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🖼️ This Page Shares The Most Random And Entertaining Pics 😄 And Here's 30 Of The Best 📸


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Wed, Nov 22, 2023 03:19 AM

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=.eehMHpBlGPEGjbNg7aj6MQlCoI3jlS4j_W-zT7FR-6Y =.Vsm6URjG_7aSss8YX-8KtTGqxBqUGrz4_7QnBLofIm8 There's

[View in browser](=.pa6eETk00T8kuIIo8g-rTU0AAmGhLAOhuqVBgNtu-to) =.eehMHpBlGPEGjbNg7aj6MQlCoI3jlS4j_W-zT7FR-6Y =.Vsm6URjG_7aSss8YX-8KtTGqxBqUGrz4_7QnBLofIm8 [This Page Shares The Most Random And Entertaining Pics, And Here's 30 Of The Best](=.T38xcxdNnOQXTPppd7hRK6ffC5IDE_LSh9015zBDuNs) There's a Facebook page called 'Unusual And Funny Photos' and it provides exactly what the name promises without any context whatsoever. [Open full post](=.D_UOsWa4QLXkQieWiaWvI10Ca6sirx-ESacHKCwbn6s) =.nBeqnIeBsbMqzn51OAhzIlsneM8eQ5sNe3wdaA19AwQ [‘Wait… This Is Wholesome’: 37 Posts To Look At If You’re Feeling Blue (New Pics)](=.j1yHqoiOx1mABTrxIgI_5ZBMdP0eDPFgcwmvS1IISE4) Wholesome memes are some of the most genuine and uplifting humorous little ideas on the entire Internet and highlight some of the most pure and common experiences a person can have. [Open full post](=.Jyu0zL6kKuArVrFXlfgJHvFjfKU7NesLInSXCSt2q6E) =.NsnQpICzfkY4yGW0Cn1f0noujb39tRWPo00nlQxoaUk [50 Crazy Pics Of Mother Nature Doing Things On Its Own Terms (New Pics)](=.wXrQDwInYgL0gkzFVjCgG21-s-Aa9af7lOeShZ0FDHA) Just a friendly reminder to not mess with Mother Earth. For it has storms and earthquakes and other massively magnitudinal measures on its side. [Open full post](=.-t--pQZu_NCen860qCaEZaNGIKwzOzvpo7rouz3_3jc) =.roeyUg5Zyy3n53jC657SYe6v0seHf6_ajtkvbk7sHBk =.1t9YBdtPNab5Mp3uAF21zUXACDD32h2NyqjS7UC1prU =.H6Vn2h34OAldGWjA8XaErOSogPidbl4hU1ZaUOHuk7U =.-yWDB4Vi3XXQHvu9FJvm3IPnJGnwjgEfmX0n7qcauAk [50 Times Cat Owners Hilariously Caught Their Beloved Pets Malfunctioning (New Pics)](=.rNM-QKkOvoeuYeUGRwlepDDLTHwXBf7R6hG8S7hUeFI) We don't love cats in spite of their bizarre behavior; we love them even more because of it! [Open full post](=.M-lotEOxyaqsLotEhO7vm_IcyLiRvqK88xr9xEIFaV4) =.y2FseadCXicBpmWyomCzgmBs1eI4jIH60qE0J6xk4gw ["A Few Sizes Too Big": 50 Animals That Were Gifted With Enormous Ears](=.FarWhplouUpUgBuNYdTNo-Y6Qy1sOCQ_3P3lpQEt0HM) Some of these ear-to-body ratios might leave you overwhelmed with cuteness. [Open full post](=.0_6P6rU2_AJGsYk5R_5heLaGmc6BMNmzjnCNXsIymFU) =.yeX2_Q9iKxBYbFw5-zOvtc7tAuMMVptRYAHvO_yJEvs [Last Brain Cell: 50 Hilarious Posts And Memes, As Seen On The ‘Iconic Posts’ X Page](=.76ir6QgyiW2CpnT407b9ZgJRS48DDlHBSAV4yz1yu18) The longer you surf the net, the greater your chances of accidentally stumbling down one