[View in browser](=.ddPnmzg1zcAGPX5RJE58O-KAsD31HBBPrsyj9Zfn31s) =.e7RfFQtaJpj2ZDX4oqSqnzlJWZRhy-kKCn12xRONgns =.C6qyMeCF8ZrVllA60yWDEnyMi1TvCcCoX4QTtZuJUik [50 Designs That Are So Terrible, They Should Have Gotten Someone Fired (New Pics)](=.MIYgukvXhDM9y02tYEwbReqSHJCRXDGq9JXgp0TyOEY) Excellent designers are few and far between, but apparently, bad designers are a dime a dozen! [Open full post](=.W0SXPZXpw50jX2mGBulS93p81rHWs3QV2p8UpC-DX_E) =.ugIWS3CoZ49oXVZj3g120GUo7tvbiIEJ5UFZQP-H3gE [50 Memes And Jokes About Bunnies That Show They're Not As Sweet And Innocent As They Look](=.o9VaI45ROr6G3cFSl-7EUi2RGEf7eoA86CxAdTP4J4U) Bunnies may have an excellent PR team, but it turns out they're actually tiny, fluffy jerks. [Open full post](=.hIXQ3Ng_DHyk-6hqv9AwltXRibms3unyLeXbMYh4-hM) =.rc-u0D64RbywjqFuXXC68TvF4uJCZogVPzdKKBXm110 [50 Times People Found Something Amazing While Foraging And Just Had To Share In This Dedicated Online Group](=.9bwSIJR8dRHUA8l0cX7NW5dGS0mH3hflFDLCSp3YlF4) Welcome to a list of beautiful wild foods proving that Mother Nature is a gift that keeps on giving. [Open full post](=.Ake5qMPDAhXOrdQQDNZkVruF7ycMzew6gppvz6fg_88) =.dHTh-fhajT2tglNDbx5QxmuUC4-GYK0WBBvOEqHeaKY =.sp78vCLnF4aYpXSb6uXztXYCUjKziqjpiGrb8Lr8Ibg =.NHMePhjrPJxxMLw_7P_e9RijRvc-FD93_vmkIz9C2_I =.LJxo6kBWbDIWGvx5sbLt5Oy-92g3aTv8552d1ydwBPM ["Stupid And Weird Signs": 50 Of The Funniest Signs Ever, As Collected By This Facebook Group](=._OogfbF8XITGIeVUacVHn3QE2F-xuHId0vp4ytJ47hg) While some people are looking for a message from the universe, others find wisdom and humor a little closer. [Open full post](=.i-jZnRm0yoPgG_ztIH4Vni0XNJbgZIlzBwzBP6f6SCg) =.oWomBs25tmoOFX0s4eNWt7yTOBmsS9AXH7tQodfwgUg ['Learn Useless Talents': 40 Useless But Very Cool-Looking Things You Can Learn To Impress Others](=._Dn4QbNn9c81m01fnLH2fKvudeDFfnnB2U2f-HkpvU8) Having any talent is awesome, even the most useless one. [Open full post](=.ClbjTw4Sr2N3uC9xsxc0hqoeseRzNRIBLiR3yz4bcMs) =.KZ8EM29ELkwkwWtdydUXPYromfQ3ntgdZSdsxpr4viw [Woman Refuses To Remove Her Rose Garden, So Allergic Neighbor Takes Care Of It Herself And Gets The Cops Called On Her](=.gcrwcEXscIBSA6RZnCKRiKMTTRdWgtttRBx-VXCT8e8) "It's not my fault she's allergic and chose to buy a house next to someone who grows roses. She says that she could get hurt, but I don't think it's my problem." [Open full post](=.yApTjVw4XsvFv1Bc0XFAs6w5VDiPf3Ncwfdf-5D2Of0) =.saKESczXOc6W910cYqC3p5EDkldpQCHR-l2RZReHRn8 [Japanese Artist Turns 40 Iconic Animal Memes Into Sculptures, And It's Hard To Tell Which Are Funnier (New Pics)](=._a39pRCAIr7n4A28MIZPEQk7-sPzEq_pDDOgdOV-HOA) A sculptor from Japan is turning famous animals of the internet into intricate works of art. [Open full post](=.inwNyuaWmGIU9lo8xpxNyIY4UPdHJ6gitAILAg3I4Io) =.Ne0zYsejio7qE3uYf8vZYy56ddoef60nVzA_BWo7unw [29 Times People Spotted Infuriating Things That Drove Them So Mad, They Just Had To Share The Frustration](=._rIbNVuSgRFO58xlWudbk3lS487i3OerQsMdpxyA65k) Some infuriating things are way past mild, and this online