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Your Horoscope for Mars in Scorpio 🦂


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Sat, Oct 30, 2021 03:19 PM

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Mars has entered Scorpio. Find out what that means for you. This self-affirmation gift box for Scorp

Mars has entered Scorpio. Find out what that means for you. [View this email in your browser]( [CHANI logo] Celebrate your Favorite Scorpio [Picture of Scorpio Giftbox with link to purchase on our holiday store]( This self-affirmation gift box for Scorpio contains: - Scorpio Candle: Intention setting candle made with pure soy wax, patchouli and rose essential oils. Includes a Tourmaline crystal. - Activated Charcoal Soap: Made with organic extra virgin coconut oil, organic olive oil and 100% pure essential oils. - Scorpio Essential Oil Blend: Made with only three ingredients — patchouli essential oil, rose essential oil and pure coconut oil. 70% of the cost of this box goes directly to the survivor entrepreneurs who made these products. Each box is packed and shipped by survivors making a living wage of $28.85/hr. [Buy the Box]( Horoscopes for Mars in Scorpio [Collage for Mars in Scorpio]( From October 30th to December 13th, Mars in Scorpio renews our resolve to muscle through the last stretch of the year with at least some of our goals accounted for. In Libra, Mars was a football team playing an away game in an art museum. In Scorpio, Mars makes a homecoming and enjoys the advantages and fanfare of being welcomed back as a hometown hero. Restored to its usual grit and moxie, Mars in Scorpio helps us pursue our goals, or singular obsessions — even when it might feel better to luxuriate in bed. In its watery, nighttime domain, Mars moves with a certain amount of silent strategy. If Mars in Aries is loud and overt, Mars in Scorpio is more subtle and cryptic with its activity. There are no Hail Mary attempts — only well-considered chess moves. Mars in Scorpio reads the room before it advances. Paying attention is a savvy first step to making anything happen on your terms Mars will be especially engaged in its attempts to outmaneuver the larger forces of the clashing titans. Squaring Saturn (on November 10th) and opposing Uranus (on November 17th), Mars activates the ongoing Saturn/Uranus squares that have contributed a tenor of breakdown, revolt, and upheaval to 2021. To be clear, Mars has already shown up to tussle with Saturn and Uranus two other times this year. What makes this time different is that Mars arrives with much more strength and leverage. Mars has its eyes locked on the prize in Scorpio, and it’s probably going to win. What are you determined to snatch from the jaws of this year’s tumultuous changes? [Aries glyph] []Aries & Aries Rising Mars has a few scores to settle while it’s in Scorpio, and though it might prowl through your house of debt with the glowering demeanor of someone who’s fixated on what they’re owed, this gives you an opportunity to make the clean break you’ve been looking for. If any loose threads dangle from your financial or energetic exchanges, welcome a little more ferocity to settle up or collect what’s rightfully yours. As you detangle yourself from the situation, a few pangs of grief punctuate the process, but consider it an astringent-flavored tonic for the larger purpose of cleaning house. Though these next few weeks bring conflict, they also come with a sense of relief. You’ve been dealing with your fair share of mounting tension this year when it comes to your sense of responsibility to the collective and the personal freedom that comes with having (and using) your own resources as you see fit. November 10th and 17th bring peaks of stress and fracture as Mars faces off with Saturn and Uranus, but letting things chip a little ultimately feels better than putting off an inevitable confrontation. [Taurus glyph] []Taurus & Taurus Rising When in Scorpio, Mars takes the form of a worthwhile match, sidekick, or character foil. Your most significant others will step up to the stage to play pivotal roles in the unfolding drama of your circumstances. While your relationships stir with the transformative potential of extra spice, they also provoke, confront, and demand more from you. Though this spell may come and go as little more than a lusty chapter in your book, it’s more likely that it’ll prompt you to make some necessary changes. With another person there to be your motivational coach (or your motivational competitor), the threat of stagnancy will loom larger than the discomfort of engaging in a possible confrontation. On November 10th and 17th especially, Mars faces off with Saturn and Uranus, bringing you to a critical moment. What may register as someone else’s antagonism could provoke or diffuse the mounting tension you’ve been feeling all