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A FREE confidence-building LIVE event 💪 and you're INVITED!


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Mon, Feb 19, 2024 02:21 PM

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with Jay Shetty… Jamie Kern Lima… Ed Mylett… Brendon Burchard… and SO much more!

with Jay Shetty… Jamie Kern Lima… Ed Mylett… Brendon Burchard… and SO much more! What would being unstoppable look like for you, {NAME}? ✌️ Never feeling tired or overburdened because you became relentless about what you give your time to? 🎤 Securing the #1 spot as the go-to voice in your industry (and all the VIP invitations that come with it?) 💕 Being someone your community can rely on without fail? 🤝 Keeping every promise you make yourself? 💵 Making a million dollars? (Or more?) Well, sweet friend, I’d love to invite you to a FREE event on Saturday, February 24th called Becoming Unstoppable where you’ll learn how Tony Robbins… Jamie Kern Lima… Jay Shetty… Ed Mylett… Robin Roberts… Brendon Burchard… And SO many other leaders in our industry overcame self doubt to truly feel (and be) unstoppable. All you have to do is [click here to RSVP. It's FREE >>](113/d2xgdL04/MWZ54bSFK20W481m0r5qCYPdW1c61D759JGZ_N6R-BZ03m2ndW6N1vHY6lZ3m-W1fMDJ24q4Xb9W2ycZfj6QdC_2W2WHx6G99s95qW8Qdb5k1j3QP5W2ycn7_3hPXXMW6sLhFP1dLR6gW4jmXV948X5MqW8DKFXS6DTxjgW2ksr0y41VWd-W2SBHTm6M-n-hW8tcqs382GYz2W42_x-g2Y79Z5W7Tg44r3sDf1QW6JcCrL45qw26N26-5NLXckGhN6S1_Kmtl8R6W2rHrQ76t4M3kW5GtjJ03Bj5y2W3ptHLZ2gTj_xN2dBNJnG_njvW8dsxv643yQ5pW2lYGNL2HKLp3f3vcLlW04)113/d2xgdL04/MWZ54bSFK20W481m0r5qCYPdW1c61D759JGZ_N6R-BZ03m2ndW6N1vHY6lZ3mtW56P4xj1pzHBNW6m6lH52YvsS5W2sPfgM5JWnCgW7GffZM43pDcmW5Q99cN10qdpSW6fGw_X98096mW99rd1N5ZqwbtW1YBVL_4_Q6CNW5SbYnv5psf_XW4sQBW23l77DdW1W-Lxw2h7tbLN1fkKMzVQs2-V9YYTj2ws2GTVjCy5d6Q-0cRW9m4bld68FrSwW47yf9Z8cjhFFVM8K1Y1NMyBxW5HBg8D8pKlpcW7rd0Qp6G1nbdVx03BR1L4cFZW1sRm5r7W-4F1W8YRVtz34-bHMcLy4R04 [Event Banner 1](113/d2xgdL04/MWZ54bSFK20W481m0r5qCYPdW1c61D759JGZ_N6R-BZj3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3mgN7hrsfqm3WTMW6T7PHp5gdfP0W8Gs-G67FC9QQW6hHYFR46M18ZW4jQfSc933XRhVK2kRy4qbyFDW386PsK8v1CLkW5Gml5C7G7fgbW6CRrSl3nDh2-W6gYY3v2P0xbRW3R_59Y6Hw0gsW1sNTZn8824nRW4ddt945BM0RJVvcNCZ2d8h9PW41qMYs2L5K0vW6WVGRP9cmf_6W87q-0735-YZrW5RxvBN2_XVz_V-Vd5G4YygrYV7Tx0B6PcMpRW3fX8Ml2qSBDRW4Z6Y9l5b9s8JW4f2wRT1ffW_wW7jJxxM3-pHn-f4wkqBq04) This LIVE 1-day event is hosted by my dear friend, New York Times bestselling author, and founder of IT Cosmetics, Jamie Kern Lima. And you know how I talk about being known for something? Like how I’ve gone all-in on being the “digital course” girl? Jamie is known around the world for helping people like you and me nurture our self-worth. 💕 [IMG_7528](113/d2xgdL04/MWZ54bSFK20W481m0r5qCYPdW1c61D759JGZ_N6R-BZj3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3m7W4lVXGm3hr6TZW366cd98jDNvgW2-7_977DmPzZW2LvFGx77dWc2W74CLQg7QfXXhW6KgVl61SmQp3W54_zb826Ww60VwP9hC198JVxW3xLLjF8-fYtQW2q6KYf2Q-Ym1W7Dlt3z87vp2gW4xn5xC6Rk257W5V12wb5vmH62W76Ny1S55-W0wW5p9pZK7-g28bW5-w0Vl653yRHW9b7Rfq37x8BmW8QBmkZ8lB7xzW8YTpTC90L3czW1bpFqq2RmqQxW6M7nt71R33NyW65vxnF6_5BjdMk8b5tFg5nkW2Dw8kx5C3kjQf3wMWNb04) I mean, she went from being a Denny's waitress to being named one of “America’s Richest Self-Made Women” by Forbes… And that road doesn’t come without an incredible story and multiple serious heart-to-hearts in the mirror! 