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The Fat-Busting Secret of the World’s Thinnest People


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When our plane touched down in Kampala, I wasn't looking for the world's easiest and most effective

When our plane touched down in Kampala, I wasn't looking for the world's easiest and most effective fat burner. [Click here](1770d7/ct0_0/1/ms?sid=TV2%3AZLMtI0iiO) to view this message in your browser | [Click here](1770d7/l-002e/zout?sid=TV2%3AZLMtI0iiO) to stop receiving our messages [] [] Al Sears, MD 11905 Southern Blvd. Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 [] May 7, 2024 [] How My Accidental African Discovery Revealed... The Secret of the World's Thinnest People Three natural fat-draining nutrients — brought together for the first time — to help you hit and maintain your ideal weight. By supporting your body’s ability to: - Control your brain’s “hunger signals…” - Limit new fat deposits so pounds don’t pile on… - Help drain your existing fat cells to slim you down… 30 Days to a New You!* A 30-day clinical trial with obese people amazed researchers when this African forest fruit significantly improved carbohydrate digestion. Volunteers showed impressive total weight loss and noticeable slimming around volunteers’ waistlines and butts, too.1 Some People Never Get Fat…Now I Know Why Reader, When our plane touched down in Kampala, I wasn’t looking for the world’s easiest and most effective fat burner. But I accidentally stumbled on a breakthrough where I least expected it… On an expedition in East Africa. I was in a remote location outside Kampala, Uganda, to meet with local doctors and healers about a project I started about 10 years ago. I donated a small farm building where healing herbs would be grown and cultivated around central Africa. We were hiking through the mountains when one of the local doctors told me a story that would lead to an unexpected weight loss discovery. It was completely unlike anything I’d heard before… My Hunt to Unlock the Slimming Secret of Ancient Tribes Turns out, there’s a local fruit that repels new fat. This special food also pulls existing fat right out of your adipose (fat storage) cells. Under a microscope, these cells are like little balloons that exist to suck up fat droplets and hoard them. They can blow up to 15X larger than their normal size.2 And when they do, you see blubber. But on this trip to Africa, the doctor I met told me about the Hadza, the last surviving tribe of pure hunter-gatherers in Africa. The Hadza don’t get fat or obese. Not as long as they live the traditional way. And as I looked farther afield, it seemed that other tribes used to stay naturally thin on traditional foods and habits, too. What Made Them Stay So Thin? I Had to Find Out... I quickly learned that hard exercise or going hungry were not the reasons these hunter-gatherers stayed thin. After looking at the Hadza’s lifestyle, daily calories, and genetics, I could rule those out. That was good news to me because it meant whatever was helping them, it was something that worked for anyone. It was almost certainly a special food. [Hadza] It was the only credible answer to their perpetual thinness. So, one by one, I began researching native African foods. At first, baobab fruit seemed promising… the Hadza ate it from breakfast to bedtime. They also dote on raw honey… Then I found the one food, a local fruit, that made everything click. I was certain this was the true key to lifelong thinness among nomadic African tribes. It’s called wild African mango or bush mango. Scientifically, Irvingia gabonensis. Irvingia is Hands Down the Best Fruit on the Planet for Weight Control You can’t buy bush mango at your local market. It’s not even a real mango, just looks like one. [Hadza] But with a high-quality extract, you can now get the benefits of Irvingia for yourself. I made it the foundation of Ultra Primal Lean because of its power to ease food cravings, encourage fat cells to slim down, and gently reset where your weight stays… After my African breakthrough, I found two more naturally thin groups of people and more fat-defying nutrients. I’ll tell you about what they can do for you, too. But let’s get the whole story on Irvingia first, now that clinical trials have confirmed my first instincts. In a Place Where Everyone Is Thin... They’re Doing Something Right The Hadza, I discovered, are the last of a kind. We may picture central Africa as a place with many tribes living alongside each other, building huts wherever they want, and killing game to survive. Not anymore. Every other hunter-gatherer group in Africa has adapted to modern living. Even the Hadza have been squeezed into a fraction of their old territory. They’re the only group still living entirely without processed or stored food supplies. Only about 1,200 Hadzabe—that means Hadza people—still live and eat exactly as their ancestors did 10,000 years ago. They intrigued me. But then I learned something else that helped my quest for the perfect weight loss food. In past centuries, the Hadza’s paths overlapped with other tribes Central African tribes…the Mbuti, Pygmy, Twa, Bantu, and Masai groups. Old photos and journal entries suggest that all these people remained thin and fit as long as they followed their traditional lifestyles, too. All these tribes have had access to Irvingia. Living