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Are You Ready to Outsmart the Market in 2024?


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Sat, Jan 13, 2024 04:04 PM

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If you had listened to Chris last year, you’d be sitting on gains like 43%, 51%, 72% and 78%, t

If you had listened to Chris last year, you’d be sitting on gains like 43%, 51%, 72% and 78%, to name a few. [CWN](113/d2zn7704/VWzX0h6f-PZQW3xLsdm5YDFZYW97gBTk58dw-DN1TFhtR3qn9gW6N1vHY6lZ3pmW1-562g8RhR5zW8zw9Qs4TDWxRW8-tb8b2BYWPMW78CQ475cqF8zW71ZrCS3J5c67W9fFjc63PgkF1W6h6kxy34bwNDW5NC6043BG_nVN1lnWngj5DpSW8J1NCG7Fd2J8N91NFf1bRkdPW1cdjff13Fqr0W56BqRj5ZN43BW8P2Mvy3L96ttW4z1-0l26SpFQW11Klzh79ylnBW4yzzcW7vLfdpN177Lvp7nScLN5twLL5xmBB4W2XFVMQ5sKmKPW9dhCbX8DPxcLVSC0xP1_pT56f1pjWmg04) Dear Investor, I have to admit: Cabot Stock of the Week analyst Chris Preston called it dead on last year. Even after a very rocky first quarter, persistent inflation and global conflict I was sure the market would turn around… but Chris really nailed it. The S&P 500 ended up just over 24% in 2023. But Chris did even better, returning an impressive +29.2% for the year. In his other role as Editor-In-Chief of Cabot, Chris has a bird’s eye view of not just Cabot, but the entire market. That might partially explain how he was able to beat the market in 2023 by a considerable margin, even though it was one of the best years in market history. It’s hard to describe how impressive this feat really is – given the sentiment that we saw during most of last year. Chris had to be a true contrarian and move against the crowd for many months on end. If you remember how bearish most investors were last year, you probably recognize how difficult it was to be bullish. But Chris did it, and his readers reaped the benefit. How did he do it? Well, Chris reads everything published here at Cabot. It’s literally his job. And in his Stock of the Week advisory, he picks what he considers to be the best investments from among Cabot’s 15+ services. As you can imagine, this set-up gives him an enormous advantage. He has world-class analysts pitching their best ideas – and he then carefully chooses the best among them and adds his own in-depth analysis. Perhaps unsurprisingly, that’s why Cabot Stock of the Week consistently has one of the best track records among all of our stock publications. In fact, Chris’ service has the all-time highest gaining stock pick in Cabot history – at this time a gain of over 13,000%. That pick alone would turn every $1,000 invested into $130,000! The good news: This coming Tuesday, Chris publishes his newest Stock of the Week issue. That includes his latest top pick. Chris just sent me a sneak preview of the company he’s about to release to his readers. This company is a huge value. It’s down from its 2021 peak, but it’s up 39% in the last two months. The sector it’s in is expected to rise in 2024, and the company