of the many confusing digital rabbit holes. [Open full post](=.wNb58WTh8ugBXH2mmqg7VlVtmgtT6c2ZUGyKon9wNOQ) =.QL5WIYc2SsKSGtti5FEXXXK_CE9aC26oTiV5vv_SeOc [50 Animals That Would Be Nightmare Fuel To Non-Australians](=.nFd4p8OJ_npSFdLIhopL_makTUSLXOOK3k-AbX_tyaQ) Not all animals are cute and cuddly, especially in Australia. The country is home to 66 venomous species, making it the third country with the most dangerous wildlife. [Open full post](=.b7QVr-QCqnq0F4j_388Ryy_jm9wiNQ_ob09YETzlt1Y) =.22XHj5vqk196rdAEozWIUSEiRaMSBOelyN-Aimthqgk [Woman Ditches Her Family Vacation, They're Furious As They've Planned To Exploit Her](=.uGqigkO2TdsSvgW62rDBT41SD0X0WegosG4IKJpRKXI) A woman pulled a fast one on her entitled and annoying family, by leaving for a separate vacation with her husband and ditching them. [Open full post](=.vmPiN5pz8cY8dOfFPATVRh6S0MSlvJGIlbfqmEV6BU8) =.D_9oflYeA6v1ArdN6MSb3tKGgWf8jNUnDpLwL9TdWIM [50 Facts About The World People Accidentally Realized And Had To Share Them Online](=.KZ6xy5t0yr4HuvwVDlmGM4LMBP8uUm1h48gsfns-cOQ) You may stumble across a fact you’ve never heard before. The next thing you know, you’re knee-deep in research and it's been hours since your last snack. [Open full post](=.jaeRm2p9wqqSYEeYmJiom1FNW2zsxtTYuFbT-Vc1Orw) =.g0T4tjGr8GKzNR13fNIIBGHHGnjCrPlPlpulxx_tYj8 [50 Work-Related Memes That May Make You Laugh, Then Cry (New Pics)](=.4hZB5OGQVP2g9sGnSOo6S5O5sRrkFUoYz2w2KiuMByg) These painfully relatable workplace memes are perfect for sharing with your colleagues. [Open full post](=.o24s3uqCRTBF9nh-YZ0bI5KlC9qa_AbubWeMbXuWPAc) =.bkwQ4ohhLDDNJBGwxi0mcFJsGbcr_3uLagsuoIzHN0Q [32 “Now-False Facts” That Were Really Taught In Schools, But Did Not Stand The Test Of Time](=.zd3h32o7SoS99QJnA1B6wNNrxOOhSPTLQGFxs1d3Egg) Redditors are sharing some “facts” that they were taught in grade school to be true, only to find out that later they were disproven. [Open full post](=.VypDxb_9LCPwUrQTEZ7EY7Lo3dRPRtaJakGeQPcAPVo) =.HOFD-jzF_ADuWqGuq2fTzW4enx0Bmnzm9w6L8b4i_z8 [“Pics That Go Hard”: 30 Images That Aren’t For The Fainthearted, As Shared On This X Page](=.U2a_ksfR3-mA5uZ2oxCqLD57phFZGoY49gdFVbHt7FM) Venture into the absurd with this collection of weird memes. [Open full post](=.sD8wWjqyXfaIwe12KtGjIJWQtsYt-q7f7SvwNXlAX1Y) =.J60JLj43gKgAM-SkL9UbP4BiIJ75UxNqBT25EKNRHno [50 Workplace Memes To Cackle At Whilst You Ignore Your Responsibilities](=.h1SBB-b6y2qfBFSlyaTl-d7L0XZg64F4C1wbVCj6yY4) There is probably no better way to kill time at work than scrolling work memes. You can also make it legit by pooping a lot on company time. [Open full post](=.mn8kaKxOx5M6sOEcOlGoDVfpOUS2DfJi5_cXvZ6Kjs8) =.0DuweCoVERdz0r2jgq1k2Cn6Ttg6SEsGwcVBiwq5Bwk [50 Instagrammers