Free 2-day summit, February 20-21, 12pm-4pm [Community Builder summit](113/d155nk04/VWpVRc74G2X0W744T0b1DXDX0W2sbCLr59ghJrN9fbG8Y2_3C0W69sMD-6lZ3mMW7v5Lt07djqbNW3HP59L7vcRs_W8Pm4_G1l0LF-W4VPp0J9kqH7LW7vPWp19dQhKZW1gzJdp7cFSdkW813fM41jZw05W10xFlY5MR1HmW9hb8gm4NHmk0W5M426N4GVV79MvN7f8sSZz5VfMqm_1fmhVZVCP_t05lyyD1W943vq62BlMt5W2bY9Zc8VtSdfW20YJJ61X8l36W4nJZsh3CH3WmW214-hV7tFW2pW4-0LPt1-8tybW2x3_dF3ZLKjXf1CXZb004) Imagine a world where… - Your audience is in one place. - You can show up as your authentic self. - And revenue is smooth and predictable. This is real life for many creators, and this can be real life for you, too 👇 You're invited to the Community Builder Summit featuring Brendon Burchard, Amy Porterfield, Jay Clouse, and more. This free 2-day summit will show you how to launch a community that unlocks transformation for your members, and how to create a more sustainable business that aligns with your goals for 2024 and beyond. February 20 & 21 | 12pm - 4pm ET [Register for the FREE Virtual Summit](113/d155nk04/VWpVRc74G2X0W744T0b1DXDX0W2sbCLr59ghJrN9fbGb63qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3mdW407V0z3gGW8dN7NVh0V9WQphVmydTk4m0VdpW2bMCqN6LGHFMW7dG0vz7h2tm_W62-n2118llY0MLk8JwLhLCRW7yMLH03plCRZW8dbYsK7f3yVDW3hnjpl1kPBJxW80LMWP6TgQsNW7vdczy3V41dZW5JVDrr6VNW2ZVK7RTf3RcVy1N6qx2yCtrrm8W6DMZZ41ZQ_qXW2Y7f1t1xC7ggW2xxScl3bNrqlW4P6nnh77JhfgW2Qzfm11qT5hLW4QVMZK68KXq0W5HRXTZ18WkqVW5_bs_y6MnGMfW5gX55w8SzKKgW55VQmb1HQDNLW3ltKbc2bLmZLN6HYd4Rrb295W4B169G8yt_9Hf91WGzj04) [CBS Hero Image-2] Picture this... - 3 keynote speakers show you everything that’s possible. We’re excited to welcome Brendon Burchard (over 20 years of community building success), Amy Porterfield (50,000+ students and $80M+ revenue), and Jay Clouse (Founder of Creator Science, a $500k+/year business). - 6 panelists show you how to launch a community and deliver transformation. You'll meet Bridget James Ling (Freedom Queen), Anna Tyrie (English Like A Native), Ran Segall (Founder of The Flux Academy), Brad Hussey (Founder of Creative Crew), Dan Koe (Modern Mastery), and Dr. Erica Belsky (Good Inside).
- The Circle team gets tactical and shows you what they’ve learned works (and doesn’t work) after analyzing thousands of communities.
- Plus a bundle of bonuses including the live challenge to nail your community offering, two fast-action bonuses, and special bonuses from our speakers.
- Thousands of community-building peers coming together to compare notes and get their questions answered. - Access to the recordings in case you want to dive deeper into a session that really spoke to you. 🎉 Registration is now open for the Community Builder Summit 🎉 Are you ready for this? Here’s everything you need to know to join: 📅 Date: February 20 and 21 🕙 Time: 12pm - 4pm ET 💸 Cost: FREE [Register for the FREE Virtual Summit](113/d155nk04/VWpVRc74G2X0W744T0b1DXDX0W2sbCLr59ghJrN9fbGb63qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3kPW5V50gc5qHW6kW8v8KCz1htKJ5W8Wl8K43zcKjwW9l3bxW6vh_qkW8CNHGY5G7ZXtW72xLt96DS7vqW9dF0Gn8Sn1SzW6jLj4z8vxd5TW1pDdrh7l2QDPVkPgWq8F89xWW4FdThH2hLgffW3_kT4W8Rpl12W1psSZD2FTZPtN14b_-fqzJv2W8QkZnS8B8l3LW3vDqms9f6dvqVXgdK44kC-f-W42jJFL6_pmdWN8g9GTNls2DVW17Ly2R5vNRcCW2PtwSH6vSQBMW4BgCHq5D_Q7NW8zjmV_4DLnnzW6nxpld7Y9chXW7Q1_cd7NbzzcW19X-6C5wnxt-W7hfvzr7tDhWSW2sW0Kx8h87Khf1nX7Dq04) Top creators are shifting from traditional high-pressure launches to communities that help members achieve their goals today and well into the future. It both feels and performs better. Join us to learn from the creators leading the charge. Can’t wait to see you there, - Sid [Sid Yadav sig] You are receiving this promotional email because you provided your email address to CircleCo, Inc. This email was sent by CircleCo, Inc., 228 Park Ave S, PMB 52933, New York, New York, 10003-1502,USA [Manage Unsubscribe and Email Preferences]( all emails sent to this address by CircleCo, Inc. [View in browser](113/d155nk04/VWpVRc74G2X0W744T0b1DXDX0W2sbCLr59ghJrN9fbG9R5nXHsW7Y9pgv6lZ3lMW8Glj4b30hYhMW3GztMv88qvv7VxQnZ31HPbpbW7QlcWm4_V6j0W5Q2Wxc6v0wCBW97wtpl1bTJGxW5MZvPg2pC_g7VW_hZ82_K5SZW60vbV014KztCW8l7X6y2Sw0PzW8GKfdw89yrJFW4R0H0P3m_2-GW5nrj7g24jkzlW3c52tV6KGnVHW65ddsk2Z_HbKW1X5Rxg7Vv1hdW7tBLsX2CzQhgW1wvkQ285687mW7VQJL06GGHbYW13YY6V3bTFb8N328MDx5PtHLN8kd2gN6V7ywN73Jtqw98nbSW70FvwH6RJKcsW8nb3FJ3hF8lCW3WDWW27zv8kRW1xXxR85GTyHmN4xB9YKc2FYtW65S3k_8FfKnLVBc4C-68SBhmW9fjQK63zDfB_W7pLlyC1sPkC5W6R9bCw5_2B-ZW47dsn223xs3rW2GnVxS7ztP00W6SVTwC2PCGrDN29R9n6HHlgVW2ZCP8H4FxlqTN93_5JKzw1mPN7R2V6kC5JQGW8KvWXg4drXVKW1DgTS21484tMf3Gwd2d04)