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🌟40 Incredible Things People Came Across That Made Them Say🤯 ‘Can’t Believe That’s Real’ 👀


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Sat, Nov 25, 2023 01:14 PM

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=.RpBUyhEnuNI3ChnhREduNo9buDIOif4KLrI-pyiS-Tg =.xkTuEFKGbF0WQHEl_LFzTjPx5TII78UYFBh_jWAsOx4 r/CantBe

[View in browser](=.vl87ixKa6pIgzsPDCXtH_Gwbf78OQoG4MAsY0jjApeM) =.RpBUyhEnuNI3ChnhREduNo9buDIOif4KLrI-pyiS-Tg =.xkTuEFKGbF0WQHEl_LFzTjPx5TII78UYFBh_jWAsOx4 [40 Incredible Things People Came Across That Made Them Say, ‘Can’t Believe That’s Real’](=.PuOZkDDj6-RVuPznOwm38jBd8rDs3PltEjhjUSZDXlE) r/CantBelieveThatsReal has amassed over 47k members since its inception in 2020. It features real pictures from nature, history, and many different parts of the world. [Open full post](=.CqDk9JqMhLcbCRB9IuBB_BG4zHdH-tapnhqBm_tzD3w) =.J52WVhHInbz0jlbZTT7R9aNx_UwGHQlX9dKBx9n3kmY [50 Funny British Memes To Crack You Up](=.7MWdOrKOP9V9mtSwdTYpqUqEAjTSbbVtGNmy7ZhO0Mg) You'd be surprised just how much memes there are about the UK, and how it genuinely never runs out. [Open full post](=.hlD38tzsElpdX8SGQ8JUrUhs1yk5EagUTjuQOw6XJRU) =._HPCtfjLd5IC2t41vfwNW6y0HPgo6tKQXQdE6RVBwN0 [50 Parents Whose Sense Of Humor Is Probably Better Than Their Kids’ (New Pics)](=.ZI84EnvRdo0GbEgy0mnSCdPuY0Gp5RxT1OuD1MmgUv0) Hey, parents aren't all about them dad jokes that make you perish inside. It's sometimes genuinely funny. And those 'sometimes' are here'. [Open full post](=.GQt8iF3rHnpRjJ_skxEWVax8giIya2ho-12hW99gag0) =.DdresEVQHWpPvIHD490aVtRCMl1SX7m4UVBBcOsGJlI =.4YOzcYSTWGl8TCYJ17RtB8yHTHQLR3s6w7wPY1kAoKA =.YhZFCrdCbIZw09J1NrQ-bnWnAkLTLsi7F1UOCkSHjxY =.rOjv7dasUEc5vasQVD9HOZ1BxvlW8mVZJEsippzHeEo [“They Want Me To Cancel My Plans And Cook”: Woman Ditches Thanksgiving, Goes To The Beach Instead](=.jDXDqkQWF073JGQTM_3lG5Hl9aEMWbrnNhwwBEG6kQo) Woman asks if she’s wrong to choose not to cook Thanksgiving dinner for the whole extended family, as she has always done before. [Open full post](=.MxstRyGYl03UQG2vyFMUgojewHgiP_kYtMndi5U6Mdw) =.cBI8GxhR5Vd-wCsPOrq0WzO1xYQbrmmppglU-4-Z5mA [Woman Can’t Keep Herself From Crying When She Learns How Her Ex’s GF Saved Her Son’s Birthday](=.tHYWbLG_3EGT_A4LiKwLNlV01AUT5QPPZXG7Wi1YA2E) As the divorced parents forgot their son's birthday due to his brother being in a coma, the father's girlfriend save the day by bringing cake and gifts, yet taking none of the credit. [Open full post](=.CysQp0A2zJzmhWu3XPwhauCuoO-l3aYOIqkdGXM3mgo) =.ju6Mv9vFct9Uek6Ifb_923GuDHy_6MYeZBC13pncyhQ [50 Relatable Memes That Range From Lighthearted To Ones That Hit Below The Belt](=.iW6Qw_HHZRc_asIDiLqztfVi5KO3EYqvTk58E8gH24k) Over the years we have covered a lot of meme niches, wide and narrow. But we have a soft spot for those widely accessible universal ones, too. [Open full