group is a safe place to talk about them. [Open full post](=.YoBiyscgvhMFT079xXb_1vwHTQZqK2d65iLjifdTqGk) =.tsK2MQDumzfcexusBFIEK_5LCVVgoP7NpHlgVIMuMCc [Woman Refuses To Remove Her Rose Garden, So Allergic Neighbor Takes Care Of It Herself And Gets The Cops Called On Her](=.jFxClJ74B6b14CMtvugvD3Hkge2NJRFAVXBQLsl9Gk4) "It's not my fault she's allergic and chose to buy a house next to someone who grows roses. She says that she could get hurt, but I don't think it's my problem." [Open full post](=.0x9yjcdhM3D8Q9Cdn2x4d4CXImiqFiOE-ALUOcxhTsU) =.hoKl4cKzwSe9MY234Oi9qXpfFbrSwrrc5xHZoWprRXA ["He Is A Monster": Aunt Uses A Spray Bottle To Discipline Her "Rainbow Baby" Nephew Who Is Spoiled Beyond Belief, Causes Drama](=.fTP09QPfJiFMrTcvntEybW45GZL0l2ibNlWXmWB0Klo) "My sister said her son isn't an animal to be reprimanded with water." [Open full post](=.xZYrHbxkSmtdVylNNNs-M0GtZvAahwgvwDLugCO-jGA) =.vkZjMuS7rBVP1UkzNfKCDqW3iRnMD0iiLqAgv7ZuDKk ["The Whole Place Smelled Like Hot Garbage": 50 People Reveal The Biggest Culture Shock Theyâve Ever Encountered](=.484qekggPQfaupmj0sSnQJSkgFLKOIygEKvH2LLrzLQ) Getting out of your comfort zone is always a part of traveling. [Open full post](=.h2RzoKw-fWyTboQc2SSSLS2O1eHDroFjA3W5FtEKmtE) =.ZZYGYaBD_O_lzvgxm2kVgK5-4YQkx-oxUl4O3UbnM8g [50 People Are Sharing The Signs That Made Them Realize They Were Raised By Toxic Parents](=.7PTfkpE2miJSqTac_Wlnc7aojcmAYFEdbQ2afhUKLAc) There's a line between familial disagreement and toxic behavior. [Open full post](=.kbpMCroAEmDBHzRSpMM49JjNyiKVHpmGnWp_L1eUX2g) =.LNjzOTvlrnNg_tlSF4qvYM2W1BAk7ZHYQ86YGgj0bx8 [French Street Artist Paints 3D Graffiti And Itâs Not For The Faint Of Heart (26 New Pics)](=.DSDwk-bSRU27hh_uUTChJO_zkMsxjCRrr-1t5G-aNrI) If you're a fan of graffiti you might be familiar with the works of Pierrot, who goes by the nickname of Scaf. He makes incredible 3D street art that might confuse or maybe even scare off passersby with its realism. [Open full post](=.FPEmNepAG2z9IJZ7_Wd-Yyy-mvYBrOoU8gZYk4-yV0w) =.1RMM7XL7eZA0Sgl8o6gXWvFv79D1pMXxpg0-tQ7prVk [50 Historical Pictures That Might Teach You Something New About Our World](=.M6YUJCXAc0sI7XnZ3Xzyef3NU1D2zxEVbMn9DOjhtiQ) Reading about history is great, but seeing fascinating photos from historic events is even better! [Open full post](=.GIykLr-s1VbnEdd5CgQ89uu-4ees_uPCbbUNrPS2Sdw) =.VQaGNp6iN9a-TBGFi09eOrir632nuUez9BlHfF8BgHg [50 People Are Sharing The Signs That Made Them Realize They Were Raised By Toxic Parents](=.-aW7kuWqTwVLl2d_fztGTzO3Ts65UjAXwZc8oKjkrrI) There's a line between familial disagreement and toxic behavior. [Open full post](=.yPf28hxhRL2nKnk4-ElUiFkGoSpUy7uL1U7f85YHAjE) =.Mg_ht6-PyAhIa8trbx4Nkbq13swINCPeSNwITrTAg4A [35 People Who Noticed An Alarming Number Of Individuals Not Knowing Basic Facts Share What They Were](=.fsjSMoB0R3VzVPXDBmcJMezBwWDM1FcwQ9VqhDjSigE) Common knowledge isn't that common. [Open full post](=.0pV6Dp1YrNshzylEeFQg9n8swHFvHtjViMo7Jvqpucw) =.k_G5OrsJ-phKiGkiIWlM_wMMH1jcjRi8eoZO8r_VsNk [Mom Livid Her Daughter