Had your eye on Circle for a while, but unsure which plan is right for your business? See inside to find the Circle plan thatâs the best fit for you. [circle-logo-dark] Hey, itâs Andy again ð I just wanted to let you know that [our Black Friday deal is expiring tomorrow](113/d155nk04/VVvPrM5HbwM_W44jXsH2zVlVkW2v98dD56kkqcMfRfk-3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3n1W4r8Qzs7CZpfPW1DL2Gl262vvSW8jSCSL6F5y-mW69Gflp2-MWDRW6T_x_t3ZzhHRW2WhcKf7-_vGYN6RjGBwcFTlxW912j0x54yFv7W6MyLzM5smc_SN5hqQTk59fgGW6_R80Y2vXLgLW7P7Sz18vlb47W46tT3D3g13j7W4tqNqg71wCDZW4QmRV15KP-RTW6g_nHj429nd2W4TnhK12t5Yt7W12F4kS5j9cnhW1V7J6n2W0G6LW8QK6VT7lMsXTW4fhcsW8F_M5RW21-L3q6cVThPW5cmvVY6X3Wx_W1YFysS4nKX-4f3JspDK04). With 25% off annual Circle plans, this is literally the best deal youâll ever see for Circle. So if youâve been considering launching (or relaunching) a community on Circleânowâs your chance to grab an annual plan at the lowest price weâve ever offered it. Not sure which plan would be best for you? Letâs break it down together: 1. If youâre running an established community and would appreciate a white-glove service that includes concierge onboarding, a dedicated Customer Success Manager, complimentary migrations, VIP support, API access, and the highest limits, choose Circle Enterprise. ð How much youâll save with our Black Friday deal: $1200/year 2. If youâre growing a community and want to harness advanced featuresâlike workflows and community AIâto streamline, automate, and scale your community, choose Circle Business. ð How much youâll save with our Black Friday deal: $660/year 3. If youâre building a newer or smaller community and would like the complete foundational community-building toolkit, in one place, at an accessible price, choose Circle Pro. ð How much youâll save with our Black Friday deal: $297/year No matter which plan you decide on, Circleâs platform has all the right features to help you build, engage, monetize, and manage a thriving community business. And weâd love for you to be able to join the other 10,000+ pros on Circle doing that right now. The choice is yours, but you gotta act fastâbecause this deal expires tomorrow at 11:59 pm ET. If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to reach out. [Get 25% off annual Circle plans](113/d155nk04/VVvPrM5HbwM_W44jXsH2zVlVkW2v98dD56kkqcMfRfk-3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3n9N49CfC2GJ398W1mZWhR2vmZDhW2rFwtW5N9gFvW1Zv69C4zvq7sW72kK7s9jwY6XW766jMS1LDRDxW210vzs4TM9lWW996gvK30x_rtW6pBbJJ2RtW-DW80T1DL15z3YbW8ZkjmV68SLMWW1lyVWQ3KgrppMl5cBbx-VSTW3rpHB62FJpXgN8tSpvm4cncLN58HpJQNHdxqW7JvkFT2G9-FDW2QlHpt21mMz_W5X5C2C1rlVZdW5tXGr54H7XQBN8gf4rX-45XQW28qSNm25M2HdW20H7wz5WWqjJW6PnPMf2LsGRGf91Gsrg04) Happy building,
- Andy [Andy Guttormsen] P.S. If youâre still feeling unsure about which plan and features would best suit your needs, please donât hesitate to reach out to our team at support@circle.so. Or you can try our [plan selector here](113/d155nk04/VVvPrM5HbwM_W44jXsH2zVlVkW2v98dD56kkqcMfRflT3qn9gW95jsWP6lZ3p_W7LB9Rl6zfqXqMf6y-_H3jCTW2Qhf-H7_PrNxW62DpZQ3R83VMW4YQPS33KPdV7W7GfFc395RzzvW7Btzw_4NdvT0W1b7bP21G00H0W6TFP9y8GxBPtW96L9853_YrFqW8VDww93kKkzWW6b1V-L5FvRMcW64Fr4p5ZLyyWW647tKM23P-5lN29gLfCjs6VWW1ths_c2DJ_4cW6Lt9gV56GR7wW1Tm5Lm1wqKp2W7Cb7v97cxqgfW7RKlh449bLFvW5BPgmv79K3LtW198Czj3mNKV4W3Gn8z471Zv-kW1jHJjR9d-p-GW37xPHg8lXlXRN8Tks-fvYx8JW1gwlkR5b5r_QV6TH9X1kTwNfW8Shj8M5PP3CFW52hjHb4X-1dvf368Sbj04). You are receiving this promotional email because you are a customer of CircleCo, Inc. and provided your email address to us. This email was sent by CircleCo, Inc., 228 Park Ave S, PMB 52933, New York, New York, 10003-1502,USA [Manage Unsubscribe and Email Preferences]( all emails sent to this address by CircleCo, Inc. *This offer expires at midnight on November 27 and canât be combined with any other offer. The 25% discount is applied to annual plans only, starting from Circle Professional and higher and is only discounted for the first 12 months. Excludes Circle Plus. [View in browser](113/d155nk04/VVvPrM5HbwM_W44jXsH2zVlVkW2v98dD56kkqcMfRfkH5nXHsW6N1X8z6lZ3pLW6WCRCQ5QqT4ZW5SbYB9716K4sW864X9W6Fd9WhW4bBmNY7sxjrmW3jfrL-784lb7W3pXP5g6ZYZw9W4F3K2g4PjXtbN6pfTrBRDz9gW5DXY8Z6HY71YW5WcyMz6tM_cvW4lXDbC36903bW2D1sP11h6r36W5r-FkG14nTmGW5gGdtl4nfJr-W3rLjFX1fRMCcVH3s_m26pYmFW1h0K8Z5trZwRW6J_Z_C4H9xH2W6_Cp_b55yTxbW3vySDR1LZtJkW4YvmZn72k8YPF5B_QxV7tjXW2NQqw-1TklPKV7b07W7FNpMPN2y2jnnKM_zgW7vwygm5VFmbTW1W074w4xvkTwW43rzLD4Z0DWhW506Q-Z2xt2W9W9d4kL08YsM3DW50mmXR3rjz39W7NyKGD63mCFqW6clL2y5dftbCW8HfmVz7KsVTRW3HW3dv2qx3hwW827H8G3XBQnrW3MF6G-33MxxgW4b9w3g6kP88Xf1rKNvC04)