post](=.zwIxkRXu3SBi_l8ZNGbEFQ2XrPYXLou1VYTZo6AFSoE) =.43-kEKZvJ2nsViYu0y7EeabuoJ_1AEZZb4oh8UMCby4 [Person Wreaks Petty Revenge On Neighbor Who Kept Complaining About Their Pool By Painting It Green](=.ANgfW4OjqlLgKCOaD7hVzmnGyQr4Go3w4iOf-b6sPPc) Neighbor shames this person for painting their pool green because it’s an “awful” color. [Open full post](=.JvTd4cqaScQpA1rvZnWxL5Fapt7l0_ZJgcwlrDTHg0g) =.nNLA3udE3QVx7i0eaYFRfMMkvnFOuDW9Dl10wNM-KsA [50 Weird And Wonderful Things People Didn’t Know They Needed Until They Saw Them (New Pics)](=.aMDykojRpxn3TocUk07Fvm5PF1F7s_wJ3EhTq50cAdU) The “Didn’t Know You Wanted” internet group shares products and items that people may not have known about but would love to buy. [Open full post](=.MqWuQC88sTXS-UKjZ2X-uP7LK0162AD8pfyJ6T0Cjzc) =.EB8dUoLzO6RDEDH1HUToKczQu5AK2F5cVw8MEaZVn2Y [Funny Woman Leaves The Internet In Tears After Savagely Testing The Limits Of A Scammer’s Patience](=.R0S16eHh6RgzZSvTOQh6MnfYoz9hTHKhDfUUOuspOHA) This redditor gave a scammer a taste of their own medicine by creating a made up story, too; and one that would leave the online community in tears. [Open full post](=.wh2rGD0WmPn8hghWB1rMSGyIBoe7LWp7L_aazr0xJSw) =.H4k_k3WCNjqCxrwJEBCuEMuSE1CGEs3XylQhtPg1bGc [35 Morbid Facts That Might Teach You Something New Or Ruin Your Day](=.TafzxefuLxxtRIlogDurHuS7sJ9_0FCrevma4Qts-K8) The Morbid Knowledge X account is "the ultimate destination for those who love to delve into the dark and morbid world of true crime, horror, and everything in between." [Open full post](=.LHanFeCEkkGv_nkyol9Us5hd8ZT5nuFndguwW4tzrX8) =.YrYTEI-4xIiEKOWnxLwxuUz6Rnw_6g0fjvoNHkMkKgM [15 Of The Funniest Photos From This Year’s Wildlife Photography Contest That Are Comedy Gold](=.3C7Wfv24Q-cSFvy6iye377a5_OMQ_PYRhL7mfU1AjrM) The judges have made their decisions and chosen the winners of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards in 2023! [Open full post](=.bYU4ZWkBfMghglBBqCkQKqOalJRBopACbesIoksvqRw) =.cC015SZYgoEcAdCB7DhmqZDbivOPevljcnB7VXILzVM [50 People Who Had A Terrible Time During Thanksgiving (New Pics)](=.9dt22-wZzcAcGH5W3UgbP2kpx-L7lEV91AeCVNTXyYc) Our holidays don't have to (and probably will never) be perfect. [Open full post](=.cCRx1cRUeGROBIzmdUdHu8tmniATfjfRIv__aDCwkPo) =.zP5xIipJog7Sk8Rd1Dfhe6UDPzLZE-tdytENnfzsH8k [Some Things Only Exist Because People Are Dumb, Here Are 40 Of The Most Accurate Examples](=.-LB4kMw0kyH43zGH6ocs6i7VT-u6pjevIyLbVnMGkvI) Some people’s metaphorical danger and common sense radars aren’t working like they should. They are beyond reckless. Their survival instincts seem to be close to non-existent. [Open full post](=.WpGpYcEy9-roLpKIkN_aiKGCnVSxUS_3CtrFvJox_QM) =.GgTUwzEySYdt2W_7ecyDmS2HV1cZ110aVRaBxqL0DSA [35 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age](=.kt6pyEG8iqLv9h6lJ5PDCS5Z70-hbcy_o9VfIrbtYpM) Maybe somebody should lay off the facetune... [Open full