Was The Only One In Her Class Not Invited To A 7-Year-Oldâs Birthday Because She Bullied The Birthday Girl](=.eYjq4FRBTIswc8hfUYlhfbxSzema1HNzS-OFHTaVlCc) Mom doesn't invite her daughter's bully to her lavish birthday party, bully's mom holds a grudge on her for it. [Open full post](=.g1TuFTsk7d9um5m0PdYsdq-39QozkY97p0bmB9nQEU8) =.mGUR2hYYf7AMLuIa33TexHyA6ywZV4DXNI3-cKjaQS0 [30 Dishes People Should Stop Ordering, As Revealed By Restaurant Workers Online](=.I1i02cdW-ICPmlO_Nc_h-OHCCJggxyt5iwESjoEL3sY) According to restaurant workers, a little healthy skepticism when it comes to these items on the menu is always a good thing. [Open full post](=.UuR1XviAWza63ObixFtEieIG8j8RVf8PzVjje9b_TPg) =.7SxU0ubkhTY-mPEC3MK_5kemKAfA6hhtfPJYBRuC0wE ["Username Aesthetic": Bride Asks This Woman For Her Instagram Handle, Says She Will Uninvite Her From The Wedding If She Refuses](=.BeCD5iK-HpaGYIlUIamVR9LTPnyWFS0diEG8VKBWE0Y) "She got annoyed and told me that I don't deserve to have that handle." [Open full post](=.b_Fv9OmQzGLDA0_UxpeqAqwn5uuOVbTncEDILguewWQ) =.nb9we3utNz6AhFqd0ecZP1rJ7hWbTpB9zeMq3k-5dbg [Single Mom Asks If Sheâs A Jerk For Refusing To Fix Babysitterâs Laptop After Her Kid Broke It](=.LS3q0tPGwT5EXuXpNym9gH9j2Hwvwc5r_52l65wTwRU) "It was her problem, not mine." [Open full post](=.fYIkTwTM9sR_mSxHNFOM44ak5vG7g3zICW6gwOj5bR4) =.4zkRo29kiWfDutRupUiixy23jHTQ16s8MK8txLEOe8g [40 Examples Of Writers Leaving Fun And Unique Surprises "Dedicated To Those Who Read The Dedications"](=.z2emQ4CnTVosaVLjF2ty-zd3dD-f_n2jPzt5-GxyNAs) Right before entering the world of a book, there's often a dedication after the title page that can be an art form in itself. [Open full post](=.DF1Qzzdpm_lRNhaXX6g_mZXdP8kdU-hHmQrCxchGJ8I) =.Tb_b8jaB9vsIJnUHa3-uFTw3AMB6oTqPY2BoVgjbccg [40 Unfortunate Designs By People Who Had No Clue What They Were Doing, As Shared By This Online Group](=.Ki8IWbXGpheJM4tsRS4cp0De8VgwHLwPbmaOP5XTEGE) Welcome to an impressive collection of not exactly bad, but plain disappointing designs that are bound to raise some eyebrows. [Open full post](=.Nc7nhvJPzzOVndSJ9bwS4-cRlJIRAx1B153SaSVRrHM) =.5_PZ2CWXfCm9u31BBe-vdYLV9DUaYmQEF3SfTZm1F7I [MIL Is Left Sobbing On The Floor After She Showed Up To Wedding Wearing A White Dress And One Bridesmaid "Fixed" It With Some Red Wine](=.e8grtpI5uB2BeXbkIgBYNTvQgNmYgDZgrkFQcIwCTuM) "The dress was even tailored to her, this has been a long con she has orchestrated." [Open full post](=.20Bd4wBTR-2RNQbDzFSp06LzETLX_WxqOj3i_hwWREo) =.rs78wy-s1b5YmTDOaNsKGDjEGgmKSFZx5gW_P0wpbqs [I Created 29 Looks For Halloween Inspired By Horror Movie Characters](=.2sTwG0tuPsV7JXHIQBcSpi9GgGG781Le_KV2T2A3Qz8) These are a few of my favorite horror movie characters that I have transformed myself into using the magic of makeup. Just in time for the upcoming spookiest holiday of the season. [Open full post](=.n0An7-XVQE2_U1QYrLnsVnWHTXKxsCBFNv0LMJdEzx8) =.chmFLNqFcWV5arM8iDGJdYKEuEtImiFVIwr3B2UN0hY [30 Things That Are An Utter Waste Of Money, As Listed By Folks In This Online