Easy, Living Lean... Could the secret be Irvingia alone, or was it the fruit along with their active, nomadic lifestyle? That was what I needed to figure out to help my patients. So, while it’s tempting to think that hard living and constant work are the big reasons for the Hadzabe’s outstanding physical shape, they’re not! Everything about the Hadza—and other long-gone nomads of Central Africa—flies in the face of popular myths about hunter-gatherers and starving Africans. The Almost-Lazy Way To Drop Pounds Even though the Hadza hunt and gather 100% of their food and build their own shelter wherever they roam, these people don’t actually work any harder than the average Westerner. Amanda Went from Size XL to Small “I’ve never looked this good in my life. … and I’ve never had more energy. I lost 17 pounds of pure fat…4 inches around my waist… 7 inches around my hips… and 3 inches off each thigh. If you want to be in the best shape you can. If you want to feel the most confident you can, and you don’t like working out for hours a day, this is perfect for you." — Amanda* * Individual results may vary. For best results, combine Ultra Primal Lean with healthy eating and regular exercise. Note: inch loss is enough to take a person from size 14 (XL) to size 6-8 around hips (S). In fact, they usually sleep 9 hours a day and rest for another 10. When they are active, it’s mostly walking around gathering honey and fruit or tracking small game. So call that moderate exercise. But boy do they eat! One National Geographic reporter who lived among the Hadza for several weeks found that in addition to fruit, seeds, berries, nuts, tubers, and small game, they downed much as a half-liter of raw honey per day!3 In fact, the Hadza seem to be like most hunter-gatherer groups and eat about 3,000 calories a day,4 almost half of it as fruit. If you or I exercised like that and ate as much as these nomads do, we wouldn’t lose weight. A slightly active middle-aged 6-foot male would gain more than a pound a week with that many calories. A 5’5” female would gain more than 2 lbs. a week.5 But the Africans had Irvingia, and that made all the difference. I Found Africa’s “Skinny” Fruit and Brought It to the Rest of the World Not only did I find the nutrient that explained it all, but I also caught “lightning in a bottle.” All the potent micronutrients in wild African mango can be distilled in an extract of the fruit that brings us a true “slimming pill” for the first time in human history. My African journey opened my mind to think the unthinkable… easy, pain-free, no-diet weight loss. Maybe we could even be as “lazy” as the Hadza and get thin like them, too! My patients say they did. After I researched one African food after another, I found the fruit with near-mythical powers to guard your weight growth in the Hadza’s historic homeland. It’s especially abundant where genetically related tribes like the Masai and Twa still live.6.7 Natural Wisdom Gives You Real Results That Last I can hardly tell you how excited my accidental African discovery made me. After Irvingia, it felt like I had a new weapon in my arsenal. Irvingia seemed to make all my patients’ exercise and dietary changes even more effective. And best of all, the results lasted. That’s not usually the case for other weight loss methods. Two-thirds of successful dieters regain their lost weight within a year. Nearly all regain that weight within five years.8 Today, we know appetite control is the key to losing weight and keeping it off… That’s why I believe Irvingia is the most powerful weight control food I’ve ever seen. - Irvingia doesn’t ask you to do anything special to lose weight. - It doesn’t require you to give up food or exercise like crazy. - It allows you to hit your ideal weight and supports reduced food cravings. - Supports increased adiponectin, a hormone that can raise metabolism.9 - And you get results quickly. Desperate California Man Has the First Weight Loss Success of His Whole Life "I Lost A Whole Person!" “I was 383 pounds. I sat on the couch. I watched infomercials. I wished that I was the person that was on the screen who had that amazing weight-loss story… At 383 pounds, you feel the world is on your shoulders. But with Dr. Sears’ help, I realized you CAN change. I lost 186 pounds. I went from a size 56 pants to size 34 pants. My shirt is a medium now I was wearing 5X and 6X shirts. I lost an entire average male. The weight is gone. It’s never coming back.” — Dijon H.* * Individual results may vary. For best results, combine Ultra Primal Lean with healthy eating and regular exercise. How to Puncture Your Fat Balloons When you begin taking Irvingia daily, I feel pretty confident that you will likely find that food cravings ease up. You will probably begin to eat differently, as much as you need, and all the things you like. But you should lose the urge to overeat. I can predict that possibility for you because of my patients’ experience. One after another has told me that they began to say no to exceptionally salty, fatty, sugary junk food, too. Irvingia helps you do this naturally. Even if you’ve tried limiting calories in the past and failed, Irvingia makes it easy to shed pounds and keep them off. I’ve seen this happen again and again. Some of my patients and readers agreed to tell you their real-life stories here. But it’s not just people I know like Amanda and Dijon. Irvingia now