Our latest podcast episode considers whether college is worth it; the challenges and payoffs of learning students' names; and more. ADVERTISEMENT [Academe Today Logo]( You can also [read this newsletter on the web](. Or, if you no longer want to receive this newsletter, [unsubscribe](. FREE REPORT [What Higher Ed Will Look Like in 10 Years]( The Chronicle [STORY IMAGE]( Fundamental change is coming quickly. ADVERTISEMENT [What Higher Ed Will Look Like in 10 Years]( COLLEGE MATTERS FROM THE CHRONICLE [College? Maybe Not.]( By Jack Stripling [STORY IMAGE]( The lure of decent-paying jobs available without college degrees has some people rethinking whether college is necessary. The trend has big implications for the work force, society, and the communities where people live and work. BACKGROUNDER [More High-School Grads Go Straight to the Work Force. Colleges Are Trying to Change Their Minds.]( By Eric Kelderman [STORY IMAGE]( In Iowa, higher-education institutions are struggling to compete with local businesses that offer middle-class jobs without a degree. 'MORE INVITING, MORE INCLUSIVE' [How Can Professors Learn Studentsâ Names? A Scholar of Memory Shares Her Process.]( By Beckie Supiano [STORY IMAGE]( The author of A Teacherâs Guide to Learning Student Names advises instructors on how best to go about it. THE REVIEW [Does Harvard Have âToo Manyâ Jewish Administrators?]( By Len Gutkin [STORY IMAGE]( A recent op-ed comes right up to the edge of calling for quotas. Upcoming Workshop [The Chronicle's Administrative Leadership Institute | October 2024] Join us in October for a two-day virtual workshop that will offer administrative staff leaders the opportunity to build their capacity for collaboration, understand their role in shared governance, and gain insights on how to more effectively lead their teams. [Learn more and register!]( Virtual Events: Tune In Live COMMUNITY COLLEGES [The Changing Futures of Community Colleges]( [STORY IMAGE]( UPCOMING: September 24, 2024 | The Covid-19 pandemic permanently transformed the role of community colleges. Join us to explore strategies and insights that can prepare institutions for this new era â and beyond. With Support From Ascendium. [Register here.]( ENROLLMENT AND ADMISSIONS [Where the Humanities Are Thriving]( [STORY IMAGE]( UPCOMING: October 2, 2024 | Headlines about the state of the humanities make dire predictions. But some colleges are seeing enrollment increases in these disciplines. Join us to explore the future of the humanities.With Support From Teagle. [Register here.]( Limited-Time Offer for New Subscribers Enjoying the newsletter? [Subscribe today]( and save 50% on a year of unlimited access. As a bonus, you'll receive a digital copy of our new article collection, Decision 2024: The Presidential Election and Higher Ed. Views ADVICE [Write for the Field Next Door]( By Leonard Cassuto [STORY IMAGE]( Instead of trying to reach the âgeneral public,â aim for a closer target to expand your audience. ADVERTISEMENT From the Chronicle Store [The Future of Graduate Education - The Chronicle Store]( [The Future of Graduate Education]( Graduate education has enjoyed a jump in enrollment over the past five years, but it faces a host of challenges. [Order this report]( for insights on the opportunities and pitfalls that graduate-program administrators must navigate. Job Opportunities [Search thousands]( of faculty, administrative, and executive job openings and [upload your resume]( to be searchable by employers! 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