Trumpâs vision for college accreditation could shake up the sector; Joe Gow explains himself; enrollment fallout from the FAFSA crisis; and more. ADVERTISEMENT [Academe Today Logo]( You can also [read this newsletter on the web](. Or, if you no longer want to receive this newsletter, [unsubscribe](. STILL HOLDING ON [A Black College Lost Its Accreditation Almost 30 Years Ago. Why Wonât Its Leaders Pull the Plug?]( By Jasper Smith [STORY IMAGE]( Alumni and local residents disagree on the role the college plays today. ADVERTISEMENT [A Black College Lost Its Accreditation Almost 30 Years Ago. Why Wonât Its Leaders Pull the Plug?]( ACCREDITATION [Trumpâs Vision for College Accreditation Could Shake Up the Sector]( By Eric Kelderman [STORY IMAGE]( The president-elect and his allies have floated a sweeping vision for upending the way colleges are accredited. But firing the accreditors is easier said than done. COLLEGE MATTERS FROM THE CHRONICLE [Is That Our Chancellor in the Porno?]( By Jack Stripling [STORY IMAGE]( In his final months as chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, Joe Gow posted on the internet pornographic films of himself and his wife. What was he thinking? SPONSOR CONTENT | Indiana University [Indiana University: A leader in advancing cancer research toward breakthrough discoveries]( ENROLLMENT [Amid FAFSA Crisis, Enrollment of 18-Year-Old Freshmen Fell Sharply This Fall]( By Eric Hoover [STORY IMAGE]( Colleges welcomed 5 percent fewer students from a key subgroup this fall, a new analysis shows. Upcoming Workshop Our renowned professional development program for department chairs is returning in January! We've partnered with experienced academic leaders at Dever Justice LLC and research experts at Ithaka S+R to design a comprehensive two-week program that will help chairs navigate their day-to-day responsibilities, develop a strategic vision for their department, and understand the higher-ed landscape in which they're operating. [Learn more and register.]( Virtual Events: Tune In Live STUDENT SUCCESS [The Student-Success Journey: Making the Final Steps Toward Graduation]( [STORY IMAGE]( UPCOMING: December 10, 2024 | 2 p.m. E.T. Student success requires a multifaceted approach, as such issues as parking fines and course selection can affect whether a student makes it to graduation day. Hear from experts and see what steps other colleges are taking. With Support From Mongoose. [Register here.]( INTERNATIONAL RECRUITMENT [Connecting International Recruitment and Student Success]( [STORY IMAGE]( UPCOMING: December 11, 2024 | 2 p.m. E.T. In a competitive global environment, U.S. institutions must ensure that international students have positive experiences on campus to keep enrollment levels steady. Join us for a discussion on the relationship between international recruitment and student success. With Support From World Education Services. [Register here.]( Limited-Time Offer for New Subscribers Enjoying the newsletter? [Subscribe today]( and save during our year-end sale. You'll get unlimited access to indispensable news and insights — all for just $79. SPONSOR CONTENT | Adelaide University [The High Road to Hydrogen]( Meet Sparc Hydrogen, a collaboration between the University of Adelaide, Fortescue Limited, and Sparc Technologies, pioneering revolutionary green hydrogen technology. From The Archives FIRST PERSON [How to Escape Grading Jail]( By Kevin Gannon [STORY IMAGE]( In the end-of-the-semester crush, our students donât do their best work in all-night cram sessions, and neither do we. 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