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"📸 Photos Taken Before Disaster" 🌪️ 45 Pics That Foreshadow Unfortunate Events 📸


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Thu, Nov 9, 2023 03:20 PM

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=.LuOYrb2Xo9NEspYY0V2ZeO6I31akmLdPP6Y7th6PDyU =.7r9nZZyDuhIMPf6KrgES6OQNpmQYCow8vw9v7GPPsYQ No matte

[View in browser](=.8xkOMRaZPFi1mMdGfK4twz9N0iKDx9O4PXzFPiYEdKM) =.LuOYrb2Xo9NEspYY0V2ZeO6I31akmLdPP6Y7th6PDyU =.7r9nZZyDuhIMPf6KrgES6OQNpmQYCow8vw9v7GPPsYQ ["Photos Taken Before Disaster": 45 Pics That Foreshadow Unfortunate Events](=.MC7XE35Fa8UsGXeR6h2Kprhce0yt3USTMdNb4xHRNyk) No matter how prepared you might be, sooner or later, life is bound to serve up a big dish of bad luck. If you want to succeed in life, you have to learn to roll with the punches. [Open full post](=.AHw45mHXXhXpwRRxd5DRwALCAZi6UXXXmkzFL4skAOo) =.XaG1g7l_buWVYRP68JHTuLN3XykVnJ427m0nEGara3k [30 Intentional And Accidental Pieces Of Art That People Have Found All Over The World (New Pics)](=.gclxvufryl9Hkp-UqeB6EfLlwIYEluoRa1WUcPTDZH0) If you keep your eyes peeled, you're bound to find art everywhere you go! [Open full post](=.pObKvucOszr0txdVWpRM-ig_xQK4MgXozGEP6fEeyyY) =.Kux90R7yxaZNOdje3ClA-YWVezAxdWCTbMtHKLfFKCI [Mom Notices Signs In Her Child's Preschool That Are Targeted At Her](=.tFEhALBhFEyOCTfB5qb_QXmFV_02u1S2btOgYq6i1SY) Parents aren't always right. And they sometimes need the internet to tell them that. [Open full post](=.CNcvu_4X7aBSucVWdguGiTm2hLZ_rCEvamjwAmWIKyc) =.FDQIYSlVF6yTlCdHDqc9Ttb4QnNRBsdg27tP2cItt4U =.Qe3H-BaOIGG9HfRwkcgDdYUx6t8SGkpeCST7H5cJgNY =.JjdlWVZitwnrebShQu1UQ7RuGk2Bxj2gRqytUQ9P78g =.VNkxYsgWHlFZOGqUFLgkfwvMNaINvlasS5BltFervR4 [50 ‘Blessed Images’ That Radiate Positivity And Happiness](=.Fgf-ZqAeXENguRanoo-QYMvxu1Y3WfT9IvxlTQSH2Ws) These pics may have you feeling hashtag blessed. [Open full post](=.e4sDO9-orzAQsIDoY60u2OCNRF_I1f-pjQypaDxyFn8) =.Xnyod6wO9-Kmwzgs4-SpwpA70tvRbfUDu4foEqMjk78 [50 Of The Most Fascinating Facts Shared On The “Blowing Fact” Instagram Page (New Pics)](=.d8Lw7JfexuHzgcUdsztIOYvbjBUgnObYTRiB3x_1laI) It’s never too late to learn something new. Surprisingly, some social media accounts can be good sources of education, not just entertainment. [Open full post](=.wbznFaxvjiBpwTL6eLNIc5tSlq3LQfnNY5Cso_M0fG8) =.C2WRxky5yZQupP4kPVVWda1WuEZtit0Au4cDGLhM8jE [50 ‘Things In Places They Shouldn't Be’ To Make Your Day Better (New Pics)](=.psDSLb5Z-OqN2LFgfvzbo_k5Qhhk1YFlVWfpDkQqIwg) Check out the newest selection of random things in weird places we've picked out for you, dear pandas! [Open full post](=.FZpAOYVEe3xEwQ4Cj15BoAsuzJUzOuN9HIPTuoF519k) =.v6KUNIZ1wVKlsGV9q7kfUNzIuT7jzaC_vrD2u__5W5w [25 Humorous One-Panel Comics By Dave Coverly Featuring The Quirks Of Human Behavior, Animals And More](=.OC7s_Kh5jqaBEfcMhss0aThrsOPHAyRX3WyWzUYzzg4) "Speed Bump" is a single-panel cartoon featuring clever and humorous commentary on various aspects of everyday life, such as the quirks of human behavior, animals, and