Whose Photos Are So Far From Reality, They Got Shamed For It Online (New Pics)](=.Qfh0haLVikDvwgh-Ae6C4KDqdVHeezU-0rZM85RYH_o) A quick scroll through social media and you might begin to think that you're not good enough. There, people look so happy, so beautiful, it's as if the whole world is theirs. [Open full post](=.VegyNBc7KDNcNNiQzhPq7zB-CB2bXsF4Abl0l04cOhw) =.Gdmg9AILtLmoXEmcUxvSuDRknq6BPj4poUYbIK_ufSI [30 Conspiracy Theories That Some People Actually Believe Despite How Ridiculous They Sound](=.tlz1SL5rA4liScm_DPCpO190hs-YXzMwLxVLC4Ncjug) Someone asked “What’s the weirdest/craziest conspiracy theory you have heard of?” and netizens shared the most bizarre things someone had told them. [Open full post](=.XHwlqAbdBvQvpra0kFBIoWvsTTa-YcTvIG5vISOMYtI) =.VahYZN6Xoi257UdRXsc4eU7Q33_UOvPpEqsI2rZbMcU [50 Intriguing “Today I Learned” Facts That You Probably Didn’t Learn In School (New Pics)](=.2Ng6PFdES-tfvtOfeiMTO8jkWpsRbekw1N-Nu7xv418) The Today I Learned subreddit is a wonderful place to share not-so-common tidbits of knowledge with others. [Open full post](=.0QGNnZeIVke3bxwnfOfEItAWGu8r0H2_KOIieN05P9Q) =.BrxY6bkFGgubGSyuzhKr_4CNxe26MjXeXnZi7BPXxbE [Woman Finds Out Her Friends Hated Her Birthday Parties From Accidental Texts](=.fvhNUmnUTWRRP1B78t8Na2_9MJ7VB2rinnsi06xhPHc) After throwing a unique birthday party, this woman was given the gift of seeing her friends' true colors. [Open full post](=.e-FEF_OE8xYks9PJKBsh_65KhpP32IpLA9-NYlNxxqM) =.YtZVEcxw0E8VONvog_pdEUfZwiXhDP0Hmc-JjLjgTbc [30 Unforgettable Film Scenes Where Characters Have Groundbreaking Realizations](=.gLhe8kvRS0ubyQGU7efrOOroJkES9VxWHz9h_qbq5JU) An X page dedicated to movie details asked users to share the best film moments where a character realizes something absolutely vital. [Open full post](=.73WLO_JrNAhUbPwwXdhL-qKcqRQ3rrNkMePdoxL-Elg) =.QenJxt2wNlwTOiWCkrvpHW9r83tGrC2XLoJH0AAjLFE [New Dad Asks When He Will Finally Get Some Of His Life Back, Gets Advice From Seasoned Parents](=.9E2IhMOn0d0BjR65NdwJ-dF6dKJL9LeZjhIl-lKvsrU) A new father asked parents online “At what age do you get (some) of your life back?” and people came through with some advice. [Open full post](=.H1haozHtbY50qVlFvBOOhhJK4_9S8-yn7rD5hHIfi1E) =.RbHsXxp4WrVxGbwm0i9dkOLbYm2TUMwSswRnZ40MVWw [“I Refuse To Backpedal”: Mom Forbids Husband’s Family From Seeing Newborn](=.GPv87mi1PwFbjGqHAvzVFsdEA3v4CI2J_9gldkNECwQ) A parent's top priority is protecting their child, even if it ruffles some feathers in the family. [Open full post](=.6onTRVDTKJrZzVkauH7PEKC0XLoDaNqDW7VVKE5l0zw) =.vxp2IneZBrKUrR5CUApmyebRvPsnS3ta7s7p43D7gHQ [Mom Allows 7 Y.O. To Ride A Pony To School, Causing Entitled Parent To Go Off On