Join live on June 11-13, itâs free! Find the support you need to grow an audience, monetize your craft, and create a meaningful community for your business. [Circle Logo-3](113/d155nk04/VVmn-G4MxTYMVTHv081X_ld1W4lQ0X35f_t38N3_3-Hg2_3C0W69sMD-6lZ3pSW4_mT-P5jnrP-W3dXCQ825vWwNW6cW5lF53_VPjW42ZYWz4fbHvDN6bqhKlN-pN9W6xlxGk3Sd5LXW1Rt_G87W55RVN46k_9PHywZfW4qzmJT7rw535W6tv0nz5G8YlKW5zVxC-1r7tvWW981Fn46gD3t_W834VpQ1Z9_FRW13XDBc3m2XxrW5kGq5C1z4f7JW7tg5mP2jf6mtW6X9QMD1NpvD_V-HH4h6-5Nw6N6SngdLYmhn1W58pvnH1G1RG1f4VTF-004) Being a creator, you experience big highs and lows. You feel every emotion. Excitement when you hit publish on that piece of content youâre really proud of. Frustration from trying something new and it not landing the way you wanted. Joy from connecting with your found family online. And maybe even feelings of loneliness or hopelessness when you question if itâs all worth it. I get it, Iâve been a creator for 8 years and itâs simultaneously rewarding and defeating at times. When I think of seasons where Iâve felt like giving up, itâs because I didnât have a strong community, I wasnât really taking aligned action, or I didnât know how to tweak my strategy - I needed support from people whoâve been there. So a few months ago, when the Circle team met in person for our bi-annual offsite, we decided we wanted to build a summit just for creators â to offer community, connection, and content from the best creators in the game right now. This if your invitation to join us at the Creator Catalyst Summit: Where creators turn pro ð The Creator Catalyst Summit Featuring talks from seven figure entrepreneurs like Glo Atanmo, Julie Solomon, and Jo Franco, and 10+ more! June 11, 12, & 13 | 11am - 3pm ET [All Speakers - Email 3] [Register for the FREE online Summit](113/d155nk04/VVmn-G4MxTYMVTHv081X_ld1W4lQ0X35f_t38N3_3-Js3qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3p9W6PGF6x76lJKFW1JBB8Q3vw6yBW2tQdgS34tklwW50nSZR8DLm_xW7d2N2H4gMPFKW5VV73-6QHq3RW4NxwYZ2HthgHW74Sybl3DyvwbN9kJhKpMfQ9hW39XwRz16rdxwN388KCJNzN8NW69Hqqq2D-CKdW4p9Knx5NxrldN5VWf6fl9pTrW54K2XY1zKd7bW2bTl-V3NbpS1W55HLr65f2XswW3VsMXH5VP47jN3Xl0WLfcML0W4s3JQf2dLm28W4ZbhZj44WYM0W3m6YKK7Wr99ZN1LXg0QNQ_tfW7nffwK1fcWYXN249rZrsS001W5XTS_D2VnYwzN4mTKWQrst4hW3Yx83T98_lDnf8BdR3z04) This is for creators needing a pick me up, looking for a community to help them take action, or who want to learn from top creators earning 6 to 7 figures. Why is this summit different from any other? ð True behind the scenes - weâve hand selected the best in the creator economy (like Julie Solomon, Glo Atanmo, and Justin Welsh) to teach you exactly whatâs worked for them and their students (plus what to avoid) ðCommunity and connection - youâll not only gain access to a free community of creators also attending the summit, youâll also get a chance to get your questions answered LIVE from each speaker ðStraight value, no pitching - we said it. No pitching. Only free value and the chance to join a free 5-day bootcamp to help you take action after the summit. If this sounds like something you need right now, save your seat! Register for the Creator Catalyst Summit Are you ready for this? Hereâs everything you need to know to join: ð
Date: June 11, 12, and 13 ð Time: 11am - 3pm ET ð¸ Cost: FREE [Register for the FREE online Summit](113/d155nk04/VVmn-G4MxTYMVTHv081X_ld1W4lQ0X35f_t38N3_3-Js3qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3lBW371TmH6TKQHVW3Mt5mN7ml9y5W2RjCz02h3wFmW7r2f5P53J2cmW4tPF-w3j72mdW3Brd4s8pXFfDVdnlB07c0Q9-W2qGPZH21xqljN53gB3bTFtjRVN5q9W2sJ_RRW7vjYSf2V82LWW5fbpdQ3W26MQW1Mx8905Bln-1W26JRKh8r3nhMW4Z976Y4kqNjFW3C8jGf6bXvLZW88_pVs8KgqbBW3LPdN57HP2xCN8d62l-qhxqGW8GhHX73BhJvkW7PV7rT2392WbW7fV-497t2pBGW6Ksn8t6-V6MnW5kgNW_4tr6yzW7xXrhw2nDRRHW4hLfcn36Z0QlW6Dmy004KLZGhW6Rt7PM1qmgq1f893Fr604) This summit will be a big catalyst for creators â one will go on to test a new content strategy and grow their email list, another will launch a new offering to help their audience, and another will go on to hit a revenue milestone after applying that one tip from that one speaker. Will it be you? I can't wait to see you there, - Alexis [Alexis Teichmiller] You are receiving this promotional email because you provided your email address to CircleCo, Inc. This email was sent by CircleCo, Inc., 228 Park Ave S, PMB 52933, New York, New York, 10003-1502,USA [Unsubscribe or Manage Preferences]( for all emails sent to this address by CircleCo, Inc. [View in browser](113/d155nk04/VVmn-G4MxTYMVTHv081X_ld1W4lQ0X35f_t38N3_3-J85nXHsW7Y9pgv6lZ3l2VVvB1r5B4xv1W19RJ6h37W1WRW61-dGv7VFgGcN6_j6dd1y9ZxN483WZzhnNqvW5YdnkS5wlC40W5Pn_c16RqKRJW4Z3ZQ1816gWrW4CTq3_14nvbgW3J8D0s6SH96ZW7tY1QT8xRjxtW5vzFd_74K8DNW6L1hcT1R9xVhW1jyqv-5XDydTV4KNQ54B59KFN74qyGTdJ8TcW5n6jgl5cjcCzW4VNnb-4l2HH0TNWz85t4935W1z1JgN13YZZMW8Z4_tl3CHfK7N6f777n49FtzW773FKD7nx7FMW7-wdpS3nbxJYW5QSy3s4R8_7gW58nC-L6RYMGpW7NdH138K9VGcW3nf3zj6Y9ys3V79HfS74nlMqW22VV2N93V3c5W1y4b0Z3Gcb86W7H94Df6pP0rrVbR8H56R4X7dW27k0Pz4Cv9f6W2B8ZJm5F4v1sW78Qnl9330m86V6J_ZG56lCxzW6qnc8k1HYVnkW5SzLqJ83zNpXW36L1ZQ4Wg3wqW3ZRr6M2qLqsvW7fT7GW6Z-29Wf4T8p3b04)