has proven its worth for hundreds of people in clinical trials, too. With impressive results like these happening within days: - Dramatic reductions in waist size - Quick, significant weight loss - Welcome relief from between-meal hunger - They digested sweets and carbs better - Their leptin-grehlin hormones rebalanced for natural weight control Three researchers in Cameroon tested Irvingia against a placebo. The Irvingia advantage was clear… It began with 40 overweight women ages 19-55 who were split into two groups. The group who got the placebo got fatter! The group who took Irvinginia twice a day …. - Shed an average of 6.4 pounds in two weeks, 12.3 pounds in 4 weeks - Shrunk their waist by an average of 1.2 inches in 2 weeks, -2 ½ inches in 4 weeks - Slimmed their hips by an average of 1.1 inches in 2 weeks, 1.75 inches in 4 weeks I told you earlier that Irvingia got results naturally and easily. In this clinical trial, none of the women involved cut calories or changed how they ate. They didn’t begin exercising!10 Please note I always advise following a healthy diet and pursuing regular exercise when trying to lose weight. But it’s good to know how effective Irvingia is in itself. Results Are In:Irvingia Raises Metabolism An even larger study of 104 people split volunteers into two groups. One got a placebo. The other got Irvingia… that same ingredient you can get for yourself in Primal Force Ultra Primal Lean. Once again, the placebo group changed very little. But the Irvingia group had immediate short-term results and stunning differences after 10 weeks: - -28 pounds of total body weight - -6.4 inches off waist circumference - -6.3% of body fat11 - -Significantly better metabolism - Improved leptin (the “stop eating hormone”) levels I’ve seen these kinds of changes in my own patients. Even more convincing to my scientific mind, though, these changes are backed up by genuine improvements that show up in chemical and blood profiles. Irvingia is associated with a better ability to handle carb and fat intakes and to balance leptin, the two hormones that control your appetite. The Fat-Busting Fruit from Richest Africa Africa is famous for its famine-struck regions, but Africa is also a land of abundance that exports $40 billion or more worth of food every year. Tanzania, where the Hadza live (likewise southern Uganda), is so rich in game and food the Hadza never bothered to farm or learn to save and preserve food. For 50,000 years, the Hadza took what they needed from the land every day and expected to return for more tubers, fruits, berries, honey, and game tomorrow. These Africans are not thin from starvation… they’re thin because they’re eating special fat-busting foods. Are All Calories the Same?Not a Chance! Even in medical school, I questioned everything. That includes the “fact” that every calorie is the same. So if you dined on Snickers instead of salad, you’d get the same impact on your waistline as long as your calorie counts were equal. How is that possible? It’s just not true. All calories are not alike, and different foods affect your weight in different ways. Let me ask you: Do 3 ounces of broccoli have the same effect on your waistline as 3 ounces of chocolate cake? No way! 3 Reasons “Counting Calories” are Meaningless 1. Your glycemic response matters. We can measure foods by how quickly they cause a blood sugar/insulin response. High glycemic index (GI) foods cause your pancreas to release insulin faster than low GI foods do. As a result, you get an energy surge and crash when you indulge in very high GI foods like sweets or soft drinks. High GI foods are associated with greater weight gain than low GI foods. That’s because the job of insulin is to clear sugar from your blood fuel by sending it to adipose, muscle, and liver cells for storage. Adipose cells convert it to fat. 2. Fructose/Glucose… they’re not quite alike. Both are sugars. They have the same calories. But only the liver can use fructose. Any cell can use glucose, including the brain. As a result, glucose does a better job of making you feel satisfied after eating. Fructose has the opposite effect. It stimulates grehlin (the hungry hormone) in your brain, and you feel less satisfied. Soft drinks are fructose bombs. The worst of it is that fructose causes more visceral (belly) fat storage than glucose does. High levels of visceral fat disrupt your metabolism and threaten your health. 3. Thermic effect counts… It takes more energy to digest protein than carbs or fat. Two Arizona State researchers proved that proteins are different than carbohydrates when they measured metabolic rates after consumption. They measured subjects’ VO2 (oxygen consumed) in changing body temperatures. They found that the thermic effect of protein was almost double that of fat.12 Eating more protein and fewer carbs and fats was equivalent to raising the metabolism by 80-100 calories per day. Irvingia helps your body use calories more efficiently AND helps you feel more satisfied. Super Lean People All Over the World Do This… From Africa to Asia to Southern Europe My trip to Africa was an eye-opener. After that, I started looking at different people in different places. Soon I noticed the same pattern wherever people were thinner than average. They all have something in common. They eat a food that most of us do not, and it’s linked to lower weights and lower obesity levels. These