Her](=.sRlgE2OxsXGplXrlT4e2kYoTxLQlvM-wV8JcAYELzzA) “AITA for letting my child ride her pony to school?” [Open full post](=.zJfTc9mk6Gb4pt8tZOSp8MZjMckH_q2XZR2UGpzQVT8) =.4SOlPEQxkMV1MFvL0vKdx2gTvN-flqajvBixNJ4bEEA [Woman Becomes So Repulsed By Her ‘Peter Pan’ BF, She Ends It By Secretly Moving Out](=.0ABYTucqxMAEZWwc0XsO9xFvekVarWnAdhZM1Z40qaA) It's a situation as old as time: the spark is gone, you're emotionally drained, and just know the relationship has passed its expiration date. [Open full post](=.VqNADsVvCc0cNQ_DT3sh0sNK7aKww6-HLxl6GYl8Ysk) =.8k2lkM8ywdCZzS90Qeq3fmV1zv05J5PO2m9JpdUOrIU [I Make Cute Miniature Toys, Here Are 30 Of Them](=.TVv-YQV6JUxtpLOmIoaitc-Tm2-v3YTDelFn7EAmZog) Hello, my name is Anna and I make cute miniature toys. [Open full post](=.1yl4-Aw-OBPgrZJcgOxy9rWDAISlnW9O27MV7yTWwZw) =.4Ahw5E1c3O8nB7VQwSPeJ6-DCTfgTPrIxT3PtGe3JUk [“Off The Mark”: 35 Hilarious Comics By Mark Parisi, Internet Edition](=.icWFOJUjbFlMLvRaYj75ciyXAX3c0gz0Tb_1W-M3zRE) Mark Parisi, author of the award-winning comic Off the Mark, has added a twist to our online addiction by imagining what animals, vampires, or even objects from parallel universes would look up on the internet. [Open full post](=.2UrDcQxk3BjG0Te2RbbQSwagvqjQQK65EaDPOzrP-lk) =.ILIulo-qdohud2N1NfJL9ffkxq6W9xtjwqdlQMiWs1g [“What Has Been Your Favorite $100-Or-Less Upgrade You’ve Done To Your Home?” (30 Tips)](=.dKW0vJqEwOfQ_x2VAEzGENTpgPscryC5rGJ_VXPnQB4) If you're lucky to own your own home, even if it’s older and mustier, you don’t have to break the bank to make it look good and feel great. [Open full post](=.qr93zJYUNQJjcGI65FutFe_RcWOU7x7P-oc1aDvEerU) =.yk9dl-S3tLWBQAJkjUC3uM_-QIE8TSpwAInQtxl_hDc [Woman Says She Can't Forgive Husband For Their Wedding Day, Even After 3 Months, Asks For Advice](=.gSGR0tOhel7KKp6mv19gkpWK-2V_qjY_Sz0DCfyaIW8) Your wedding day is supposed to be one of the most beautiful moments of your life, but Reddit user Samisintrouble remembers hers with a heavy heart and tears in her eyes. [Open full post](=.om81THWuVi1_h9XvsEQnFYw8DDWRB3HWUMToC_PXGbw) =.73uXm8O0QwMp_m2DC4WBb2IcZ80GoqNVyeXPqDxXCTU [50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them](=.t41g4LGwWt5Zpfzba4abGd1NBxSV9-QD82XSvbZ6lsE) There is absolutely nothing wrong with keeping your mouth shut about things you don't understand. In fact, it's much better than saying something ridiculous! [Open full post](=.xemavqlSGN8h67T73jXh6e-t5j49UYO981XlmMKt4W0) =.RNHkHb1ZA_iM8OKrJYq808g1AXwmahmM95nO4FMukWY [Woman Teaches Entitled Housemates A Lesson After They Start Policing Her Use Of Her Own TV](=.GiIvtDBzLe7i6odKvpmcRbChp-n8Kc9JHs8vHTEXeYQ) This redditor decided to share her TV with her roommates but, as they say, no good deed goes unpunished; so