Thread](=.YmThwK2K-4Yyzjj7nfmnOV0Px8EispjfMISgg6NbvIA) Sometimes we spend money on things out of habit and we don't think about what we get in return so Reddit users did that for us. [Open full post](=.NQaF7lbQbyEi5KEXvAMSrGh-SKV-s74GPnH1kxe5AZE) =.aoECE0FHRTUtSVK9tY36ZUyxMKayX6iqMKXAsj9Bq-Q ["Sorry, You Said You Were Allergic": Server Gets Applauded Online For Exposing Gluten-Free Trend Chaser](=.pg_PnX4hwQZmOFnRsjYZktQWNV2m_X_8a2KLpHRKd4M) "She's shocked. Starts backtracking. I stand firm." [Open full post](=.Xqdx2D5TA-K_SV_fdDhuYWv-JhZ2PIjYXYapcIflcY8) =.nwx4zeH_3J2W7KoIQ3DrpYvRFNUb87wwIa8tcHjNPic [Controlling Mom Loses It When Her Adult Son Doesnât Get The Job After She Crashed The Interview](=.V-TzQLtJ3W4bMZytn7953Hv5OTtXirwQnCpgIO3TGto) "It bothered me, I felt bad for the kid honestly." [Open full post](=.J_dryQJ-X5ubwON58YPA3GuU3YuC3-Nn8JRFa7jzbLQ) =.xtI9cjoW2C6FyZYd-Pv5Y5ipXqBe4o6e-9JPulUS8qc [Inspired By Edward Gorey, I Created My Own Grim Version Of The Alphabet (26 Pics)](=.qZ3rTKScPgCmhMWliFZ-SuIsEw43Fvv5f4xB1xodXbA) Growing up I've always been a fan of the macabre and darker aspects of art and literature. I wanted to pay tribute to Edward Gorey and create my own ABC's of demise. [Open full post](=.RU0MLP3QkuITbG7us1n5CZdoSsOBLB6s7DFNF_VEHMk) =.LSP4JPVOiXGsBUHHgO5I6LtIX7BZtIZe7XHbQjpPGeY [âThat Completely Changed My Thinkingâ: 40 Perception-Changing Stories By Our Community](=.UTI4RUP1wDzKBHCpnU2mrueQJ1pFHAWGnrbPOTWGVXo) *Has a moment of realization* [Open full post](=.ipUEWbgVE7-CKm-DUG-MWUqTGYWgx2yNj4NZXFJUlmE) =.geuTC5tpjlf8jie9bz-zmIe5e-eUQVpZW7tDerjlkHM ["Sorry, You Said You Were Allergic": Server Gets Applauded Online For Exposing Gluten-Free Trend Chaser](=.HvDzYwukfRtnFac-5YvcfDSbYiq6fy0pcl0jFxugQgY) "She's shocked. Starts backtracking. I stand firm." [Open full post](=.zSAZU2bR1V_K5VJRIDtE6FPZ5UDWSLV7ZXqwaaiOLJM) =.hJPa8cb4KrZuE4Z5TFGX6QomexGwEKDzqI8ylrE9xkk [40 Times Men Did Something So Annoying, It Made Women Ghost Them Instantly](=.8-FadwTp9eXqUveX6OlNCDMFhQFbjkwNmdiEN3vYLHk) While ghosting is usually frowned upon in the modern dating arena, these stories show that disappearing without a trace is sometimes acceptable â and may even be necessary. [Open full post](=.zfMzHKs5hvPBaDvur0kRF-l74PQ0PBmjpsmr3LauBcQ) =.kIRRNrS3UEVhj0oYgdyFGGsup6T12RPerOd6TD6FYq0 ["Fruit Gone Bad": 30 Slightly Inappropriate Comics By This NY Cartoonist (New Pics)](=.2YHsP0eDkEbEdaUT_E6UzWU4mpStt0WFlkJn5I8qMZA) The NY cartoonistâs 80k+ followers on Instagram absolutely love the jokes and sense of humor the artist has! [Open full post](=.eN2MsWSuUKMPIOuL4FzoohUZlEPXVxOEKPC6DhFqjvI) =.ZUCjxCdgAtYhidb02CTqmqIYwiZyKrj2YQ6X5EbhVWs [People Would Have Preferred To Know These 30 Life Lessons Sooner, As Shared In This Online Group](=.bWWvgRThMYT9EP9mUYDTnh4jC4E3fDhqXwKtiOm88vM) Let's learn from other people's mistakes and save us some unpleasant experiences by reading through the life lessons people learnt too late in life. [Open full post](=.Q_su9JMYLklev2ihiFL0mw8rTgu6GpKeZJGH4U42bgw) =.FN5uwF9aupnsKRwWFy-_V9N6OgPuuX_DNfisVoiwos8 [The Ocean Photography Awards Just Announced Their Finalists For 2022, And Here Are The Best 40 Photos](=.6C6r2KpvXjA0VGlaESNrWryBqz16_Bi400pgdmNVRdQ) The ocean has long been an intriguing place for many people to explore, but its creatures are considerably more fascinating than its waters. There is so much unexplored life in the water. [Open full post](=.UMD6ZJHXR6EWxahXpjbbyBPmAuY97tvl_bWUcLBGFkU) =.tkjv6tr-ygmrjYiT12E8qXsPUxeeeICF4KQ_3SQC7lw [Guy Switches To Regular Milk To Prove His Lactose Intolerant Roommate Is Stealing His Food](=.iTCNEzMENdPcjCABT7ea7xTPVV0M4MRorO8av_m5fHk) You should never steal someone else's food... or else you might regret it. [Open full post](=.6ddeogAvD3SmHPpEh6elZYwe1PQ4m1vcbjxYN7YO_3I) =._9uGqye38UdkNmIfy-2vTT8IphWBf_PxawFbAAu-lQI [Mom Defends Her Daughter By Withdrawing Her Funds For Stepsonâs Camp After He Ruined Her Sticker Collection](=.-TYRWkHz34Jd-fxY4eDqfsGi3pBY9DwEESHaMs0E10E) Woman online wants to know if she was too harsh to her stepson who ruined her daughter's sticker collections after she told him "no". [Open full post](=.m9xOCYPkN6iNbMsE0Eck7xprEXG-9M1icbeVAY9C9js) =.By_PG0twy59l1PVBcndq0Y8tsPFsgchCzgyws98Fvnw [âKarenâ Neighbors Are Mad At This Person For Buying Land Next To Them And Not Planning To Build A House Like Everyone Else](=.fqxBsVLBXF4bJS0FQjiC5DNn2CgdMqj_oEBtn88hj6o) Netizens back new landowner for being satisfied with just a MIL suite among trees despite being mocked by neighbors for not rebuilding the destroyed house. [Open full post](=.w5F34b9Lyn1dwN8RyTeJzhBKfEdSvBg9y6l0oNXNR5A) =.-faLreDvPuesT4rH6jlVNbRRcSw2zbtgzchsdcxXtLQ [Woman Is About To Be Fired For Refusing To Come To The Office Because She Was Hired For A 100% Remote Job, Asks The Internet For Advice](=.Iydw0Nqugz3FW1vmcrGmMc3lwFxljcNKlbSukD01ahI) After being promised a fully remote position, this employee has had the rug pulled out from under her by her boss. [Open full post](=.7omroeGoXqEFK-8MckDgaii7D_xwpNNKntoh6MhRZbI) =.DcNnpvt29LedPNksxxfvzgwQamuvgeOk6wwxN7KKlQ4 [âLost In Translation": 40 Ridiculous And Funny English T-Shirts Found Across The World](=.yZJEaU2sETjoQgz5AT4HNjyP0XVZFOMycw3oGsA_IjA) Let's give some appreciation to all the t-shirts out there with printed slogans that make zero sense. [Open full post](=.6vpy1_CChyYJRFKdsDnIX2HE1bstq0GTM7UZ3jwm--Q) =.5q4l9TJwxoHtt2pl6vZeA_uYUi8nZriPugePf8uegpQ [40 Facts And Theories Spread By Corporations That Have Been Proven To Be Fake Yet People Still Believe To Be True](=.a8k7lUKQhBI8zxoDul3kOex785ALa5IjJbr4WwaR4Q0) One by one, people in this thread debunk the most common myths created by companies making a profit by fooling us. [Open full post](=.PYfWpTCD4A7YPzes8Y13FtLGtCwwOVLbfnt2hvMx4gY) =.wqrFZdl5IBI7PI6hiOmuNKPS7aOO60e7SMRNTINn_Es [Catering Worker Is Told That Overtime Is Canceled, So They Comply Maliciously And Leave As Soon As Their Shift Is Over](=.KYQVoNaZ0xqLBKiEg7dhPiq4lreJQ6RSqoYZ6hws68M) New manager decides to cancel work after hours, employees leave