year between your innate wildness and the stricter demands of embodying a professional image. There’s no reason it can’t be a little of both. [Gemini glyph] []Gemini & Gemini Rising Your to-do lists become a little less daunting, your projects a little less insurmountable over these next few weeks of what will likely amount to “Mars in beast mode.” Yes, there are ways to channel this energy that amount to something greater than being someone else’s worker bee. Save at least some of your effort to give as an offering to the spirit of the thing that keeps you alive and on purpose. At the very same time, Mars in Scorpio is easily fixated on the task at hand. Burnout is a real possibility when you’re determined to drive yourself to the edge of your own productive capacity. Don’t be afraid to poke fun at the bootcamp instructor in your own mind. It would be good to recognize any sense of urgency for what it is, especially if it feels like a last-ditch effort to distract yourself from the existential crisis of this past year. You will likely succeed in feeling accomplished, but your striving will bring you into necessary confrontation with a few crumbling ideologies, especially around November 10th and 17th. What you build from these ashes is up to you. [Cancer glyph] []Cancer & Cancer Rising Your lust for the good life will carry you far, especially if you sense that “far” is where you’ll have to go to attain the satisfaction you’re seeking. The pursuit of joy is a pursuit, you know. Now is one of those times where you might come to really understand what it means to fight for your right to party. Prowling through your house of creativity and fun, Mars in Scorpio makes you dogged in your determination to squeeze more enjoyment out of life, prevail in your vision of artistic expression, make love more ardently, and engage constructively with the quarrelsome children in your midst. All year, you’ve been witnessing the collapse of old systems of interdependency, making way for new (and even radical) ways to be in community. One person’s divorce or separation is another person’s welcome into a wider network of care. As Mars faces off with Saturn and Uranus around November 10th and 17th, your determination to wrest more joy from your experience helps break some of the more stubborn bonds that are still keeping you tethered to old ways of being. [Leo glyph] []Leo & Leo Rising Mars won’t waffle as it scavenges its way through the plumbing of your foundation, hunting for signs of irritation in your domestic life and deliberately stirring the pot. Where agitation exists, you will likely be confronting it. Where your security system beeps for an upgrade, you will likely take measures to defend your sanctuary and breathe new life into the protection spells you’ve cast around home base. Though there may be less you can do to gloss over things when sleeping dogs are no longer left to lie, there can also be a great sense of relief rousing them from their slumber. Summoning the bravery to poke and prod at the deep truth of things is a faster and more direct route to abiding peace. Your willingness to “go there” will cast a domino effect toward the ongoing revolutions churning through your professional and love life as well. Particularly around November 10th and 17th, when Mars faces off with Saturn and Uranus, the friction arising from your home, family, or ancestral matters will likely take precedence over everything else, compelling you to rearrange the furniture around what’s currently demanding your attention. [Virgo glyph] []Virgo & Virgo Rising If necessary confrontations arise in your orbit, now would be the time to lean into them — to make sure your text exchanges, journal entries, and podcast interviews penetrate into the deepest layer of what’s actually going on. Mars in Scorpio has a direct, unswerving approach that helps you stay on message and stay with the process, even if it’s not entirely pleasant to “go there.” Watch for the little distress signals popping up in your habitual neighborhood haunts, along your commute, on social media, or with your siblings, cousins, neighbors, or besties. What if certain things are better off being investigated and provoked, rather than avoided out of fear? These skirmishes won’t feel peaceful in the moment, but there’s nothing like the sense of relief that comes after engaging in a conflict you knew was imminent anyway. Especially around November 10th and 17th, when Mars tussles with Saturn and Uranus, the bumper-to-bumper traffic in your schedule might force you to account for the fact that you only have so many hours in a day. Pushing a few hot buttons in your discourse might blast open your perspective to accommodate radical new possibilities. [Libra glyph] []Libra & Libra Rising As Mars takes stock of your resource cupboard over these next few weeks, you get a little extra