foods may not stand out from the rest of the plate, but when scientists have isolated and tested them, they turned out to be heroes. - In Africa, as you know, that special food is the wild African mango, Irvingia gabonensis. - In Japan, it’s brown seaweed. - And among special groups of Italians, especially in Tuscany, it’s white kidney beans. Each of those foods contains a specific phytonutrient that truly fights off fat. And they are all in Ultra Primal Lean at just the right dose. The 2 Additional Nutrients Critical to Your Success When my team and I formulated our perfect weight control supplement, Ultra Primal Lean, we extracted the most vital fat-fighting elements from wild mango, brown seaweed, and white kidney beans. Then we added two more anti-obesity champions. Chromium: the Metabolism Booster [Hadza] Chromium helps the body break down and absorb carbs, fat, and protein so your food feels more satisfying. Your metabolism is directly related to this ability. It also helps you deal with sugar intake. Two groups of people are most likely to have less than ideal levels of chromium—those who regularly eat sweets or add sugar to their food and beverages, and those who exercise hard. You also have more difficulty extracting enough chromium from your food sources as you get older, so topping off with this healthy, natural mineral helps you use your food more efficiently… so you don’t overeat. 13 Garcinia Cambogia: The Fat Repeller [Hadza] And then we topped Ultra Primal Lean off with another fruit, tropical tamarind (Garcinia cambogia). Tamarind is a sweet-sour fruit that is widely used in East Asian cooking. If you’ve never had it, some describe it as a taste between limes and pineapple. In cooking, it’s used in small amounts for its great seasoning flavor and its help in tenderizing meats. In fact, you’ve probably had some tamarind alongside your steak or burger at times… it’s a main ingredient in Worcestershire sauce. As a supplement, Garcinia goes right to work. - Helping to prevent storing excess fat - Controlling your appetite so you can lose weight - Pushing excess fat stores out of your adipose cells so those fat bubbles thin down. Pleasurable Eating Without Regrets Looking Good Outside, Feeling Young Inside "I lost 20 pounds, increased my muscle mass and flexibility, eliminated joint pain I've had for years, and miraculously made the inside of my body younger." – Michael M., FL* * Individual results may vary. For best results, combine Ultra Primal Lean with healthy eating and regular exercise. I call [Ultra Primal Lean](#offer)[’s](#offer) ingredients a perfect combination because they are chosen to lose weight and keep it off. But we all want to enjoy life’s pleasures, and food is definitely one of the great ones. Fortunately, with Ultra Primal Lean, I believe you should have what you need to enjoy a lifetime of pleasurable eating without regrets. Because delicious food is not the reason you’re overweight. Not even guilty pleasures like potato chips or a slice of hot pizza. YES! You Really Can Shrink Your Fat... Let me clarify… If you’re overweight and want to change that, what’s holding you back is a pair of hormones. Eating too much is not a sign of gluttony… it’s a sign these hormones are out of balance or failing to send the right messages to your brain The first hormone in this pair is leptin. This hormone is made in your white fat cells. It tells your brain that your cells are fully charged and to stop eating. The other one is ghrelin, which prompts you to eat. When it’s out of control, you can feel hungry even with a full stomach. These hormones slide out of balance for most of us, especially as we get older. Have you noticed these signs? Take the Hormone Balance Test: You’re constantly hungry and driven to eat You take larger portions at meals than you used to You go for seconds more often You snack two or more times a day You often crave high-energy food, especially sugar, chocolates, or chips Hidden inside—your fat cells get fatter and you are adding more of them. Outside you see your waistline increase. Your body resists burning calories, making weight loss extremely difficult no matter what you do Your weight adjusts to a heavier “set point” and tries to stay there, so… Even when you lose weight, it comes back until you reach that set point again You’re frequently tired You develop “leptin resistance” so your already overweight body now tries to gain even more weight If you said “yes” to two or more of those signs, I would like to help you get your hormones back into balance. Because when leptin and ghrelin work the way Mother Nature intended, your fat cells will literally shrink. You’ll look the way you want to again as the pounds melt away. And the bonus of treating your body right is that you naturally desire just enough food, not too much. Turn on Your “De-Fatting Engine”... “Brown fat” is one of the good fats. And fucoxanthin is an extract of Japanese seaweed that stimulates the conversion of white fat to brown. [seaweed] Let me explain. Fucoxanthin upregulates your UCP1 protein. UCP1 stands for “uncoupling protein.” This protein is found in brown fat. And that’s exactly what you need because it turns “lazy white fat cells” into active beige and brown fat. While your white fat is lazy and stuffs itself to obesity given the chance... Brown fat is biologically active. It’s found around internal organs and generates