it didn’t take long for disagreements to start over it. [Open full post](=.U6hXT0p_vrlpfDCDPTTH6TWt9u61swhEpxsZVk76EZw) =.1CLT6o1fKqvLGUwJcABCEncz9xAkg29Is67owBWObBE [OSHA Inspectors Share 40 Moments From The Job That Left Them Flabbergasted](=.9P27XwjUb7kmX71aDjXAGZS_mLapep7AYk2zgMbKnMc) Since OSHA has jurisdiction over approximately 7 million worksites, the agency's employees regularly encounter a very diverse array of situations. [Open full post](=.3f78NwoGgGglcHQse-AfP3g3hFwtJwluVE8n1cgiERA) =.J0V5NU1bE48lS75fj8IuNZ5lPWmrp-IxXEFO1NYjDyM [Guy Leaves Instead Of Waiting Around After Wife Bans Him From The Delivery Room, She's Furious](=.AO_zXEWHSRfiuh0IdWOS7fw9E2L4VEdJ19Lc3dorI-Q) Delivery room essentials differ from mother to mother. For some it's a birthing ball, for others is being left alone. [Open full post](=.4TWGMQNIbim2VLiZaqoZLDG-1VIhrvWR2Sm73kVNxok) =.O7DoCod-oJh8zNcTDE9lJO_Xz95HR5NkPYPVckE7mlE [28 Humorous Comics By Bella Maris That You Might Find Very Relatable If You're A Woman (New Pics)](=.fMJvWh3uRitoE2r_v0TyJ7xz6SHlWytiA1PMs7tgh8Q) Bella Maris is a talented illustrator from Belgium, or, in her own words, a "mom who draws." She creates relatable comics capturing real moments from her everyday life, sharing relatable facts that might make you laugh. [Open full post](=.yURwLSX_bGRFSP955azDiTPh4vLo-1oVLtoOp7TUJsY) =.G7VcUE2e4L6HEDJxMwZI9etEfHmIV7uJlRo4pEz9aZk [Woman Gets Bashed By Her Friend For The Dinner She Prepared, Asks The Internet Who’s Wrong](=.rKN96-OBLn6HnKFiWamDSJwWSLqH2OjBmzZW9OU6RQk) This netizen took to Mumsnet to ask its members if she was wrong for lashing out at her pal who bashed the dinner she made for her spouse! [Open full post](=.tWNRTUb7nGKNFPXqg3GvAWqx2jlKpZENno_4VMdnZSo) =.J-y_RXQBI-qRgwqGwfd6lUuiNplK5yHJ4rA7RoH1aAU [30 Examples Of The Worst Cases Tech Support Workers Have Ever Seen (New Pics)](=.zJquQI0Hd9_HvH3Bsu7c8Hb81xCpJpr5ayGrRjiH5dU) From exploding iPads to laptops full of milk, this list will show you all of the horrors that tech support employees are faced with every day! [Open full post](=.5cC16BPNvvOCg0ljm1j-sY7oSzp6SLf26jIbGxk23tw) =.YIWib90Soe4N31j6_Ub1OxdBViuHGwS8oWdcKTBuse4 [“I Unplugged My Phone”: Office Worker Fed Up After Answering Calls For A Colleague For 2 Years](=.XJyL6u7dGiZ8QoD_3jiHcaKgJb_4honeB5jqfQiC_KE) Redditor GetOffMyUnicorn70 shared her strategy to deal with a coworker who isn't pulling their weight. She believes that colleagues should be responsible for the same tasks equally. [Open full post](=.I8LrJAfjtv9jI1cCc_THR7CbkqF0DxxuLCHe60dOZEs) =.vJIRZnW6Gzx7JYkzMqr9LnqS9-HOxRYz4pe3GgJtlg8 [31 Things Parents Do That Obviously Show They’re Not Doing A Great Job, As Shared