLWJsb2NrY2hhaW4tdmVyaWZpY2F0aW9uP2xpZD05bnU3bHFmMGxucXZXA3NwY0IKZxJrMBpnZNskZ1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc)!   Hong Kong Just Approved Its Third Crypto Exchange Hong Kong is making power moves. The city just gave its third green light to a crypto exchange, following OSL and HashKey's earlier approvals. And that's just the beginning. Eleven more platforms are lined up for review, all eager to get their slice of Hong Kong's retail investor market. The timing couldn't be more interesting, especially since these licenses have only been available since June 2023. Is Hong Kong trying to be the next crypto hub? Read the [full story](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0SKaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvaG9uZy1rb25nLWRvdWJsZXMtZG93bi1vbi1nbG9iYWwtZmludGVjaC1odWItZ29hbC13aXRoLW5ldy1kaWdpdGFsLWFzc2V0cy1wbGFucz9saWQ9b2Z1NWRrZTczODFkVwNzcGNCCmcSazAaZ2TbJGdSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~)!   CMC COIN BITES 🎓 New "Coin Bites" Educational Content [TON: The Open Network's Expanding Universe](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0Q9aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL3NvbGFuYS8_bGlkPXJyNm9nbXZ1dHhjb1cDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) 🔹 Quick 3-minute intro videos for the top 11 coins 🔹 Clear, concise content for fast insights 🔹 Available on both: Web & App [Watch our Coin Bite](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0Q9aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9jdXJyZW5jaWVzL3NvbGFuYS8_bGlkPWg0emw4ZnVzc2RnOVcDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~)   This Whale Just Invested $2.4M on a Meme Coin - And They're Not Done Buying A crypto whale just made waves by converting $2.41 million worth of Solana into Goatseus Maximus (GOAT). But they've still got $682,000 worth of SOL sitting on the sidelines, ready for more action. The numbers are eye-catching: 4.5 million GOAT tokens at an average price of $0.383. After this massive buy, the price shot up 63% to $0.59. BitMEX's Arthur Hayes jumped into the conversation too, telling his followers to "Pump the GOAT." So is he the whale? What’s going on? Read the [full story](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0SFaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvd2hhbGUtYnV5cy1kb2xsYXIyNDFtLXdvcnRoLW9mLWdvYXQtYXMtbWVtZS1jb2luLWNhcHR1cmVzLW1hcmtldC1hdHRlbnRpb24_bGlkPTRmY2I4cGNzcGwzNlcDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~)!   Vietnam's New Blockchain Strategy Vietnam also made a power move in the blockchain space. The country's Deputy Prime Minister dropped "Decision No. 1236/QD-TTg" - a comprehensive national blockchain strategy that aims to transform Vietnam into a regional tech leader by 2030. They're backing it up with a five-part plan that covers everything from legal frameworks to international cooperation. And they're bringing in the heavy hitters - multiple government agencies and the Vietnam Blockchain Association (VBA) are all part of this ambitious project. Wanna learn more? Read the [full story](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0SWaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvdmlldG5hbS11bnZlaWxzLWFtYml0aW91cy1uYXRpb25hbC1ibG9ja2NoYWluLXN0cmF0ZWd5LWFpbWVkLWF0LXJlZ2lvbmFsLWxlYWRlcnNoaXAtYnktMjAzMD9saWQ9OWVycm9mM2gydGQ0VwNzcGNCCmcSazAaZ2TbJGdSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~)!   CMC NARRATIVE: GAMEFI The GameFi sector market cap seems to be stabilizing around $20 billion after its recent volatility, feeling the Uptober good vibes as Bitcoin and altcoins soar this week. While a gaming report shows that investment has slowed significantly in Q3, exciting developments in gameplay and infrastructure continue to drive the space forward. [CMC NARRATIVE: GAMEFI](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0R2aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvd2Vlay1pbi1nYW1lZmktcTMtaW52ZXN0bWVudHMtc2xvdy1idXQtaW5ub3ZhdGlvbi1jb250aW51ZXM_bGlkPWx1MzA3cHkxZmZteFcDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) Let's dive into the key trends and stories shaping blockchain gaming right now...[Continue Reading.](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0R2aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvd2Vlay1pbi1nYW1lZmktcTMtaW52ZXN0bWVudHMtc2xvdy1idXQtaW5ub3ZhdGlvbi1jb250aW51ZXM_bGlkPTM3aDVwc3FoNzM4bVcDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~)   Track the whole GameFi trend on CMC Narratives: [Track Narrative](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0Q2aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS92aWV3L2dhbWluZz9saWQ9NnRrYmR2dWEzNm5xVwNzcGNCCmcSazAaZ2TbJGdSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~)   This Chinese Trader Helped Hackers A Chinese OTC trader just got caught in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Blockchain detective ZachXBT has connected the dots between Yicong Wang and North Korea's Lazarus Group, exposing a massive money laundering operation. Wang wasn't exactly subtle about it either. Going by names like 'Seawang' and 'Greatdtrader,' he's been helping convert stolen crypto into cash since 2022. So is he a part of that group? Why haven’t the authorities imprisoned him yet? Read the [full story](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0SBaHR0cHM6Ly9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmNvbS9hY2FkZW15L2FydGljbGUvemFjaHhidC11bmNvdmVycy1jaGluZXNlLW90Yy10cmFkZXItcm9sZS1pbi1ub3J0aC1rb3JlYW4tbGF6YXJ1cy1ncm91cD9saWQ9dHozaHZhb3dsZ3A1VwNzcGNCCmcSazAaZ2TbJGdSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~)!   And that's it for today. See you tomorrow!   [Apple Store](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0Q6aHR0cHM6Ly9hcHBzLmFwcGxlLmNvbS9hcHAvY29pbm1hcmtldGNhcC9pZDEyODIxMDcwOTg_bHM9MVcDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) [Google Play](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0RQaHR0cHM6Ly9wbGF5Lmdvb2dsZS5jb20vc3RvcmUvYXBwcy9kZXRhaWxzP2lkPWNvbS5jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLmFuZHJvaWQmaGw9ZW5fVVNXA3NwY0IKZxJrMBpnZNskZ1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) [Twitter](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0QyaHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Db2luTWFya2V0Q2FwP2xpZD01Mmpxc2FtMHFsNTVXA3NwY0IKZxJrMBpnZNskZ1IbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAAAMc) [Telegram](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0QraHR0cHM6Ly90Lm1lL0NvaW5NYXJrZXRDYXA_bGlkPXN2Z3R4ZGNiODd1c1cDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) [Facebook](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0Q3aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZmFjZWJvb2suY29tL0NvaW5NYXJrZXRDYXA_bGlkPXB0dGFreGV4OGtieFcDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) [Instagram](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0Q5aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS9jb2lubWFya2V0Y2FwLz9saWQ9bTgxdWlkZmt0dm52VwNzcGNCCmcSazAaZ2TbJGdSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAADHA~~) [LinkedIn](~/AAQRxQA~/RgRo_LVrP0RAaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGlua2VkaW4uY29tL2NvbXBhbnkvY29pbm1hcmtldGNhcC8_bGlkPXpxYjlyaGI1OHRralcDc3BjQgpnEmswGmdk2yRnUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAxw~) DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that CoinMarketCap is NOT a cryptocurrency exchange and does NOT facilitate the buying, selling, withdrawal or trading of crypto/token assets. 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