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[Bill & Hillary Clinton Are the Reincarnation of Woodrow & Edith Wilson (video)]
[Bill & Hillary Clinton Are the Reincarnation of Woodrow & Edith Wilson] CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Edith Wilson, second wife of former President, Woodrow Wilson, has much in common with Bill Clinton. When avowed globalist, Woodrow Wilson had a stroke on a train outside of Colorado Springs, as he was touring the country begging Americans put pressure on the Senate to approve America’s admission to the...
[Click here to read, "Bill & Hillary Clinton Are the Reincarnation of Woodrow & Edith Wilson"...]
["This Is How the Feds Will Ban Cashâ]
CONTRIBUTOR: CoyotePrime. "This Is How the Feds Will Ban Cash” by Bill Bonner "We came back from South America poorer but wiser. For the first time ever, we have had to face the reality of politics; up until now, it was never more than an abstract, theoretical matter. We read about the...
[Click here to read, ""This Is How the Feds Will Ban Cashâ"...]
[Trail of Dead Bodies Leading To Obama's White House Worse Than Hillary's (Video) (video)]
[Trail of Dead Bodies Leading To Obama's White House Worse Than Hillary's (Video)] CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. By now you’ve probably already heard that on Sunday, September 11, while attending a memorial service for the 9/11 victims, something about her health caused Hillary Clinton to have to leave the memorial in a real hurry. Since we’re told she’s as healthy as can be (recall, she opened a...
[Click here to read, "Trail of Dead Bodies Leading To Obama's White House Worse Than Hillary's (Video)"...]
[Real or Rumor -- Hillary Clintonâs Death (video)]
[Real or Rumor -- Hillary Clintonâs Death] CONTRIBUTOR: NESARA. WABC-TV Ch. 7 in NYC Reports “Hillary Clinton’s DEATH” and her Body Double Posted on September 12, 2016 by Katie SuperStation95 A video clip of WABC-TV Channel 7 “Eyewitness News” in New York City opened last night with Anchorman Joe Torre saying “more on Hillary Clinton’s Death.” The opening line,...
[Click here to read, "Real or Rumor -- Hillary Clintonâs Death"...]
[Hillary Is Out---Ongoing DNC Meetings To Discuss Her Replacement]
[Hillary Is Out---Ongoing DNC Meetings To Discuss Her Replacement] CONTRIBUTOR: MILLENNIUM Reporter. THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today. Hillary’s 9/11 Moment at Memorial Service in New York City on September 11th, 2016 Brings Down the Democratic Party State of the Nation “Hillary Clinton can no longer withstand the rigors of an extremely challenging campaign season. Her...
[Click here to read, "Hillary Is Out---Ongoing DNC Meetings To Discuss Her Replacement"...]
[39 Best Ways to Start a Fire Without Matches (video)]
[39 Best Ways to Start a Fire Without Matches] CONTRIBUTOR: The Prepper Project. We’ve all heard how important it is to be able to build a fire in an emergency situation. It could mean the difference between life or death, right? In the bush you need fire to stay warm, to cook food, to boil water. I always keep a pack of waterproof...
[Click here to read, "39 Best Ways to Start a Fire Without Matches"...]
[If You Have This Plant in Your House, You Will Never See Mice, Spiders and Other Insects Again!]
[If You Have This Plant in Your House, You Will Never See Mice, Spiders and Other Insects Again!] CONTRIBUTOR: NEWSPREPPER. Theoretically, insects are arthropods that possess specialized extremities and a body split into parts, covered in exoskeleton which can even develop into a shell. They also possess antennas, several extremities and in some cases, wings. They are mostly small, except the beetles that are of major size. There are many...
[Click here to read, "If You Have This Plant in Your House, You Will Never See Mice, Spiders and Other Insects Again!"...]
[CDC Is Now Deploying Rapid Response SWAT Teams â Episode 1073b]
CONTRIBUTOR: silveristhenew. X22Report, Published on Sep 12, 2016 George Soros warns Europe, each country must come inline with the EU or face extinction. US sends B-1 bombers to South Korea. Rodrigo Duterte tells the US to remove troops from the Philippines. China and Russia launch a huge naval drill in the South China...
[Click here to read, "CDC Is Now Deploying Rapid Response SWAT Teams â Episode 1073b"...]
[Incredible: Messiah Called Li Hong - 1600 Years Old Prophecy!]
[Incredible: Messiah Called Li Hong - 1600 Years Old Prophecy!] CONTRIBUTOR: climbhome. China Prophecy Discloses The Name Of Messiah Of End Times - Find Truth Here Has a "Li Hong" come from China to help people at the End Of Times? It seems very, very likely that this sage has arrived to the human world and its consequences are nothing less than...
[Click here to read, "Incredible: Messiah Called Li Hong - 1600 Years Old Prophecy!"...]
[A Four-year-old Kid Was Allowed to Undergo Sex Change Operation]
[A Four-year-old Kid Was Allowed to Undergo Sex Change Operation] CONTRIBUTOR: The Daily Sheeple. “â¦another major hospital in Melbourne had 250 children who were being assisted by the gender dysphoria unit.” Get ready. Yahoo 7 News, Australia, reports: “A four-year-old who identifies as transgender has begun to transition before their first day at school, hoping to complete the full transformation by 2017. “While the...
[Click here to read, "A Four-year-old Kid Was Allowed to Undergo Sex Change Operation"...]
[This is Huge! Is it Possible? Pics of Before and After #ClintonCollapse B-I-G Difference! Body Double? (Videos)] (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence
[Major Cover Up! Didn't Faint Not Pneumonia! She Is Stiff When Lifted Into the Car! How Will Camp Hillary Gloss Over This One? (6 Videos, 7 Opinions)] (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence
[Going Viral! Cryptic Apocalyptic Countdown Ends September 14thâa Warning, a Secret Code or Hoax] (video)
CURATOR: Lisa Haven
[FEMA Investigatorâs 9/11 Claim: Vault Contents Emptied Before Attack (Videos)] (video)
[Benjamin Fulford: 80 Different Countries have now Formed an Alliance Against the Old World Order / Nazi-esque Cabal.]
CONTRIBUTOR: Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian
[FEMA Camp Drivers Are Disappearing] (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense
[Dr. Jim Willie: China Isolating the U.S. (and U.S. Dollar) From Trade (Video)] (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason
[Aspiration Pneumonia: Hillary's Diagnosis Is the Leading Cause of Death for Parkinsonâs Disease Patients]
[Alert! - Doppelgänger Conspiracy: Was Hillary Represented by a Double in NYC on 9/11/16?]
[The Latest on Hillaryâs Health-Dr. Ted Broerâs Analysis] (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense
[SIX EVENTS that could change your life forever]
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