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Why you may URGENTLY need a postbiotic


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Wed, May 3, 2023 08:36 PM

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  There are three essential pieces to the gut health puzzle: prebiotics, probiotics, and postbi

[BioTRUST Naturally Honest]   There are three essential pieces to the gut health puzzle: prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics. If you aren’t very familiar with the “missing third piece,” postbiotics – and why supplementing with them really is as mission-critical as it gets today – you’re not alone. And below you’re about to gain a clear and concise understanding of postbiotics, including the clinically backed ingredients to look for and what to AVOID. Plus, you’re going to understand why Ageless Biome® is easily one of our most important new supplements in years (in short, it uniquely provides you BOTH clinically backed ingredients to boost the all-important postbiotic, butyrate!) And because we literally guarantee that you’re going to love what Ageless Biome does for your gut and overall health, today you are getting Ageless Biome for as low as $31 per bottle plus FREE U.S. shipping (yes, you read that right).  Make no mistake, this is the exact same brand-new Ageless Biome that sells for $49 on our main website.  We’re simply giving it to you as low as $31 per full-sized bottle today – along with FREE U.S. shipping -- as part of this VIP special email offer because we literally promise you’re going to be “wowed” with the results (kudos for being a subscriber)!  Now, an educated customer really is the best customer here at BioTRUST, so before taking advantage of this special offer, it pays to know… WHY YOUR GUT HEALTH EQUALS LIVING LONG & WELL (or not) Extensive research shows that virtually EVERY aspect of your health and longevity is connected to your gut health. Now, if you occasionally suffer bloating, constipation, excess gas, and other gut issues, you are likely well-aware that your gut is where digestion occurs…  …And you want to focus on your gut health to help these issues and enjoy optimal digestion. HOWEVER, it’s important that you know your gut health is also directly tied to not only living long but living well while doing so – what we call your vibrant longevity. For example, in centenarians – those who live to age 100+ ­– we see higher levels of the powerful postbiotic called “butyrate” and butyrate-producing bacteria.  Now, while the bad news is that butyrate levels in the body decline with age, the great news is that you certainly can take action against this decline. More on “butyrate”, perhaps the most powerful postbiotic of all, in just a moment…  Of course, we’re the sum of our parts, so it’s important to know that your gut health is specifically closely tied to your brain health. You see, in what researchers call the “gut-brain axis,” there’s a constant two-way way communication between your gut and brain. And if your gut health is “out of whack,” the “directions” it sends your brain can be out of whack, too… and you can imagine the issues that can result in your brain.  (In fact, a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that poor gut health may be directly linked to cognitive aging!) However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg, because your gut health is also directly tied to: - Your heart health - Your skin health - Your muscle health - Your liver, lungs & pancreas health and more And, yes, your gut health is even ground zero for your immune system You’ve likely heard that 70 to 80% of your immune system is based in your gut. And, indeed, this refers to what’s called the gut-associated lymphatic tissue, which comprises about 70 to 80% of your immune system and is found in your gut. Furthermore, your gut lining is like a security fence designed to keep “foreign invaders” out.  If that physical barrier is compromised – as is the case with intestinal permeability – it can lead to a host of problems throughout the body, including joint problems… brain fog… digestive complaints… food sensitivities… fatigue… skin issues… respiratory issues… and more. So, yes, your gut health really does equal your overall health and your vibrant longevity! THE 3 KEY PIECES TO YOUR GUT HEALTH PUZZLE  When it comes to achieving optimal gut health, there are basically three key pieces to the puzzle: Probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics. Probiotics are mainly friendly gut bacteria that support a healthy balance among the microbiota. Prebiotics are, in the simplest sense, “food” for the probiotics. And the final and often missing piece of the gut health puzzle that most are still unfamiliar with is… postbiotics! In the simplest sense, postbiotics are metabolic by-products created when probiotics feed on prebiotics. However, don’t let the word “by-product” mislead you! Because postbiotics are one of the -- if not THE -- primary means by which probiotics help our bodies stay healthy.  