🤯 So on Saturday, February 24th at 7 am PT / 10 am ET, Jamie is taking the virtual stage with some of the most accomplished entrepreneurs and thought leaders in the world to share their tools for going from doubting you’re enough to knowing you’re enough… so you can step into the business owner, leader, and person you were born to be. Including topics like: - Breaking through barriers of self-doubt - Getting past imposter syndrome or a lack of confidence - Overcoming the (real or imagined) things holding you back - How to turn your setbacks into incredible success It’s live. It’s FREE. And when you [click here to save your spot,](113/d2xgdL04/MWZ54bSFK20W481m0r5qCYPdW1c61D759JGZ_N6R-BZj3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3mLVsNVty2LGN4jW44hMjD5D1ty6VcQV7F7y8C_TW63jgTj3t_DSQW25TKtY8H4_nPW3-5p7m4JlW3_W6lYlZD7SlZ_yW7LLKnL5hhcxFW47c3-D99ZSNDW2w2SDh4TyBlhW7qXwY610R6r_W88HX8j2mNzf8W7249nz48NdHQW8fNWpx2HdKhvW2H7b061wmfkQW8Cs5gD5n4pZWW1916-M5kbvldW2PH6fl4Z_3WVW8t-r448MhfSWW1ZX7027sP931W6rnyp-2wBt27W6H8LPm7J66lZW6g43nX4QtbRZN4qQXf9Wf_DTdPtcd-04) you become eligible to win some seriously awesome prizes, including $200 Audible gift cards, a "Worthy Bundle," $1,000 Airbnb gift cards, and more! Whether you’re feeling the New-Years-Resolution slump of February or the lingering effects of a seriously topsy-turvey few years… I can’t think of a better way to refocus and recenter. So [click here to save your seat](113/d2xgdL04/MWZ54bSFK20W481m0r5qCYPdW1c61D759JGZ_N6R-BZj3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3l1W2d2Yx-2-JlwwW6Ff7bk5N3zqhW4dWp3K55GW2MN5XSKZNGMs17W80Mcb76sY3PgW3RtNVm4yZFlwW6gm5WK1d97JcW8pN6_s61KLvLW6LH9Q03NFt7GW95sy5l1QMDzyW8P0LFg7qFCqvW36M7_968HWxMW16T6Pn3hjqbCW4W9sHP954slfW3Rs9M36DtS_rVZx-qM4gcFHJW3Qbklv7CZX5MN8RMPLSJ7DzMW4w4cG42gZQwhW4pX7jl3BqgcvW6fh9Xt4NZLyGW7j8zBS9j-0b4W2GLfpc1Dg19mW44xHlq7HTCvtf1Q1xPd04) for the event we ALL need (even if you don’t know you need it yet… trust!) and I’ll see you there. 😉 ALL my best, Amy PS. Want to invite a friend to watch with you? 🤜🤛 Forward them this email or send them to [](113/d2xgdL04/MWZ54bSFK20W481m0r5qCYPdW1c61D759JGZ_N6R-BZ03m2ndW6N1vHY6lZ3pQVMTRdr1bKwnMW4b-H8l8FLCwdW7pk_FT5FjvmzW87FdSD8FVJrtW3drPP85F3VMJW3qQTvJ3mq2zpW4ZKZzC4s7--9W6Pf-T719xqDjVjD3tP6Z12vZN6Gf43zDf9r7W5zPVjY1wBkkDW4Ph5MT7pP3TXW7KJkj-1xxbPKW51Sx5-144wmvN2xc9_32WwQBV-MJWY6sKVZ4N7KT1qNlLLkGW45j5_Y7lpQlyW658Z-v6D5mMgW5NPxBn3sKGdHW57yYd25DT2l7VMSy4p2dRVr8f5qSSVb04)! PSS. Jamie is seriously known for fighting the good fight for self-worth. So much so that she wrote a book called Worthy and it comes out super soon! [WORTHYBookBanner (1)](113/d2xgdL04/MWZ54bSFK20W481m0r5qCYPdW1c61D759JGZ_N6R-BZ03m2ndW6N1vHY6lZ3llW7qB_DX9lTmHKW74wjH21sj730N1h5C18KhHW0W62JXwk1-2jpPW5VZ5-z1c3qGKW2MGl5k7vW3ZlW3bkwDT1qnHchW4P_sy32NCK73W3sl29s7TT-LPW7y6Gq14FRlDYN61zPcnm4tz0W2VYcky3G7pp0W5FRF-q4LZpcTV7rNMz3jbBYnVbQMY43Z7RRqW3wmfcC4Sg0L0W4mY29b6wPPxdW5Hk0qp2HMfPKW16kn7J6m7bGfW5hZ8Mp7BpnG2W1j206P5Z7qgXN8WvzzzRt7flf68NNRx04) You can pre-order Jamie Kern Lima’s upcoming book WORTHY and get tons of FREE pre-order bonus gifts, including a digital study guide to implement the tools from the book into your real life! [Click here to pre-order WORTHY now! >>](113/d2xgdL04/MWZ54bSFK20W481m0r5qCYPdW1c61D759JGZ_N6R-BZ03m2ndW6N1vHY6lZ3nNW371q9C99Z7gfW8pPJZH4xrBMGW7Bx6xM5cZc6RW4QT3rj8g1yKfW49q9S85bMm7yW64zl5b4SFVR7N1c8WG2kGzcmW6HJp8R7VP9_XN634TGCNmgt6W1lD_908Z2qNBN1J8lrt66cKBW7h92Vs4PlYTvW6LBtRr45wmfNW8_3Ny87CcDhfW6fl--g8K6_2CW25XR4p3fmwscTLKsc6hb8RjW81yYsp14f20JW8c-JbG8W0xnkW59dFzw5_0xzTVfv5tg6X0bWpW5hl_XT4g28bJdshwd404) © 2024 Amy Porterfield, Inc. 6339 Charlotte Pike #920 Nashville, Tennessee 37209 [Manage Your Email Preferences](

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