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Affirmation Horoscopes for the New Moon in Virgo


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Sun, Sep 5, 2021 07:44 PM

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Your weekly horoscope is here. Find out what's in store for you. The New Moon in Virgo, occurring on

Your weekly horoscope is here. Find out what's in store for you. [View this email in your browser]( [CHANI logo] Affirmation Horoscopes for the New Moon in Virgo . [The Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card. also liks to]( The New Moon in Virgo, occurring on September 6th at 5:52 p.m. PT, invites us to fall in love with the inner-workings behind the scenes. Virgo reigns over the realm of meticulous choreography. Behind every Prima donna, there’s a Virgo positioning each Vaseline tear. The Virgo new moon slots into place in an invigorating trine with Uranus. Now familiar with the shockwaves that Uranus in Taurus doles out, our value systems, markets, production chains, and relationship to the Earth are all subject to its upheavals. As Uranus has squared off with Saturn throughout the year, these points of no return have made clear that the notion “climate change” is an insidious understatement. “Climate crisis,” or more aptly, “climate catastrophe,” must be met with unflinching honesty — otherwise the solutions will evade us. Saturn in Aquarius will not allow us to sweep reality under the rug. With the Virgo New Moon plugged into this dynamic, we enter the practical readjustments of navigating alarming realities. This New Moon helps us to be flexible and rapidly transform our systems of organization. Though Virgo is more comfortable with graphs, spreadsheet columns and empirical evidence, the Moon’s subsequent opposition to Neptune asks us to tap into earthen magic. The gods in mycelium, flower essences, and the spirits of the land itself have much to say when we care to bring our ears to the ground. And care we should. Venus’ ingress into Scorpio on September 10th will help us be brave in severing the relationships, resources and value systems that no longer serve the gravity of this moment. What fabulous new frontiers are you mapping in the Virgo corner of your chart? How can you hold space for the uncertainty of this transition, while you take a calculated leap of faith? Your New Moon horoscopes are written affirmation-style and are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you. The following horoscopes were written by Stephanie Warner. [link to app store]( Monday's New Moon in Virgo gets a jolt of inspiration and innovation from Uranus. Work your wonders with a guided meditation and altar suggestions on the CHANI app. [Aries glyph] []Aries & Aries Rising With this New Moon, I introduce myself to minor kitchen gods and sprites of the hearth. I seek solace in the rituals that scaffold my days. I honor the small miracle of the bones in my feet shifting on the carpet; the breath rushing the pleats in my lungs. Though our films and stories tend to venerate peak experiences, I commit to seeing the magic in the celluloid cuttings on the floor. I understand that most of life pulses in the beats between. Divinity dwells in the sprawl before the editor's final cut. I remember that absorption is a form of love; unmixed attention is prayer. I focus on the remedies that have the capacity to heal me. I scrape the candle wax from my brass holders and smooth out the wrinkles in my altar cloth. These tasks are an affirming ritual. As I shift dust, so do I release my own psychic static. Joy is not extinguished by hard work, but all kinds of bounty can be created by it. If I want to go the distance, there can be no shortcuts. Work provides a way to root myself in the present. What I do every day scores and vivifies time. I know deep down that rest, after an honest day’s work, is always the most delicious. [Taurus glyph] []Taurus & Taurus Rising With this New Moon, I surrender to my body's need for pleasure. I affirm my sovereignty in languid hours and remember the importance, even in revolutionary times, of delighting in all that charms me. This personal renaissance not only releases me from my imposter syndrome, but feels like a necessary rebellion against the machine. I practice pleasure seeking as a way to free my senses and remind myself of how wild my roots are. Even in times of contraction and upheaval, I don’t forget to laugh, make art, dance, and ecstatically collapse in aching belly laughs. I strengthen ties with the friends that know how to feel this bountiful. When it appears like I am a lightning rod for the grief and volatility of this collective moment, I trust that the voltage will always ground back into the earth. With this New Moon, I remember that the world is richer for my risking the appraisal of an audience. I loosen my grasp on my creations and open a clearing for the muses to enter. I give thanks. [Gemini glyph] []Gemini & Gemini Rising With this New Moon, I offer libations to my ancestors and the worm-tilled riches of the Earth itself. I give gratitude to the land that graciously bears me; I acknowledge the grief for the crisis it is clearly signaling; and I take seriously the action needed now. I bear witness to the parts of me that need re-parenting, or even repotting. I scan my psyche for the hair-line fractures of something deep inside bursting its earthenware. If I neglect this work, I risk becoming hard and wizened before my time. I risk closing my heart in a corset of tangled roots. I sense that new depths of dwelling are making themselves available to me. As my subconscious continues its wilding — and my psychic lint cleaner requires defurring on the daily — I hold space for the home that will support my deep need for rest and retreat. For now I make sure my house is in good order. With this New Moon, I give myself permission to prune the ancestral stories that do not support my flourishing. I become prodigious at weeding and dead-heading. I also remember that most plants actually die from overwatering, and part of tending this garden is knowing when to let it rest, when to let the sorrows of my past seek