heat, hunger, and motivation to secure the bag. What belongs to you is worth defending. What could be yours is worth plotting for in stratagems. Of course, “heat” could look like money that’s burning a hole through your pocket, but you’ll also gain a competitive edge when you’re on the hunt for income opportunities, shopping trip treasures, and better protective boundaries — both around what’s yours and what you’re capable of offering to others. Mars in Scorpio may move in silence, but it doesn’t operate in a vacuum. Facing off with Saturn and Uranus on November 10th and 17th, this transit is a crucial turning point in an ongoing saga between your collaborative or financial arrangements and your creativity. You might normally prefer to attend to everyone else’s needs, but a little fierceness on your own behalf can help you break free from more than one stalemate. [Scorpio glyph] []Scorpio & Scorpio Rising Becoming your own fiercest advocate is rarely, at the end of the day, about how much noise you make. It’s about the internal calculations you run when you choose your battles, conserve your energy, and make deliberate strides toward your own meaningful victories. Of course, lacking the right outlet, it’s entirely possible your pot will boil over in a fever pitch of its own making. Your vital fury, passion, and ambition is coursing like a strong current through your system right now. It can propel you far if you’re game for it. It can also erupt in ways others won’t find palatable. Find the threshold of how disagreeable you’re willing to be in the service of your goals and let off steam where you need so you can honor your own limits. With Mars facing off with Saturn and Uranus on November 10th and 17th, this transit is bound to upset some apple carts, but things are more or less stacked in your favor. Your bravery and initiative during this time gives you the last push you need to topple the existing arrangements in your relationships and living situation that are no longer sustainable. [Sagittarius glyph] []Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising As it slinks through your inner back room, Mars essentially goes into stealth mode, helping you plot your next moves in silence and keep your cards close to your chest. Right now, power is something you can build by strategically conserving it. Striking while the iron is hot involves waiting for the heat to reach the right temperature first. This edgy, provocative expression of Mars can stir up disturbances in your sleep and in your psyche as well. Placing additional safeguards around your rest can help buffer you from swirling anxieties, paranoias, and obsessions, but sometimes the sleeping dogs in your subconscious are barking for a reason. If it’s coming up, it could be coming up for healing. No matter what’s churning below the surface for you right now, it’s bound to topple a few stubborn dominoes that have thus far refused to budge. As Mars faces off with Saturn and Uranus around November 10th and 17th, your schedule will likely have to rearrange itself around your mental health needs first, and not the other way around. What does strategic retreat look like when it’s codified as a daily routine? [Capricorn glyph] []Capricorn & Capricorn Rising Perceiving the competing goals and desires of the collective is one thing. Navigating the group dynamic with cunning and savvy is another. If it helps you accomplish nothing else, Mars in Scorpio is here to keep you on your toes and just a few steps ahead of everyone else. Of course, playing organizational politics is not exactly the same thing as group chat drama with friends, but some key principles will likely hold no matter what. One: try not to take it too personally. Two: understanding everyone’s underlying motivations will present you with a more direct route to resolving the issue. Three: you don’t have to belong to any group whose dysfunctional nature reminds you too much of your family. Functional conflict is always healing in the end. Of course, if you can rally the troops to get the whole team on board with your plans, that’s even better. All year, you’ve been looking for a setup that gives you both financial security and creative freedom, and some necessary dominoes have already fallen. The moves you make and the rabble you rouse with the collective can be more than enough to finish the job, particularly around November 10th and 17th. [Aquarius glyph] []Aquarius & Aquarius Rising Assuming the workload you currently have doesn’t describe a chill time, it gets you to sharpen the clarity of your purpose, focus your eyes on the prize, and it helps you get to know yourself better through the prism of what you feel called to fight for. Mars in Scorpio puts you on the spot, but your fearlessness, your refusal to back down, and your tenacity is what gets you noticed. Your crown of glory