heat. If you could change white fat to brown, you would burn off more calories and slim down. Well, you can! That’s why fucoxanthin is in [Ultra Primal Lean](#offer) to help the process along. White, Brown, Beige: The Kind of Fat You Carry Controls Your Shape THE UCP1 PROTEIN HELPS WHITE ADIPOSE TISSUE EMPTY ITS FAT STORES You’d Like Less… White Adipose Tissue (WAT) - Most of the fat cells in your body are this type - Where you have blubber you have WAT - WAT accumulates in large deposits on the stomach, thighs, butt, and upper arms - Its main job is to store energy… as fat - WAT cells are larger than brown fat cells - And they grow! Each one can expand to 15X original size - WAT cells have few mitochondria in them so they are less biologically active - WAT lacks the UCP1 protein You’d Like More… Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) - Breaks down glucose for energy - Metabolically active, burns glucose - Breaks down fat to release it from cells - Becomes more active at cool temperatures - Generates heat to warm you - Has more mitochondria (energy centers) in cells - Raises metabolism - Associated with better cardio health - Has UCP1 protein to enable fat burning And You Get it by “Browning” WAT to create... Beige (Brite) Fat This recently discovered process is vital for weight loss. Brite/beige is created by the browning of some WAT cells in small areas. Browning increases weight loss potential because these cells also contain UCP1 protein and can generate heat, which burns off fat stores and energy. Beige and brown fat cells are associated with weight loss. One way to get more is to be almost shivering cold for several hours per week, or… more easily… Fucoxanthin is known to increase UCP1 as proven in clinical trials. Get 300 mg of top quality Fucoxanthin from brown seaweed every day in Primal Force Ultra Primal Lean. …”In the fucoxanthin-fed mice, WAT weight significantly decreased and UCP1 was clearly expressed in the WAT… fucoxanthin upregulates the expression of UCP1 in WAT, which may contribute to reducing WAT weight.” 14 The Japanese Live On Rice and Carbs… So Why Are They All So Thin? What happens when you eat mostly carbs, especially the white rice most dieticians tell you to avoid like poison? It depends on where you are. And what you’re eating with it. In the US, more than half of our calories come from carbs like rice and potatoes, but also from sugar. Most of that carb load is low-quality food, not fresh veggies and whole grains.15 So, no surprise… More than 4 out of 5 American adults are overweight, obese, or extremely obese. Then why can the Japanese do the “wrong thing” and stay so thin? They eat more carbs than we do… 61% of their calories.16 That’s nearly two-thirds. And yet, only 3% of Japanese adults are obese. OK, numbers are confusing, so let me paint a picture for you. Two groups of 100 people. The fat people on one side, skinny people on the other. For FAST Weight Loss, You MightConsider Brown Seaweed Japan’s secret is brown seaweed. It’s rich in fucoxanthin. I’ll admit that even if you love sushi with a sheet of green nori (which is seaweed) around it, chomping down a bowl of brown slime from the sea sounds pretty awful. But Japan’s food style gets plenty of brown seaweed, especially as seasonings like wakame and kombu powder in miso soups and marinades. They’re also rich in Fucoxanthin. Brown Seaweed: The world’s best source of fucoxanthin... - Promotes UCP1, which leads to the browning of white fat - Reduces white fat tissue - Increases the energy burned by fat cells17 - Significantly reduces plasma and liver triglycerides in mice18 - Increases thermogenesis (heat production) in fat to aid weight loss19 - Appears to balance and help regulate healthy leptin levels in mice20 “Fucoxanthin might alter plasma leptin level in order to achieve the anti-obesity action”—Marine Drugs, April 2015 Let Me Make This Easier for You… Getting Fucoxanthin from High Quality Marine Algae is a Snap with Ultra Primal Lean Kelp… a.k.a. marine algae… a.k.a. brown seaweed, has been around forever. People in some places, especially Asia, just ate it because it’s there and easy to harvest. It was food. End of story. Several animal experiments have proved its worth because scientists were interested in feeding seaweed to their animals. In fact, in 2021, it was discovered that feeding brown seaweed to cows could reduce their methane emissions. Clinical trials on humans, however, barely existed before 2018.21 Since people have eaten brown seaweed for millennia, we knew it was safe and nutritious, but we’re still learning how much good it can do. I’m proud to be a pioneer in offering you this amazing nutrient. My team and I made sure that Ultra Primal Lean includes a full 300 mg in every tablet. That’s the amount that has been shown to work in clinical trials to date. So… One tablet on the breakfast table means you don’t have to eat seaweed to get results like these women… 151 women volunteered for a nutrition study of a potential weight loss product. For the next 16 weeks, half got a placebo, and half got Fucoxanthin in pomegranate oil. The women who got Fucoxanthin experienced significant weight loss, as much as 15 pounds. The especially welcome result was that these women lost visceral fat and increased their metabolism. Visceral Fat Visceral Fat is fat that embeds deep within your abdomen, behind your abdominal