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What I'd do if I had to start over from scratch


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Thu, Aug 12, 2021 06:01 PM

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Last week, I sent a framework on how to get started with . A few people asked me what I'd do if I ha

Last week, I sent a framework on how to get started with [eCommerce on a low budget](~/AAAHUQA~/RgRi9-cMP0UgNTE2ZjM3OTNjODdkMDU3YjUzMjU3MWI2MjZhMTdhMTNEKmh0dHBzOi8vY2hhcmxlc25nby5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC12YWxpZGF0aW9uL1cFc3BjZXVCCmESDGIVYZVZdthSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAW3Q~~). A few people asked me what I'd do if I had no budget? Some people can't afford inventory or the costs of paid traffic. I get it. When I first started, I had to stay up late until 2am writing 500 word SEO articles for $15 a pop. That’s what gave me the capital to start running affiliate marketing campaigns. So what do you do if you don't have any capital? You’re going to have to compensate with sweat equity. You’re going to have to overcompensate with your time, energy, and focus. No going out on the weekends. No vacations. No eating out. I don’t have any frameworks that’ll make you an overnight success. But I do have a few business models in mind that can earn you income if you put in the work. So let's dive into it! #1. Productized Services using Drop Servicing Some eCommerce products are pure arbitrage plays. You buy the widget for $5 from China, add some nice packaging / marketing, and resell it for $25. You can do the same thing with services. Find a service in demand, and productize it. For example, there’s a demand now for eCommerce brands that want User Generated Content. Brands want videos of normal people using their products, and giving reviews. These are huge conversion boosters for ads and landing pages. Well, it’s a pain in the ass to get this content. They have to find the users, get good videos out of them, and then there’s the endless back and forth. You can find local talent for cheap. Besides saving time for the companies, your value add can be the writing the script in a way that makes the brands look good. (Most people have no idea what to say, and it ends up being a terrible review). That's just one example. Here’s an article that I wrote last year that breaks the model down. [Drop Servicing: The Best Business Model to Start if You’re Broke](~/AAAHUQA~/RgRi9-cMP0UgNTI5Y2JlNmYzNDQ5Y2JjODI5ZjIwZjkxYjQ0YjRmYTlEJWh0dHBzOi8vY2hhcmxlc25nby5jb20vZHJvcHNlcnZpY2luZy9XBXNwY2V1QgphEgxiFWGVWXbYUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAFt0~) #2. Niche Newsletter You’re reading a newsletter right now! Even though it feels as if newsletters are popping up everywhere, I don’t think they’re anywhere near saturated. The new generation of creators are focused on Tik Tok dancing or launching a podcast. As the world is becoming more “noisy,” there’s value in quality curation. Here's a quick playbook: Topics: Selecting a topic is going to be the most important decision. I’m going to assume that you don’t have a topic in mind. [Subreddit Stats](~/AAAHUQA~/RgRi9-cMP0UgNWE4MTg3NjBjNzJiYTk2MjQyOGIxN2M2NGQ3NmJhZDJEG2h0dHBzOi8vc3VicmVkZGl0c3RhdHMuY29tL1cFc3BjZXVCCmESDGIVYZVZdthSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAW3Q~~) is a fantastic research tool if you ignore all the shit coins. Look for the intersection of: the users want to spend money (or else it'll be hard to monetize) + tons of innovation so it’s hard to keep up with news (imagine doing a newsletter on the OMAD diet where you eat one meal a day. What can you keep writing about? you just eat once a day!) + there’s a feeling of fomo if you aren’t keeping up with the news (so they have a reason to keep opening emails) + the user base is growing A few topics I can think of that can tick off this list: Smart Home Automation, NFT’s, and Biohacking. What to Write: Study successful newsletters such as the MorningBrew, The Hustle, and 1440. It’s usually a mix of news + link round ups + analysis. The more competitive the vertical, the more important it is to differentiate. Software: [EmailOctopus](~/AAAHUQA~/RgRi9-cMP0UgM2ZmNWViYjZiMDE1M2VjZDA0YzFmY2Q0MmMxZTMwZGJEJGh0dHBzOi8vZW1haWxvY3RvcHVzLmNvbS8_dXJsaT1uSzhGTVcFc3BjZXVCCmESDGIVYZVZdthSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAW3Q~~) is free for the first 2,500 people. Where to find users? [MarketingExamples](~/AAAHUQA~/RgRi9-cMP0UgZmY0ZGU4YmZkNGM3MzJjNzQyNGY1OGFlNGI3MjllNDdELWh0dHBzOi8vbWFya2V0aW5nZXhhbXBsZXMuY29tL2NvbnRlbnQvc2hhcmluZ1cFc3BjZXVCCmESDGIVYZVZdthSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAW3Q~~) shares