popular culture. [Open full post](=.l74fMod13Li66MHuM4SidhPYE8UfaZt9zEdRqaBlxNg) =.ZVnV5T0JWWUiP6AaKMcnU9VlcbzH5sAcKmg74SM5LiM [Someone Asks What's An Event In History That's So Ridiculous It Sounds Fake, And 35 People Deliver](=.6s-bc33g8SXU9KQ9bFwEr_Vwln00xOpw5dx1_LW4gyM) A redditor asks about historical events that are so ridiculous they sound fake, and netizens have plenty to share, from difficult to believe to plain ridiculous. [Open full post](=.ZPiZEiwlM2R9dHjMohFis47yzIMCyHZISPcK8dQQ9nU) =.m2KuxF1tiSJiTOSep3FVAKneizXWVwNMAtrngJXXf8c [Employees Share Pics Of Workplace Disasters, Here Are The 50 Worst Ones (New Pics)](=.g2jLJge1NGMODUuoPvll8nsYA5uzG6XFIIYnDnMwSBE) If you think you are having a horrible day at work, then take a look at some folks who just might be doing worse. [Open full post](=.xI_XJVM2_2aQu9qIXCbRfbSiT64blxGU55kvtwZUbd4) =.KKwkUOCsFavXgq4wEhd-xFbBWXuITkPn_BlpESHt7rA [“Sudden Shiver Down My Spine”: 50 Terrifying Pics To Show Why The Fear Of Deep Water Is Real](=.MLqD0xNVrrsX850LzvRCF0YU00U2MKlednPwUniwoEs) If you suffer from thalassophobia—the fear of deep bodies of water—we suggest that you skip this post… unless you want to dip your toes in some exposure therapy. [Open full post](=.qwhdATTBSezUb56HBJg7sHYn7gBZb6a7yHdix7Fp5u4) =.H_-JkbI4R4PmnyjFLV4Y4LYUL6I6w5kyGPnT2JvNidc [30 Funny Accidental Images That Were Taken At The Right Time And Place By This Street Photographer](=.ljovanJj2wJ9wC7v5KuI-yBRy6U5yTylPh7H6U02K1c) Julie Hrudová, born in 1988 in the historic city of Prague, has since established herself in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where she immerses herself in the world of photography. [Open full post](=.C_VVrG-Q6q9KlQej6AVMG93yUgiDfdbKJ5s3El_RDfw) =.U_LIo587WoZ633bs_YanyZPF_e0Q1QZ9fBctHvJLSxw [Here Are 50 Of The Most Interesting Images Selected By This Instagram Page](=.3SJdtt3hp1W6g--Br5T3nIfNnIzQkEMq7cmmlg-I3bM) Today, we'd like to share with you the most recent images selected and presented to a wider audience by "The Decisive Moments Magazine" Instagram account. [Open full post](=.m9Y-XJ2tmnpyJNUQUVlSpwTLGemNWWsGGuDNoVLqWLU) =.HRiA4zVpj5A2nyyONv-yNsr_HOOAPY5kEs2kRKZAdhA [IT Professionals Share What They Have To Deal With Every Day In These 50 Hilarious Memes (New Pics)](=.m_wN1UShAs6G_RXwuPq4DmoVyNxNOMFP5_17-aDmw6k) The internet is brimming with sources for entertaining online content; for instance, the Facebook group ‘IT Humor and Memes’, dedicated to the best of the best of IT humor. [Open full post](=.ExhNmCWF3KQ1YWtg-tmm7MpuU4wXv4OZKQ6IhrJ42rQ) =.lEqMX0hI9DmGtUGCvF9gu2ZeLWtNC-WxRF67QpgvRn0 [20 Works Of Street Graffiti That Interacts With Its Surroundings By This Artist (New Pics)](=.o-RSlG8N6cgSu-4I_y2IIhMymWdDTtEyZX5ya3PILKA) Inspired by his surroundings and things he loves, his micro artworks turn the streets into an exciting place and bring joy to everyone who walks through the world with open eyes. [Open full post](=.