other homes to haunt. Today, I remember that I can always begin again. [Cancer glyph] []Cancer & Cancer Rising With this New Moon, I remember that I am the coder and hacker of my own mind. I do not accept my inner monologue at face value; I learn to name and defang the defense mechanisms that have kept me safe (but small). I thank them for their service, and bid them away. I hear myself when the internalized chiding tone of an authority cuts me down. I accept that the inner critic may live rent free in my head, but I can invite kinder, wiser tenants: the elder who cares not for self-pity and meets it with relentless humor, the supportive voice of my bestie who cheers me on without question, or the unconditional love of a furred familiar. I recognise the mind-sinks of doom-scrolling and clickbait — cortisol games that I want no part of. I remind myself that the mind is remarkably elastic: even trauma's deepest grooves can fan out into river deltas of other voices and ways of being in the world. This New Moon, I stay curious. I keep the routines that calm, center, and steady my nervous mind. I rally friends, comb my immediate environment for connections to nurture, and rove my neighborhood for new avenues to venture down. The grand scheme of my life is lived out in the details of my days, the ways I make my tea, take a deep breath, and say hello to those that cross my path. When I wander too far from the immediate, I forget its power and forgo my creative agency within it. [Leo glyph] []Leo & Leo Rising This New Moon I scrutinize my relationship to security. I understand that a weighted blanket can calm the nervous system. Within the endless virtual scroll, I can be engulfed. Enfolded. All of us, to a certain point, want to crawl back into the womb. I accept, however, when friction is necessary for growth. I distinguish between true nourishment and mere consumption to fill the void. I recognize when I must make a companion of my discomfort. Even the pearl is not hermetically sealed: it only blooms as grit infiltrates its holding vessel. I make this discomfort my teacher. Now I can begin again in the meticulous restructuring of my value systems. It’s time I stitch-picked the narratives I tell myself about wealth. The miserly dragon clinging to its bounty, or the defiant princess donning a paper bag — do these stories support the radical upgrade I sense coming in my career? If money was not a factor, what would be my offering to the collective? There comes a time when we must emerge from our inner storm cellars, and risk the next cataclysm. I have the audacity to envision life as a cornucopia that magically replenishes. I seek out the people, the resources, and the praxis that keep me feeling spiritually satiated. I envision my hands plunging through moss, and tapping a secret fount of spring water that never runs dry. [Virgo glyph] []Virgo & Virgo Rising This New Moon, I align the prow of my soul's ship to a north star that is mine, and mine alone. I feel trade winds whipping at my back; the sail of my most personal convictions billowing open. This is the moment I depart from safer harbors: from the dogma and inner mythologies that have kept me marooned. For now, I am the intrepid cartographer of my own emancipation. I surrender to currents, ley lines, and my own inner star maps. Like the salmon returning to their spawning grounds, I don't over analyze this wordless call. I just go. The miracle of swimming up waterfalls is mine to claim. When the siren tempts me to escape into people who do not cherish me (loving only their own seductive song), I turn away. I elect the boundless mystery of my own pilgrimage of the self instead. I pledge my love to my own multitudes. I do not take this adventure of self-discovery lightly. Naturally inclined to serve others, it can be hard to serve myself. In this moment, I consider the graciousness I have extended to my loved ones when they needed time and space to claim an adventure of self-actualization. I know that to be a beacon in my own community, my soul's wisdom is waiting to be uncovered. The people truly at my side will be waiting to wave me back to shore. [Libra glyph] []Libra & Libra Rising This New Moon, I see cat-naps and wool-gathering as forms of liberation. I reframe retreat as a radical act. Like the Sun swan-diving every night into the mysteries beyond the horizon, I lean into the power of a vanishing-act. Just as sleep holds space for the self-repairing of my organs, I know that dreams weave the day’s detritus into patterns and guiding maps. And into the labyrinth of this healing journey, I really could use all the maps. Even as deep sharing with others electrifies my life, I have the wisdom to know when to unplug from this current of energetic exchange. When these charged connections throw me for a loop-de-loop, I leave the drama and the spins at the threshold of my fluffy duvet. I resist the temptation to furnish the void with endless work, or the neon carousel of social media. I learn to be unavailable, off air, charging. This revolution will not be televised, or Tik-Toked, or live-streamed. In an age of constant disclosure, I rebel by saying nothing at all. Instead, I surrender to the mysteries of processes that must unfold in darkness: the seed that can only germinate when pushed through the intestines of an animal. The caterpillar that turns to jelly before stretching its wings. Like the painterly technique of chiaroscuro, I understand that darkness creates depth. Our triumphs blaze even brighter with quiet interludes between. All great art goes quiet in the end. [Scorpio glyph] []Scorpio & Scorpio Rising This New Moon, a jumper cable tethers me to my cohort. My freak flag can fly within the hexagonal chambers of the hive mind. I envision the communes, farmer’s markets, and covens where unconventional alliances will seed the revolution. I also consider everything in nature that is entangled — roots, mycelium, murmurations of starlings — and how I yearn for this interconnection too. How I am stronger for these tethers. How I was never separate from these ecosystems of equity and mutual aid. Even as tectonic plates are shifting