Online](=.qd74N21Kz-0MagOs4lAFHyohQzgt4VcoUNMTN95yBk4) All parents make mistakes, but folks online think these 31 show they are actually not that good at their job. [Open full post](=.MNStNELGrHKhseJmd7XNu1z0MpVOKWyaynuZaC5Fifg) =.enrm2L0klP4oW0W85kDefz8HvjaMHtroSsz5TG_xYRA [40 Scenes From Famous Movies That Have Become Iconic, As Shared By This Online Group](=.CnSjC0XPwiT7v09mtvpi_RgGsUG4wC7n4GaG8U5oDxk) “The Good Films” is a Facebook page dedicated to all things cinema, from iconic scenes to the magic of moviemaking. [Open full post](=.cP8z4XiaZdSxP36W1VSTio2OsSHpoEMn140mRMCubmQ) =.g3yr3wRhEaF1LTXsPVFZqITaK5BA4MtIJCNQvmhfqbc [“Sorry Guys, It’s My Cheat Day”: Person Refuses To Appease Influencers At A Restaurant](=.50JAnAlBIiNp8D0jxu0fEzzkfmPdjz5rjEUvODxUYMY) Social media influencers might look cool from their content, but it doesn't give you the full picture of their personality. [Open full post](=.jrOrbpHwLRWKbB963AK2rgmSaJBIo10BfotnFj0i_Aw) =.W9lg4lWMDjVC1l2orKtGuyyAjmGwWdfON7kbvvIK4KQ [“Meals With Threatening Auras”: 35 Images Of Bizarre Foods We Wish We Could Unsee](=.W2y7IugDpOAzscZlI3axHEnpgo7Kl86bW7CKPl2LYP4) These cursed food pictures are not for the faint-hearted. [Open full post](=.4dRNQr44bGEzxkq6Qzaa-LiZsAjnNnV9X9TbLgONNkE) =.Twdd8ZQ2VwhgZAuM0A0DiYPnSzRKdcMGBjUkC2Z_06E [The Internet Weighs In Whether Guy Was A Jerk To Ask Brother And His Pregnant Wife To Move Out](=.iMuMqrYZ-b2qHGTHD7ZZoZVoQGWTMxu5iAAW6nfsBWM) This man was kind enough to let his brother and sister-in-law stay with him. But now he's decided it's time for them to find their own place. [Open full post](=.wDguhRuBSTn3ZOU47IxImpImbAi2qVr18cpW4f3NFWE) =.pFCH8yh0G0OPDwEOtiV69GFfR5Sxt9B88KqknOaQP5k [Karen Mistakes Woman For A Coffee Shop Employee, Gets Thrown Out After Harassing Her](=.OhMtsKZ1uxi7UfcB3Eg3ExLK46g5i0fi3-AaBGXn4II) Few people are as passionate about fighting for the truth as the so-called Karens; even if they’re wrong. Like this woman at a cafe yelling at a random customer to go back to work. [Open full post](=.2dV5xLIBErDbfKeoJ85qJ3ejFcZ0Q-5vbaWcndhuJRE) =.fP3D0Dom185apnhIbB8iMUh71ZTkjuSXeBYJvZf0_m8 [30 People Share The Heartbreaking Moment They Realized Their “Friend” Was Fake](=.tocOnYMftKYx_0Mrngs1GRU-qgNSE5MQWLoCUNsRK3Y) Unfortunately, not all Eureka moments in life are linked to positive realizations. Some lead to an awakening that a person one considered a friend is not actually worthy of the title. [Open full post](=.EEz4E5yrVvA24HBTT4JA4iMgvwh1TaD-sDWuAfkf5A0) =.662DT8O0nJ8_8kNEs1-JFE7Oh5EVzdma_WTIVUMNB8U [“Paul Never Answered Me”: Employee Upset Over Arrogant Colleague, Ends Up Teaching Him A Lesson](=.q7LGWSbKgwRfGcM3f8KTib7P_Bp0CXGE7y0TbuqpT_s) Guy never responds to work emails or calls, it