-Ga8LToJnabAtBFiiATfvXcdmPiEAcJAYjAXIc-5Czw) =.vL-rBukQLdh-ntuf8LhsLazK-YygV11JqXMCAyhvQb8 [Bride-To-Be Tells Fiancé About Lackluster Bachelorette Party, He Knows Something Is Off](=.c0Q8-wocLYd8wWk1LD9GRNQikg6kV9d0ZL40PuPL02U) This maid of honor thought she could swindle her best friend's fiancé without anyone noticing. [Open full post](=.7p4U6n7IiSMYA-RxVByZmbUYsQdhFRZ68lOu0y_fD80) =.fAtSjXXKhJf0BXNNPuWXpy7IiYYnHs6EtYlgeF8_08k [50 Food Horror Stories That Made These People Instantly Run From A Place](=.yC3u6-ZFVGYFYNpkqiOQP8nOCuIsgiycD1aaAwhlFpA) Someone asked the internet “What is your “can’t eat at everybody’s house” horror story?” and traumatized netizens shared what happened to them. [Open full post](=.Mn2qIP8h6AeEzojzUYXanPWXSryQPCUIILwaI1yFf7A) =.rEfRhJYw6gnGy1cZxTaPcDCbyXJ1EWmfSbrP8qRgg0Y [Woman Wonders If She’s A Jerk For Refusing To Cook Separately For Her Vegan Niece](=.oRslRRePYOB4izkBP1p7zwFpBnITeWd-ekHxM1fn8x0) An aunt and niece get into a fight due to the niece's vegan diet. [Open full post](=.FDZ9bL-4ceYw-RsikMob6FIWXUSwvPJN-o1oTXcAroI) =.ia1WP8oM0DqeLq3laVrJufHQawvsjOPfmMcQkisjnqM [Man Considers Quitting Job After Being Called A Creep By Female Coworkers](=.wlfuRb6Mpusf8jeCaYk9HOZlqPmrDHPGj9-STjbwIKs) A man was called a creep for dropping off some spare pads in his company’s restroom, so he turned to the net for advice. [Open full post](=.Noxo-12j_Xl9QzX6h9A1ZJJS4v5gtf5Vi4vldVVE6zQ) =.cdTJIy8funwaQM5sg4NULoYmpDEuXkMbF6Z_BQ4NAzY [Woman Gets Told By HR She Hadn’t Been Hired, Her Boss Pretends He Doesn’t Know It, She Claims Paycheck](=.EXDzVm7A--hktip0t9poNJv3sLVY4_qaOK-oSPJx5Q8) Woman threatens legal action and gets paid for her work. [Open full post](=.bNEhIs9jKkGJNwY-zDC0DxBMSFAUnTaFJjnrPKWg5ac) =.ZzSZcuYoXfKOfTJRrNoynRpdl6c_YI6OqkVAflwe9W0 [Woman Tricks Boyfriend And Gets Pregnant, He Refuses To Stay For A Child He Never Agreed To Have](=.CRoD1GvfZIhsOHMjmSwcm6pjefULbx94t-fzodCFm20) "So now I'm looking like a massive A-Hole to everyone from friends to family to random people we're loosely acquainted with because I'm the dad who's ditching his child." [Open full post](=.y65BOMDpg2mG4K9RV6QY-O74acnlejAEL5gRhdqn4tI) =.KKP0sPA-hn0t2dzhXIOOV7T2lMoqmpv3xPz8pFyVOWY [“I’d Lose My Marriage, My Kids”: 50 Secrets That These People Keep From Their Loved Ones](=.cXbQA4Y21E5gxNesrYvvmsQCZ63fq4tBQfSuhAOIG2E) Someone asked “What's that one secret you can't share with your friends or family?” and people from across the internet shared their hidden thoughts. [Open full post](=.wdlwgXcsaWjV_ABfh4JnhkFNcR5O9yWS7Au1_Myc9Dk) =.BJu7GlmgMR2WhJEkkRDEvQPZMLXsiRMHMUBtgIo3brg [“Today I Screwed Up”: Woman Accidentally Ruins Stranger’s Life After Responding To His Hate Comment](=.gN0XllNrRkuoM1XFonGgiHRbw52KisvPU0A64_R27lk) Sometimes, a wayward comment or silly joke can have far-reaching repercussions if people don’t realize that you weren’t being serious. [Open full post](=.GmplyKF_RcVWnIXOtINfJ4xfq2EZDe8WAOUwGrHDLvs) =.U4SuqzwugYrsAVlVCHLGIvxnw3pSlXNhIWqJ6k4mfqU [50 Hilarious, Confusing And Unsettling Pics From “I Would Prefer Not To” (New Pics)](=.bKmpRZHgQ-5eyUJ_xFR9RrulldWdTKvNidHbojFs-Ew) The “I Would Prefer Not To” Instagram page gathers strange, bizarre but somehow still relatable images from all over the internet. [Open full post](=.xBXVpd1iINd-BmnAWqTBB1GN9jYC6XWZj4KG1iHDFGU) =.ZA2xFlZUSnhakK8P0I7divd_OledU-gc78Cs6drCmGs [40 Facepalm-Worthy Mishaps From Companies, As Shared In This Online Group](=.ukPhxQ-mfKONhe1V9a7k3n23h7ZkYCV5Gw6UHb92IPM) Everybody makes mistakes. And apparently, companies make a lot of them! [Open full post](=.RC_wgUHH6EufR23bpMUI8T3kOlc6FOsJUIgGBqHRq_0) =.UuOhAi5zAPSU3-SHPI7jnH4RpFBfu65xz9WCQ1ox69Y [50 People Reveal The Harsh Truths That Were The Adult Version Of Being Told Santa Isn’t Real](=.fDvAiShNvkzXeRi7Ryw4CpFcV2BS0wu344ckMLXQT8M) It's important to recognize that pain, failure, and dashed expectations are unavoidable parts of life. Learning how to deal with them becomes a necessity when you grow up. [Open full post](=.L4UI6MzbYzwpgtK4vbiejjZ4XcRYp_LprmtRlD31fc4) =.wBoQ6UQXWikw29ZHTOj2-VWH5fFxTNCpg4Vt2x7ZY8Y [“I Wonder How He Gets Through The Day”: Wife Tests Limits Of Husband's Obliviousness](=.JLqbx4mdtJbGe_It9mPyGgf3pOcgucrV9_Ty8IMj1Oc) A wife decided to take advantage of her husband’s obliviousness to the changes she made around the house [Open full post](=.52UGHhz59jBvalqN7TGLt6PoZs7N42QFqYjpC1M_KsE) =.CeS4VXIDDdJCti3swX8yF5CZa3m7x03KEIgmmAoMkcI [50 Times People Found Such Weird And Surprising Things, They Just Had To Share The Proof (New Pics)](=.eIRd3jvkuSwQrxpDwTRebx1vuRVLrF4RBiyloAs84Eg) Be prepared to be amazed by the coolest and weirdest finds people have stumbled upon in the most unexpected places! [Open full post](=.WnDvSKMXkXQJY-Gt7G-kbSmhY-j3T_12sPyOUST6VA8) =.UH8vUhAHup_yZ8orn19sVAJyb_sXMsyoJtQKohHTyRk [Netizens Encourage This Guy To Tell His Bio Mom Who He Is, Emotions Overflow In The Following Update](=.VJBOga-0Q51emcsgEU1G_t3Hnf_itDLIB6Gx6M5VlTo) A guy, 24 years after being adopted, finds his biological mother's workplace, which later leads to the most wholesome family reunion and leaves the internet in tears. [Open full post](=.sGMFkq7zFXN2NAD1lL2QafkaNb4XNeABncWuDv0Uhuw) =.FC-_-TZBX2trDA_54fE62VHPqba369flWw0NTG0EmDs [Millionaire Builds 99 “Tiny Homes” In Canada To Reduce Homelessness And “Empower” Residents](=.cocJuoQJpeqXjt9rYY8eIh1LSXTVv0uPuoeXJV2Z_uU) Innovative approach to housing: how this millionaire's 99 tiny homes are changing lives. [Open full post](=.YHptYNQ-1k3ZKu76Jrflat-ZJU3eGPu9V8AqdFVCURY) =.b8W6lZI9L5jO2Vm80zyJ8Yb-qgNfpH54GHqqkYtaxSY [Rude Woman Receives Nothing But Pranks On Halloween After Her Ignorant Actions Have Consequences](=.Tincx4gn6r-M9FPhqtyFtUqLOCobcY4CGhHoWgoR4sI) One mom ended up having to blacklist a house in her neighborhood because the people there refused to give her autistic child any candy. [Open full post](=.FmL-oegJO-GNzAsTqemcFxePc2kYNxZa4BdWpmVNjbU) =.odZiqapmZ912i810RM3T6xY3fVPLc5UBXvR00qmOjeo [Guy Catches His Doggo Sitting Like A Person, Posts Pic Online, Gets These 29 Edits In Return](=.rUxXi7YEuj5qTv1bCuzMHCmDNIGtR5F62e1kZfgVg2k) A picture of a dog sitting like a human