under the lands of friends and lovers, I trust that we will navigate these ruptures from a place of love. I also recognize when the moment is divine for my creations to spore into the world. I trust that my audience will find me, even if I can’t see them yet. This New Moon, I dispel the mists of imposter syndrome, and I risk taking up space. My co-conspirators hold the passcodes for my own creative renaissance. The honey flowing into my life now is not to be questioned. I pledge that this cornucopia will be shared with friends. We will dance around our handbags and cauldrons, under these skies, together. [Sagittarius glyph] []Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising This New Moon, I see the relief map of my life's work illuminated by lightning strikes. Just when I think I've scaled the mountain, I see the snowy peaks of the next ridge down the valley. I extend gratitude to those 3000 hours of toil that brought me to this point of expertise. Even as I take a survey of the ascent ahead, I will not be resting long on these Gore-Tex laurels. Radical new ways of structuring my workday will inform the career uplevel ahead. I source the apps, new technologies, and efficiency hacks that support my career's flourishing. Like the whorled pines that survive the elements above the treeline, I contort myself into impossible shapes — bending with, rather than against, the cross-winds of increased visibility. I also heed this call for The Work to be infused with my individual talents: if systems that once served are bottoming out, I replace them with structures that bear my signature stamp. If the growth spurt in my career has caused me to neglect matters at home, I extend myself compassion and take steps to recalibrate the balance. With my springy tightrope walker’s pole, I find a calm center within the tension of opposites. [Capricorn glyph] []Capricorn & Capricorn Rising As the Moon renews itself, I hold space for wonder: the clothes of mythologies pinned to the heavens by stars. The Fibonacci sequence curving in a humble shell. I marvel at the human impulse to hold the chaotic flux of experience in the eternal vessels of stories. In an age of subtweets, the 24-hour news cycle, and endless scrolling, I go outside whenever I can to parse the shifting qualities of light through the day. I also have the wisdom to see when a personal mythology — however engrained — is keeping me from my creative potential. I have the courage this New Moon to turf the cosmologies that have become endlessly swallowing, dying stars. I am worthy of trying, adventuring, risking my comforts for my growth. I am more than ready (even if the moment isn’t “perfect.”) I accept that in any heroine’s journey, crossing the threshold is a time of great uncertainty. Into the void of knowing nothing at all, I surrender to my inner compass rose and the mental transformation to come. As the world shifts rapidly around me, so am I in transition. When answers are elusive, I rally my runes, dreams, cards and scrying stones. I alchemize my self-doubt into art. This New Moon, I understand that spirit never forces down doors. Revelations strike when the heart is unattached and the mind is quiet. Just by asking for guidance, I magnetize the teachers, tomes, and courses of learning that will burn a light-house shaft through the fog. [Aquarius glyph] []Aquarius & Aquarius Rising This New Moon, I consider my energetic mergers with greater discernment. Deep bonding does not have to be a wildfire that consumes everything in its path. True intimacy is a fire carefully tended: its mellow glow lights an entire room. I demand that deep sharing leads from a place of safety, open communication, and mutual respect. In these times of collective growth edges around economic justice, I refuse the siren call of numb despair. I perceive the embroidery of mutual aid that flourishes between institutional gaps. I am open to unconventional arrangements of sharing and financial support. Abundance mindset applies to all corners of my life, every relationship and exchange. I also accept the circuitous nature of all healing journeys. Deep down, I know that grief cannot be parceled into stages: its capricious waves flow through me. I trust that my battered dinghy will nudge dry land, and I will begin again. And again. I emerge from this process sculpted — softer. Like the sensual curves of an eroded cliff wall, I surrender to forces beyond my control. My catacombs become home for a choir of roosting swallows. This New Moon, I pour my suffering into the ancient looming of the season’s cycles, understanding that as the world goes on, so will I. [Pisces glyph] []Pisces & Pisces Rising With this New Moon, I celebrate the subatomic gaps between everything that lives and breathes together. In my closest partnerships, I am liberated by spaciousness. I am intrigued by everything I can never really know about the other. I hold space for their secret life of the mind. Like the olive tree pruned into airy halls so birds may dart through, I trust that we flourish when we keep our boundaries defined. Our symbiosis is magical through the difference of our growth edges. I recognize the gift of many sacred others holding up their scrying mirrors. The frictions in my closest relationships invite me to ponder what I have not loved or claimed in myself. I remember the balm of sharing quiet moments together. For every rousing debate, I settle into the healing of a shared language that is wordless. A reassuring hand on the small of my back. The friend who sends exactly the obscure meme that makes me feel witnessed. I am grateful for the people in my life that take the effort to really see me. This New Moon, when someone shows me who they truly are, I believe them. I take mental notes. Sometimes a person comes into my life to teach me exactly what love isn’t. [Instagram]( [Twitter]( [Facebook]( [Website]( Copyright © 2021 Chani Nicholas, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at my website. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can [update your preferences]( or [unsubscribe from this list](.

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