[The Bleeding Edge]( Editor’s Note: Today, we’re featuring an insight from colleague Teeka Tiwari. For the past three decades, America’s wealth gap has been drastically expanding. The poor are getting poorer while the top 1% are hoarding wealth and growing richer. For millions, buying a home… owning a car… and the occasional evening out have gone from basic comforts to unaffordable luxuries. Even putting food on the table has become a struggle for many. That’s why Teeka recently took to the streets of Los Angeles. There, he investigated how America is failing its worst-off citizens. And with this wealth gap widening… you don’t want to find yourself on the wrong side. As Teeka shows below, it’s a very real risk. But there’s a way you can protect yourself… --------------------------------------------------------------- Americaâs Wealth Gap Is Expanding⦠Hereâs What You Can Do By Teeka Tiwari, Editor, Palm Beach Daily [Teeka Tiwari] Friends, I want you to take a close look at the photos below. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then these photos are worth a thousand tears… I recently traveled to a homeless encampment in Los Angeles’ Skid Row to investigate the growing wealth gap in our country. And what I found shocked me. Recommended Link [Man who Picked Tesla before 2,445% Jump: “This is Elon’s Next Big Project”]( [image]( Teeka Tiwari picked Nvidia in 2015 before it skyrocketed as high as 5,246%... Tesla in 2019, before it jumped as high as 2,445%... and Bitcoin in 2016, before it jumped as high as 14,631%. He’s now pounding the table on [this company that’s most likely supplying Elon Musk with a key piece of technology for his new AI venture.]( [Click here.](
-- On any given night, you will find over 75,000 homeless here… you will see rampant drug abuse… and streets covered in feces. Members of the notorious MS-13 gang roamed the streets with impunity. When I saw that, I knew I had made the right decision to insist on having an armed security escort. The local grocery store is well stocked. But as you can see, soap, socks, and frozen foods are locked behind bulletproof glass. And this is one of just a few stores that remain. According to investment firm UBS, up to 50,000 retail stores across the country will soon permanently close. Yet, just blocks away from this lawless no man’s land, you will find 21 of the wealthiest zip codes in America, including Beverly Hills. Where homes sell for $295 million… And the average resident is worth over $6 million. Teeka in Beverly Hills This gap between the rich and poor has widened, becoming a crater unlike anything we have seen since the Great Depression. And it’s not just happening in obvious places like LA, New York City, and Chicago. It’s happening across America. Every town and every city will soon bear witness, as you can see in the chart below. It shows the shocking gap between the rich and the middle and lower economic classes in America. Friends, America’s wealth gap is expanding at a historic rate… forming a chasm… destroying the middle class… and separating the nation into the new rich and new poor. And during times like these, only one class of people is spared. We both know… It’s always the rich. These scenes of poverty and despair are spreading. That’s why I’m doing everything I can to help you change your financial situation for the better. Recommended Link [Move Your Money ASAP (Millionaire’s WARNING)]( [image]( This is a chart of the unprecedented money printing by the U.S. Government. Its causes are many, including a rocky stock market… some out of control inflation… layoffs that are always devastating… and more. If this causes you concern… You are not alone [>> Wait until you see what’s NEXT for the stock market.]( Today, millionaire Jeff Clark (who predicted the crashes of 2008/2020/2022) is going live to issue his NEXT warning. [Click Here to Watch.](
How the Government Robbed You of $50 Trillion I investigated this growing gap between the rich and the poor in LA. And what I learned is this… For decades, the American people have had a sort of parasite attached to them. Slowly feeding on their dreams… robbing their savings… devaluing their hard work. You see, in the last few decades, more than $50 trillion in wealth has transferred from the bottom 90% of Americans to the richest 1%. That’s based on a study published by the RAND Corporation. According to the study, if income distributed in the three decades following World War II merely held steady… The annual income of the bottom 90% of Americans would have been $2.5 trillion higher in the year 2018 alone. That’s equal to nearly 12% of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) – enough to pay every single working American in the bottom 90% an additional $1,144 a month. Every month. Every single year. The study calculated the combined tab for all the wealth that has been siphoned off from everyday Americans. And it would amount to nearly $50 trillion today. That’s almost twice the size of U.S. GDP. Where did all that money go? Just look at that chart above again. It tells the entire story. Friends, this is no victimless crime. Our savings have been drained through aggressive tax policies… the rising cost of living… stagnant wages. And it’s been redistributed to the top 10%. My goal is to help you reclaim what is rightfully yours. Recommended Link [FED Out of Cash?]( [image]( Some are calling it sabotage… Others call it a ‘reset’ or a ‘controlled demolition’… According to Nomi Prins, you can call it whatever you want – the end result is the same. She says: “The transformation of our financial system is nearly complete. The final straw could be an extended run on cash as the FDIC and the Fed run out of money to insure Americans’ deposits. What happens next could represent the biggest financial overhaul since 1971 – and it could literally take the cash out of your wallet as soon as the end of 2023.” To show you what’s coming – and to help you prepare – Dr. Prins has recorded a free presentation where she lays out the Fed’s plan and details what happens next. [Click here to find out what you need to do to prepare for this historic transformation.](
Race Against the Clock If you feel like your retirement account isn’t where you would like it to be… Or if you feel like you have been left behind… Let me tell you: It’s not your fault. For decades, we’ve all had our savings, 401(k)s, and assets drained out from under us… and slowly transferred to the rich and ultra-wealthy. It’s a story we’ve seen time and time again. But the story can’t change unless you are willing to do something about it. That’s why earlier this week, I hosted a special briefing called [Race Against the Clock: Recapture Up to 42 Years of Returns in the Next 90 Days](. During this briefing, I revealed the details of a specific strategy that gives you the chance to see decades’ worth of average S&P 500 gains in days. This strategy is so effective, I’ve used it for more than 11 years with a 96% win rate. Yet, according to CNBC, less than 1% of regular Americans are taking advantage of it. Friends, all of us 40 and older are in a race against the clock. We have to get higher returns without taking on higher risk. That’s why I’m showing you how you can recapture decades of wealth – using the same secret weapon Wall Street uses to rip decades of profits from blue-chip stocks – in days, not years. [Just click here to learn more](. If your dream is to hunt, ski, or hike… or start a new chapter… pay off your mortgage and live debt-free… buy 100 acres of land out West… donate to the less fortunate… Or have enough tucked away to put your kids through college, debt-free. Even if it’s just finally having the freedom to do whatever you want⦠to live your life without somebody telling you what to do⦠These things require a certain amount of time, money, and physical health. You can’t put off your dream for another 20 years. Every day you wait is time you’ll never get back. So if you want to close your own personal wealth gap, [now’s the time to act](. Let the Game Come to You! Big T --------------------------------------------------------------- Like what you’re reading? Send your thoughts to feedback@brownstoneresearch.com. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… [The One Ticker Retirement Plan]( Over the Shoulder Demo Now Available Market Wizard Larry Benedict crushed the market in 2022. But he didn't do it with a “traditional” method… For a limited time, he’s sharing a free over-the-shoulder “demo” of his strategy in action. It takes less than 10 seconds… [Watch it here.]( [image]( [Brownstone Research]( Brownstone Research
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