post](=.5lzQyBm5jNMhKgeAFB1jzP5vqzg30S_3REpLgUHmoMA) =.btfykERav-T8FJOvvgg4AjzQrugNmdv8sPCteqH-DTc [30 People Who Work In The Aviation Industry Share The Craziest Things They Have Seen](=.jJsqGiHTEIZ4WzujKwfa-2fuNAtMUf5TGTJIzSpNm90) Every job has its own quirks and weird occurrences, the aviation industry is no exception. [Open full post](=.0ateCiMRdbQfFrSmKc3nLCDxEqgRomZMOiyUJcjbcrY) =.PfCMKK6UFtCNcdhgIUGpZCQqPFfN7sjuDd51uzx6auE [“Gifting In America Has Become Insane”: Woman Shares Her New Gift Strategy For Christmas](=.dKdz_e1Jb2CT8Ywo6t8zyf11JgVDVDIOquQapwcmyzA) Some people are trying to figure out more planet-friendly ways of sharing the holiday cheer. One redditor, who has had enough of useless gifts, shared their strategy for this Christmas. [Open full post](=.yF1Y7ktPIDrrhWCiBiDprBbXUPiILxHnnKV4m8Edf8c) =.tuTChEuuNuPzjW9MTe1lIqXJ1CgK2rQVcmLQgPoWlck [29 Times Kids Didn’t Win The Name Lottery, As Pointed Out By Members Of This Online Group](=.llLgS_XT1xw4tkwMtWm5jWXYBo9pzGuW3vBYUy6Lvi0) Someone online wondered “What’s the worst name a kid can have?” and folks delivered! [Open full post](=.n3aG4U91YvWZK0BPxhVS2MYtxLL_LjM3rLlUI9aNgLw) =.RiO2jv4GcCDfTDdmnIvkND4RGAg3JbpTQ0ujhLQ0vB0 [Woman Tries To Get Casual Date To Pay For Her Dinner With Friends, Gets Embarrassed And Blocked](=.7XiQ_PjPQ4qZS-hf4raTiM7omUmNxwI1KkuB03D4LfY) "I told her that we were casual she was not my girlfriend and told her to find another sucker to wine and dine her." [Open full post](=.zwfN-qK9uDdsldzfxgwPRalPjql-I4kqtitg4-_3fyA) =.iRVa5URUrc3OoVpo42Km8xGTWqF8vODvN8i5hokrTJQ [Sister Eats Couple's Wedding Cake Samples, Gets Kicked Out Of Their Home](=.vJ8ss690Hk_C5kJF0ayoRXhMCkX52ZVqJfDz-1l-CNY) Woman invites friends for her brother’s cake samples. [Open full post](=.W8lFeyigqgYP-Twxg454FcXEsVYaO-OaQeug7TRvioc) =.XWwUHjbpEu2ZCbE4FFbZ6zCbByEF3TM0qxrS3K4Otc0 [30 Celebrity “Side Skills” That Could Make Them Famous In Those Specific Areas, Too](=.Ny-bg23Xg0uKoqLMKyIvXaUVvEHYfmpev6rVd_ZaTp4) One of the coolest things about people is how multi-faceted they are. And our beloved celebrities are no different. [Open full post](=.JYmBx_jqTgyyXtZkLVZ1LpWN6TZddc_YTwrwb7AdaIQ) =.9USi-RzxB7UXsGG3Te6weXveC54o7CKNx12XELfBJok [The 2023 International Photography Awards Has Revealed The Winning Nature Images (20 Pics)](=.zP--rOTN96Cv1Huy_97MrVGyJrLb1WcVvfQi-KWeV7s) The 2023 edition of the International Photography Awards (IPA) has once again revealed an awe-inspiring collection of nature photography that has captivated viewers worldwide. [Open full post](=.ZyG30EnyOD8H_OTUu8QwL_77MvDsO8E4kevqpHvjcfI) =.Bh5CXBImEqNclyV6wrYYNvbdoWZv4L4X4e7-rzG2OZ8 [People Tell This Dad To Run From Fiancée After She Freaked Out Over His Son Being In The Wedding](=.62iKj1nNkGcV0Erqo5Rtq5ZoP8SIL7KuVj__wQwWEeI) Netizens told a fellow redditor to flee the relationship after his fiancée refused to make an exception to the child-free wedding