They are really the “end game” of prebiotics and probiotics, and they literally represent the “missing piece” of the gut health puzzle for many people. Now, the most well-known and well-researched postbiotics are short-chain fatty acids (SFCAs) and – more specifically – an SFCA called “butyrate.” And research shows this postbiotic called butyrate is very important for fueling the cells that line your gut called “colonocytes”. Put another way, butyrate helps ensure that the “security fence” of your gut lining is well maintained and keeps the foreign invaders out. Furthermore, butyrate is a major energy source for both the immune cells and the beneficial bacteria in the body, which are, of course, both essential to live long and well. And, again, we see higher levels of butyrate in centenarians, and this is also because butyrate may be one of the most important “players” of all in managing a healthy inflammatory response in the body as we age. In summary, research shows butyrate is important for supporting: - A healthy gut lining - Proper immune system function - A healthy inflammatory response in the digestive tract (and beyond) - Balance and diversity in the gut microbiota - The body’s natural anti-aging pathways - Metabolic wellness (e.g., insulin sensitivity) - Brain health and cognitive function - Proper appetite signaling and regulation - Helping maintain muscle mass as we age WHY TAKING A POSTBIOTIC IS NOW MISSION-CRITICAL  You now understand how postbiotics are the “missing third piece” of the gut health puzzle. However, it’s important to also know WHY the piece is missing in the first place… And that means it’s time to round up the “usual suspects.” Now, you’ve likely heard that the following are very bad for your health in general: The inevitable toxin overload our bodies are faced with daily from foods, water, personal care products, home cleaning products, the air, and more…  The standard American diet that is far too high in processed foods, sugar, unhealthy fats, and more and far too low in produce, fiber, and more… The extreme chronic stress so many people are challenged with today, including elevated levels of loneliness, anger, and other states that lead to that stress… The widespread use of prescription and OTC drugs  The “couch disease” epidemic – i.e., most people are not getting nearly enough movement and exercise in their daily lives  And it is key to know that these and other modern-day factors are ESPECIALLY bad for your gut health, which as you now know is key to your brain health, immunity, heart health and more. And these modern-day factors can have a particularly bad impact on the richness and diversity of your gut microbiome. More particular still, it can lead to a reduction in the production of postbiotics in your body, such as the all-important butyrate. A QUICK SELF-TEST TO SEE IF YOU NEED POSTBIOTICS Above you’ve seen the general reasons so many people need a postbiotic supplement today. However, let’s focus this on YOU in particular by taking this simple “YES” or “NO” self-test. Do you: - Eat a lot of fiber from a range of different plants every day? - Eat a range of different-colored fruits and veggies on a routine basis? - Routinely eat fermented foods, such as kimchi and traditionally prepared sauerkraut? - Get ample exercise routinely and have you been doing so for quite some time? - Eat a diet low in processed foods, sugar-added foods, and unhealthy fats and oils? - Use mostly “clean” cosmetics, personal care products, and home cleaning products that are low in potential toxins? - Routinely use air and water purifiers in your home? - Feel you have routinely low stress levels? - Refrain from smoking? - Refrain from drinking alcohol? The more NO answers you had to the question above, the more important it is for you to consider a top-quality postbiotic supplement that provides you butyrate. That’s because optimal levels of postbiotics – which, remember, are the “end game” of probiotics -- are dependent on having a healthy balance of those probiotics in your body. And a healthy balance of probiotics in your body is dependent on, as you can guess, eating plenty of fiber… a variety of colorful produce… fermented foods… and getting regular exercise, which can increase butyrate production. Furthermore, a healthy balance of “good” gut bacteria (probiotics) is also dependent on avoiding the bad habits that can “pollute” it – such as a diet high in processed foods, smoking, and alcohol consumption, as well as exposure to environmental toxicants.  Unfortunately, most people are missing the mark in at least one of these areas. (And even if you’re doing everything right, it’s still an uphill battle because we see an age-related decline in butyrate production!) The bottom line is, all of these factors lead to a deficiency in postbiotics – including the all-important butyrate – and that’s why it’s likely a very big YES that you should consider a top-quality postbiotic supplement.  WHAT YOU MUST AVOID IN A POSTBIOTIC SUPPLEMENT  Please be EXTRA CAREFUL when choosing a postbiotic because many range from mediocre to downright worthless. A) The most important thing you want to avoid is postbiotic supplements that don’t provide you CLINICALLY BACKED ingredients.  You see, there are many ingredients that could be “spun” to sound good even though they have little to no actual positive impact. “Clinically backed,” meanwhile, means that the ingredient was shown via research to have positive effect. B) You’ve already seen why butyrate is the “all-important” postbiotic, so when it comes to a postbiotic supplement, it is also important to ensure it provides you butyrate specifically, and/or helps boost butyrate levels.  