is experiencing double-digit revenue growth. It still trades for less than 15-times earnings, which is a bargain for a company of its size in any market. If you had listened to Chris last year, you’d be sitting on gains like 43%, 51%, 72% and 78%, to name a few. If history is any indication, you might expect to see similar profits from this week’s pick in the coming months. And today, through this special half-price offer, you can get started with Cabot Stock of the Week for 50% off the regular price. [Click here to take a look at the full details of the offer.](113/d2zn7704/VWzX0h6f-PZQW3xLsdm5YDFZYW97gBTk58dw-DN1TFhtd5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3lrW72X3TP68Rwb_W7XkgyY8NVMGBW6sPHWN70pQb9W85bzZS5CJ829W1DG5nk74k4TbW5ynb4p8w_NCKW3lJb-k3RVqNwW485Bm995pmp3W3089NC5yRW7cW1XhVVk8w98DlW6jX0gs1DsVJxW6KszbW5k9JnTW2-dMkx8m-R3hW6cB7Cv85RhMSW5y7Zcj7-cPz7N7bmJ-r3_cqGW3DkJWF5Fk3ysW1Qwp_L1nJTCWW7X88Xf8LXvqnW4ZqRZ75wYT5BW6Hbn5G7ySvMRW8Bq1yG5Mb_ZxW3DNK0q7DGvSBW11kgP_205b0FW1nLq4G12NT96W3f0SX75NcGxwW6grdKg2LgmznW789tqh8nY8LkW27h-Wn3--4jDW7M16qS7zXYKRW3Z_ll71ZxS4CW3rpzlG6vZGCwW8t10-52Vkq3hW5pj7P38yV0zGf4tXQSg04) Here’s everything you get with your subscription: - His #1 pick to buy on Tuesday - 26 other top stocks in Chris’ winning Stock of the Week portfolio - Weekly issues including his take on current market conditions and how you can profit from them. Plus, updates on all open positions with his buy, hold or sell advice on each. - Timely trade alerts - 2 special reports – Including: How to Be a Successful Investor for Life - Chris’ personal email address so you can ask him your investment questions. Now is the time to get in on this bull market… Don’t miss out! Simply click the button below to claim 50% off and get Chris’ #1 stock pick on Tuesday: [ORDER NOW](113/d2zn7704/VWzX0h6f-PZQW3xLsdm5YDFZYW97gBTk58dw-DN1TFhtd5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3l_W4YynS638zlz5VmqgTM5bgmXGN55xK-76CszyVmPZ7H92BvPYW2pmvsV5n4--TW9jfkJW9dVX44W98Qzqr9l0zvvW1pvxgT1CjzqNW2fh48R4tDs93W8PycTv2M3x0qN3rgbkJdrSmlW6V7M18188-tPW7c6KFq3Lr3lcN6BmCW6CBWdkW69q5Z82nW6Q8W1zG6Zm34VMvWN8g_V3sDF_GJW5hsP2Z83rHSfVzQ5yv4t8Mw4N5zVS1tX7NJ3W9kPG428DCL5dW5NPJRs3f87VgW1zrNrr4gSvqDW9b4tRT10Cq4pW3DMgx32wTHxKW5XRCzr6ksSNqW9hP9-f74Lg_TW6tXxn06JRshzW5dR8c33fMr3xW46WnyB5KDYwqW7BLw247ycCP7W3HpbQ36lJbDMW1vMsF93mxyDxW7q9pLQ8DqD1cf4lSxn004) Yours for successful investing, [NewEdCoburnSignature] Ed Coburn President & Publisher Cabot Wealth Network [Facebook](113/d2zn7704/VWzX0h6f-PZQW3xLsdm5YDFZYW97gBTk58dw-DN1TFhv63qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3nJN1lr4mk4148VW56nwrY1ngDLwW96j-421ST3JvW1KdSVq8vHLXWW7WMB8c12wt59W6HBBR821Pz8KW87B8qG6Pf3w5V9PbY72grx25W8JMGFX1yxnJlW4m4fFy7l2SlQW6TGpfG2PYkmqW2lxLj41WnkNBW4SLRBW7hSB-0W5m_5Hz8dmJ2cW92wg9k4tQnBlW5FSXHd8NvLwmW6RVT_06h-YFlW1qHxcZ7W4-sdW92hrK882RjCkW1J9cb35NV_W0W1767rB5v13sqW6L8VC98tThQ_W3vy7hW7b10ThW5Tf4-g3J24_1f3mK1d-04) [LinkedIn](113/d2zn7704/VWzX0h6f-PZQW3xLsdm5YDFZYW97