rule for his 15-year-old son. [Open full post](=.iyanf9EHcRFK2nznN6cRQSFrof7Tu1Cw8-HEzepsuVE) =.G-cXQOl6URbZcXDwfGRlDk0QfHFHr7tNyVhB1p2-SBA [“I Sat There Completely Dumbfounded”: Handicapped Person Astounded By Their Neighbor’s Request](=.Ec8vATxs-vpvU1m1F38XhuNB5WbYrGDYk-nDmEqV3PQ) It’s not always easy to love thy neighbor, especially when they’re being irrational or inconsiderate; like this redditor’s neighbor was. [Open full post](=.j15UUI2rUWvDtgtj9REjdcYcvDnvDGZ4yYu3xy1i2IM) =.OWM86z6vNU9FhV8_dcx_FFzuIyPVHoVfrzjAtrBw9qA ["Blood Exposed And All": Grandma Becomes Internet's Hero After Her Legendary Malicious Compliance](=.OV9zPormrop7VvRJhZDmp9pc8EWEypdXiVnA_bz0Gps) Some people just give a gaw-giggity and tell folks how it is... well, they show them how it is, more like it. [Open full post](=.Hcm5y121tmtBEef9Zzst-xoDj1CKUBDR0NbteTm0e3k) =.Y-x7_3cYwhZNF1y8oLnS6C5w3NGV0SapZh3ptt7qLfE [“Have Dogs, Not Kids”: 108-Year-Old Reveals Her Secret To A Long Life](=.QkqqmceMjdd5zg0B2B7pmy6mLrs3xQnKtOwPCgs4-dw) 108-year-old revelead that secret to long life is having dogs over children. [Open full post](=.RHX9Qk3Tkj0YVOErFHtxpt2lEHXTyMYeNPzGjp_J_7M) =.9IImV1zfyQkRgKinMR6msB6vpdYRxAgSOZtG3GGpUVg [Client Thinks They Can Get Out Of Paying A Programmer, Find Out They Messed With The Wrong Guy](=.ZlXiHLFhzJFQ4DsNYYVPEIlIkU3Lae1LRsS6e9zWCuc) This just goes to show that you never mess with someone who is a ninja at malicious compliance. Even if you are a 'take no guff' company with money. [Open full post](=.j-i5FemE_34bzEPEiuTbXq8vDtEzDTtQtVAdlpfFnnw) =.15-aHlei2Z6C7OMtPsI354jsZWz4R8JoGlguMT_QtSQ [Millennials Highlight 32 Once-Tolerable Things That They Now Find Unbearable](=.Nz59Q7TYQ54N7J8I1P9m4Tg1lHoYMJ9ZV9mJ4IBtZJE) Millennials share things they once loved but lost interest in as they grew older! [Open full post](=.n_VVsy5hrWRCybZMsPvwPPISlxdaDk3Zt_K8FWI6nss) =.cHWcQpiR89sFgzg2WZE0abxs8OVLsooUDtPWQNdLdsY [“What Is Something That’s So Common That We Forget Just How Crazy It Is?” (30 Answers)](=.Aa8C7caYgNPlJpBba484WA93OfnFMW0t97ewHZdVtIA) People online are sharing seemingly common things we take for granted that are actually immensely extraordinary. [Open full post](=.bQ1LnBPCRLKEhTomWz-eAB3xGXmA_NAH6vR2VFf6Hjs) =.i9n8c1U6HT5XBlRB0Ge4OO3tLhXWXRWkXglJmmehX44 [“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers)](=.BIQnQsgKTRgHwQ2QzNxwN2DFR6dk1QwxuNeXTx-jDgg) Redditors discuss the weirdest questions they’ve been asked at a job interview and what followed after, covering topics from pet peeves to cereal, and beyond. [Open full post](=.6spHmiArfgpXK7RO2saZOAVYxjw1qE6akaLpax1pHjE) =.xAr0gqlAUO46vtC1jO6lzxub8YEKeIfpw8GOh51zgZo [“Who Knows What They Put In These Things”: 30 Industries More Shady Than You Might Think](=.kEqgq6YSdA_L9jJVr8qrxKgWKhcgZqi9cpwLvueIxas) Members of the ‘Ask Reddit’ community discussed the less positive attributes of different