C) ANY supplement you choose, including your postbiotic supplement, should be demonstrated safe and effective independent of what the company who makes it says. Toward this end, always look for a postbiotic supplement that is manufactured in a GMP-Certified facility and that undergoes 3rd party testing to ensure purity, potency, and safety. WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN A POSTBIOTIC SUPPLEMENT  Here is where things get EASY. That’s because there are two patented ingredients out there you want to make sure you consume because they are clinically backed and simply outstanding when it comes to promoting healthy levels of butyrate: #1) ButyraGen™, the powerful “dual-action” postbiotic that directly raises levels of butyrate in the body ButyraGen is a new and advanced butyrate generator that directly raises levels of butyrate by providing an important compound called “tributyrin.”  Each molecule of tributyrin releases three molecules of the SFCA butyrate in the gut, where it is rapidly absorbed.  Additionally, ButyraGen contains Sunfiber®, a source of prebiotic fibers, which act through traditional gut microbiota fermentation to provide additional beneficial SCFAs, such as butyrate.  ButyraGen is unique because its tributyrin directly generates butyrate in the gut – no prebiotics or probiotics needed.  Even more, research has shown that ButyraGen directly increases levels of butyrate regardless of the state of the microbiota, meaning that nearly ALL PEOPLE CAN BENEFIT FROM IT.  ButyraGen stands out for FACTUAL REASONS, such as: - Research has confirmed that ButyraGen raises levels of butyrate in humans - ButyraGen leads to minimal gas production and NO bloating - It has two active ingredients, tributyrin and Sunfiber (compared to just one in many other products) - ButyraGen provides human-grade tributyrin (much of the other tributyrin on the market is just animal feed grade). - NO bad smells. ButyraGen uses a proprietary vacuum distillation process to get rid of the smell; many others have an odor that ranges from disagreeable to downright YUCK. - ButyraGen is non-GMO project verified. - ButyraGen is also a much “cleaner” option while many others are combined with a significant amount of excipients/fillers #2) Microbiome X®, the “butyrate booster” MicrobiomeX is a premium “flavobiotic” that provides citrus flavonoids.  Research has shown that these flavonoids act as prebiotics, positively modulating the composition of the gut microbiota and promoting its richness and diversity. Along those lines, supplementation with MicrobiomeX has been shown to increase butyrate production!  Furthermore, because the prebiotic flavonoids in MicrobiomeX are metabolized by the microbiota, additional metabiotics are released in the gut -- and these postbiotics directly support a healthy gut lining and proper gut barrier function by providing antioxidant support.  Research has shown that supplementation with 500mg daily of MicrobiomeX resulted in: - Significant increases in butyrate production - Significant improvement in the gut microbiota - Promoting a healthy inflammatory response in the digestive tract - Enhanced gut barrier function and improving mucosal protection AGELESS BIOME: PROVIDES YOU BOTH CLINICALLY BACKED INGREDIENTS  Postbiotics are as essential as it gets to your gut health – and therefore, to your overall health and vibrant longevity. That’s why the scientific team at BioTRUST, America's #1 online nutrition brand, worked hard to provide you what we believe is the BEST postbiotic supplement available today… Ageless Biome.  Yes, Ageless Biome provides you the effective 200 mg per serving amount of the clinically-backed ButyraGen™, the powerful “dual-action” postbiotic that directly raises levels of butyrate in the body. Yes, Ageless Biome also provides you 500 mg per serving of the clinically-backed Microbiome X®, the “butyrate booster.” Yes, Ageless Biome is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility and undergoes 3rd party testing to ensure purity, potency, and safety.  Plus, Ageless Biome is simple to consume:  Just take 2 easy-to-swallow capsules, with or without food, in the morning.  UP TO 36% OFF, FREE U.S. SHIPPING & A FREE NEW EBOOK  Ageless Biome is easily one of the most important new supplements in our entire history. That’s because postbiotics are the “missing third piece” of the gut health puzzle, and Ageless Biome uniquely provides you BOTH clinically backed ingredients shown to boost levels of the all-important postbiotic, butyrate.  And right now, so you can experience the incredible results first-hand, you’re getting Ageless Biome for up to 36% off. Plus, you’re also getting FREE U.S. shipping and a FREE new eBook, The Gut Rebuilding Program, which provides holistic, step-by-step guidance to help heal your gut.  Finally, of course, your Ageless Biome comes with our naturally honest 60-day total-satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you aren’t completely satisfied anytime in the next 2 months, just send it back to us -- even if the bottles are empty -- for a fast and friendly refund of the full purchase price.  The bottom line, as you’ve seen, is that your gut health is mission-critical to your overall health and longevity… postbiotics including the all-important butyrate are mission-critical to your gut health… and Ageless Biome provides you both clinically backed ingredients toward this important end, so…  ==> [Get Your Ageless Biome for up to 36% OFF with FREE Shipping and Your FREE eBook Right Here](          [company name](#)  [Customer Support](    Follow us  [Facebook]( [Instagram]( [Twitter]( [LinkedIn](    Shop Now  [Proteins]( [Digestive Health]( [Anti-Aging]( [Healthy Living](   #biotrust  [Recipes]( [Fitness]( [Podcast](  [Update Email Address]( | [Manage Email Preferences]( | [Unsubscribe]( | [View in Browser]( BioTRUST Nutrition, LLC, 98 Wadsworth Blvd Unit 127 - 7107; Lakewood CO 80226-1553 This email was sent to {EMAIL} by

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