posted in an online Dogspotting group sparks a hilarious Photoshop competition. [Open full post](=.SNgU7QGj5FFeWHz82o263aX8AtmwtW9SxnL4CNCHxik) =.2Ekeg_ndYKe22dnApj12iIBaqELaedpaXudo8HL-xNM [35 Disturbing Things People Were Actually Doing Before Learning How Bad They Were](=.Q5kBhE6up0_E_zFhBuwhfT-bPnzbZpMpUrhpSOLf11o) Someone asked “What have you always done, but later found out was gross?” and these brave netizens spilled their guts. [Open full post](=.Eo92_hP-D1l-P3toqYx9H5YQp3UD01Wl8UnSf8fUpcM) =.gAUYAfHJlt_jvU1qtAcTdk8jysbWkNOuSFZcRR5A9w0 [Woman Accuses BF Of Putting His Dying Ex-Wife Before Her Because He Postponed Their Vacation](=.4fJl7oHfFNTq_HYKgsSvBWy1GFmWVX2FFUnCFiyWXFE) "My gf is upset I’m prioritizing my ex over her but I see it as going because my son might lose his mom." [Open full post](=.DaQYxC_MD-gpcceuNgznO8XOoA7IkvnK0w_lnRDMPXQ) =.oZ8KH1lyg1w-wNOpOGUJUGg1GD28PuGaDaZRwG6FgqQ [People Online Are Sharing 38 Hard-To-Believe Real-Life Facts](=.eUcv_g4wD2-miH92dBrIFFkbUvxntGk0uJ4q6nokiZY) People online share things most don't ever believe, which they know are absolutely real. [Open full post](=.qpqBGtGjLlHV667YfUshmo9St0ci6pXDgWqTFl4NRQg) =.87Rv43GDSuBYNmeEnzeAsp8C_A3JcOqpxS64dPPOVh0 [“My Forehead Is Still A Little Sore From That Face Palm”: 50 People Spoiled Beyond Reason](=.qxL3IPfyWI5e9gchR0sf0ELipEBq3xqAebpMyGnGPgs) People across the internet share their stories about people so comically entitled, spoiled and out of touch that it almost beggars belief. [Open full post](=.KddaAPQBwRIMu3s81I6A0rEVVi3xmBUUhWLCdPP2xmY) =._VqrAkik15g8Wr2mrUAI-G9_j-O4K9PLJ2A7xuPbTt0 [Guy Regrets Mocking Fiancée’s Job After She Breaks Up With Him](=.cPkkbT_zwNHNQbzmNmkhTsGKJcAk9txtAnzWh9-brF8) Respect is absolutely fundamental to any healthy and happy long-term relationship. Without it, it’s not quite a partnership, is it? [Open full post](=.Bo-UmDE0tgKMNmTGoLW31Q1HAQ4m172m9ByuClhX4xE) =.igwv_Dt-h54mp_JShyg43Z0Wf2PNZnpXkqXZv9QOa64 [Artist Reimagined Popular DC Superheroes In 20 Relatable Comics](=.td3bQAgDr1AZdlPdTxEeaEqTypF8GbFVwmRfw-m3-VY) Take a glimpse into the lives of iconic DC characters! [Open full post](=.7o9DYNFfB9MoqBV2fEpJ2ByvG_U-EWNineHiIzkcepI) =.VD7Adw36jO_-JZT7fw64BC_X_xxMV47JGd1LuF7eEDg [Person Has Enough Of Annoying Neighbor Reporting Them For Every Little Thing, Gets Petty Revenge](=.UgEtG4zcv6j_Awb_AWaiGELH5ecKPpasTq_rCeEXOK0) Your new neighbors can be the nicest people you’ve ever met or the biggest pain in the neck you’ve ever had; this redditor had to face the latter. [Open full post](=.NxyQzTmm6W2ijK9XUlqwQu9msSOFY4OV-0HAg_F9SIk) =.4pYqrBHsRAG76F47HegCVXo0OV9hE39AKZH1EThJhi4 [Man Asks If He’s A Jerk For Not Loving His Pregnant Wife-To-Be, Netizens Validate His Feelings](=.Wcz0bublY5jCG8G-xmvAu_ZNcG59ZMfM90pH-tG9Vck) In this story, a man isn't in love with his pregnant wife-to-be and asks if he's a jerk for it. [Open full post](=.9sNhj0ND-mBI-Rh0eiv0NTwGXNOHi4s_YINu9PD_iXI) =.e_V2qpK9uQuUtW4A74IIpRfe_ZTGBg22-TMY3NYWqik [50 Hilariously Embarrassing Airport Pickup Signs