industries, after the user ‘attilabodnar’ asked them which ones are a lot shadier than they seem. [Open full post](=.8g6FbR-e-7AzECWdClTufmZ4P0lTG1fp7sJ8QKhQe6Q) =.zki4U9Km-eu_QTfVHtZ8hgetOIsZ1W7gMQUXWSjbsKo [Dad Sympathizes With Coach And Won’t Argue With School For Not Allowing His Daughter To Cheerlead](=.npOJzlr0rvWzGZFJufuzrX-trFWLTY26AQflFmyOgCk) In this story, dad decides to side with the mistreated teacher instead of his own daughter. [Open full post](=.rUsQoLvxWSQzRV7_f4fNqO8XGX4X-38yM86PYxD_V58) =.CR8qIqQs2LxRywk_rzy94z9q0jmxfugE0yOTwCRCJbs [30 Times People's Vacation Was Ruined By The Worst Airbnb Experience](=.P05tguaVonArX80NE2M-BzRtPzsE2JpYfsHOC7VVhfo) If your Airbnb host is arguing that a rat you saw in the kitchen is ‘actually a mouse,’ it’s best to book a hotel in the future. [Open full post](=.waFweff21hNv3dJf3l6ClKxxpsS-aCv199we4CJNFbg) =.eUhfA0d24H06R4stUwOxpNVKMsCM9-eH_T78l5_8K7c [Receptionist Leaves For A Better Job, Learns That 1.5 Years Later Ex-Boss Still Can’t Fill Her Spot](=.qAqoBSGgnzYwuNZQd3oNBK8RqXcXUutPzIHdM7Yv-CQ) "My new job is all about a work/life balance, and still to this day I find myself sighing breaths of relief that I am out of the situation I was in." [Open full post](=.V8srN4BNRk8OwGPlLh54rMd7x94_1i1ERx9MZRG-Dnw) =.oDfaBMaPu8-exfhBXUyngbMEFufglLkD59b-Zz0-5XQ ["I've Hired A Lawyer To Discuss Divorce": Wife Is Fed Up Of Hubby's And In-Laws' Disregard For Her](=.ELvUrLKLQ706rm_R1sGlrHaZCcIgB4DqWY5j1nUzGbs) Woman muses if she was wrong in deciding to part ways with husband over his and in-laws' rude and disrespectful behavior. [Open full post](=.8rns2nIfAVxnG5A9tSh85NPx3YpXtNzvDtfSnKMt_WI) =.IcGn5LEQ76r0lJPa9A-KmLw2VP0A3EX4lWdxOxf-2no [30 In-Laws Share The Exact Moment They Understood That Their Relative’s Marriage Wouldn’t Last](=.NYQ2ocNipZlDUym3GSfmmsvCA_zdfIg8HPFWe6BiPlA) Someone asked, “In-Laws of Reddit: When did you realize your kid's marriage was doomed?” and folks from across the internet shared some of the worst things they have seen. [Open full post](=.Ti5WvcvkV-1KJ0px8kcOLToMIuDTc3kvyzL8n8m37lA) =.kNOxDD-Ow6p8sgjqrS1UZsRYZGT5gftF6Bju3kitnZ0 [Power-Tripping Karen Acts Like A Coworker Is Her Assistant, Comes To Regret It](=.s53RBrce2dtnTTiO8KzJCey3N9NE6p6O6gi7f5RfJzA) "She is super nosey and always feels the need to insert herself into situations that have literally nothing to do with her or her job." [Open full post](=.43xILKzlTgUpdoKSUNsFCKbZ_E0XmpxSkpppisa0jyo) =.UDCEo-iYPpWYNpIkeeG49CDIHv0ea35r4bJOgTSlfzg [“Science Wins Again”: Scientists Find Groundbreaking “Switch” That Can Kill Off Cancer Cells](=.M5hQ1S3QNr0xwPzc7xlR89z-rWZmFCn3KYQm3EEc8mQ) The findings mark a substantial progression toward cancer treatment. [Open full post](=.Do9hQn01iyJN0TsrHYQRSzDGFFVtqVRneus5z22n9-4) =.LK5cfYv4yBqi3OG0stOfrkHhKW8hguG2ei88uxDdPOM [Young Inventor Surprised With James Dyson Award For His Off-Road Ambulance