backfires when his company gifted shirt is unwearable. [Open full post](=.mYlnGcVXMatuT7mNVvyq_I_yYa2DJn7ooKUaB4zEsms) =.WYYkaWMSEAn1SJgMb6cD8dAi9oYPhRsl0mn8tDSg9WY [Mom Shares A Video Of Her House Being Wrecked When She Returns Home, Viewers Tell Her To Run](=.xR0eBJG3J2QtN7WUJhd9Z21_S1jRPbA4MiDoeUyGgN8) There's nothing better than coming home to a clean house after a relaxing vacation. Unfortunately, that's not what this mother found. [Open full post](=.tzwkGq2tkwvYeew1Sbvku9UaG-z9F3pDfhcMecnZcVU) =.ibsj0qT501MB-vBRn4Fpl9kZvPzNaD33Nv89SaixvRw [29 Experiences Only One Gender Has That The Other Is Jealous Of, As Pointed Out Online](=.PrG0A257tJmlUwEEXcKdXoiB2lkyjiMBFUpRvWjyyjw) People share what things they envy of different genders. [Open full post](=.-q_B8W7widhKe-dH1e-tcyRxZ7X153LzmcJFGSr0TzE) =.YU-KMxCmTpYX71ehwT8QJWKdg2ecfPNJkilWKD5cGSs [Here Are 30 Of The Most Recent Comics Full Of Random Twists By “Cooper Lit Comics”](=.X87PHJKxJ0xJiJw6J4wVZgo2KmTpGcMH-kQ0DPByqh4) "Cooper Lit Comics" is back on Bored Panda. The series, combining absurd situations and surprising twists, made its debut here last year when we featured a nice collection of strips by this artist. [Open full post](=.p5i3yGnJbJiDn2_9zJT9MFTEJq3ysB2QiS6I9_I6qMg) =.4cJ8kRC3Xlib1tAlT_mS-Dd7yU9MV9RUk0y2XCbiGtQ [“You Think You Have Time”: 30 Things To Take Seriously, As Shared By Older Netizens](=.dRxw6-4ryBW8wI9kt_ULts9jRRy6ZKT1wqMP4-5CWhs) Someone asked “Older people of Reddit: What ISN’T BS? What’s absolutely worth leaning into?” and aged netizens gave their best answers. [Open full post](=.M8sKzWsY5vdp0nbhT5717uCDeWPrvMPvEHv7iPCiNs8) =.CEfVIGflkQZYGVJl02bxMmlvikxa9Q5f_6KN6qlk3vk [“They Can Go Rent Someone Else’s Uterus”: Woman Is Appalled By The Idea Of Being Her Moms’ Surrogate](=.GoGZ1drKOa2LJ4pxuBW3E9vNW-qudYvqUfmEP5H9lq4) Read the story about how two mothers pressured their adoptive daughter to become their surrogate. [Open full post](=.88HcMOaBLDyqZflKzN-pvSjx4cpSpo36-8c9ifG9RFE) =.vTvEZewzIU2527VmEY26P556GU5KsKap75t4PMK5hXY [BirdLife Australia Photography Awards Has Announced The Winners And Finalists Of Its 2023 Contest (30 Pics)](=.UG-D0ciYB8azRCskX9U0q-u0S42D2c8QISkPz_jjzOU) The winners of the 2023 BirdLife Australia Photography Awards have been announced and we're thrilled to share the captivating moments captured by some of Australia’s best bird photographers. [Open full post](=.oJzM4gJZA7Sp9PsaTguh9DbVMRB4znMimu7YXMHLmoc) =.j6k0s31Ex7idqjl_VW6lgUtbpaT7Ocb2ID8IqEb5Hqo [Dude Starts Lecturing This Mom For ‘Poor Driving’, She Just Waits For Cops Who Get Him Arrested](=.b9X1xdZVHQHvvS1Xxp60Ual5Llo5u-prTMhC4ecB4qc) Driver is excited about calling the cops on this woman after he hit her parked car, gets arrested. 