him to handle everything on his own the second their shift ends. [Open full post](=.BW0ptjhWUT0qyFOeIuvyZdNLzS1qBSfk2eVte-sO-t8) =.uRyHHUX4RtdpZpCu26fiZ84RY9ltbvkuJuVb1rwh7cQ [30 Folks Online Recall Their First-Ever Memories, Whether Fond Or Not](=.cwl5OoAWyS9vK8eHZRo4z4iTGdzEdh3Rmr1GzcYsW7Y) Someone online was curious to know what were people's earliest memories, and 40 folks delivered. [Open full post](=.5ut_vt_BmVnVmxLAkmKUtHqhXTigkBe5UtXg-fu7rXU) =.cukJWeB938PQWPgDX5atF_1KMlPy8RM0tCm-kMiNFIQ [âHe Had One Job!â: Husband Goes To Groomers, Comes Home With The Wrong Dog](=.wstfAj52JzLLuCazR0clk-0be9hsfni_Z4glgkpCIgU) One (un)fortunate pup was accidentally given to the wrong dad, trying his best to help out his overworked wife. Allâs well that ends well, especially when we can all laugh in the process! [Open full post](=.pqtnAlM1lwEBg07JWkHWFS5Zuoe1VGRgfU_UMxnglXU) =.nPMtOOxX2w9Tm-Rzq_tL_fEx3vZ_5soTKApvarvsw3E [People Drag This Person Who Demanded That Their Neighbor Remove Their Doorbell Camera As It Made Them Feel Uneasy](=.AFWSJa_L0kMlwIKVZOMUsG_Rc2XhISNJ2fpA1MPzIvg) Person would have liked his neighbor to remove her video doorbell, but she refused, the manager refused to make her and redditors said their word as well. [Open full post](=.BK8ytk4oJojNqbLGByDxlbgi_ncb8QrVrlTKcnbHut0) =.QnK9AT7OoNVsKe_4Y45CGcV3gdSMrWLGglr--PGlabQ [30 Of The Most Touching Tributes Paid To The Late Robbie Coltrane, Star Of Cracker And Harry Potter](=.tSEsRTxaafqmpGvc27Ikhk5M8uJ4IWPi2p4RDMyC3ds) âThe legacy of the movies is that my childrenâs generation will show them to their children. So you could be watching it in 50 years time, easy. Iâll not be here, sadly, but Hagrid will, yes.â [Open full post](=.NKrsBkyxw4DCLMr9WHHYEe_AbzMv9NMlcTzFgqHsK0A) =.KSPskXJY5BapeesLS9ZE3aGaSHLiliZL9_UQlNiTLYA [Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers](=.9QQEa9jsDvP6TeBbPcJuIDpOo79HD7iPZWIyGGobyrc) Zoomers and Millennials are very much alike. But in many ways, these digital natives, who have little or no memory of the world that existed before smartphones, are quite special. [Open full post](=.Zy_l7yFTjiHeKbJqCwtRHnCVLh9Ws1qG42AOFdglsT8) =.i_wzcX9jGWExwEWfKz6Y93GpBCxDp196RwpldrnoAYQ [Karen Makes Employee's Life A Living Hell Over 10 Cents, Is Left Embarrassed In Front Of The Whole Store After They Maliciously Comply](=.Mg0_8HZuYxXS-ROR2XZXgx7YanbLzepYLSyRgm4lJ-4) You can't always please a Karen. Sometimes, even giving them exactly what they asked for isn't enough. [Open full post](=.Xgaqm9H4zNmGylgBwhgsww5lab2zbEXA1YBM0GIOebY) =.9I3l9v1-G_4OkiDTtH5NF-VXMi4WD-H2Vg_BhYic-IA [Man Maliciously Complies When Karen Asks For A Female Consultant Knowing Sheâll Bring Her Back To Him As He Is The Real Expert](=.t5NpXDIaPdH6wAQcaILZ3KHwzpRujVlCBwpZiTd-neE) A Karen turned out to be sexist when she didn't accept help from a male consultant as a man wouldn't know anything about irons, but regrets her behavior after the female consultant refers her back to him. 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