Invention](=.HxKnNDO6WbMpWeepz9XY_dPnP8hVleU8IM8n9nHW6T8) Young Polish inventor wins James Dyson Award for his life saving invention of "Life Chariot". [Open full post](=.Au6_M9mieFNy1QsjcnbNic_cvS--xeISkk1FqaiZ86Y) =.zV5sB3RQY09D4Af7X2gZumI4Ys4NoRuSlVuYvg0eKTo [Woman's Oblivious To The Fact That Her Brother Is Her Actual Dad, Mom Doesn’t Know How To Say It](=.FcAQNPYwJ0y8vzJHojfWu5oWKHxdKC5ULgiBwuYb-RI) How should this couple tell their daughter that her biological father is her "brother?" [Open full post](=.vikS-BES8cYbiQljjNYjRGCyDeNRbD_pnQe-ozG2N08) =.LDHu0UXz9-P1VKPRjY2GlNHEfadGLvEFcwybT5EEKHQ [“There Wasn’t Any Need For A Babysitter”: Woman Fails To Manage Coworkers, Gets In Trouble](=.YYl1JGPNp68rzDEPrhicNa5Zt1J2LNL51H5B8jc8YeA) Micromanagers are bad. Arrogant and ambitious micromanagers are even worse! [Open full post](=.yi4UQKx-BxNSBWDwRc2rIyJied6EYB5_pR83Uy6xiVk) =.uQe72TdyX09lqBie8NMZPBWCCRyk26U0zUP5pR7Bm4c [Matt Rife’s “Misogynistic” Netflix Special Sparks Huge Controversy](=.IG2s2bV9ZgTF0uRzxBJ4b4OphRbXiXa7uLnoigMFrq4) As it turns out, in 2023, people aren't too fond of domestic violence jokes, even when made by popular Matt Rife. [Open full post](=.6fRjqJWJllhRCvtu8-70GYO2ELqniT3IUvV5din0nII) =.1VNQcEv6EzyO2AfJ-oDRTowM8F9WIjJnswfJ4XXh7bc [“Be Safe Out There”: Woman Finds Out What The ‘Penny Method’ In Dating Is, Warns Others](=.7wOtUPFmm5QSmK3WksLA2YqpXHft66o1f4CIbEfqwaQ) TikToker Erika Tham shared her harrowing discovery about the “penny method” some guys use to manipulate their dates. [Open full post](=.4jwnWpvZzCAN9dajCFbCwRX-X5J-8gwzfkqP2F52pHA) =.rC7M1Uwdw_Rrlp1Rk76A2WT25pFcOI8ZRnq-3DtftpM [“She Burst Into Tears And Begged Me To Help”: Woman Threatens To Call CPS On Sister-In-Law](=.WPl58kY6yU5VpQ5Ik5g3Tdd_fxNLjGlfpfTPAKfMjig) This woman's boundaries were being crossed and she knew exactly what to do. [Open full post](=.6UrTbHE-OKtaNdseWGGxn2bkAVNWQlHo-Y8F0Av5xew) =.vqsGZqsn6iHG1QfCijdqx2hmaSdstd5HDNgV-BIv_MU [71 Y.O. Bride Accuses Granddaughter Of Upstaging Her, Internet Says She Needs A Reality Check](=.MM1llulNoFpUiuRcoMUQhCb-jeoLN8F5M2gjl57nRlo) A woman wondered if she was in the wrong for daring to wear a dress and makeup to her grandmother's 5th wedding. [Open full post](=.FrLp0vdpmYFc6SaqQYBtbkhZx5xI2Z6ZIqQIVJtzLP4) =.nk5pF2JYARoAkLvo5yWAA_SqdtZUpOPZqbPP3BFDXUw [15 Celebrities Who Admitted That Their On-Screen Costumes Were A Torture To Wear](=.xP1J4Za5-XYOouKaDfdh4KWlQ-zewM7yqzPzDhil78s) These celebrities prove that working in Hollywood isn't (always) all sunshine and rainbows. [Open full post](=.7DnPUPwBBA1WysQqZp84e2ZmSyj4puZCwQl7bRJ9x24) =.sa1VB-6X5W_buAgLnf0VADKJl2cuaNTicKppGoulQBQ [Man Asks If He Was Wrong For Breaking Up With GF Who Accused Him Of Liking “Young Girls”](=.SIlFGpMLrCeGWkkfsioYUqHT3sE7N_d0aDXpK0RGd4M) Woman notices her boyfriend goes for younger woman, he gets defensive and suggests they break