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4 simple steps to gamify your community


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Fri, Aug 16, 2024 06:34 PM

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Everything you need to build a thriving community—all in one place. —a fresh, new way to s

Everything you need to build a thriving community—all in one place. [Circle Logo] In case you missed it, we just launched [Circle 3.0](113/d155nk04/VX9k0Z5Fv3dFW9bwkKf3VHvLKW72Qs8N5jQK8sN7vvr0l3qn9gW6N1vHY6lZ3ndW3CjKf84pmRzwW4mZJ_F2Vb6dFW2VctHp3-xL3RW3ySbXx1t3_tcMzBBSCGThd8W5BDDTS4TxW0PW6Lb0y975vwfDVXrwdG1_Rp-mN5nnyhj9mh3TW8dtLvJ2QxLDXW6W6zkz6_ztXtW3SqQVz64PPMcW12SWS92Gbg8QW3xqJyk3F8_3zW4Q4WLP8Npc6WW1X1FMk44mSt_W4D6tJQ7mTm4WW7gPn0H4N4SfDW2dvbjh8g7x4_W6xK_Gr6sfX3SW69Wnxy77GyhFW7139nP8R36c0d1lSBF04)—a fresh, new way to supercharge your community with gamification, a redesigned layout, and more. Circle’s new gamification feature maximizes your member engagement by harnessing the power of our all-in-one platform, which includes tools like courses, events, paid memberships, automations, community AI, and so much more. Want to explore the latest and greatest version of Circle? The best way is to start a trial and jump right in. [Start a free trial](113/d155nk04/VX9k0Z5Fv3dFW9bwkKf3VHvLKW72Qs8N5jQK8sN7vvr0l3qn9gW6N1vHY6lZ3ltW3_QRtC1NLQJ1V-nVft8m5CJnW6lVrdv7txQ--W15DHn48SZxk7W8YpFHF6hc9NFW1R6fYW76t_fNW3Dzk2X1wQ6LCW4N71NS8BbpFJW2-86W_4SPFT3W9jLGMS6382nZW7Lvzt78cw9swW2W0xTw363xjmW22JNlY3JH2y2W8knC7h6hf9jBW1K5M9_6D8zcDW4XjHC75wlNHXW67znZv7s5vXCN8kgb91xLv1LV6cxV-5bxMvmW2MFbRy5T3r32W8xvRWD235xbfW1Hx50J41NxLMf5MqTk204) We’ve also pulled together some helpful tips to help you get the ball rolling on gamification 👇 1. Dive into your member behaviour The best place to start with gamification is to understand where your community engagement currently stands. How are your members interacting? Which type of content sparks the most interest (or falls flat)? Circle’s best-in-class [analytics dashboard](113/d155nk04/VX9k0Z5Fv3dFW9bwkKf3VHvLKW72Qs8N5jQK8sN7vvr0F3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3ljW6HbLMv41rCVkW3Q3Cbz1gqL9xW2SnXrM2g33n7W80nBf-3f31XQW2qKzMX7Tgc4wW1Kmb4K33C5ryW5wmh634k9TMCW85FMr03lTmW8W8-4KlB8jFpyHW17h_SQ7Tf165W6KVrLq4lYWD8W4kLZXT2JkRtGW8yJbGN6k4vhkW6ZSwJg3g-nrBW6ZbML43RJNgqW8yFcn_3TvtsKW6M8yNl4v_3hVW833fV49djRMNW6NDvd-5y7Y19W7qDfNm5FYkkNW6yF6Dl7RP3DCV2ZC5w1zf8FlW1x8dqS6LK-1nW8V_M9z6F9H6Rf6q6YbR04) gives you a complete picture of your entire member experience. You can use it to find the most popular posts and comments, the top contributors, the spaces your members visit most often, and more. With a clear picture of how your community is engaging today, you can be a bit more thoughtful on how you’d like to structure your rewards program and give them access to content they actually want. For example, if your members respond well to workshops, you might want to consider incentivizing them with a special workshop for members who unlock a certain level threshold (more on rewards below!). 2. Customize your level names [With gamification on Circle](113/d155nk04/VX9k0Z5Fv3dFW9bwkKf3VHvLKW72Qs8N5jQK8sN7vvr0F3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3psW26z4Td7jNlsHVD4HHq2sCXMrW1TbdlF3b212qN5TP-N6xKGL4W5hX8zG4Cdk4wW5lNRR-8rBmc2W9dPS5q2-3gj5W5l8SS83pTjjvW2gHN4d1GclclW1C1KJx6QQMBTW5zJq_Q36fzgkW23WCpM3qYHW5W37bKyC5q8lJwW2MYddW3GTr2LW1s3SNd84xr88W5M9Zsn5LsJH-W6t-9YH6hJKfjW5Pr27y8g2RLgVBcHW08YzfYMVdHF001-59j-W7-KGbT8-2503W5Xh7pC6sGdLwW7_VzRc2RR8d0W4xwv4282MBxHf7T8-zx04), you have the freedom to create level names that perfectly fit your brand and content—or you can just have fun with it! For example, if you’re managing a travel community, here’s some creative ideas you could use: Level 1 - Newbie explorer Level 2 - Adventurer-in-training Level 3 - Seasoned pathfinder Level 4 - Journey specialist Level 5 - Trailblazer You get the idea! Your leaderboard will showcase levels 1-9, with Level 1 starting at 0 likes and Level 9 unlocked at 1280+ likes. Members earn points based on the number of likes their posts or comments receive. This encourages them to contribute with more high-value, engaging content. 