muscles, and wraps around internal organs. Small amounts are normal, but large amounts would seriously worry me. This fat, when present in larger amounts, is the most dangerous for your health. Let Your Body Make Leptin Remember the two appetite hormones? Ghrelin is the one that makes you keep eating. Leptin is the one that tells your brain you’re full, so you stop. Since we can isolate leptin in the lab, why not just give people more leptin? Scientists tried it… As the old margarine commercial once said, “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.” Results weren’t good. Two things went wrong. While leptin helps control appetite, as some people get fat, they become leptin resistant. Adding more leptin doesn’t help because they’re not able to use it, especially not in larger and larger amounts. The second thing that went wrong was really bad. Fortunately, the experiment was on rats. When they gave them extra leptin, it cut their appetites so much that the rat snubbed all food. They starved. Don’t fool Mother Nature. Work with her. Fucoxanthin is a real nutrient from real food… It helps your body the right way: - Helps decrease triglyceride levels in your adipose cells - Benefits the activity of genes that regulate fat digestion - Stimulates UCP1 production, needed to change white fat to brown - May reduce the size of adipose cells as it squeezes out lipids - Appears to decrease leptin levels in people who have developed leptin resistance—restoring order again22, 23 And you can’t do better than Ultra Primal Lean if you want to reward your body with the support it needs. The 5 Biggest Metabolism Myths You Should DITCH Right Now Don’t let these “commonsense” beliefs trip you up… Myth #1: Build Muscle to Power Up Metabolism — FALSE This would make a lot of sense except for one thing. Muscle is not your biggest calorie burner. Your brain equals 2% of your body weight and burns 17% of your calories. Then there’s your kidneys. They’re real metabolic champs. They’re less than half of a percent of your body weight and grab 7% of your metabolic burn.24 Taken all together, your brain, liver, kidneys, and digestive system make up almost two-thirds of your basal metabolism. You’d have to add fifteen pounds of pure muscle to burn off one extra burrito. Fat chance!25 Myth #2: Exercise Raises Your Metabolism — Barely Half True Exercise is good for you. But its power to boost your metabolism is minor. You burn slightly more calories WHILE you are working out at an intense rate. But claims that you burn more calories for hours after a good cardio workout are false. Myth #3: A Good Night’s Sleep Raises Your Metabolism — False A string of bad nights can make you fatter. The reverse is not true. A good night’s sleep is your default. Getting exactly what you should does not increase your metabolism. It helps keep it where it should be. Myth #4: Caffeine and Spicy Food Raise Your Metabolism — False If a bowl of chili and a cup of coffee could make people skinny, sign me up! Unfortunately, a review of 90 research trials concluded that “capsaicinoid compounds”—a.k.a. chilies— increased energy burn by about 50 calories a day. You might see the difference in a year or two if nothing else changed.26 But a lot of coffee every day might help a little.27 Unless it kept you awake, of course. Myth #5: You Can’t Change Your Metabolism — Patently False! Some people, even some doctors, still believe nothing helps. They say you are born the way you are, a fast or slow burner by nature. End of story. And worse, the older you get, the more your metabolism slows down. They’re right that piling on extra exercise, muscle, hours of sleep, or bowls of chili won’t reset your metabolism because that has to happen deep within your cells. But you can change what happens inside your cells. That potential is so strong it works on entire groups of people like the Hazda or traditional Japanese who get exactly the right nutrients. That’s why Ultra Primal Lean should work for you. It contains three super nutrients that are central to the diets of three of the world’s most naturally thin populations. The Italian Paradox: We Should All Eat So Well and Be So Thin Italy… All that pasta. Meatballs. And don’t forget those high-calorie olives. Wine in big jugs. Salads called antipasto that are full of cheese and salami. You would think that Italians would look more like the chubby Chef Boyardee stereotype. Think again. Italian women are among the thinnest in Europe. How can this be? Once again, I found that it was a key food that the locals ate abundantly. It’s not even exotic, though you probably don’t eat it several times a week. In Italy, especially Tuscany, where Italians are noticeably thin, that food is white kidney beans. I Assure You Every Tiny Ultra Primal Lean Tablet Really Is a Big Hill of Beans We put 500 mg of white kidney bean extract in every Ultra Primal Lean tablet. That's enough to block carbs, fight off fat, and help curb your snack attacks, as shown in clinical trials. And it's a lot more doable than eating a big hill of beans. It 100 units of dry beans to yield 1 unit of extract. And with 500 mg per tablet, that's 500 times as many beans. Before cooking. You'd have to cook them to eat them, which swells the volume by another 3X. That means 1,500 times as many canned beans. The Ultimate “Carb Blocker” That’s Keeping Italy Thin White kidney beans, also called cannelloni, are