Claim your writing career now! {NAME} — You know you were born to be a writer. Chances are good someone close to you knows it, too. But to finally make that dream happen, you need insider information… To help you claim the paid writing career you’ve always wanted. Not only does it mean you’ll finally be doing something you LOVE for a living… And that you’ll enjoy complete freedom over when and where you work… But you’ll also find joy in the very work that leads to great paychecks… There’s something magical about watching new writers like you rise through the ranks and really grow their writing careers (not to mention their income!). That’s why my team and I are here on standby, able and excited to help you make the transition. If you’re ready to commit to your writing career dream today, I’ll make every step easier by giving you FREE access to our Making the Leap program. (Usually it’s $297 in our training catalog, but you can have it completely free!) Imagine having writing success right out of the gate, regardless of where you’re starting or where you’re coming from… (We KNOW it works, because so many of our members have made the leap before you, thanks to this program!) But there’s one other thing that makes that transition seamless, and that’s our 8 Steps to Copywriting Success companion workbook that goes along with the program. Think of it as your “safe space” to write down, repeat, and reiterate those key lessons you need to move forward as a paid writer. (This one’s also free to you if you commit today!) But we won’t stop there… Because knowledge and skills are one thing. They’re essential, obviously. But confidence? That’s something you’ll need as well, and there’s no better way to bolster your writing confidence than through our popular video series, The Fast Start Guide to a Thriving Copywriting Business. From the second you commit to your writing career, you’ll want to have these key seven secrets to staying confident in your back pocket. And get this — we’ll give you this video series free as well. In fact, you get it ALL free with your subscription to Barefoot Writer magazine — on drastic sale today for just $11. [Get my free stuff with my subscription now!]( Barefoot Writer magazine is the key that unlocks all the doors to paid writing… It shows you how to write fast… and smart. It teaches you how to think like a writer, including ways to ramp up your earning power. It offers countless motivational and productivity hacks (because if you can stay eager and effective, you’re bound for a win-win writing career!). Best of all, a full year’s [subscription to Barefoot Writer magazine]( will bring you dozens of stories of inspiration — insider accounts of real people, just like you, who took this step toward paid writing that you’re burning to take. And you know what? They succeeded. You can too, absolutely. Kick off your paid writing career now with a [subscription to Barefoot Writer]( and get everything you’ll need to sail forward smoothly! Remember, the magazine is at a crazy-low price right now of $11, but you’ll still get all those other things I mentioned COMPLETELY FREE (but normally sold for $297!). You know you were born to do this. My team and I are standing by, eager to help you every step of the way. To your success, Mindy P.S. Imagine how it will feel the first time you see your name published with something you’ve written… That can happen even faster with your [Barefoot Writer subscription](, thanks to our monthly essay contest. Win it, and you’ll score your first $100 check plus publication in the magazine! There’s nothing to lose here. Along with the steep discount that takes it down to just $11 (as opposed to the normal price of $49), you’ll get free access to our Making the Leap program along with the 8 Steps to Copywriting Success companion workbook AND The Fast Start Guide to a Thriving Copywriting Business video series (instead of paying $297, like everyone else will have to do if they let this offer slip by!). [Lock in that discounted subscription rate now.]( I can’t wait to welcome you! 😁 --------------------------------------------------------------- For questions or requests: [contact us online](. Trouble viewing this email? [View it in your browser, here.]( --------------------------------------------------------------- Ensure your subscription delivery. AWAI Whitelisting info available [here.]( You are subscribed to this newsletter as {EMAIL}. To unsubscribe from any future AWAI Special announcements and offers, please click here: [Unsubscribe from AWAI Special announcements and offers.]( To unsubscribe from all AWAI broadcasts click here: [I want to permanently unsubscribe from all AWAI emails.]( --------------------------------------------------------------- ©2024 American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444