That Cracked Up The Entire Arrivals Terminal (New Pics)](=.zBiTJgR5VCU2ELLNNdCw87TnybtL23sTw82h-J-KCas) If you're going to pick someone up from the airport, you might as well do it in style, right? [Open full post](=.ZAOREodKIL_n1O5BhSy25El4hdkQJx1ZxA5lx32VxSg) =._fTiBOlbtKjY8x4XtwEJjcW77TYxWSL_opY7flzC2Yw [SAHM Chews Out Mom For Sending Kids To Daycare, Gets Blocked After 20 Years Of Friendship](=.G3U1qrdVOmwtoSiouCQ4312cJMVzgJbEroUZNdECLRg) People always find a way to surprise us. Even those whom we've known for decades can one day reveal an unknown side of themselves that makes us question our entire relationship. [Open full post](=.jvZ47AZfNOlmkVBxIpPRJ_Aq-qlnKB81O5nJt-YSjoM) =.Q0J9gUOQ7J-Z8Hvu96afYZkhxp4iMLokWKD8x_00Q_k [Man Keeps Hitting And Kicking Passenger’s Seat, Doesn’t See Revenge Coming](=.polXqFAmlZV4GGvk7-nwAzXfiCgig4qosD4L5zqNhgw) Don't cry over spilled milk or spilled beer! [Open full post](=.ZRdMDzyg1FlFBzyjnVI-Yeh4Mp1W4pmbvzZqeoZbbOQ) =.ovC1auHsLXNHJDj-ewlSOkczb2pjefMS_AjGQxfzk30 [Wife Asks For Divorce After 15 Years, Expects Partner To Continue Living With Her](=.KbO9IBYRqNCDqf4qFiNIBK2F-gTb1vQGyP30y4PR6tU) This woman's wife made an unusual demand after asking for a divorce. To get some advice on what to do, the woman went to Reddit and asked the internet's opinion. [Open full post](=.Srwgf758hoCWSIvJdD8LE18JmHQOU1a7Lein0Ec7HNI) =.cQ23-0I5sU7l2OWjSIY0-NoPo4ZewTS-94eKItiQns0 [Person Asks For The Craziest Stories Of When Mild Symptoms Proved To Be Serious, 30 People Deliver](=.M-kfw36yjHedLCdViJekr4gx9IQTMLYF00MxmZ8KK_Q) If you need a sign to check your health regularly and not ignore symptoms - this is your sign. [Open full post](=.JTIz-3iAHpi3pVxree5YLMxET1iIg_yahlVWED0lo9k) =.hE7Nq4SjtC9amu9dsq0PIZ8pnlSYrAGgJAbdWimVzSY [Employee Gets Told Their Salary Will Be Different Than Agreed On, Finds A Way To Exploit It](=.N3N0zZ2T2lXfFIgpXw01tFxP8_xRVw3iv-l_hu0VNao) This employer tried to trick their new worker into working long hours for little pay. See how that worked out for them. [Open full post](=.dGrO65pAfm-PhFWEbQTtNBGqw4ZqJn7rtHWVl1WWqVA) =.yAM4qWrzczPm-namseqIRhgbrUAXUZSHjubfwlGW0L0 [30 Posts About The ’90s That Might Hit You With A Wave Of Nostalgia](=.0GYSsPYWf8LCjDmaXRhn_Gn6EuQd1oBH1Oy0rBPwTfw) Let's take a nostalgic trip back in time, exploring '90s designs that continue to charm us with their explosion of creativity to this day. [Open full post](=.Ysmi9ZrGqb3OpX_pJ017tnbsXKUiPExOBkkfjWTlSn8) =.JdZ07tU4G9VhGJt-XYP5L4TyqZzz-LfAc5ATcCJmfXs [“You Won’t Make My Nieces Feel Unsafe”: Aunt Kicks Out Guest For Policing Girls’ Outfits](=.i2q6W3yFuWcLOKFC2DktwFWipE6jmgpTsvDNZ8FTKzc) A woman gets kicked out from a gathering with friends after she comments about pre-teen girls' clothing. [Open full post](=.c7yTQemePlLe6RWn11txgOyyzFdsUJhBLamlzQs_tDY) =.4IS3NCQZJkWpM05ezEZKBgG4OmvDrNAX0JjaSgjqEVU [“Not Worth The Rabies Shots”: 50 Life-Saving Tips On What Not To Do When Visiting The US](=.q0EYrY8j-0WTZwBeFvR5Snoss_COulV7lriUf033zGY) Traveling allows you to learn about