prodigious carb blockers. Carb blockers slow the digestion of starches and prevent foods like rice, pasta, pizza, potatoes, bread, and desserts from swelling your fat stores. They run interference by blocking the alpha-amylase enzyme that you need to digest carbs. When you don’t digest your carbs, they just pass through your system and don’t get a chance to turn into fat. The best natural “carb blocker” in the world—as proven by lab trials so far—is Phaseolus vulgaris… white kidney bean extract. Actually, it slows the digestion of starches. So, they pass through your digestive tract without being totally absorbed, which means fewer calories for you. This supplement proved itself years ago, but new research keeps adding up and finding more benefits. In a 2020 clinical trial that lasted 35 days, scientists gave half the obese volunteers Phaseolus vulgaris before each meal. The control group got a placebo. The Phaseolus group lost nearly 8X more weight than the control group… 2.24 kg compared to 0.79 kg.28 Also, in 2020, a team of researchers at Newcastle University in the UK reviewed years of animal and human studies to round up the many findings about white kidney bean extract (WKBE).29 The animal studies reported - Improvements in gut microbiota to aid digestion - Lower levels of stress hormones in the blood - Improved antioxidants - Less visceral fat - Reduced food intakes Then human studies found - Decreased body weight - Less body fat - Waist size reduced - Reduction in hip girth - Lower triglycerides in the blood - Thick fat deposits thinned - Improved response to carbohydrate digestion A Weight Loss Supplement That Trains Your Body To Be Thin Again [Hadza] As I discovered in my travels, when people get abundant amounts of certain foods and nutrients every day, they stay thin. As a practitioner of Alternative and Anti-Aging medicine, I believe the best treatments are the ones that use the benefits of natural products—especially those nutrients from safe foods. My [Ultra Primal Lean](#offer)incorporates the five best nutrients I could find to restore your natural ability to stay at a healthy weight. No matter how far out of hand things have gotten… No matter how many times you’ve tried without success… I believe Ultra Primal Lean will help you. And I stand behind that. My team and I have researched these foods for years. This is the exact same formula I give my patients at my clinic. Just 30 Days to See A New, Slimmer You Five outstanding ingredients. Each one with special benefits to support you on your journey to becoming thinner and healthier… The way you deserve to be and the way nature intended. These nutrients make Ultra Primal Lean uniquely effective. See my guarantee. Fat Buster #1 — From Africa, Irvinginia Gambonesis The “African mango” bush is not actually a mango, but at the heart of its fruit, the “dika nut” bears the oil that works magic on your cells. - Multiple independent research trials on humans all showed that Irvinginia reduces body weight and whittles inches of the waist30 - Supports the reduction of fatty acid accumulation in the cells of obese animals and humans31,32,33,34 Fat-Buster #2 —Fucoxanthin Asia’s gift to your health from a unique nutrient harvested from brown seaweed. - Boosts the UCP1 protein that changes fat-bearing white adipose tissue to fat-burning beige tissue35 - One of the most rapidly bioavailable plant nutrients, your body completely digests it for use within two hours… so you get immediate help36 - Highly effective — in research trials on overweight subjects, volunteers lost an average of 2% of overall body mass (weight) and 20% of visceral fat. They also achieved notable reductions in waist, neck, arm, and thigh circumference37 Fat Buster #3 —Garcinia Cambogia Exotic tropical condiment and plant-based preservative - Demonstrated to be especially effective at reducing belly fat in humans38 - Discourages new fat accumulation39 - Helps reduce food cravings - Helps reduce the formation of new adipocytes (fat cells) Fat Buster #4 — Phaseolus Vulgaris Italy’s flat stomach secret, extracted from white kidney beans. This is the key to the “Italian Paradox” of high-carb foods and sleek, lean physiques. - Clears visceral and abdominal fat in human trials of overweight and obese subjects40 - Blocks carb breakdown so you don’t digest and don’t turn them into fat - Balances stress hormones and creates a feeling of satisfied eating Fat Buster #5—Chromium Picolinate The mineral you need more of as weight creeps up - Supports healthy metabolism - Helps increase lean body mass and decrease fat stores41 - May support digestive hormones in digesting sugars and high-carb foods42 Your introductory “Best Value” offer includes… A full 3 months (3 bottles) of [Ultra Primal Lean](#offer) shipped straight to my door. Plus two FREE Bonus eBooks These include… FREE Bonus eBook No. 1: “Powerfit for Life: Rediscover Your Native Fitness,” a $34.95 value, yours FREE! [seaweed] I wrote this valuable eBook to reveal the truth about how you can get lean and fit no matter your age or health condition. Discover… - The shocking reason why spending hours on the treadmill actually weakens your heart and causes your body to build more fat - Forget aerobics — use this secret to build a strong heart, expand your lungs and even burn fat when you’re not working out - The 10-minute breakthrough for a lean and muscular body — with energy to burn - The secret that helps you defy the effects of aging, fight fatigue and maintain your ideal body weight - And many more secrets for sculpting a leaner, trimmer, healthier body, yours FREE! FREE Bonus eBook No. 2: “7 Steps to a More Youthful Life,” a $19.95 value, yours FREE! [seaweed] I wrote this special eBook to help you recapture all the energy, strength, and resistance to disease you had when you were young. Discover… - The Nobel Prize-winning cellular discovery that can help you grow biologically younger — yes, it’s true! - If your body is lacking this amino acid, you triple the speed at which you age. 