up. [Open full post](=.UPC6VXaL5p53GD_7JZHQR-nUM01xFQXVCXJeRbASB8U) =.51KjooY7wK9ZIY5TZLSIkq8UkfSa77SHZQzNpDsJZz0 [Banksy Fans Stunned As Artist “Confirms” Name In Resurfaced Interview](=.hPrUcNrRR8Urb4-h5AS10L2Wi9AhMS707tDmbo8hc9Q) Banksy is famous for his street art and his shielded identity, which isn't as shielded as we thought it was. [Open full post](=.Hoxd5X_ywmRo5r-XKI4U4pRucCOpABcC57IMFS6wzx0) =.SR9RXQPtay-DLzksqtvE2AEz9aBOoRAFKx6U1F71Ghg [The Dark Truth Behind Childhood Staple Sea Monkeys Emerges Online](=.SuKyO9O_cXwaRzOL2PMNdZloaN8Zduc7qIxUGnH1JU4) The inventor of our 1990s beloved Sea Monkeys has burst our nostalgia bubble with his dark past coming to light. 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[Open full post](=.PFMLLKmgcRWKFKX1yVEpGxmZ4do_bQD4k5-lntUWrMc) =.VMfgQhVQYhZOox-66QWqoBD_T6-JR4kEA2nWa5vrTvE [“It’s Gross”: Jimmy Fallon Faces Backlash After “Misgendering” Actress Hunter Schafer In Interview](=.0v2kaw3Xzx3ywA2Q0w_24pRSPVbjtgapTHK9IY51f-g) People may have jumped to conclusions when Hunter Schafer appeared on Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show. [Open full post](=.-UfTklEmMrsaFuwRyhVmBMrvhrInPseg86zQOE3rVz0) =.eMw4HUUWa5YKsMWSCEN5O4luub85j1JUfNJNiUUN0AI [Hey Pandas, AITA For Getting Mad At My Friend And Moving Away From Him At The Cinema?](=.ZgijjOzCsr0rqD36xSeym76tul8TXSOBaksd2lt6G5o) Alright, gather ’round for this wild tale about my “friend”, let’s call him Oliver. He is a character, and by that, I mean he’s stubborn, self-absorbed, and walks on the sensitive side. [Open full post](=.kgzkvkLds9zf_Dyx3x_tjujACrZQxZWIzaPNfxOByAo) =.5E6JmwweSBYBAH8ePbJXh87VFeQniVobwEHBHKQvKIc [Mom Spends £12k On Christmas Gifts For Kids Only To See Them Not Even Opening Them All](=.BQ0OpFKVb1mvBplffwZ6QKbugjdaqejAWuqUkbxkX9s) "A lot of people would say this is outrageous. However, this is how much I normally spend, shall I say, per child." [Open full post](=.fZVYvDiwBxh78ZIDXbNlCI1LSw-2B7F9-95Citt3Bqc) =.5ZCx1-xmb587-drysI3-YTkyG13zUHMy6pTBWKqKZDc [“Priceless Moment” Shows Paris Hilton Walking Into Las Vegas Party And Realizing Nobody Was There](=.zHsNwCtRzD5v8-f2EfvwNTd6hlCXCv2xF6iG0U98UlU) Despite a video that would suggest otherwise, Paris Hilton was sliving in Las Vegas. [Open full post](=.WUS-v9CDWmpuRpGycE_zzS7QLl3k68oF14jyT_6HlYg) =.zZVX6L2POT5OrPQvSyQ1Mye5wFAzF5c0D30KDvYl168 =.98jZvQ-olqINGvKLhiRDTdCh0LfRX-BWPu-jbuE29dA =.dEpmWsu0K3hlCcEBOzmzfq1gQPiW81Ysn2-IhCGIxr8 [Get more stories](=.TkJ2CyexA7LdSQsd5u2ixRo7hdCcRh0F4cBaqXdfZCw) =.r0fvJXZys0Pr2c2jVHD7VpWbRr2ut0TWyT84ds8_mTE =.WRkipNHB7AVLVd73Xtf3WcX5ebUZCjziEXy-E4b0XFU =.abpVey4cINiNIJGCZArRXtcjucWOKoGbE2RpsdVCkTs Copyright © 2023 Bored Panda, All rights reserved. [unsubscribe](=.3ASj_qMSvynysVVbdsgVT1QJSEcxuStmUSgLDBQRf6A) | [view in browser](=.dKSn0Ib8ItvwJ-gkDukcvjT7FL710mwDu8BxykT8ZqE)Â

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