other ways of life. However, this wonderful opportunity comes with the responsibility to respect the customs of the country that is hosting you. [Open full post](=.Czj6HK1-ElBvhS3pYbndsnHAUTwH7yCecZdQgEKcf1M) =.4VtcmcexsjqlIrjLO0tj2iI4jJ1Czmzxipr2VXdZ-Us [“Nordic Lesbianism”: 30 College Majors That Are Just Ridiculous](=.ojl6ARrNY-6dJaO7ep_C1s5wre_RBloNyAm8MP3GhyQ) There are some truly mind-boggling university degrees out there. World domination, becoming an influencer, and being a certified pirate are just the tip of the iceberg! 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[Open full post](=.fz5Puno8NjrGvo3jqvx8KV0muUvs0dC5YEQK83r1iwU) =.Jegq7XqAK1Bpn0OhWQVrMe35w75Dr1OfwXYM2Boap-4 [Guy Steals Another Passenger’s Seat, Learns It Was A Major Screw-Up](=.VpaBPcm5XUfQdS768bmeLkz3OfDt3lvOQVYJuVUzPvo) It seems that every flight has at least one passenger who makes themselves comfortable in someone else’s seat before finding their own. [Open full post](=.ORU1h9URPmBk7l7XBqi_dIsade9rn96blBLkiOHtwFk) =.x_GnqJKKbaxbIofdXv0chVSgeGzxbePdfg4KEYOpg0Y [Company Sends Client Expensive Bill After Being Forced To Attend Meeting](=.UZav-Pc-d9XLYRr0WYiZyF6xGGMH9DQfyFjVfSnXrfI) “This meeting could have been an email” is a thought that many employees have had. Unnecessary meetings cost companies a huge amount of money each year. [Open full post](=.wyjvpawGS-1q0qaMaDncpw76uLHnbUAicCLmF8u5YFA) =.PzBbH80TsKc4gn1_VRYhLesIHzhj9r8rLVnnojjwBKM [“I Just Stared At Him”: Student Dips Out Of Class Early After Final By Messing With The Teacher](=.hBBFcFbYC4lrab9yVaWEN-tn6_h_QMft_IHLHBItxw8) This internet user took to one of Reddit’s most popular communities to tell its members a tale of how they maliciously complied with their teacher and got to leave early after completing their exam. [Open full post](=.Sxetp3TUcNJ3MsdQ2QxJrf3-3nbiz7ElUDHuZXoo8jg) =.KJFGDyphOH2ki5YBrY_cbYx4QYqK2JQB3-3GiIW4rlY [25 Y.O. Keeps Blaming "Pretty Privilege" For Sister's Success, Gets A Reality Check](=.0AXOsR-x0ibCzlDndbP8XHKv1XjDZ6PvZwwv_za8ThE) A woman calls her sister ugly after she cannot let go of her attractiveness. 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[Open full post](=.BnHSPt8wDDc7fN17mEMIW3OSvs9_ssrJFdvpPpusru4) =.ti891-NUMrOsWW1KIfE50Vxbb6A_cWXVf99XxyuNL-E ["I Know It's Your Day Off, But": Employee Shows Boss Why Not To Call Them On Their Days Off](=.-6WI8cBoVuIFWLlQoQf30qAZDuTM0puMPBJLQOkscl4) An employee maliciously complied with a demand to work on their day off and turned minutes of work into nearly an entire extra day of paid leave. [Open full post](=.worCywV1WKFrchXUStVHPc_X2Kow56Bj6BrP7i3vTYw) =.HNWKlruNF5a9uxtqbVKEXYzr9_SE7QTboTo2Dh7m5Fs [Mom ‘Too Busy To Potty Train’ Defends Sending Her Daughter To School Still Wearing Nappies](=.kJZRoHS-avEpJTFMZ17IRx--IgSBBOGPWJ7m5Yg6i_8) Going to the toilet is as basic as a routine can get - but we all forget that in order to get there, we had to potty train, and that takes at least weeks. [Open full post](=.0mfbzcecYOX52splh_seOidrPaMkDuvyaCIEdpd-_Zc) =.KjLNX_tuFwW6iDv7kdXRIESJde-Fh5EZFm8C9B7XPs8 [Woman Uses One Savage Line Whenever Men Want To Split The Bill On Dates](=.ARuAzIkVAp2JUf5DmfmNkzQkymxJm6kAg0dyykGWD7k) Splitting the bill is not problem as long as you're ok being friend-zoned, according to this influencer. [Open full post](=.PpJ28AbirmUe7GhokslN-W_lD8G25WPRfmyK83Fw2BE) =.vmu7V7toHv9pUTJ-atY8ALaAZeRkCXLFgt2k7uPS_fg [These 22 Celebrities Stunned Their Fans With Their Unexpected Memoir Confessions](=.fkls3KREideJhPeXKoKUyro9NFTG79K0GAQXEEj9UDI) These celebrities revealed an intriguing aspect of their stories that isn't often seen beneath their polished public images. [Open full post](=.ONV0XpxuNG-Ay1HTF_sE4NM_1EmyN6IIfnY-JvhDGeM) =.Gozmc_qSAeyOrPABqzzxjb7ETfnLltjDswBwt8dcoOI [UK’s Youngest Lotto Winner Opens Up About “Unexpected” Dark Side Of Her Fortune](=.peTEdLrfltO8WCiSDnfJfdRqTm-A5nHMG8ZB25cxDRY) Winning the lottery may seem like a dream, but to many, it became a nightmare. [Open full post](=._X_tSDxyVVptigyyVcYWvYcmgT_V2kkt4bgWcZYgS5M) =.1xtO6PxxNZO8PLKdoKPD8tVLi3ssMm-VPxBziHcDAB0 [Father Who Is Too Entitled To End Calls Himself Forced To Pay For An Hour-Long International Call](=.s8zvmlPpI9QKYUxnSEgO6oQ3kilZw9UK7alULc1lm4k) This internet user took to one of Reddit’s most vengeful communities to tell its members a tale of how she managed to get sweet revenge on her ‘entitled’ dad who always expects others to end the call. [Open full post](=.pP41i12zdQ3dA1u8eHe4jCXQWQil3mGgi1DaSWteTuU) =.5Ys1hukqfXs05nnLxn5AThz8KdeguGBsU1S5eLs7r2k [Rwandan Man Spends 55 Years In Isolation, Wants To “Make Sure Women Will Not Come Closer”](=.4RmC4yur5ZEt4Zl_2QH-V6zAypwnUH8Q9yL-96ODOXU) Sometimes, it's easier to simply avoid whatever makes you feel uncomfortable. [Open full post](=.Dcqkpaj4u9Oe7nbGPs-kPTeyml2_5hBTmLlWxOMK54k) =.I5hXKCWv5IOtmkweJJBnDWHFgg0SkkY8yHcY4PmOoZc [“The Drinking Wasn’t The Issue”: Jessica Simpson Shares “Unrecognizable” Photo Of Herself](=.kIU6iR3vrBpXZqOUKdO_korY37dG43Vc9eS9GkBPZWw) “I didn’t love myself. I didn’t respect my own power. Today I do." [Open full post](=.3qQzrbJM7Um1PzquEsslPoqUhhSKTEB5V1Th8qSTGuA) =.qAzzEBrVsoOZ3XFIldoChXgG0B8MC9NMAPnMGBgXe1k [“Friends” Extra Reveals Controversial Cheating Scene That Matthew Perry Refused To Film](=.Ve5XpUjKU21xnUh7q8sgPK7s8idRhvHp85AE7IxFSFo) Matthew Perry played a big role in keeping Monica Geller and Chandler Bing's iconic love story legacy. [Open full post](=.eJILfpu_RjwukXlwSWS2VozDwYW4NNYc7yIKvEI-Sok) =.cpNBjb1-KMRUIQ9Qt-gXyK6Abd0wnUPzE_dNJSrFNfY =.Il1M_o9Ixg7NBvFZRHm7fBkNWEroQlTzQJntztxNY0U =.nLxRi7aUxkkIKaS5mCk1SJsbDi19eEe2rHfQBI0tnJc [Get more stories](=.VBv0hFRSczjVJItDR3LEHh_MWPjjFn5o2ZvmixVPQdg) =.2Ehyevs6gF87V_R23eTs01ODqaNnj2Wv2ZEc8HrmOJM =.XZRw0Hmjm3YyN51uYSAtASFpx4Sybx-YJd-3WyGlOWw =.3pWY9WCzC46w-O9G2fL2Mq4PH4Txj2wQyaf0Y8Horxw Copyright © 2023 Bored Panda, All rights reserved. [unsubscribe](=.OAbRspPbuYzhw15tNoc6w-isuTHJSTMHnFe3mIXioPM) | [view in browser](=.Zla0K3ZTkcW-W_5V8pP0pN048f10m4yKyXAVCYfrT_o)Â

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