their playbook on how they grew their email list. Find out where your users hang out, and add value (without being too self promotional) Monetizing: Sponsors / affiliate links. Once you build a solid list, the opportunities are endless. #3. Niche Copywriting Freelancing is a classic side-hustle. There are two problems: not everyone has a skillset in demand. And if you do, someone overseas can offer it for way cheaper than you can. If you don't have a skillset people are willing to pay for, you should 100% learn copywriting. It’ll teach you sales and marketing which will serve you for the rest of your life. Copywriting's also hard to saturate because.... a. There's an endless demand for good copywriters (companies can directly measure the impact) b. There's a barrier to entry due to English / writing capabilities. You should niche down instead of being a generic copywriter. Focus on high growth areas such as crypto, CBD, or certain eCommerce verticals. How do you learn copywriting? a. Here's a list of my [favorite copywriting books](~/AAAHUQA~/RgRi9-cMP0UgZWM3NDYxYjVkM2MyYzE5NmQ4MWQ1Y2VmMGNkNGNkZjNEKWh0dHBzOi8vY2hhcmxlc25nby5jb20vY29weXdyaXRpbmctYm9va3MvVwVzcGNldUIKYRIMYhVhlVl22FIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAABbd). b. Neville Medhora has a [free copywriting course](~/AAAHUQA~/RgRi9-cMP0UgN2I1N2E3ZDhiN2E3MTg2ZTZiMWQ3OWY4NmI0ZTU2NmRENmh0dHBzOi8vY29weXdyaXRpbmdjb3Vyc2UuY29tL2ZyZWUtY29weXdyaXRpbmctY291cnNlL1cFc3BjZXVCCmESDGIVYZVZdthSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAW3Q~~). c. Go to [Swiped](~/AAAHUQA~/RgRi9-cMP0UgYzllYWRlODlkODk1ZWNmYTk1YjliMTcyMDM3YjE4YTVEEmh0dHBzOi8vc3dpcGVkLmNvL1cFc3BjZXVCCmESDGIVYZVZdthSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAW3Q~~). Find some of the top direct response pieces. Write them by hand. Sponsors - [Unbounce](~/AAAHUQA~/RgRi9-cMP0UgMjE3MmY3NjcyMmJhYmVhNzcxNWJjYzQ0ODNiN2JlYzJEI2h0dHBzOi8vY2hhcmxlc25nby5jb20vZ28vdW5ib3VuY2UvVwVzcGNldUIKYRIMYhVhlVl22FIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAABbd): My favorite landing page software. It's fast, and there are several hundred templates to work with. - [AdSpy](~/AAAHUQA~/RgRi9-cMP0UgYTIyZmVhMDE0NDNhZWE5YTYyZDRhN2RkZTJmZGNjNjlELmh0dHBzOi8vYXBwLmFkc3B5LmNvbS9zdWJzY3JpYmU_YT1hZmZjZWxlcmF0b3JXBXNwY2V1QgphEgxiFWGVWXbYUht0cmlzdHJhbWJhbGR3aW45MkBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAFt0~): The best Facebook spy tool on the market. I spend 10 minutes on Adspy to get ideas, and to stay on top of trends. That's all for the edition. Drinks tons of water and get a bunch of sunlight. Let me know if anything in this email resonated with you. Stay focused, Charles p.s. I thought of a random business idea while writing this email. Glassdoor for OnlyFans. Seriously. I was on Subreddit Stats earlier. There are growing subreddits dedicated to reviewing different girls on OnlyFans. The problem? The guys have no idea if they're going to get good value. OF did $2 billion in sales last year. People are spending money there. I saw one person complaining that a person is reposting the same photos from Instagram. I did a google search and there doesn't seem to be any websites dedicated to this. Why doesn't OF themselves add reviews? Because having that many bad reviews would probably hurt their bottomline. The lack of information transparency reminds me a lot about the value proposition of Glassdoor. Anyways, it's a great idea that I have no interest in pursuing. Maybe one of you guys can do something with it. If you enjoyed this email, please do me a favor and forward it to a friend that might enjoy this. If you were forwarded this email, you can subscribe at [](~/AAAHUQA~/RgRi9-cMP0UgZjNlY2QwZTMwNjc2ODQxNzFhY2U3YjcyZjAxNWMzM2ZEF2h0dHBzOi8vY2hhcmxlc25nby5jb20vVwVzcGNldUIKYRIMYhVhlVl22FIbdHJpc3RyYW1iYWxkd2luOTJAZ21haWwuY29tWAQAABbd). You received this email because you subscribed to You can [unsubscribe](~/AAAHUQA~/RgRi9-cMP4QUAWh0dHBzOi8vYXVzdHJhbGlzLmVvbWFpbDYuY29tL3Vuc3Vic2NyaWJlP2VwPTImbD1jMTQyYmU0NC1iN2QxLTExZWItYTNkMC0wNmI0Njk0YmVlMmEmbGM9ODU1YjA2ZjctY2Y3Zi0xMWViLWEzZDAtMDZiNDY5NGJlZTJhJnA9MGU5OThhOTItZmI3My0xMWViLTk2ZTUtMDZiNDY5NGJlZTJhJnB0PWNhbXBhaWduJnB2PTQmc3BhPTE2Mjg3OTExOTcmdD0xNjI4NzkxMzA4JnM9Yzc1N2QzYWE0NjllN2U4Y2RiNjc5ZmIyZWNjMDc4OTY2YjZkYmFjOGJhYzJhNmRiMGFjY2RhMjFkODZlNWFiNlcFc3BjZXVCCmESDGIVYZVZdthSG3RyaXN0cmFtYmFsZHdpbjkyQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAW3Q~~) at any time. 199 E Flagler St #398, Miami, Florida, 33131, United States of America

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