[Please click here if you can't see this message properly.]( [Logo]() www.astro.com The World's Best Horoscopes Astrodienst Newsletter February 2024 Dear Mr. {NAME} This is the monthly newsletter from Astrodienst with a short overview of the current quality of time and news from our website [www.astro.com](. --------------------------------------------------------------- THE CURRENT QUALITY OF TIME [Image: Aquarius](The quality of time in February 2024 could bring some surprising and extraordinary developments. That is mainly to do with Pluto, which is on the first degree of Aquarius, transited by Mercury, Mars, and Venus this month. The transformative impulses of Pluto in Aquarius are now clearly noticeable and could keep us on our toes. [Image: Mercury and Pluto](On February 5, Mercury enters Aquarius and immediately conjuncts Pluto. At the same time, Venus in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries. Words unfold their maximum impact now, with some people well aware of that. The events during this time could cause a lot of excitement, but it is still difficult to classify them at this stage. There are explosive social and political issues, and some disputes could have an unpleasant ideological flavor. We can also expect surprising developments with respect to trade, IT, AI, and biotechnology. Something that has previously been under wraps could now be unveiled and cause some red heads and pale faces. [Image: Pluto and Mars](The nervousness will not let up in the days around the Aquarius New Moon on February 9. The Sun and Moon are in tension with Uranus in Taurus (Sun square Uranus is exact on February 8), and Venus trines the latter on the 7th. On the 10th, Mercury in Aquarius squares Jupiter in Taurus. While some are still trying to understand what has happened, others are already planning a new future. On February 13, the next planet to enter Aquarius is Mars, joining Pluto one day later. Someone could now do something bold and completely unexpected that changes the situation significantly. They may cross a red line, making it hard to assess the consequences correctly. [Image: Pluto and Venus](However, the fact that what is happening calls into question a fundamental self-image will become clear on February 16 at the latest, when Venus enters Aquarius and conjuncts Pluto a day later. Mercury squares Uranus at the same time. It is abundantly clear now that we are in the midst of a transition and that there is no way back. Some are enthusiastic, but for others, it is all happening far too quickly, overstepping a mark, and above all - without their consent and involvement. The connection of Venus, Mars, and Pluto in Aquarius also intensifies issues around love and relationships. A new relationship cycle begins - a favorable time to clarify your needs in existing partnerships. A love relationship that begins now could open up a whole new dimension. Creative work can bring excellent results now. [Image: Pisces](On February 19, the Sun enters Pisces. On the 22nd, the conjunction of Venus and Mars becomes exact, and Mercury reaches Pisces on the 23rd. There is a Full Moon in Virgo on February 24, with Mercury and Saturn flanking the Pisces Sun. The mood is thoughtful and grave, yet there is a great willingness to embrace the new, as Venus and Mars square Jupiter on February 25 and 27. The need for love in our lives is apparent. When the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn are in exact conjunction in Pisces on February 28, it becomes clear that emotional needs also play a role. This day is ideal for quiet contemplation. --------------------------------------------------------------- THE PERSONAL QUALITY OF TIME [Image: calendar](The powerful transformative energies at work this month naturally do not only affect people born in the sign of Aquarius. The forces of renewal are now making their way, and we are all called upon to adapt our lives to the new circumstances. However, "destiny" is a very personal matter. You can fall in love, break up, or experience challenging conflicts or lucky coincidences at any time and under any circumstances. An individual horoscope of the year, such as the [Yearly Horoscope Analysis by Liz Greene]( or the [Transits of the Year by Robert Hand](, can show you which issues will be at the forefront of your life over the next 12 months. As mentioned above, February also focuses on relationship issues. Liz Greene's [Relationship Horoscope]( provides an excellent basis for examining the hidden dynamics of an existing partnership. It is the perfect tool for a dialog with your partner. We therefore offer an inexpensive partner copy. The [Horoscope for Two]( provides insights into all types of relationships between two people, be they family members, work colleagues, or friends. As always, you can find free personal or forecast horoscopes and those about love and relationships in the section [Free Horoscopes]( on our website. --------------------------------------------------------------- We are looking forward to your next visit to [www.astro.com](! With kind regards
Your Astrodienst Team ASTRO*INTELLIGENCE - The World's Best Horoscopes --------------------------------------------------------------- Relationship Horoscope, by Liz Greene [Image: lighthouse](In the Relationship Horoscope Liz Greene shows empathetically and aptly what brings you together, what kind of character your relationship will develop and what both partners can transform within themselves. She describes love as a wonderful, powerful but also complex matter. [Read more]( ---------------------------------------------------------------
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