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FREE Fast-Reply Special eReport, “How to Upgrade to a Smarter Brain and a Stronger Heart,” a $15.00 value [seaweed] Order Ultra Primal Lean within 7 days, and I’ll send you this valuable eReport which reveals… - The revolutionary technology that helps you regenerate your brain cells - The stunning Ivy League secret that helped aging, shrunken brains return to normal size - The three enemies zapping your brain power — and the No. 1 nutrient that fires up youthful brainpower - The “cellular secret” that reenergizes an aging heart - The botanical breakthrough that switches on your “anti-aging gene” and supercharges your heart at the same time - The amino acid that can help keep your arteries whistle clean - And dozens more natural brain and heart-boosting secrets, yours FREE! But hurry — to claim this extra FREE Fast-Reply eReport, you need to order within 7 days! FREE shipping and handling, a $26.85 value You may choose the Best Deal with special savings and FREE Gifts. Or you may choose a trial order of Ultra Primal Lean. Whatever you decide, you won’t risk one cent thanks to my… “Never Fear the Scale Again” Money-Back Triple Guarantee! Ultra Primal Lean works for you, or it’s FREE! In fact, your order is protected by not just one but three guarantees… ■GUARANTEE No. 1: Ultra Primal Lean is uniquely formulated to turn on all five of your body’s weight-loss triggers to help you burn fat, block carbs, feel fuller, support healthy blood sugar, and balance your weight loss hormones. Your satisfaction is guaranteed — or your money back. ■GUARANTEE No. 2: Ultra Primal Lean’s unique ingredients have been clinically tested and proven to help you lose weight, reduce body fat, lessen cravings and hunger pangs, support healthy cholesterol, blood sugar, and triglycerides, boost moods and restore super health. Your satisfaction is guaranteed — or your money back. ■GUARANTEE No. 3: Ultra Primal Lean brings together, for the first time, the newest, most advanced, and most effective fat burning nutrients I’ve found in my worldwide travels. They will work for you. Your satisfaction is guaranteed — or your money back. If you’re not satisfied with Ultra Primal Lean — for any reason at all — just return the bottles and unused portions within 90 days from the purchase date for a full and prompt refund of every penny you’ve paid. No questions asked. Whatever you decide, any bonus gifts are yours to keep. There will be no further cost or obligation. This way, you risk nothing. How much weight do you want to lose? 10 pounds? 15 lbs.? 20 lbs. More? Whatever the number, my new and improved Ultra Primal Lean can help you achieve your weight loss goals… shed fat… and get compliments galore. And here’s one more very important point: You can get all of the fat burning, health-boosting benefits of Ultra Primal Lean with just two tablets a day. That’s right. No complicated diet to follow. No expensive foods to buy. No boring pre-made foods to eat. Instead, you take two Ultra Primal Lean tablets a day… enjoy healthy amounts of your favorite foods… and get slimmer, leaner, and healthier — all starting in just 30 days. Ultra Primal Lean is the same power-packed formula my patients and readers swear by to burn fat, lose weight and boost their health. And now, it’s available to you. Order now, without risk! To Your Good Health, Al Sears, MD, CNS P.S. And remember… if you order within 7 days, you get an extra FREE Bonus: “How to Upgrade to a Smarter Brain and a Stronger Heart,” a $15.00 value. Discover my newest natural secrets to supercharge your brain and your heart to youthful-life levels. But hurry, order today! [] BEST DEAL! 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[Add to Cart](1770d7/ct3_1/1/lu?sid=TV2%3AZLMtI0iiO) [Personal guarantee] --------------------------------------------------------------- References: 1. Ngondi JL, Oben JE, Minka SR. The effect of Irvingia gabonensis seeds on body weight and blood lipids of obese subjects in Cameroon. Lipids Health Dis. 2005 May 25;4:12. doi: 10.1186/1476-511X-4-12. PMID: 15916709; PMCID: PMC1168905 blood lipids of obese subjects in Cameroon. Lipids Health Dis. 2005 May 25;4:12. doi: 10.1186/1476-511X-4-12. PMID: 15916709; PMCID: PMC1168905 2. Stenkula KG., Erlanson-Albertsson C “Adipose cell size: importance in health and disease” Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2018; 315: R284–R295. Human adipose cell sizes range from < 20 μm to 300 μm. “3. Honey Makes Up Nearly 20 Percent of Diet in Tanzanian Group”, Scientific American (, 09/30/14 4. Kious, B. M. (2002). Hunter-gatherer Nutrition and Its Implications for Modern Societies. Nutrition Noteworthy, 5(1). Retrieved from / 5. 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