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[Open full post](=.lNHiHKm8ccGBXfREgVMd2koqjLO3_8EjoR5WPsKI7eA) =.Fzw09zp9g8SK4aMpIfYlZMUKxQ2WeqiBOfOjYKReXpA [“I’ve Now Lost A Friend”: Woman Gets Into Fight With Friend After Cutting Her Daughter’s Hair](=.7CgP0j7C934H1PgXaSNcXop3IypZAtCYS9LjZOMrE-M) This friend may have overstepped boundaries after cutting her friend's daughter's hair without consent. [Open full post](=.rJcpwCGsBFVapTeV9lyONwYAXbTFhoRr96_V5uBOdRw) =.NUrJzh2h7rJTID77oQp8xAj4Yypa2_Fg3scYJaH-Pbs [“Trash My Condo After Years Of Kindness, Pay The Price”: Landlord Sues A Family That Ruined A Condo](=.kAx0y5rcWG3cDuxfDusWjc5f2c8yGQwcuGlOPv4JO6c) The landlord simply wanted for his property to be in tact when it's returned. But for these tenants that seemed like too much. [Open full post](=.C6xBMut3nN0uC4r6KDgMNNcC4Uz8L3ye4qs4sw9Y0xY) =._IGWmQHqzjyZdls8rkq1g4zryDT0buzUEPbTGl_KGcg [30 People Anonymously Reveal The Thing They Hate About Their Partner But Could Never Tell Them](=.xsUZyZ4b-QziX-WcEYnGtStyMl14VoPuXIBcZqvHEB0) Nobody's perfect. [Open full post](=.CrbP3wcntPHRI0LW872Mg7uAGlIw46eHVULyqkB7Jtk) =.m8Fwp76ZliNooVH-6yJctl502aScXlX1SXE-OZ14zFE [Dad Of Taylor Swift Fan Who Died At Concert Speaks Out, Hopes That “Someone Will Be Punished”](=.3soxdeIeDCYTYmoSzYkU-z74epk1qo5kfeqBh2nviHo) The dad of Ana Clara Benevides is demanding answers after losing his only daughter during the show. [Open full post](=.RL2Xg4JP93pTzLcGe7Kq2D1t9oUCETPEIYPOD5MleOc) =.SG84ZQrhvnnpfzX5UCJ6hftrrTwwZMvGr1AC0jCrlcE [30 Pics Of This Year’s Miss Universe Pageant National Costume Competition](=.XI6YTf39ebTeAET7IKAow7-uCL65Mqcs30SckBACr0w) Take a look at this year's Miss Universe National Costume Contests participants! [Open full post](=.fZJNH-Ctg73AMkwoc9q0xj4grC5Ols-GbNTmxhUdwLg) =.zs74941CjQvSbS7ko2b1CuG93DAqPlnzWvlNmvPQeIw [“That’s Just The Absolute Laziest”: Internet Reacts To This Mom Putting Son To Bed With Uniform](=.cXU8X7_lqEL_XY-eikIfN0uiulCJ-dWd2YWcRdlMeNA) "Then when he wakes up, we just thrown on sneakers." [Open full post](=.jX9q9l6izXM8Hytip--J0QWibNeY5D30A4wyk1DcFI4) =.ia_eJrlEJtkbfrh4FlQ_ew4lHRagNifK8Z7VweBMTm8 =.kj-AQz5SxHDyM4Dsuu3_LMjiw-dBoGURUqVADnH5SXQ =.zow7eTMOuOliOUTjRwet1UUCREUUr_Fwpq_J9yxtujk [Get more stories](=.MlXyTBhoCmkTRu7m1wtZE-WCAk-2RStxXbYmTQBodaM) =.8ULRFa7NC-sZsH1NFiZ_93ty72QQ7IWe8ODPs5M1gto =.pvhxMDemmQMRwfC-_RdKa3LLeT_Fo8YnSGErhSf78uU =.R54HuSvB6e3ForpOxwgdjkr2uynHJrflCVh5kizEFAY Copyright © 2023 Bored Panda, All rights reserved. [unsubscribe](=.mo6fgqz7WEoFONJdHMhwJzt48rav-H_HnUa4d7489VI) | [view in browser](=.6iWpo-yy1AAUl5gAmteksl-4ZF-tdPK4WWjgcsgWIK4)Â

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