gBTk58dw-DN1TFhvK3qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3pqMCj9FdHBgFDW7r_Zpt6_lM3DW7mFKKB54KX4cW35wqNR97HvWNW2nKj9B5wbgjMMvFKnKxJ_R1W2Wl20x5lCv3yW4hWQkh8ykmwmW2DVlTS5x2pr3N3HDQbqzvZcfMK_sY3m86nhW1JSZpt8kcBsfW61pLGG3P1lW1N5vvcWYtymGcN4l5kLc-mj1fW2LPVS02W150wW6WzXcp6r83htN1HHB1Rv6nTWW978Llr3rywMtN5lxF5P35lcZW2Cpk9b5bPMhXN230x-shBq7pW1sVCFy86Sp8MVR6yVV7zGKzCW2jkZJS1WtX1cW67KC_j6jN5gYW570rW09cn-6FW5_bsxN51wqMcf5Jf9s404) [Twitter](113/d2zn7704/VWzX0h6f-PZQW3xLsdm5YDFZYW97gBTk58dw-DN1TFhv63qn9gW7lCdLW6lZ3kKW1NSryP3zzfXzW8ldjtw6_prLNW2Cb1Bs2HsVxsW1BpVfM8WJyTYW8Cwvmy76fXZTW2tKR8v2swPDPM6VWsXCwZ7zW2Fpjgc1mDzZHW5Z3KPn4lZyXpW9c28bM5Xw_-BW2yvqCk6NdwwpN12fRd477XSLW2vTtpF44D8vlW2Jw3-23Qb4r4TM8Xd94qtY2W3DNLCc8sGc0TV6wR3d70Q7GDW3L8ms82KG_lxW83rwxs83mDjxW9651VW8BxSxbW5fWqwv4pvlK-W8nkgrP6vhB8xW41Fcg_29_wgFW2Rw_gC7S4s37f3hQsjM04) [YouTube](113/d2zn7704/VWzX0h6f-PZQW3xLsdm5YDFZYW97gBTk58dw-DN1TFhvq3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3lmW9bxlLd989_gxW8294mf63hz-pW6h2_584xFL8yN4Y-zXVGnz8BW3Q8GX25M1NvyW37-xCj3JmTJ_W8qjCYx6NsyzpW39MkqP2CLm5RW66jCZB3gKqbHW8SXdrf2vxlyMW539rrh33lKjKW2Vm2x87F2CYTW9lpWm-1lpWXYW1RqJ6J8wfX9_W8tzMcw6dNY70W3qJhPW1fx9pdW6gpH0w2Zyv6QW2CcmtB8D1z8dW8XqrYP4Fn6_TW7nc61q7HcZMzW7sZQJs6brL3KW2hK28_43k071N3WFmD5BsFhPW2P1mP594qHHBW2nBblp3BfQpxW24Mdy63sJRWMf8RCHh604) [Podcast Logo](113/d2zn7704/VWzX0h6f-PZQW3xLsdm5YDFZYW97gBTk58dw-DN1TFhvK3qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3n8W80s63X3gQ7BPN4sSbFG5j2t6W8hPxS62DYF9NW6yjh9t38-P5DMrDKds8fkthW600BV21k1ZhnVTYD2t8GgrCwN8kcKTW2CDqzW5TzS194s6htRW5RLXr13-t_NSW87r-DN3ZcfHBW4Pghbv2LRZ5QW88hQ8B5gM-n1W2Kn35y1D34jFW9jZJwR7k4DXkW7YKCJ-3h8yMZW5fm-7X2h-LCjW62ppzX4yFVvCW8sJW4d6BNcSxMX-4Z7b163hW2DfN318j7LWwW6CMjJB7Mt90yW4mmrgN316N3zW71WGfk9dD_R7W4r-zYM80c7bLW98CHK87zYSm4W491wPV1rFcLqW6YCw6v7fXFpvf3T95Wn04) You received this email because you are subscribed to Cabot Wealth Spotlights. Neither Cabot Wealth Network nor our employees are compensated by the companies we recommend. Sources of information are believed to be reliable, but are in no way guaranteed to be complete or without error. Recommendations, opinions or suggestions are given with the understanding that subscribers acting on the information assume all risks. We value your privacy and will not sell or rent your email address to anyone. [View our privacy policy](113/d2zn7704/VWzX0h6f-PZQW3xLsdm5YDFZYW97gBTk58dw-DN1TFhvq3qn9gW7Y8-PT6lZ3kLW8hHcsq190sHDN3yx_0Tf_vGDN7Rbv7CJSkdjW2thYkq7M9745W520TQs8dB9zvW6wYL-85yFyN-W6tS0Fw7bJP7zW1kg2P21yMmD_W66NQqh7PzzMxW769Rn22x9KwTW87B8J-1fxgNbVX7Qq68HCh7cN6CvYcQ-2gtjW5Ck3bb9jBTVpW6Pr95G57jt7qW218sRT4Km_6HW5KW29x31WnwKW1D2J7S7PM9hCW7CCl883HXk9CW8dCNrF5cwBxHW2GGXqW4dqkSSW8WQlC_841CtZW91580S8H7kd6W6-ClBL96M9YzN8nj9y7cMgCFW58hBz08n9hBnf842bBz04) Copyright © 2024 Cabot Wealth Network Cabot Wealth Network, 201 Washington St. Ste 215, Salem, MA 01970, United States, (978) 745-5532 [Manage preferences](

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