becomes more glorious with every ounce of effort that goes into claiming it. And at the very same time, there’s something here about working smarter, not harder, as you strategically plot your path to victory. To some extent, victory might even put you at odds with yourself, but it could be your own reticence that’s been holding you back from making some necessary headway. Mars lights fireworks around November 10th and 17th, poking at some underlying instability that’s kept you on edge. As much as you might feel like a tornado uprooted you out of Kansas this past year and forced you to set a new precedent for yourself, some more dominoes are bound to topple when you become yourself more fiercely. [Pisces glyph] []Pisces & Pisces Rising Whether you’re in a season of teaching, learning, or sharpening the clarity of your most fiercely held principles, Mars in Scorpio asks you to arrive more resolutely and on purpose. You might be called to defend your beliefs or defend a thesis. Going all the way in pursuit of the truth, or the resounding answer from the bottom of a mystery’s well, requires you to summon vaster reserves of courage and tenacity. A thorough exploration of your spirituality, your politics, or your field of knowledge means focusing on a single point and drilling deeper — not spreading yourself thin to cover broader ground. The holes you poke in your most dearly held theories have vast implications for you now. Mars is getting ensnared in a showdown that’s been taking place all year as it faces off with Saturn and Uranus on November 10th and 17th. While in Scorpio, Mars is determined to topple a few remaining pillars of the collapsing structure. Stirring the pot a little, especially when it comes to what you think you know, helps you move stubborn obstacles in your own mind. What felt like a limit or a barrier may simply be a threshold. [Instagram]( [Twitter]( [Facebook]( [Website]( Copyright © 2021 Chani Nicholas, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at my website. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can [update your preferences]( or [unsubscribe from this list](.

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year wrest would workload witnessing win willingness willing welcome weeks ways way watch waffle vision view victory using urgency uranus upset upheaval upgrade update unsubscribe tussle truth troops transit topple toes times time threshold threat though think things thing thin tethered tenor tenacity task take surface subtle subconscious striving striking stress strength stratagems stir step steam stay stagnancy stage squeeze spreading spot spirituality spirit sometimes something someone snatch slinks sleep skirmishes situation silence signs showdown shipped sharpening sharpen setup settle set service separation sense seeking secure season scorpio scores schedule scavenges savvy saturn satisfaction sanctuary run rouse room rightfully right reticence rest responsibility resources resolving resolve resolutely relief relationships refusal recognize receiving receive reason rearrange reach rarely rally rabble putting pursuit purpose purchase psyche propel prompt projects professional products prod process prize prism present preferences power pot politics poke pocket plumbing plot plans perspective path pangs packed owed outmaneuver orbit opted opportunity operate one offering odds obsessions noticed next new needs need mystery muscle much moves motivation moment mind might midst message means may matter mars making makes make made luxuriate lust loud looking little list link limits limit likely lie let less least lean know knew kept keeps keep kansas joy jaws irritation iron investigated initiative hunt house horoscope honor homecoming holes hole holding helps help heat healing harder good goes goals go gloss glorious gives give gets get game friends fracture form forced fixated finish financial fight field ferocity feeling fearlessness fear favor faster far fanfare fact faces eyes exactly especially enough enjoys enjoyment engaging energy end embodying emails email effort edge drive dominoes dogged divorce disturbances distract discomfort disagreeable diffuse determined determination detangle desires describe demand defend debt dealing day currently cunning cryptic crown creativity course courage could cost contributed consider confronting conflict commute coming comes collective collect collapse collaborative codified clarity claiming circumstances churning choose channel change cast carry care capable called burning bumper build budge bring bravery box bound bottom book boil board better besties belongs belong beliefs behalf bed become barking bag back avoided attend attempts attain ashes arrive around aries ardently another amount ambition also alive afraid advantages activity account 2021 17th

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