3. Develop your rewards system — and automate it! Now that your levels are set, it’s time to create meaningful rewards that motivate your members to participate. Here are some incentives worth considering: - Sending personalized DMs to members who’ve reached a new level - Awarding badges for their contributions - Inviting them to VIP events and roundtables - Offering discounts on premium products - Giving them front-of-the-line access to your newest programs - Sending out swag packs, gift cards, or treating them to special experiences The best part about gamification on Circle is that you can automate your reward systems with [Workflows](113/d155nk04/VX9k0Z5Fv3dFW9bwkKf3VHvLKW72Qs8N5jQK8sN7vvr0F3qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3q5N4z6Ftp2kD38W89Ccr68WTkCQW73JLQw7qBRx0W4KZN8q3-Z8f7W99G_MK623fz5W8mNzFX8GsP2GW50VwMv5_1SF7W8Rlh3S3NCLP4W1lcwth1drzX2W3t9KDZ7_Wf4_N77LWvrmz0l0W2Gr1qd4tTM1sW6bcG3Z5MlvhpW225fY91XzF49W7B_ZD712_4nCW7W4rb01_NzDVW7wwRj65CxtHNW7gn8nM8Xc31VN8YNdgXhK1FJN8qzrNXY0flFW82B0Df5QHZ-wW3ZjHjc2DVtCqW7XlH_f6FCFgmW8h3wy-2LbXgFf5Yp8lx04) (not to mention countless other tedious admin tasks like managing member onboarding, subscriptions, access levels, etc.). For example, every time a member unlocks a new level you can send them a badge or a celebratory DM, unlock access to a space, and so many more possibilities. Workflows take the hassle out of tracking member progress and manually distributing rewards, so you can save more of your time. 4. Prepare to launch Once you’ve defined your program, it’s time to tell everyone about it! Here’s how to build excitement for launch: - Share the why: Explain why you’re implementing gamification and how it will make the community more fun and engaging. - Set a timeline: Let your members know when the changes will take effect, so they can be informed and prepared for the new experience. - Leaderboard access: Show your members where they can find their leaderboard to see how they stack up. - Highlight rewards: Get them excited about all the cool rewards they’ll get as they move up levels. - Answer questions: Create a place where your members can ask any questions, share feedback or suggestions (ex. Office hours or a special Q&A space). That’s all there is to it! Ready to transform your audience into a thriving community? [Start a free trial](113/d155nk04/VX9k0Z5Fv3dFW9bwkKf3VHvLKW72Qs8N5jQK8sN7vvr0l3qn9gW6N1vHY6lZ3psN907cpQKLb1VF6tqg-PvkY_W6GRgxP4zHhBvVFVbJ15mLZgQW8pRYK796lTQcW1_4QYx49yLLgW7zcb4q5QZzbFW2bt5Fv76lX9cW1bt4Qg8gTdKqW5zk4-k2mdNbwW9gJLfl5TvvX8W7t3RWS2MC4s2N21hVvThNk5fW4d6P0K7Xz73nW5g6mqx8vhbvsW2mQ41W6MSNDyW2Gk-fz182zNbW1HS-7T78YJ-sW2ktSPv2XdMvSW52tbG632Qfb9W5YCY1h2ssF0kVh5DJ84f8hbSf2wCM9b04) You are receiving this promotional email because you provided your email address to CircleCo, Inc. This email was sent by CircleCo, Inc., 228 Park Ave S, PMB 52933, New York, New York, 10003-1502,USA [Manage Unsubscribe and Email Preferences]( all emails sent to this address by CircleCo, Inc. [View in browser](113/d155nk04/VX9k0Z5Fv3dFW9bwkKf3VHvLKW72Qs8N5jQK8sN7vvr0F5nXHsW7lCGcx6lZ3nRW5m7dm_35hRd3N9bmjYbbz6R0W4twLbs5tBXK9N36wk90QMWP2W99lpQR8sV8dNW4rThly1p-qzQN2TkD61YFF2NW6j9Zkb5tDj25W894gml1lN7hdW5c0CYV2qR6qwW95FVmj5c7FtzW20zRV36Js8zNW4qFKSM3S7X5BW8k9Gn39dmxX8W6ZGDLX7V4ngfW75GFSm8qjLs2W1VfwrB8ZJzDpW9l6g5_6FbTJhW6b2Kk06D2nkHW56qvQ05gdh6BVKql1D2LSkTJW5xyRm02fvKgrW291V8t7CSFZwW7zzNjG82rHB4W3BCCw22qTcJQW8rXl9K2xg4T7W2PS0lq27WkjMN7dKQWZHbLlMW19bsGf8HQpG6W74x2tX2lDVT5W7gFMsC3w9xGPW8jsB-d6YXzGwV_rGbr76WH47W8qM65m25F7g9W2_0Gq7438q5RW7Vy_901bsQSlW3clX7q8xk_wWW4YfKd-8mqPZhN9bhTQ89KsJFW3Gn6HT2qlXmXf72w11z04)

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